Graduation Program Booklet Quiz

Graduation Program Booklet Questions
Instructions: Use the Grad Planner link to complete the
1. How many credits are required for graduation?
2. Name the 12 required courses for graduation.
3. What are 3 choices for language Arts credits?
4. What is the last year that you need Physical Education?
5. How do you gain external credits?
6. What is IDS?
7. What is a Cooperative Education Program?
8. What are 3 options for post-secondary education?
9. How do you upgrade if you have missed or need to make up a course?
10. What classes (Gr. 10+) have mandatory exams?
11. What is the website for awards and scholarships?
12. How can you earn a $1000 district scholarship?
13. What is the website for information on earning credits through external credentials?
14. How many credits need to come from electives?
15. How many credits do you need from the Gr. 12 level?
16. What are 5 of the “Focus Areas” with which you will plan your future?
17. What are the 3 things that are a part of the Graduation Transitions program?
18. Name 3 Career programs.
19. What are the courses you have already taken (or are you currently taking) that count
towards Graduation?
20. How many credits is the Graduation Transitions program worth?
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