Child Labor Acts Chromebook

Ms. Charity
Modern World History
Full Name:
February 9, 2016
Child Labor Acts: Chromebook Activity
1. Get into pre-selected groups of 4.
2. Use a Chromebook to find answers to the questions below. You’ll
answer the questions for your assigned act.
3. Write down the info in complete sentences once you find it. Use and
cite a website other than Wikipedia.
4. Get into your groups and share out. Everyone must write down the
info their group members shared.
Acts divided by individuals:
#1s: Cotton Mills and Factories Act of 1819
#2s: 1833 Factory Act
#3s: The Mines Act of 1842
#4s: The Factory Act of 1847/Ten Hours Act
1. What conditions led to the creation of your act?
2. What did your act establish?
Ms. Charity
Modern World History
Full Name:
February 9, 2016
3. Who benefited from your act?
4. Is there proof of its success? Was it enforced?
5. Did it solve any of the issues you focused on in your letter? If so,
which ones?
Write down your group members’ answers to questions 1-3. Label their
answers by act.
Ms. Charity
Modern World History
Full Name:
February 9, 2016