Office of Research and Economic Development Social Science Research Initiative Listing of Social Science Research Centers and Initiatives in the Big 10 University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Center for Business and Public Policy How society chooses to address today’s major public policy challenges will fundamentally shape the future of the U.S. economy. The mission of the Center for Business and Public Policy at the University of Illinois is to promote rigorous research about how market forces and public policy shape one another, and to communicate these findings through innovative teaching and public engagement activities. National Center for Professional and Business Ethics The National Center for Professional & Research Ethics brings together information on best practices in research, academia and business in an online portal and center. The project, funded through a five-year, $5 million grant from the National Science Foundation, is an initiative of the University of Illinois Coordinated Science Laboratory and Howard University, with support from other partners. Center for Education in Small Urban Communities Established in the spring of 2007, the Center for Education in Small Urban Communities (CESUC) is a research, service, and outreach unit within the College of Education. It focuses on enhancing teaching and learning, houses a number of professional development and outreach activities, and serves as the liaison for school-university partnerships. The Center’s entire staff work daily to play an active role in fulfilling the University of Illinois’ strategic service directions and to guide the establishment of an ongoing, research-based professional development partnership with area schools. Center on Health, Aging and Disability The Center on Health, Aging, and Disability is an interdisciplinary research center that supports research, education, and outreach addressing the many facets of health, wellness, and quality of life. We serve as a catalyst by identifying innovative research themes, developing research teams and fostering interdisciplinary research. Center for Nutrition, Learning and Memory The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Abbott Nutrition have established the first-ever multi-disciplinary nutrition and cognition research center, which will be located on the Urbana campus. The Center for Nutrition, Learning, and Memory (CNLM) will lead research on the impact of nutrition on learning and memory in the human brain. This collaboration takes the field of nutrition science into new territory, utilizing the research expertise of the Neuroscience Program and the Division of Nutritional Sciences, along with the world-renowned research facilities at the Institute for Genomic Biology and the 1 Office of Research and Economic Development Social Science Research Initiative Listing of Social Science Research Centers and Initiatives in the Big 10 Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology. The CNLM is seeking research proposals from university faculty. Center for People and Infrastructures From smart utilities like the smart grid and intelligent transportation systems to social networks on sites like Facebook and YouTube, the infrastructures of tomorrow will heavily utilize information technology. While these “smart” infrastructures promise many benefits, they often require new kinds of interaction between people and the machines meant to serve them. Yet the social, cultural, economic and political side of these relationships often receives little attention. The Center for People and Infrastructures seeks to address these issues by better understanding social norms, market structures, public policies and human capabilities that shape and are affected by the development of smart infrastructures. The center brings together experts in engineering, design, the social sciences, and computer science. Center for Professional Responsibility in Business and Society The mission of the inter-disciplinary Center is to develop a national vision that articulates societal expectations of a professional's responsibility and accountability at both the individual and organizational level. Center for Research and International Business Education The Center for International Business Education and Research at the University of Illinois (Illinois CIBER) was established in 1993 as a leader in advancing the study and teaching of international business and supporting research on global competitiveness. 2 Office of Research and Economic Development Social Science Research Initiative Listing of Social Science Research Centers and Initiatives in the Big 10 Indiana University Interdisciplinary Experimental Laboratory The Interdisciplinary Experimental Laboratory (IELab) at Indiana University is devoted to cutting edge experimental research in the behavioral sciences. The laboratory enables faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates at Indiana University, as well as other universities and agencies, to participate in the exploration of social science theories related to individual and group behaviors, with the purpose of developing more powerful theories of social interaction. A primary mission of the laboratory is the pursuit of spatially explicit research that can analyze how complex social and environmental stimuli affect human behavior. Funding for the Laboratory facility and support staff is provided by the National Science Foundation, and by Indiana University. The Kinsey Institute The Kinsey Institute at Indiana University works towards advancing sexual health and knowledge worldwide. For over 60 years, the institute has been a trusted source for investigating and informing the world about critical issues in sex, gender and reproduction. The mission of The Kinsey Institute is to promote interdisciplinary research and scholarship in the fields of human sexuality, gender, and reproduction. The Institute carries out this mission through: development of specialized collections of resources for scholars; programs of research and publication; interdisciplinary conferences and seminars; provision of information services to researchers; and graduate training. The Institute's broader mission includes service to the University and professional communities through teaching, clinical and research training, tours and presentations, and to the public through provision of clinical services for problems related to sexual and reproductive health and referral to appropriate organizations and groups. 