Essay questions for Sections 3 and 9 (only)

Essay questions
You will write two essays.
Ver. 1.1
Pre-announced essay questions
Choose one of the following two essays. You may refer to the text, the packet, and
any material provided by the professor. You may NOT refer to any notes you have
1. Review the IKEA case handed out in class. Which of the basic strategies
discussed in Chapter 11 did IKEA practice in the early years of its
international expansion? Why do you think it was successful? To what
extent has IKEA had to modify its strategy over time? Can IKEA’s strategy
today be located on the chart in Fig. 11.9 (p. 212 of the packet)? If yes, tell
where it is located. If no, describe IKEA’s strategy today. Whether or not you
feel the strategy fits into Fig. 11.10, do you think the strategy today is
appropriate? Do you think IKEA will have to (or want to) make changes in
the future?
2. Review the discussion of the Bangladesh textile industry on pages 157-158 of
the packet. When we discussed this case in class, many students felt it was
good that Bangladesh factories were manufacturing textiles despite low
wages. Several students noted that the opportunities in other sectors of the
Bangladeshi economy were far worse than those of the textile business.
However, since the case was written there have been several tragedies in
Bangladesh – major fires and a building collapse in which 650 people were
killed. It appears that the Bangladeshi government lacks the ability and
political commitment to require better performance by local manufacturers.
Some Western firms, including Walt Disney Co., have decided to cease
ordering manufacturing in Bangladesh until decent safety and working
conditions can be assured. Others argue, for various reasons, that it is
important for Western businesses to stay in Bangladesh. Companies like
Walmart and the Gap have not made decisions, though protesters are
pushing them to withdraw. What do you think they should do? Can and
should they pursue better working conditions, either in Bangladesh or other
supplier countries? If so, how?
There will also be an additional, unannounced essay question on the final. It will
address topics such as:
Ethics in international business
Global strategy
Global marketing
Entering foreign markets
Global supply chain management
A combination of the above requiring integrating analysis