andbook - Encore Dance

2015 – 2016
Parent & Student
Studio Policy
2015 – 2016 SCHOOL YEAR - SEPTEMBER 14, 2015 – JUNE 10, 2016
ANNUAL RECITAL - JUNE 13 - 16, 2016
661 Anderson Street, Winnemucca, NV 89445
(775) 625-2007
Web site:
Tuition is due in full at registration or by payment plan.
Tuition is based on our school year. All scheduled holidays plus recital are figured into the
amount we charge. We break the yearly fee into 10 monthly payments (September – June) for
your convenience.
Payments are due on the 1st of each month. September - June
Your registration is not complete until your first payment is made on or before September 1 st.
No credit is given for absences or vacations.
Payment is expected for all classes, even if you miss a class because of illness, school function or
quit the class in the middle of the month.
A $10.00 late fee will be charged for all payments made after the 10th of each month.
You can make payments online or by cash, check or credit card at the studio during the hours
we are open. We have a mail slot in the door so you can drop off your payment even if we are
closed! Checks for tuition should be made out to: Encore Dance Academy. If you would like us
to bill your credit card on the 1st of each month for tuition you need to fill out an authorization
form, which we have at the studio.
There will be a $30.00 fee for all returned checks. Any questions regarding billing should be
addressed to Sara or Sharon.
All tuition must be paid in full prior to June 10, 2016 in order to participate in the recital.
Delinquent Accounts:
Encore Dance Academy will have to dismiss families with delinquent accounts over 2 months.
We will be happy to discuss payment plan options if you are experiencing financial difficulties.
Communication is very important to us.
Drop in rate: $15.00 per class.
Occasionally we have guests from out of town or past students who come in to take class while
they are visiting. Guests are welcome, as long as your instructor approves of it
Drop Policy
A 30-day written notice is required to drop a class. You will be responsible for tuition (and will
be billed) we receive your notice.
Make-up Classes
Make-up classes are available if there is a parallel class and the instructor is informed. Check
with your instructor for a list of available classes.
Classes are arranged for students based on age and ability. Many factors are considered in
determining placement of a student.
We place students into the next level based on ability, attitude, consistence in work, musicality,
physical and emotional readiness. Dancers may be moved to proper levels at anytime during
the dance year at the sole discretion of the instructor. Ballet classes are recommended for all
students, since all classes taught at Encore are based on understanding the steps and terms
introduced through ballet.
Mark your calendars!
October 30, 2015
November 11, 2015
November 25 – 27, 2015
December 7 – 11, 2015
December 21 – January 1
January 18, 2016
February 15, 2016
March 28 – April 1
April 4 – April 8, 2016
May 14, 2016 (tentative)
May 30, 2016
Nevada Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Break
Parent Watch Week
Winter Break
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Presidents Day
Parent Watch Week
Spring Break
Picture Day
Memorial Day
We will be open even though there is no school on June 10, 2016.
Classes will begin on September 14, 2015 and our last class of the year will be
June 10, 2016.
The studio may have to close in the event of weather or other emergencies.
Please check the website to confirm any closings.
If the studio closes please see the policy on make-up classes.
Class Attire
Every student must come to class well groomed, clean and dressed to participate in dance as
per the Encore dress code. An important part of the nature and discipline of dance is the
dress code. Hair requirements need to be followed.
No jewelry please!
Students are not allowed to wear their dance shoes to and from class. Dance
shoes should not have outside dirt, stickers and rocks in the soles. This is for our dance floor
protection and so our students don’t have to lay and stretch on a dirty floor!
Warm up attire is acceptable at the beginning of class as long as it is fitted.
Ballet Level 1 & 2 Girls Solid black leotard and solid pink tights. No tutus, skirts or dance
shorts. Hair must be secured out of the face. Long hair must be in a bun. Shorter hair must
be in a ponytail. Pink ballet slippers.
Ballet Level 3 & Teen Girls Solid black leotard and solid “convertible” pink tights. No tutus,
skirts or dance shorts. Hair must be secured out of the face. Long hair must be in a bun.
Shorter hair must be in a ponytail. Pink ballet slippers.
Ballet Level 4 & 5 Girls Any Color leotard and solid “convertible” pink tights. No tutus,
skirts or dance shorts. Hair must be secured out of the face. Long hair must be in a bun.