3 Office of Research and Economic Development Social Science Research Initiative Listing of Social Science Research Centers and Initiatives in the Big 10 University of Iowa Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) The University of Iowa maintains membership in the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), which is operated by the University of Michigan. This membership enables members of the University community to obtain a vast array of data for secondary data analysis regarding economic, education, health, international, legal, legislative, political, and other areas of social research. Social Science Policy Current Studies Race, Gender and Imprisonment Education Finance Violent Victimization in the US: The Vulnerability of Minorities and Women over Time Urban Finance and Economics Transportation Finance Public Policy Center |Iowa Social Science Research Center The Iowa Social Science Research Center is a resource for interdisciplinary social science research that provides comprehensive grant development support and data collection, management, and access services to the university community. Services Data Collection Grant Development Support Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) Hawkeye Poll 4 Office of Research and Economic Development Social Science Research Initiative Listing of Social Science Research Centers and Initiatives in the Big 10 University of Michigan Institute for Social Research ISR Centers Center for Political Studies Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research Population Studies Center Research Center for Group Dynamics Survey Research Center Eg. #1) Population Studies Center (PSC) - comprised of independent population researchers who pursue their own agendas with the support of the PSC staff. A large portfolio of both domestic and international research is supported by the Center. PSC is strong in several key areas of demographic research: 1. Health, Disability, and Mortality 2. Population Dynamics 3. Aging 4. Methodology 5. Regional Studies Eg., #2) Survey Research Center - SRC is continuously evolving and has grown to include a wide array of active research programs: Economic Behavior Family & Demography Life Course Development Quantitative Methodology Social Environment & Health Socio-environmental Studies Social Indicators Survey Methodology Urban & Environmental Studies Youth and Social Issues 5 Office of Research and Economic Development Social Science Research Initiative Listing of Social Science Research Centers and Initiatives in the Big 10 Michigan State University Institute for Public Policy and Social Research Mission The Institute for Public Policy and Social Research (IPPSR) applies research to pressing public policy issues and builds problem-solving relationships between the academic and policymaker communities. To this end the Institute: • promotes and conducts research on issues of public policy; • provides survey research services; • produces public policy education and training programs; • initiates discussion of society's most pressing needs among diverse audiences. University of Minnesota Twin Cities Center for Addiction Studies The purpose of the Center for Addiction Studies (CAS) is to develop research opportunities in areas of addiction (including chemical abuse and problem gambling), administrate research on selected aspects of addictions and provide campus coordination for teaching and curricula on addictions. Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI) CAREI is the direct research link between the University of Minnesota’s College of Education and Human Development and Minnesota schools PreK-16. Our mission is to improve the quality of education for all learners through neutral, rigorous research and evaluation of educational contexts and initiatives. Institute on Crime and Public Policy The Institute on Crime and Public Policy was established in 2005 to support faculty scholarship on legal, empirical, and normative issues concerning crime and public policy. Participating faculty are involved in projects that cluster into five categories: American sentencing and corrections, comparative criminal procedure and process, juvenile justice systems, normative theories of punishment, and crime control policy. The institute is the home of four major publication series, including Crime and Justice—A Review of Research and Criminology in Europe, and sponsors several scholarly conferences each year, alone or in collaboration with various European research institutes. 6 Office of Research and Economic Development Social Science Research Initiative Listing of Social Science Research Centers and Initiatives in the Big 10 University of Minnesota Twin Cities (continued) Center for Early Education and Development The Center for Early Education and Development (CEED) at the University of Minnesota strives to effect positive change in early education, child care, and public policy. CEED has spent over 30 years helping children from infancy through age eight to learn and develop to the best of their abilities. National Center on Education Outcomes The National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO) was established in 1990 to provide national leadership in designing and building educational assessments and accountability systems that appropriately monitor educational results for all students, including students with disabilities and English Language Learners (ELLs). CEO focuses its efforts in the following areas: Needs Assessments and Information Gathering on the participation and performance of students with disabilities in state and national assessments and other educational reform efforts. Dissemination and Technical Assistance through publications, presentations, technical assistance, and other networking activities. State Data Collection Technical Assistance to assist states in continuing to meet the challenges of collecting comprehensive, accurate, and consistent data on the participation and performance of students with disabilities. Collaboration and Leadership to build on the expertise of others and