Single Tier System

Associate Professor Dr. GholamReza Zandi
This session we discuss about unearned income (i.e. income
other than business income and employment income).
 Definition – Profit generated by a company (whether capital or
revenue in nature) which is distributed to its shareholders. It is
taxable in shareholders’ hands as dividends under sec 4(c).
 Dividend distributed by a company resident in Malaysia is deemed
derived from Malaysia (sec 14).
 Basis of assessment – Calendar year basis for individuals; and
accounting year basis for companies).
 Recognition – Dividend (whether cash or non-cash) is treated as
paid or distributed on the day when cash or equivalent is posted or
delivered [sec 23(b)].
Imputation System
Malaysia practiced the imputation system for several years and replaced it
with the single tier system in 2008.
Under the imputation system, tax was deducted at source. Dividends paid by
Malaysian resident companies are subject to 25% tax deduction at source [sec
Gross amount of dividend is brought to tax in shareholder’s hands and credit
for tax deducted is then given to shareholder (sec 26).
This system imposed tax at companies’ and shareholders’ level but took into
account the tax imposed at company level by giving the shareholder tax
Involves significant administrative costs to ensure compliance.
Single Tier System
 Single tier system (STS)was introduced to simplify and enhance efficiency
of tax administration.
 Tax on companies’ profits is final, at 25% corporate tax.
 Thus, dividends distributed to shareholders are not taxed in the hands of
the shareholders.
 All companies automatically move to STS on 1.1.2014.
 There is a 6 year transitional period from 1.1.2008 to 31.12.2013.
o Companies with no credit balance in Sec. 108 account on 1.1.2008 or
any time thereafter, automatically move to STS;
o Companies with sec 108 balance can elect to switch to STS;
o Otherwise imputation system applies to them until 1.1.2014.
Interest Income
• Definition – Interest is payable for the use of another party’s sum of
money, i.e. the principal. Interest is taxable under sec 4 (c).
• Sec. 15 – Interest or royalty income is deemed derived from
Malaysia if any of the conditions under sections 15 (a) or (b) or (c) is
• Basis of assessment is the calendar year basis for individuals and
accounting year basis for companies.
• Recognition – Date when interest is received (sec 27) i.e. when it
becomes due and payable or taxpayer is entitled to receive it on
demand (sec 29).
• Tax Exemption on interest from deposits with Malaysian Banks and
financial institutions by resident individuals - Income Tax
(Exemption) (No.7) Order 2008 .
• Tax Exemption on interest from deposits with Malaysian banks/
finance companies by non-resident individuals & companies (para
33 Schedule 6).
• Individuals and unit trusts exempt from interest and discount income
derived from investment in bonds and securities issued by
Government, Securities Commission and Bank Negara Malaysia
(Para 35 Schedule 6).
 The definition only covers discount derived from treasury bills,
discounting of bills of exchange and promissory notes.
 Taxable under sec 4 (c) unless recipient of discount is carrying
on a regular business of discounting, i.e. financial institutions,
then it is taxable under sec 4 (a) as a business income.
 Basis of assessment is calendar year basis for individuals; and
accounting year basis for companies.
 Definition – Includes any sum paid for the use or occupation of any
premises or part thereof or for the hire of anything (i.e. movable &
immovable). It is taxable under sec 4(d) ITA
 Basis of assessment is calendar year basis for individuals and
accounting year basis for companies.
 The mere renting of property is not in itself carrying on a business and so
is not sec 4 (a) income.
 If number of properties are owned or a company properties are rented
out, it may be a business income taxable under sec 4(a).
 Recognition: Rent is treated as being received if it is payable on demand
(sec 29).
• Royalties: Taxable under sec 4(d) ITA
• Sec.15- deemed derived from Malaysia
• Basis of assessment is a calendar basis for individuals; and
accounting year basis for companies.
• Exemptions given to resident individuals under paragraphs
32, 32A, 32B , 32C, 32D and 32E, Schedule 6.
• Royalties paid to non-residents are subject to withholding tax
under sec 109.
 The word premium is defined as a “once and for all payment”
made by the lessee as a consideration for the right to enter
into a lease agreement or for the grant of a lease.
 Premium is taxable under sec 4(d) ITA if received by a person
renting properties.
 Basis of assessment is on a calendar year basis if received
by individuals; and financial year for companies,
 A pension is a contractual or voluntary payments made to a
an individual who has retired or ceased to hold an office or
 Pensions – Taxable under sec 4(e) ITA
 Basis of assessment: calendar year basis
 Exempted pensions Certain pensions are exempted from
income tax under paragraphs 30 and 30A Schedule 6
 Deemed derivation of pension (sec 17 ITA)
• An annuity is defined as a definite sum of money payable on a
regular basis, annually or by installments, either in perpetuity for life
or a fixed term under a contract, will or settlement .
• Annuities: Taxable under sec 4(e) ITA
• Annuity paid by Malaysian life insurers is exempted para 36 of
Schedule 6 ITA.
• With effect from YA 2012 , income from annuity scheme funds have
been streamlined with other retirement scheme funds and are tax
exempt (before 2012, there was an 8% tax on income from such
annuity funds).
The End