solids and liquids - Lewiston School District

The Big Idea of this Investigation
All organisms need energy and matter to
live and grow and living organisms
depend on one another and on their
environment for their survival.
Previous Experience from the Terrarium Investigation
1. An environment is everything that surrounds and
influences an organism.
2. An environmental factor is one part of an environment. It
can be living or nonliving.
3. A relationship exists between environmental factors and
how well organisms grow.
4. Environments change over time.
Environmental Biologists and Ecologists at Lewis-Clark State College have
been traveling the world studying wild environments and they have made some
very interesting observations. They would like to have some fifth grade classes
assist them in collecting research data and provide ideas for there next book
Biomes of Planet Earth. They are interested in examining some ideas about
an organism’s environment. They heard that you recently examined some of
the environmental factors that influence an organism’s development when
you created a land environment in a terrarium and a water environment in
your steelhead aquarium. They want our help to determine why some
environments they visited appeared to all be different while others were very
much the same? They can’t afford to send us around the world to study the
environments first hand, but they have sent us an environmental journal and
video that contains information for us to use to help them. Based on their
observations they believe that you can group the Earths terrestrial
environments into at least 6 different groups and they call these Biomes.
They need your help to determine what characteristics make each Biome
unique. The scientists want you to carefully observe and record your
observations in your science notebooks. This will serve as the evidence they
are looking for to help them write their book.
• What is the problem we need to solve?
• What do we need to investigate?
Focus Question (What is the problem?)
do the biologists want us to do?”
“What did they give us to help?”
“What else do they want us to do?”
Discuss your ideas with a partner, then write a focus
question in your notebook and be ready to share.
Hint: Your focus question should be connected to what
the biologists want us to do…
The biologists sent us some print and video
materials as a research tool.
Our first task is to determine what
characteristics could be used to identify a
Biome. We are going to use some of the
instructions sent by the biologists.
Biome Investigation
1. An environment is everything that surrounds and
influences an organism.
2. A biome is a community of plants and animals that share
similar characteristics;
Climate: Long term weather pattern (rain, temperature, wind)
Soil Conditions:
Vegetation: plants that occupy an area
Wildlife: animals that occupy an area
Now that you have a Focus Question and we have
an idea about what characteristics are present in
an environment, think about how these may
influence the Biomes found around the world.
Discuss with your group what you might think is the
answer to your question then write a prediction in
your notebook and be ready to share.
I think that the characteristics of …
influences the biome environment because … .
Evidence Collecting
1. In order to determine what characteristics make
each Biome unique. The scientists want you to
carefully observe and record your observations
in your science notebooks.
You need to develop a plan for recording your research.
You are going to be reading and viewing the materials
the scientists have sent us. Your plan needs to be able
to identify the characteristics present in each of the 6
different biomes.
Suggestions: T-Charts, Tables, Outlines, Webs, etc.
Listen and discuss
•What were the environmental factors and
characteristics of each biome?
•How did the environmental factors and
characteristics change between biomes?
•Can biomes exist in different parts of the world?
•Why are the same types of living organisms not
found in all biomes?
Claims and Evidence
Write claims and evidence statements of your own
based upon the data that we have discussed.
I claim that…
I claim this because….
Look at your prediction again.
How did the evidence support your
Do you wish to affirm or revise your
prediction? Why?
My prediction was accurate because…..
I wish to revise my prediction because…
Now write a concluding sentence using the
“Today I learned … . “
“In conclusion, … .”
Think about the investigation we just completed. Use one of the stems
below to write a reflection regarding the investigation.
What if …?
What really surprised me about this investigation was … ?
A new question I have now is… ?
I want to know more about ... ?
I am confused about … ?
(as evidence in science notebooks)