Graduation Requirements Tohatchi High School COUGARS! 2015 This meeting is to fix anything we can fix • Questions can be written on the pink form and turned in- we will get back to you within 5 school days- we are shooting for 2. • This is both easy and complicated. It gets complicated when students fail tests or fail classes. Failure does not mean you will not graduate- this year. Yá'át'ééh Welcome Parents and Families of the Class of 2015! • Thank you for your time this evening regarding graduation requirements for this year’s seniors • The information presented is crucial to the assurance that your student will receive a high school diploma in May 2015 • Please listen carefully, take notes if you would like, and write down any questions that arise as there will be time for questions at the end of the presentation CLASS REQUIREMENTS 24 CREDITS 4 credits of English Earning these 24 credits alone 4 credits of Math (1 Alg II or above) does not satisfy requirements for a diploma. Passing state 3.5 credits of Social Studies (NM HIST req.) testing is also required. 3 credits of Science (2 w/lab) 1 credit of Physical Education (not 1 class) 1 credit of Career Cluster Course, Workplace Readiness, or Language other than English • 7.5 credits of Electives • 1 credit must be either Honors, Advanced Placement, or Dual Credit • • • • • • Overview of State Required Testing • Students must “demonstrate competency” ( aka PASS state tests) in 5 subject areas in order to graduate • Reading, Math, Science, Writing, and Social Studies • The First way to pass Reading, Math, and Science is to pass each of those sections on the New Mexico Standards-Based Assessment (NMSBA) • The First way to pass Writing and Social Studies is to pass an End of Course Exam in those subjects NMSBA: New Mexico Standards Based Assessment • • • • • STUDENTS MUST TAKE ALL THREE ATTEMPTS AT NMSBA 1-Spring Sophomore Year (H2) 2-Spring Junior Year (H3) Scores are banked, meaning the BEST 3-Fall Senior Year (H4) PASSING score out of the attempts is counted and used for graduation Tests MATH, READING, SCIENCE If all attempts are failed, other tests will need to be taken OR there is something called an Alternative Demonstration of Competency EoC –End of Course Exams • Primary tests students must pass for Writing and Social Studies. Required for graduation • They are second resort tests for Math, Science, and Reading if student has failed ALL attempts of these sections on the NMSBA EoC scores are banked from all years of high school ADC Alternative Demonstration of Competency • ADC stands for Alternative Demonstration of Competency (aka secondary ways of Passing the required subjects) • There are a few ADC options for students who fail all attempts of a subject on the NMSBA • First alternative is an EoC Exam in the subject area • Other alternatives are called CCR (College and Carreer Readiness indicators) and include AP Exams, ACT, SAT, and SAT Subject Tests which meet required scores Example Testing Organizer-Reading First Students must attempt NMSBA Reading 3x If all attempts are failed They may attempt the Reading EoC 2x If all attempts are failed These other exams are a last resort Example Testing Organizer-Math First Students must attempt NMSBA Math 3x They may attempt Each Math EoC 2x If all attempts are failed If all attempts are failed These other exams are a last resort Another Example-Social Studies They may attempt Each Social Studies EoC 3x If all attempts are failed These other exams are a last resort TESTING TIMELINE CLASS OF 2015 • Spring of Sophomore Year-Practice NMSBA (1st attempt) • Spring of Junior Year- NMSBA (2nd attempt) • Fall of Senior Year- NMSBA Retakes (3rd attempt) Notes Important information for parents- Every Test Matters. There is a yearbook this year There is an Advisory School Council Meeting on 09SEP14 21OCT14- Meeting for all seniors during school in cafeteria about Caps and Gowns (Herf Jones) • ALL TOHATCHI HS STUDENTS WILL APPLY TO A COLLEGE OR CAREER SCHOOL- NTU will be featured. • • • • • SIX PM, 22 MAY 15, GRADUATION at Tohatchi HS Stadium. QUESTIONS?- each case is unique fill out a pink slip and we will contact you within five days • Please realize that the New Mexico Public Education Department is our governing body and we must abide by their policies. • We know that these graduation requirements can be confusing and we want to be sure you understand them • Thank you so much for your time and attention regarding your child’s graduation! • Quick questions can be addressed now by myself, Mr. Pacheco, or the counselors. We will be here for no more than one hour. Ahéhee'