Shorter hair must be in a ponytail. Pink ballet slippers, pointe shoes if applicable.
Men’s and Boys Ballet Wear Solid black or white fitted t-shirt & black leggings, jazz pants
or dance shorts. No gym shorts! Black ballet shoes.
Jazz & Tap levels 1, 2 and 3, Girls Leotard or top and dance shorts/jazz pants. No
oversized shirts please. Tights are required. Tan jazz shoes (preferably slip-ons). Black leather
tap shoes. No patent leather! Hair must be secured out of the face in either a bun or a
Jazz level 4 & 5, Girls Same as Jazz 1,2 & 3 except tights are not required, but you need to
have jazz pants or capris with you for floor work.
Jazz & Tap Boys Fitted t-shirt and black jazz pants or men’s dance shorts. Black jazz shoes.
Black leather tap shoes.
Leaps, Turns and Jumps Same as Jazz
Hip Hop Dancers are required to wear athletic or dance pants, and a shirt that allows for
freedom of movement. Dance sneakers are required. Hip Hop for levels 4 & 5, shoes will be
determined by the instructor.
Mini’s 1 At this age we feel creativity is still being nurtured so there are no special
requirements for dance attire. Have fun and look cute! Pink ballet slippers. Hair should be
pulled back away from face.
Mini’s 2 Tap/Jazz At this age we feel creativity is still being nurtured so there are no special
requirements for dance attire. Have fun and look cute! Tan slip-on jazz shoes ad black tap
Mini’s 2 Ballet Leotard and tights in any color. Pink Ballet slippers.
Mini’s 2 Hip Hop Any dancewear is ok. Black dance sneakers.
Dance Conditioning & Flexibility Girls Leotard or top and dance shorts/jazz pants. No
oversized shirts please. Hair must be secured out of the face in either a bun or a ponytail.
Dance Conditioning & Flexibility Boys Fitted t-shirt and black jazz pants or men’s dance
Please note: Hair needs to be secured out of the face. If your class requires a bun, it does not
have to be perfect, but it must be secure! No adjusting in class!
The Studio offers throughout the year a shoe recycle box, which provides students the
opportunity to trade outgrown shoes for ones that fit.
We also have extra shoes to borrow for a class just in case you temporarily misplace yours.
Places to purchase shoes and dance attire:
Bri and Bri from Revolution Dancewear come into our studio several times a year to take your
dancewear orders. They will be setting up a time prior to classes starting. We will always
send out an email and post on the website prior to them coming in. You can reach them by
Judy’s Dance Shoppe – 4001 S. Virginia St. Reno, NV
The annual recital will be held the week of June 13, 2016. Please set aside June
13, 14, 15 & 16, 2016. Dress rehearsal will be on Monday, performances Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday. Participation in the recital is not required but it is
To participate in the recital the student will have to purchase a costume(s). The
approximate cost of costumes will be $60 - $120.00 per costume. We do our best
to select acceptable costumes at reasonable prices. For the Mini’s we try to order
“two-in-one” costumes, but these are getting harder to find. Costumes at the
higher end of the estimated cost are usually adult sizes and level 4 & 5 prices.
We charge a $50.00 deposit per costume in October. You do not have to pay this
all at once. You just need to make sure you have all costumes paid for by
December 11th. Many customers like to start paying early so that they do not
have a large amount due in December. We hand out costume information the 2nd
week of November. This will include the full price of the costume, a picture and
name of the music we will be using for their dance. The balance for all costumes
will be due by December 11th, 2015. Any balances paid after that will include a
$10 shipping and handling charge per costume, as they will have to be ordered
separately. No costumes will be ordered after January 15th,. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Costumes must be paid in full before they are ordered. There will be no refunds
on costumes as they are not returnable.
All tuition must be paid in full prior to June 10, 2016 in order to participate in
the recital.
Extra purchases to keep in mind for recital are tickets, picture and Dvd’s.
Recital Content: We take great care to choose music and costumes that are age
Encore does not agree with young children performing mature dance routines.
General Policies
At Encore Dance Academy, our goal is to teach your child “how” to dance and “how” to
perform. We believe that while our recital is an important element of teaching a performing
art, it is not the main focus. In order to be successful at performing, you must correctly train
your body and your mind to DANCE!!!
