Some great review questions! (with answers)

Unit 10 Review: WWI & US Foreign Policy
1. What factors led the U.S. to end its neutrality & enter WWI?
2. Name four of Wilson’s Fourteen Points.
3. Name four major provisions of the Treaty of Versailles.
4. Provide 3 examples of a foreign policy event that occurred between the presidencies of
Washington to Jefferson.
5. Provide 1 example of a foreign policy event that occurred between the presidencies of Madison
to Jackson.
6. Provide 2 example of a foreign policy event that occurred between the presidencies of Polk to
7. Provide 3 example of a foreign policy event that occurred between the presidencies of
Roosevelt to Wilson.
8. Who was the most successful diplomat of the Era of Good Feelings in the U.S.? (Hint: he
wrote the Monroe Doctrine)
9. President Polk’s claim that “American blood [had been shed] on the American soil” led to war
with ________.
10.Why DIDN’T President Cleveland annex Hawaii?
11.What was the main purpose of the Open Door Policy?
12.(a)The Zimmermann note involved a secret agreement between which countries? (b) What
were they secretly agreeing to?
13.In his speech to Congress asking for a declaration of war, President Wilson shared his vision
for the U.S. to make the world “______________”.
14.Of Wilson’s Fourteen Points, which one did he hope would provide a system of collective
15.(a) What was the CPI? (b) What was the purpose of the CPI?
16.Name one of the 3 Supreme Court cases that upheld the Espionage and Sedition Acts.
17.Two constitutional amendments adopted in part because of wartime influences were the 18th,
which dealt with ___, and the 19th, whose subject was ____.
18.What impact did WWI have on women on the homefront during the war?
19.What impact did WWI have on African Americans during the war?
20.What impact did WWI have on immigrants on the homefront during the war?
21.What was the (a) WIB and (b) what did it do?
22.What was the Great Migration?
23. What were two changes in the labor force during the war?
24.Most of the money raised to finance U.S. involvement in WWI came from ____________.
25.Name three ways that the U.S. government intervened in the lives of its citizens during WWI
like never before.
26.What was the American Expeditionary Force?
27.What was the one order Wilson gave to General Pershing regarding the AEF?
28.Who was MOST responsible for the Senate defeat of the Treaty of Versailles?
29.Why were Republican Senators opposed to the League of Nations as proposed in the Treaty of
30.Woodrow Wilson’s “solemn referendum” in 1920 concerned what?
31.Identify the members of the Triple Alliance.
32.Identify the members of the Triple Entente.
33.Identify three members of the Central Powers.
34.Identify 5 members of the Allied Powers.
35.What WAS included in the Treaty of Versailles that was NOT included in Wilson’s Fourteen
36.(a) Define “Big Stick Diplomacy” and (b) who developed it?
37.(a) Define “Dollar Diplomacy” and (b) who developed it?
38.(a) Define “Moral Diplomacy” and (b) who developed it?
39.How did President Wilson intervene in Mexico in 1917?
40.Who was elected on the promise of a “return to normalcy”?
41.Who were the “Big Four” at the Paris Peace Conference?
42.Who were the (a) “irreconcilables”? (b) “mild reservationists” and (c) “strong reservationists”?
43.What was the Roosevelt Corollary?
44.What was the Red Scare?
45.(a) Who was Palmer? and (b) Why did the Palmer Raids happen?
46.Why is Henry Cabot Lodge important?
47.(a) What is the WLB? and (b) What was its purpose?
48.Why did the Zimmerman Telegram seem plausible to the U.S.?
49.Why was the building of the Panama Canal such a priority for Teddy Roosevelt?
50.What is the Selective Service Act?
