Creating and Publishing Your Assessments on Blackboard:

The Do’s and Don’ts of Testing in
Creating and Publishing your Assessments
Lamar University – Center for Distance Education
Brandi McClary
Steps for Creating and Publishing an
 Determine if you want to build a test or
a pool
 Upload existing questions or create new
questions on the test canvas
 Set Question Settings
 Deploy test and set Test Options
Test or a Pool?
 Tests - Tests are sets of questions that are graded to
measure student performance. Once a test is created, it
must be deployed within a content folder before students
can take the test. Test results are reviewed in the Grade
Center. Note that some question types are not
automatically graded.
 Pools - Pools are sets of questions that can be added to
any Test or Survey. Pools are useful for storing questions
and reusing them in more than one Test or Survey.
Building a Test or Pool
 Go to your Course.
 Click Course Tools in the Course Management Control
 Click Tests, Surveys, and Pools
 Click on Tests or Pools
 Click the Build Test (Build Pool) button
 On the Test/Pool Information page, enter a test/pool name
(required field) and click submit. Optional test information
such as a Description or Instructions can be entered here.
Test Canvas
 The Test Canvas allows you to add and edit questions,
add question sets or random blocks, reorder
questions, and review the test.
 Click the Create Question button to choose from a
variety of question types and manually add them to
the Test Canvas.
 Click the Reuse Question button to insert a Random
Block or Random Set of questions from an existing
Using a Test Generator
 You can write questions offline in a specially formatted
text or Word file and upload it into Blackboard.
 Once you have formatted your questions, you will select
all, copy and then paste into the Test Generator.
 We recommend using the Test Generator found here:
 You will be prompted with a pop-up box to save the file.
Save to the downloads folder or desktop in order to find it
easily. You will use this file to upload your questions into
the test or pool you built.
Importing your Questions to the Test
 Click the Upload Questions button
 Click the Browse button, locate and select your file created
by the Test Generator
 Enter Points Per Question (This can always be updated or
changed in the Test Canvas)
 Here it is best to review test questions for possible errors
after they are uploaded and BEFORE you deploy them.
 You can edit and reorder questions as well as change their
point values.
Deploying Your Assessment
 After you create a test or survey, the next step is to deploy
it—make it available—to users in your course.
 This is a two-step process –
 Add the test to a course area
 Make it available.
 Navigate to the course area where you want to add a test
or survey. On the action bar, point to Assessments and
click Test.
 Select a test from the Add Test list. Click Submit.
 The Test Options page appears.
Deploying Your Assessment
 Unavailable and deleted tests differ in the following ways:
 Unavailable tests deployed in a content area do not appear to
students. When Edit Mode is ON, instructors and course
builders can see unavailable tests.
 If you delete a test from a content area in your course, it is
removed from that location. You can deploy it again as
needed. You can deploy each test in one location only.
 If you delete a test from the Tests, Surveys, and Pools areas, it
is permanently deleted from your course. This is irreversible.
Test Options
 Test Information
 Enter a description. The description will give students
information about the test.
 The Test Instructions were set when the test was built.
This will explain any special instructions students need
to take the test
 The Open Test in new window is defaulted to no. It is
not necessary to change.
Test Options
 Test Availability
 Make the link available – This must always be set to YES!
 Choose whether you would like to make an
announcement for this test.
 Multiple Attempts –
 Unlimited or specific number of attempts can be set
 Score attempts using-> If you choose to offer multiple
attempts you must choose an option from the list.
 Last graded attempt, highest grade, lowest grade, first
graded attempt, or Average of graded attempts
Test Options
 Force completion – DO NOT USE!
 Set Timer – Enter time and set Auto-Submit. Generally we set
this to ON.
 Display After/Until – Here you will set the availability of the
test link. This determines the time frame of the link being
visible to students. This is optional. You can limit test
availability to a specific time period with the Display After and
Display Until dates and times. If the link to a test is available,
but neither date is set, it is immediately and always available.
 Password – Seldom used.
Test Options
 Test Availability Exceptions – Add a user or group of
users that need special exceptions for the test
 Adjust number of attempts
 Adjust time allotted for the test
 Adjust availability of the test
 Due Date – Set the date the assessment is due.
Optionally, do not allow students to take a test once
the due date has passed.
Test Options
 Self- Assessment Options – This is a feature that is seldom used.
Leave the default unless you are not using it for a grade.
 Show Test Results and Feedback to Students – Test results and
feedback are available to students after they complete a test.
 Set up two rules to show results and feedback. Each rule
specifies when and what to show to students; such as scores,
answers, and feedback.
 Test Presentation –
 All at Once vs. One at a time
 Prohibit Backtracking
 Randomize Questions
Exporting and Importing an Existing
 It is possible to export a Test or Pool from one of your
courses and import it into another.
 This would be helpful if you have multiple sections of the
same course in which you might be using the same tests or
pools of questions.
 In the Test or Pool area, select Export to Local Computer
from the contextual menu of the test you want to
duplicate in other sections.
 Go to the next course and choose Import Test, then
Browse My Computer. Select the previously exported file.
Do’s and Don’ts
 It’s a good idea to title each quiz or exam with a unique
identifying name. For example, instead of Test 1, try a topic
or chapter based name.
 It is recommended that your tests not last more than 45-60
minutes because of connectivity issues.
 Be sure to make the link available!!!
 Your test instructions should clearly state all constraints
and options. For example, let them know if only one or
multiple attempts are allowed, if backtracking is permitted,
and if there is a time limit.
Do’s and Don’ts
 We strongly recommend unselecting the Force Completion
checkbox for tests.
 If a student inadvertently exits or is timed out of a test they
cannot return to complete the test. This feature does not
serve as a good substitute for an enforced timer.
 In addition, if checked, this option will clear the students
saved answers should they exit the test or lose their internet
connection. Leaving this option unchecked will allow a
student to reenter the exam; reducing the chance their
answers are lost if disconnected during the test.
Do’s and Don’ts
 It’s recommended that you select the One at a Time option
when choosing how test questions are displayed to
 This option requires the student to save each answer as they
move from one question to the next.
 This can help a student avoid losing their work if their test
session is interrupted.
 Unless you need to have the students see their test in a
new, separate browser window, select the No radio button
for Open in New Window.
Do’s and Don’ts
 Please check your questions before you deploy them!!!
 Warning - If students are in the process of taking a test or
have already taken a test, questions cannot be changed
except for minor text editing, for example to correct
typos. Attempting to change the number of points for a
question, adding or removing answers, adding or removing
feedback, or changing attached files could invalidate
existing test attempts and corrupt the entire assessment
and its Grade Center entries.
Do’s and Don’ts
 Help your students identify and solve technical issues
before actual online tests begin.
 Encourage students to save answers frequently when taking
tests to help prevent time-outs, especially on long exams or
when you display the test all at once.
 Encourage students to use the latest version of Firefox and
make sure Java and Flash are always up to date. Links for
these are in the Announcement section or log-in page.
 Make sure they don’t use their browser’s back, forward and
refresh buttons during a test. Users should only use arrows
within the test window.
 Instructors, CELT. Iowa State University, Center for Excellence in
Learning and Teaching. Best Practices for On-Line Testing in
Blackboard Learn. Retrieved from
 Other Test Generators can be found here:
 Blackboard, Inc. Blackboard Help. Retrieved from
 Blackboard, Inc. channel on YouTube!
Contact Information
Center for Distance Education
(409) 880-1847
Brandi McClary
(409) 880-7642