to develop leaders who can conduct needed research and provide additional technical assistance. Center for Leadership Education in Maternal and Child Public Health The Center for Leadership Education in Maternal and Child Public Health is committed to improving the health of children, women and families. Center faculty and staff offer a Master's degree in Public Health (including an online degree program), continuing professional education, and consultation and technical assistance to community based organizations and agencies. Center faculty are involved in research in child health, adolescent health, family health, health disparities, reproductive health, and women's health. Emphasis is placed on: leadership education of future public health practitioners and academicians; scholarship through research addressing the health needs of these populations, especially those who are most vulnerable; and partnership through collaboration with families, community professionals, and other academic departments focused on promoting the health of these populations. 7 Office of Research and Economic Development Social Science Research Initiative Listing of Social Science Research Centers and Initiatives in the Big 10 University of Minnesota Twin Cities (continued) Center for the Study of Politics and Governance The Center for the Study of Politics and Governance develops practical, independent, and non-partisan solutions to pressing political and policy challenges. Founded in 2005, CSPG fosters effective and efficient governance, increases the transparency of government processes, and rebuilds the public trust in order to counteract negative influences that threaten our democracy. Center for Rural Mental Health Studies The Center for Rural Mental Health Studies seeks to better understand the factors that contribute to mental health and disorders in rural areas and the barriers to effective treatment. With that knowledge, we can generate better approaches to prevention, assessment, and treatment that fit in rural settings financially, culturally, and geographically. Center for the Study of Politics and Governance The Center for the Study of Politics and Governance develops practical, independent, and non-partisan solutions to pressing political and policy challenges. Founded in 2005, CSPG fosters effective and efficient governance, increases the transparency of government processes, and rebuilds the public trust in order to counteract negative influences that threaten our democracy. Institute for Translational Neuroscience (ITN) The concept for this Institute stems from President Bruininks designation of neuroscience as one of the areas for University-wide development, building on the existing strengths across the University. The ITN is charged to enhance basic science discovery with the new knowledge leading to subsequent clinical trials and establishment of new therapeutic principles or tools. The ITN will create a corridor of discovery and application that leverages the strengths in basic neuroscience, imaging and other interdisciplinary resources. 8 Office of Research and Economic Development Social Science Research Initiative Listing of Social Science Research Centers and Initiatives in the Big 10 Northwestern University Institute for Policy Research Programs Child, Adolescent, and Family Studies Education Policy Philanthropy and Nonprofit Organizations Politics, Institutions, and Public Policy Poverty, Race, and Inequality Social Disparities and Health Quantitative Methods for Policy Research Urban Policy and Community Development 9 Office of Research and Economic Development Social Science Research Initiative Listing of Social Science Research Centers and Initiatives in the Big 10 The Ohio State University Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Brain Imaging The CCBI is a new state-of-the art interdisciplinary research facility dedicated to pursuing structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies. It aims to contribute to the development of future brain imaging modalities and to create and disseminate knowledge about brain, mind, and imaging research. Center for Cognitive Sciences The Center for Cognitive Science is one of the premiere cognitive science programs in the United States with 65 affiliated faculty spanning 24 departments and 8 colleges. Ohio State is the largest university in the nation and supports signature programs in linguistics, psychology, philosophy and computer science making for a vibrant cognitive science community. Institution for Population Research The IPR was established in 2000 to build a multidisciplinary population and health research center at Ohio State University. IPR's growth since 2006 has accelerated thanks to funds from the OSU Population and Health Targeted Investment in Excellence (TIE). More recently, IPR received a five-year $2.2 million center grant from the National Institutes of Health. IPR is now recognized nationally as a premier population research center. To further its mission of advancing research on population and health, IPR has a regular program of activities. Statistical Consulting Service The SCS is a team of faculty, staff, and graduate students in the Department of Statistics. Our mission is to provide professional statistical consulting support to OSU researchers and external clients in business, science, industry, and government. The SCS provides support in the areas of: Research Planning Design of Experiments Database Development Survey Design, Administration, and Analysis Statistical Process Control Statistical Modeling and Analysis Independent Verification of Statistical Analyses and Results 10 Office of Research and Economic Development Social Science Research Initiative Listing of Social Science Research Centers and Initiatives in the Big 10 The Pennsylvania State University Children, Youth and Families Consortium Population Research Institute The Population Research Institute (PRI) at The Pennsylvania State University encourages, organizes, and supports innovative research and training in the population sciences. With the talents of over sixty outstanding scholars, PRI provides a supportive and collegial environment to stimulate collaborative, externally funded research. PRI is an NICHD supported population center. Social Science Research Institute SSRI includes a number of research centers focusing on specific issues in the social sciences. SSRI Institutes and Centers Social, Life and Engineering Sciences Imaging Center Survey Research Center The Survey Research Center provides a means for Penn State to marshal its considerable resources and talents to conduct interdisciplinary and socially relevant research throughout the university community, the state of Pennsylvania, and the nation. 