Unit 10 Review: WWI & US Foreign Policy - ANSWERS
1. unrestricted submarine warfare (ex. Lusitania), Zimmerman telegram, economic connection to
the Allies, and to make the world “safe for democracy”
2. Any four will do: no secret treaties, freedom of the seas, free trade (remove tariffs), reduce
armies, impartial adjustment of colonial claims, evacuation of Russia, evacuation of France
(return of Alsace-Lorraine), adjustment of Italy’s border, self-determination for new nations,
evacuation of the Balkans, self-determination for Turkey, independent Poland, League of
3. League of Nations, territorial losses for Germany, military restrictions on Germany, and war
guilt with reparations
4. Any of the following: Neutrality Act, impressment of sailors, XYZ Affair, Jay or Pickney’s
treaties, Louisiana Purchase
5. Any of the following: War of 1812, Treaty of Ghent, Monroe Doctrine, Rush-Bagot treaty
6. Any of the following: Mexican War, annexation of Texas, Oregon, Alaksa, Hawaii, Spanish
American War, Philipino-American War, Platt Amendment, Teller Amendment
7. Any of the following: Panama Canal, Russo-Japanese War, WWI, Mexico (Huerta, Villa),
Roosevelt Corollary, Big Stick, Dollar or Moral Diplomacies
8. John Quincy Adams
9. Mexico
10.Because many Hawaiians were opposed to annexation.
11.To make sure that the U.S. was able to trade in China.
12.(a) Germany and Mexico (b) offer of territory for alliance and help against the U.S.
13. “safe for democracy”
14.League of Nations
15. a. Committee on Public Information b. to promote support for the war, propaganda
16.Schenck v. United States, Debs v. United States, or Abrams v. United States
17.prohibition and women suffrage
18.Any of the following: finally gaining the right to vote because of their support of the war effort,
the types of jobs that women did changed, they were paid higher wages. (They did NOT join
the work force)
19.Any of the following: the Great Migration, segregated units, resurgence in civil rights
movement when soldiers return from the war, increased racial tensions (riots) in some northern
20.Any of the following: reducing restrictions on immigration, anti-German sentiment,
participation in supporting the war effort, increase in jobs
21. (a) War Industries Board (b) oversaw all factories, determined priorities, fixed consumer
22. movement of African Americans to northern and western cities for industrial jobs (largely
from the rural South)
23. standardization of wages and hours, increased demand for labor, decrease in the tolerance for
24. Loans, including Victory Bonds
25.Any three of the following: draft, censorship, propaganda, war bonds, partnering with big
business & unions
26.American troops sent to fight in WWI
27.To keep the AEF in units separate from the other Allied forces.
28.(a) Woodrow Wilson because he alienated Republicans, refused to compromise and tried to
bypass the Senate by appealing to the public through his speaking tour, (b) Senate Republicans
OR (c) Henry Cabot Lodge are acceptable answers
29.That it would rob Congress of its war-declaring powers (Article X)
30. his attempt to use the presidential election as a public vote on the Treaty of Versailles.
31.Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy
32.Great Britain, France, Russia
33.Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria
34.Great Britain, France, Russsia, U.S., Italy, Japan, Serbia, Canada, Australia, Brazil
35.war guilt clause for Germany and German reparations
36. (a) using a strong military presence to increase American influence (b) Teddy Roosevelt
37. (a) using economic sanctions and incentives to increase American influence (b) Taft
38. (a) promoting human rights and equality among nations as a way to increase American
influence (b) Wilson
39. sent troops into Veracruz or sent troops after Pancho Villa
40. Warren Harding
41.The U.S., Great Britain, France and Italy
42. (a) Republican Senators that were steadfastly opposed to all aspects of the League of Nations
(b) wanted changes to slightly weaken the League (c) led by Lodge, wanted major changes to
Article X
43. the U.S. claimed special “police powers” in the Western hemisphere
44. In the U.S., fear of the spread of communism or socialism after the Bolshevik Revolution in
45.(a) Attorney General and (b) because there was an increase in terroristic actions against Palmer
and other prominent US officials, led to the deportation and/or arrests of suspects
46. Republican Senate leader who helped to stop the ratification of the Treaty of Versailles
47.(a) War Labor Board and (b) was formed to standardize wages & hours, protect union rights, &
give equal pay for women
48. Because we had almost gone to war with Mexico in 1917
49. the Spanish American War showed the need to be able to get our fleet back and forth faster,
economic benefits for trade
50. the draft (that men still have to register for when they turn 18)!