Lesson 5a: Creating a Test - CourseSites by Blackboard

Lesson 5a: Creating a Test
There are two steps to make tests available to students. First, the test needs to be created, and then it
needs to be deployed within a Content Area. Use the quick steps below to create a test with a Multiple
Choice Question.
1. On the Control Panel, click Course Tools to expand.
2. Click Tests, Surveys, and Pools.
Lesson 5a: Creating a Test
3. On the Tests, Surveys, and Pools page, click Tests.
Lesson 5a: Creating a Test
4. On the Tests page, click Build Test.
5. On the Test Information page, enter a Name, Description, and
Lesson 5a: Creating a Test
Note: The Description appears to students prior to beginning the assessment and the
Instructions appear after they launch the assessment.
6. Click Submit.
Note: The Test Canvas will appear next, where questions can be added.
7. On the Test Canvas page click the Create Question button to
expand the menu and select the Multiple Choice option.
Lesson 5a: Creating a Test
Note: Any desired question type can be added at this time or after your first question is
created. Please visit http://ondemand.blackboard.com/assess.htm#TestsSurveysandPools
to learn how to create other question types.
8. Enter the Question Title and Question Text.
Lesson 5a: Creating a Test
9. Optionally, select an Answer Numbering display type, an Answer
Orientation, and/or to Show Answers in Random Order.
Note: While visible, Multiple Choice answers do not allow for Partial Credit. This is an
option available for other question types such as Multiple Answer and Matching.
10. By default, you will have four (4) answer options. If you need
more, use the Number of Answers drop down to select more. If you
need less than four (4), click the Remove button next to the Answer
box(es) you wish to remove.
Lesson 5a: Creating a Test
11. Enter each of answer separately into the corresponding answer
text boxes.
Lesson 5a: Creating a Test
12. Indicate the correct answer by clicking the circular radio button
next to the left of the correct answer.
13. Optionally, enter Correct Response Feedback and/or Incorrect
Response Feedback.
Lesson 5a: Creating a Test
14. Click Submit. The Test Canvas reappears displaying the newly
added question.
15. To assign a point value other than the default of 10 points, click
the check box to the left of the question(s) you’d like to update, enter
a point value in the Points field, and then click Update.
Lesson 5a: Creating a Test
16. Additional test questions, of any type, can be created at this point
by clicking on the Create Question drop down once again.
17. Click OK when you are through adding questions. The test is
added to a list of tests; however it’s not yet deployed to students.
Lesson 5a: Creating a Test
Note: Review Step 4, Lesson 5b to learn how to deploy the newly created test.
Lesson 5a: Creating a Test