11 Office of Research and Economic Development Social Science Research Initiative Listing of Social Science Research Centers and Initiatives in the Big 10 Purdue University Center on Aging and the Life Course The Center on Aging and the Life Course (CALC) is designed as a university-wide entity to strengthen interdisciplinary inquiry on aging. CALC has two central aims: advance research to optimize the aging experience of diverse populations prepare future leaders for the field of gerontology. CALC is similar in many respects to existing centers on aging at peer institutions but distinctive in its scope and mission. The focus of Purdue’s Center is optimizing functional independence and well-being in later life (preventing disease and disability). In addition, CALC emphasizes the application of the life course perspective—studying the aging process from gestation to death—and leads inquiries at multiple levels of analysis (from cells to societies). CALC draws upon the expertise of Faculty Associates from more than 20 departments at Purdue. Twenty-eight students are currently pursuing a graduate degree related to aging (either an interdisciplinary minor or a Dual-title PhD). Center for Research on Diversity and Inclusion This new research Center aims to support and highlight the excellent scholarly work on diversity and inclusion happening in Liberal Arts and across the University. CRDI also fosters and facilitates more such innovative research, pushing into new areas and looking at old questions in new ways. Center for Research and Engagement in Science and Mathematics Education (CRESME) The center’s mission is to research, develop, and implement exemplary mathematics and science programs in all grade levels and to facilitate collaboration among faculty in the Colleges of Education and Science to work towards the improvement of mathematics and science education locally and globally. CRESME provides a common intellectual home for science and mathematics education researchers at Purdue to: Formulate and address both fundamental and applied science and mathematics education research issues of national and international significance. 12 Office of Research and Economic Development Social Science Research Initiative Listing of Social Science Research Centers and Initiatives in the Big 10 Purdue University (continued) Center for Research and Engagement in Science and Mathematics Education (CRESME) (continued) Attract significant grant support for conducting interdisciplinary research and engagement. Improve science teaching and learning for Purdue faculty and students, P–12 teachers and their students, and serve as a model for engagement and innovation at all levels nationwide. Provide opportunities for graduate students to develop skills that will enable them to meet the pressing need for faculty with expertise in science and mathematics education. New pedagogies, technologies, assessment mechanisms, and more created by faculty, staff, and students through CRESME will lead to progressive and effective teaching methods and improve training of teachers and, in turn, improve student science and mathematics learning. University of Wisconsin-Madison Institute on Aging http://aging.wis At the UW-Madison Institute on Aging, we are jointly focused on addressing the problems of aging, which include diseases and impairments (e.g., osteoporosis, dementia, Parkinsons, glaucoma, mobility problems) and the challenges of later life (e.g., widowhood, retirement, caregiving, relocation) as well as the potential of aging, which refers to the notable strengths, resources, and vitality of those in their 70s and beyond. Our goal is to understand the many factors (biological, psychological, social) that promote resilience as people age and to translate this knowledge to innovative educational and community intervention programs. Collaborative Center for Health Equity (CCHE) The Collaborative Center for Health Equity (CCHE) is part of the NIH-funded UW Institute for Clinical and Translational Research, and also holds its own P60 center grant from the National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities. CCHE works to promote underserved, minority, and immigrant health; to increase health equity and improve health outcomes; and to assist in the development of health-care providers’ and researchers’ skills in intercultural communication. 13 Office of Research and Economic Development Social Science Research Initiative Listing of Social Science Research Centers and Initiatives in the Big 10 University of Wisconsin-Madison (continued) Collaborative Center for Health Equity (CCHE) (continued) The Center has relationships with tribal, urban, and rural partners throughout the state of Wisconsin, in addition to state and local government collaborations. Our staged partnership approach allows us to create and nourish long-term, mutually respectful, and trusting partnerships with members of underserved communities. Our Mission The Collaborative Center for Health Equity (CCHE) builds lasting partnerships and engages university and community partners in collaborative teaching, research, and service initiatives to improve health equity in underserved communities of Wisconsin. Center for Health Systems Research and Analysis (CHSRA) The Center for Health Systems Research and Analysis (CHSRA) was formed in 1973 as a collaborative effort between the departments of Industrial Engineering and Preventive Medicine at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. At CHSRA, researchers seek to improve long-term care and health systems by creating performance measures and developing information and decision support systems. CHSRA research and development projects serve a variety of audiences, including: Long-term care and health care providers Consumers Policy makers Resident and patient advocates Regulatory agencies 14