SSCG3 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the U.S.

What Now….?
• Constitution has been written
• Now it must be approved or ratified by at least
9 state conventions
• 2 groups of opposing views
• Federalists-support Constitution and strong
national government
• Anti-Federalists-oppose constitution and fear
a strong national government
SSCG3 The student will demonstrate
knowledge of the U.S. Constitution
A. Explain the main ideas in debate over
ratification; include those in The Federalist
Essential Question: Why were the AntiFederalists not in favor of ratifying the
Anti-Federalist Argument
• The Constitution gave too much power to the
national government at the expense of state
• They felt like their rights were not being
• No Bill of Rights
SSCG3 The student will demonstrate
knowledge of the U.S. Constitution
B. Analyze the purpose of government stated in
the Preamble of the United States
Essential Question: What are the purposes of
government? What is Federalism?
Target: SWBAT analyze the purposes of
government stated in the Preamble of the
Goals of Our Government
• Constitution begins by stating the goals of our
government in the Preamble, or introduction.
• Framers listed 6 goals.
Promote the General Welfare
• Our government tries to create
conditions that will benefit all
Form a More Perfect Union
• Framers were seeking a better government
than the one under the Articles of
• To Unite the 13 separate states under an
effective national government!
Ensure Domestic Tranquility
• Our government tries to establish a
peaceful society in which people are
protected from the unlawful acts of
Establish Justice
• We have a legal system that seeks fair ways to
settle disputes between individuals, between
individuals and the government, between
states, and between the national and state
Provide for the Common Defense
• Government seeks to protect citizens
from attacks by other countries.
Secure the Blessings of Liberty to
Ourselves and our Posterity
• Government seeks to give people the freedom
to choose where they work, where they live,
what they believe, and who shall represent
them in government.
• We are not free to do whatever we want.
• Our actions should not interfere with the
rights of others.
• Government protects the liberty of all citizens,
including future citizens (our posterity)
Civics Book
• P. 124-131
• Use book to find answers to worksheet over
SSCG3 The student will demonstrate
knowledge of the U.S. Constitution
A. Explain the main ideas in debate over ratification;
include those in The Federalist
B. Analyze the purpose of government stated in the
Preamble of the United States Constitution.
C. Explain the fundamental principles upon which
the U.S. Constitution is based.
Essential Question: Why were the Anti-Federalists not
in favor of ratifying the Constitution? What are
some of the components of the Constitution?
Target: SWBAT describe the fundamental principles upon which the
U.S. Constitution is based. (rule of law, popular sovereignty,
federalism, checks and balances)
Come in and Have a Seat!
-No Talking!
• Take out worksheet from yesterday and begin
working on that!
• If completed begin working on your Framer
• Take out study guides and study
• I will hand out the test in 5 mins