Trust-based Commercial Remedy Procedure Sequence L. Jack Smith July 2014 1) Every so called “commercial” or “legal” proceedings are in reality a dual trust administrative process for settling the matter. It requires both substantive and procedural components to effect a remedy. 2) The starting point is to realize the reality of the following points. First- there is no “money” (of value). As a corollary of this: a) there can be no effects of “LAW” since any violation of LAW requires a remedy to be exacted by the delivery of “money” which does not exist; b) There can be no “CONTRACTS” between parties since CONTRACTS require the consideration of valuable “MONEY” to invoke which does not exist; c) There can be no courts of “LAW” since courts of LAW exact a remedy by an order to deliver a penalty in valuable “MONEY” which does not exist; d) There can be no debtor/creditor relationships since without valuable “MONEY” which does not exist, there is no point in being a creditor to have a debtor; e) There is no “DEBTOR’S PRISONS” since there are no debtors; and f) Attorneys do not have to get involved in “LAW” since “LAW” does not exist. 3) If the above is true—and it is—then how does society function without money and without law and without contracts? It would appear that all is merely anarchy and everyone does what everyone wants to do in one’s own mind. This is not true for all society is based upon order. The answer is “TRUST”. Everything that is done and performed my mankind is based upon trust when there is no money. The motto of the United States of America as portrayed on the back of the “DOLLAR BILL” is IN GOD WE TRUST. Since the public today is a democracy and not a republic, then everything the public does and says is basically reversed as though seen in a mirror. Thus the motto is not really IN GOD WE TRUST but TRUST IS OUR GOD (Or what we believe in). Once one understands that every relationship carried on between mankind is based upon trusts, then one can start to see clearly what is happening in society today and one can start to formulate a remedy for all problems when things go wrong. ______________________________________________________________________________ COMMERCIAL REMEDY PROCEDURE SEQUENCE-v4 Page 1 of 13 4) Every legal and commercial presentment seems to look like a “charging instrument” whereby there seems to be a “debt” owed by the party receiving the instrument. But this is not true since there is “no money”. If it is not a debt instrument or charging instrument then what is it? One has to understand that even if there is “no money.” It does not necessarily mean that one cannot keep an ACCOUNT as though there is “money” to pay said account and zero it. If one cannot zero an account with money that does not exist, then what does one do to zero the account? The answer is deliver property instead of money. Property is represented by “titles.” So one needs to deliver a title to property to balance accounts when money does not exist. 5) Do not look at Federal Reserve Notes as money. The Federal Reserve Banks have stated in their publications that Federal Reserve Notes (hereinafter “FRNs”) are NOT money that contain value. The only value FRNs have is that which people perceive in their minds. Think of FRNs as merely pieces of “property” issued by a private bank sanctioned to operate in the military war zone known as “the democracy” as military war scrip. These titles to property with face vales of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 are issued in the democracy and can be used as “public and private tender” of titles to property to set off public accounts denominated in such. So, one does not make a “payment” on an account. Rather, one is merely exchanging property for property to zero an account. These “property units” are also known as liabilities and not as assets since there is no substance in the public. That is to say that the property titles are merely equitable and not legal or lawful. 6) Remember in 1933 the emergency banking act in the United States (within the federal territories and the jurisdiction of Congress to enact legislation for the District of Columbia and the territories) removed all money from the public and substituted property titles in its place, but said property titles were merely equitable. Therefore citizens and residents of the United States were unable to “pay” their debts. People on the other hand have the remedy to settle accounts by moving titles to property. 7) The Uniform Commercial Code is somewhat colorable. Colorable means partially true and partially a lie. It is not “black and white”. It deals with negotiable instruments which imply the use of money, and non-negotiable instruments which imply titles to property and “secured instruments”. As stated in paragraph 2 above, there being no “money of value,” those of us at a higher level of understanding must realize that we must deal in non-negotiable instruments—not negotiable instruments—to truly settle a matter in both substance and procedure. 8) If everything is a trust, then a civil or criminal court case is a trust. A utility account is a trust, etc. When the court case complaint, indictment, warrant, or information or citation is delivered to you, or the so called utility “bill” is delivered to you, it is not a charging instrument or a negotiable instrument to be endorsed and deposited as “mon______________________________________________________________________________ COMMERCIAL REMEDY PROCEDURE SEQUENCE-v4 Page 2 of 13 ey” and returned as an “acceptance for value and return for value.” The instrument is a title to the property that is delivered in the trust. It is delivered to YOU, who because of your receipt of the instrument (which is the title to the property) you have become the trustee in the trust to resolve the account. The one who created the instrument and delivered it to you is both the grantor to the trust and the beneficiary of the trust. The Grantor/Beneficiary wants the trustee to resolve the outstanding unbalance in the trust account. The only problem is that there is “no money” to balance the account in the public. Therefore the trustee must work in the realm of property titles in either the public or the private (the democracy or the republic). 9) Let us take as an example a “utility bill.” It is not a debt so it is not a “bill.” It is a title to let’s say an account showing that 150.00 units of electricity was delivered from ABC Power Company to your strawman’s home last month. The 150.00 are actually units of property title. The ABC Power Company has an account showing delivery of property, and the account manager for ABC Power Company must show some form of setoff to adjust this account to clear their books. If one delivers 150 FRNs to ABC Power Company, the account will be cleared in the public since FRNs are title to property units used in the democracy to adjust accounts. See paragraph 5 above. As the trustee in this matter, your tender of the 150 units of FRN property titles have allowed the account manager of the ABC Power Company to adjust the balance and settle the account. However, since the FRNs are liability instruments and not assets, there is still an ongoing account liability in existence since a private asset was not used to zero out the title balance. In order to zero out the title balance by a private property title adjustment, it is necessary to create a private trust to setoff the public trust creating the account. This will be discussed below. 