Reading Quiz 1 - Jessamine County Schools

Unit 4 Reading Quiz 1
Part I. Sentence Completion. Chose the word that best completes the sentence. Use the word bank.
The reform efforts aimed at restoring economic opportunities and correcting the injustices in American life at the turn of the
20th century are known as the (1)____________.
One way that progressives worked to ease the harsh conditions of urban life was through the founding of charities such as the
(2)____________, which fed poor, cared for children in nurseries, and helped instruct immigrants in middle-class values, hard
work, and temperance
Muckrakers like (3)_____________, described the ruthless business practices that helped John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil
eliminate competition, in her essay “History of the Standard Oil Company.”
(4)_______________ advocated improving lives of women and children. She was influential in the passage of the (5)_________, which
prohibited child labor and limited women’s working hours.
The Supreme Court upheld Oregon’s law limiting women to a ten-hour workday in the case (6)______________.
A bill originating from the people, which is put on the ballot after citizens petition legislators is known as an (7)______________.
Voters accept or reject that bill in a (8)_____________. This is a popular method still used to recall elected officials.
Women like (9)__________ would urge saloonkeepers to shut their doors, and even used her hatchet to destroy liquor and bars.
The (10)_________ was an organization which sought to close saloons to cure society’s problems, but often ran into opposition
from immigrant groups where drinking was a part of their culture.
Word Bank
A. Ida Tarbell B. Populist movement C. Progressive movement
F. Bunting v. Oregon
G. initiative
H. referendum
K. Carry Nation
L. Anti-Saloon League
M. Illinois Factory Act
D. Salvation Army
E. Florence Kelley
J. Muller v. Oregon
N. Susan B. Anthony
O. Alcoholics Anonymous
Part II. Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the BEST answer.
11. What was the main goal of most muckraking
journalists? (C.2.b)
a. To gain fame through the creation of
articles of high popular interest
b. To expose socioeconomic problems in
need of political attention
c. To increase public awareness of
America’s great potential
d. To end corrupt relationships between
politicians and big business
12. Which of the following themes were common in
the writings and other works of muckrakers?
a. The immorality and greed of U.S.
businesses and corruption in government
b. The disadvantages of a growing consumer
culture and the benefits of living in a
communist society
c. The problems created by unrestricted
immigration and the economic disparity
between rural and urban residents
d. The increasing influence of socialists in
labor unions and the threat they posed to
U.S. society
13. The religious movement that was closely linked to
progressivism was _________. (C.2.b)
a. Reform Judaism
b. The missionary movement
c. Conservative evangelicalism
d. The social gospel movement
14. The leading progressive organization advocating
prohibition of liquor was __________. (C.2.b)
a. the National Consumers League
b. the Women’s Christian Temperance
c. the Women’s Peace Party
d. the Sierra Club
15. Which of the following is an effect of how scientific
management, or “Taylorism,” was used during the
progressive era? (C.2.b)
a. Manufacturing processes were integrated
so that one man did all parts of a job.
b. Federal agencies like OSHA were created
to monitor workplace safety and
regulatory compliance.
c. By making his assembly line simpler,
Henry Ford increased the working hours
of his employees.
d. Increased production of the assembly line
led to high worker turnover. Ford
responded by reducing work-day hours
and raising wages.
16. What was the Seventeenth Amendment. a key
progressive reform, designed to do? (C.2.b)
a. End the corrupt and family-destroying
influence of the liquor industry.
b. Make Senators directly elected by the
people, lessening the power of political
machines and party bosses.
c. Prohibit child labor.
d. Make the initiative and referendum
applicable for all federal laws.
17. The case of Lochner v. New York represented a
setback for progressives and labor advocates
because in its ruling, the Supreme Court _______.
a. struck down New York’s law limiting
bakers to a ten hour workday.
b. declared unconstitutional a law providing
special protection for women workers.
c. declared that prohibiting child labor
would require a constitutional
d. upheld the constitutionality of a law
enabling business to fire labor organizers.
18. What progressive-inspired city government
system utilized an elected city council which
appointed qualified managers to run city
departments? (C.2.b)
a. The Commission System
b. The Council-manager System
c. The Reform-mayor System
d. The Commission-Manager System
19. Despite the Supreme Court’s striking down of the
Keating Owen Act, how do we know that
progressives had success in the area of child
labor? (C.2.b)
a. The federal government passed sweeping
laws banning child labor.
b. Nearly every state passed legislation
banning child labor and setting maximum
hours for all workers.
c. The Supreme Court reversed their
decision in Lochner v. New York.
d. Muller v. Oregon upheld a ten hour work
day for men.
20. Which of the following is an accurate example of
how mayors instituted progressive reforms in
their cities? (C.2.b)
a. Mayors like William “Boss” Tweed set up
commissions to investigate political
b. Mayors like Hazen Pengree instituted a
fairer tax system, lowered public
transportation fares, and set up work
relief for the unemployed.
c. Mayors like Robert M. La Follette set up a
commission to regulate RR rates and
forbade railroads from issuing free passes
to city officials.
d. Mayors like Florence Kelley helped win
passage of laws banning child labor.