
Unit 5 - Post-Classical World - China, India, West Africa, Mongolia
Sui Dynasty (589-618)
- Yang Jian - achievements
- Grand Canal
Tang Dynasty (618-907)
- Tang Taizong (627-649)
- Tang successful policies *
- comm. & trans.
- Equal Field System
- Bureaucracy Based on Merit
- Tang Decline
Song Dynasty (960-1279)
- Song Taizu - expands
- problems for the Song
- end of the Song
Economic Development
- Agr. Development
- Urbanization
Technological Development
- Metallurgy
- Gun Powder
- Block Printing
- Naval Technology
- Porcelain
Emergence of a Market Economy
- specialization
- "flying cash"
- paper money - problems early on
- growth of cities
- Silk Roads *
China Expands
- Korea - Vietnam
Cultural Change
- Interactions w/ other societies
Establishment of Buddhism in China
- role of merchants
- role of the Silk Roads
- why did Buddhism appeal to the Chinese
- Buddhist communities form - role of monasteries
- Chan Buddhism - Neo-Confucianism
Role of Women in Post-Classical China
Post-Classical India
Review end of the Classical Period
Northern India
- chaotic
- Turkish Influence
- King Harsha (606-648)
- Islam enters India
- military
- merchants
- migrations
Sultanate of Delhi (1206-1526) **
- power of N. India
Sothern India
- Hindu Kingdoms
Economic Development
- internal trade
- Hindu temples
- Indian Ocean Trade *
- regions involved
- significance
Cultural Development
- changes to the caste system
- Buddhism moves east
- development of Hinduism
- devotional cults
- philosophy
- spread of Islam in the North - Why?
Indian influences SE Asia
- Funan
- Islam in SE Asia - SE Asia connected
Turkish Power
- clans - trade - conversion to Islam
- Seljuk Turks
- Ottoman Turks
- Sultanate of Delhi
Medieval Japan
- Nara Empire - 8th century - characteristics
- Civil War - 12th century
- rise of the Shoguns *
- Medieval Japan (1185-1573)
- decentralized
- Samurai - Bushido
Rise of the Mongols
- early history - Khans
- Genghis Khan (1162-1227)
- Temujin
- rise to power
- unification
- restructuring the military
- merit
- Kara - Korum
- expansion of the empire
4 Khanates *
- Persia - Ilkhanate of Persia
- China - Yuan Dynasty
- Mongolia - Khanate of Chaghadai
- Russia - Golden Hourde
Mongol Rule in China
- Yuan Dynasty
- Khubila Khan - Marco Polo
- social policies
Mongol Rule in Persia
- Hulego Khan
Mongol Rule in Russia
Limits to Expansion
- Egypt
- SE Asia
Mongols Impact on Integration
- peoples & societies
- trade & safety
- diplomacy - ambassadors
- resettling peoples
Decline of Mongols
- lack of experience
- decline in China
- decline in Persia
Rise of New Empires
- Tamerlane - N. India
- Ottoman Turks
- Osman
- consolidate power
- 1453 **
Sub- Saharan Africa during the Post-Classical Era
African Political Organization
- kinship groups
- chiefdoms
Ghana - 8-13th cent.
- commercial center
- gold trade
- cultural development - Animism
- conversion to Islam *
- syncretism *
- impact of Islam on Western Africa *
Mali - 13-15th cent.
- Sundiata (1230-1255)
- Timbuktu *
- Mansa Musa (1312-1337)
- pilgrimage
- gold
- impact on Western Africa
Songhai - 15th cent.
- decline of W. African states
Trans-Saharan Trade
- Sahara
- caravans
- link to the Arab world
- commodities
East African States
- de-centralized
- Swahili States
- Indian Ocean trade - commodities
- Ethiopia - Ethiopian Orthodox Church
Central Africa
- Kongo
Cultural & Social Development
- language
- communal
- role of slavery
- Animism
- Islam
- Christianity