Communication: It is extremely important to have good, positive communication between
Encore Dance Academy and our students and their families. Please check your emails and our
website frequently as this is the best way for you to know what is going on at the studio and in
class. Any problems, concerns or suggestions please speak with Sara.
Food: We want to provide a pleasant environment and quality facility to our dancers. No Food,
Gum, Candy, Juice or Soda Pop is allowed in the dressing room or inside the studio before,
during or after class. Students are allowed to eat between classes; however, all food and drink
must be either neatly packed away to take home or thrown away at the end of each class.
Please report or clean up any spills as soon as possible to prevent staining the carpet or getting
on clothing!
There is a cooler in the lobby with bottled water for sale.
The Dressing room is to be used for changing only. You are to wait for your class to start in the
lobby, not in the dressing rooms. Do not leave your bags and personal items in the dressing
room. Your instructor will let you know where to keep them.
Restroom: Dancers will not be dismissed during class to use the restroom unless absolutely
necessary. Please take care of business before class.
Tardiness: We ask that you have your child ready 10 minutes before class so that classes can
start promptly at their scheduled time. Continued lateness disrupts the class and does not
allow your child to get properly warmed-up. Students who are 10 minutes late or more may be
asked to watch the class at the instructor’s discretion.
Absences: We do not refund for absences. All missed classes must be made up in the same
month they occur. Please call the studio if your child is going to be late or absent. Ask your
instructor about available classes for making up your missed class.
Before and After Class: We, at Encore Dance Academy, are responsible for your child during
their class time with us. Parent/Guardians are responsible for their behavior and safety
before and after class. Siblings must stay with parents and we ask that you pick up after your
children. Please bring your child within 10 minutes of their scheduled time and pick them up
after class on time. All students are instructed not to wait outside for their parents after
class. Please help us by reinforcing this rule.
Attendance and focus are important for a successful dancer. Consistency is a key factor in
improving your dance skills. Focus in class is just as important.
Practice: It is essential for dancers to practice at home the stretches, dance steps and routines
they have learned in class. Each week new technique is taught and for recital, new steps are
learned and added to their routine(s).
Without practice, these are quickly forgotten and must be re-taught from week to week,
holding back the entire class. Dance is no different than learning to play a musical instrument.
Practice, practice, practice!
Blank CD’s:
Once we have cut the music for recital, dancers are welcome to bring in a blank CD to the front
desk to receive a copy of the cut music to practice with. Please note students’ name, class and
name of the routine on the CD.
Policy and insurance liability forms:
All customers new and old must agree or re-agree with an e-signature on your customer portal
prior to the 2015/2016 session starts. No student will be allowed to participate in class until we
have a signed agreement.
Photography and Choreography:
Encore Dance Academy reserves the right to ALL choreography and photography that we
Choreography is produced by the instructor and cannot be reproduced without permission
from that instructor. This is our art and we ask for respect for our work.
Encore Dance Academy has the right to dismiss any student or parent for inappropriate
behavior toward a teacher, staff member or another student or parent without a refund or
We try to maintain a positive environment, please avoid gossiping.
Remember – Respect, Courtesy, Commitment and Manners.
Delinquent Accounts:
Encore Dance Academy will have to dismiss families with delinquent accounts over 2 months.
We will be happy to discuss payment plan options if you are experiencing financial difficulties.
Parent Responsibilities:
Parent Support is VITAL. In these days of instant gratification, dance is one art form that
requires good old hard work. The discipline required by dance comes not only from the dancer,
but from his/her parents. Regular attendance, willing participation and eagerness to take what
he/she is given and make it their own, are qualities that carry youngsters through many lessons
in life. Several times throughout the year, and especially at recital time, we will be asking for
parent volunteers. The involvement of parents is very important. When we need you most is
at recital time. Please start considering now how you can help out at recital time.
I know from my own dance lessons that it is taxing and
exhausting to get to the point where your dancing is
actually enjoyable, to arrive at a place where the mind no
longer has to concentrate on when to releve’, when to do
the pas de deux. It takes years of practice for the limbs to
develop an internal memory. But when they do, when the
body takes over, it feels like freedom, like “dancing”
instead of just dancing.
-Elizabeth Wurtzel