10) A civil or criminal court case is similar to the example of the utility account discussed in paragraph 9 above. The plaintiff is the Grantor/Beneficiary of the public trust so created by the Complaint, Indictment, Information, or Citation (hereinafter “Complaint”). It establishes an account by which the Plaintiff seeks a remedy from the defendant by delivering the benefits to which the Beneficiary is entitled pursuant to the “trust property” named in the Complaint. The Defendant is always named as the Trustee of the public trust created by the Plaintiff. If the Trustee delivers the benefits to the Beneficiary (the Plaintiff) as set forth in the Complaint, the Trust is settled and the Defendant/Trustee is set free of any further obligations. The “court” is merely the forum in which to settle the issues between the parties to the public Trust. The “facts” named in the Complaint are really irrelevant to the settlement process. Whether the Complaint is civil or criminal is irrelevant. One can settle the Trust obligations on the public side (the democracy) or on the private side (the republic). ______________________________________________________________________________ COMMERCIAL REMEDY PROCEDURE SEQUENCE-v4 Page 3 of 13 11) The public side settlement of a civil or criminal case is achieved by delivering enough FRNs as public property titles to setoff any so called “monetary” judgment equal to the trust property title “assessment,” or in the case of a criminal Trust, delivering a combination of publicly deliverable FRNs and privately delivery of FRNs through the artifice of “imprisonment” as a bad trustee in contempt of one’s trustee duties as imposed by the Complaint. Everyone in prison is a “bad trustee” in that they did not setoff the account of their own volition without the “court” interceding to bring an equitable judgment against the defendant/Trustee for contempt for failure to perform one’s duty as trustee. On the public side of a criminal case—since there is no “money” to settle the account involving a prison term for contempt—the only public settlement is to “do time” in prison and in probation. It would take a private setoff to overcome this issue in criminal cases. 12) There is no “debtor’s prison” since there is no money and no debt. Everyone in prison is there because they volunteered. They volunteered when they did not perform their duty as a Trustee in the Trust/Complaint. There are no courts of law. Law does not exist. See Paragraph 2 above. There are only courts of equity. Equity requires good faith and faithful performances of one’s duties. Everyone in prison is called a “trustee.” This is because they are trustees who voluntarily failed to perform their duty as a Defendant/Trustee in the Complaint. They are in prison for equitable contempt and not for failure to “pay”. They hold the keys to their own cell if they turn around and purge the contempt by performance. 13) One performs as a trustee by delivering the benefits of the Trust to the Beneficiary which is usually the Plaintiff. Since the Complaint is the Res or the property title in the Case/Trust, and since the property title is placed in the hands of the Trustee/Defendant when the Trustee/Defendant is served with the Complaint, then the Trustee has the title to the property in the Trustee’s possession. The Plaintiff/Beneficiary is entitled to the use and possession of the property named in the Complaint/Res. If the Defendant/Trustee continues to physically hold on to the “title” as served upon him without doing anything to get the benefits of the Res to the Plaintiff, then the Defendant/Trustee is “obstructing justice” and is a bad Trustee, because he has failed to deliver the benefits of the property/Res to the Plaintiff/Beneficiary. One way to resolve the impasse is for the Trustee/Defendant to endorse over the title to the property/Res to the benefit of the Plaintiff/Beneficiary to give the Plaintiff/Beneficiary access to the use and possession thereof. This endorsement is one of title and not one of a negotiable instrument as though it were “money.” Consequently, the endorsement should be a non-negotiable signature instead of a negotiable signature. And it should be a signature as one of a Trustee in the public matter. It should also be as a Grantor/Beneficiary in a Private Trust established for settlement of the Public Trust. ______________________________________________________________________________ COMMERCIAL REMEDY PROCEDURE SEQUENCE-v4 Page 4 of 13 So now we have two trusts: The first trust is a Complaint/Trust we will call “Trust A” which is the Complaint and the appointment of YOUR STRAWMAN as the Trust A Trustee. You, as Trustee, need to resolve this matter by creating the second trust – Private Complaint Resolution Trust, we will call Trust B, in which you are the Grantor/Beneficiary of Trust B and you need to appoint a new Trust B Trustee to take the endorsed Property/Res of Trust A and to do an undertaking to convert the value of the Property/Res of Trust A into FRN property units to be delivered to the Plaintiff/Beneficiary of Trust A to settle the account of Trust A. 14) Trust B is a mirror image of Trust A. The strawman is the Trustee of Trust A and has no remedy in the Public/Democracy to completely satisfy the account in substance, because there is no money. In Trust B, your appointed Trustee will be a Chief Financial Officer (hereinafter “CFO”). This CFO is an officer of a public corporation, who is by way of his office (Ex Officio) also a “public banker.” The CFO has been “licensed” to exchange private property titles for FRNs or public property titles. Neither you nor your strawman have been licensed to create these FRN titled instruments. These FRNs can then be used as exchange units by the Trust B appointed Trustee to discharge the public accounts set up by the Complaint as a duty of Trustee A. The private property titles come from the foreign situs birth certificate trust accounts of the People in the Republic and are the foundation for all property title exchanges. 15) There is a Biblical source of these dual trusts upon which the civil and criminal trust structures were patterned. In the relationship between God and man, God was the Grantor/Beneficiary of Creation Trust. It is the Old Testament teaching of Scripture. God created and granted man a place in God’s creation. Man was placed in the Garden of Eden and appointed Trustee in the Creation Trust to watch over God’s property which is the world. The Trustee had one obligation which was not to eat of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. To eat thereof was essentially to “not trust the Grantor/beneficiary” which would make man a “bad trustee.” When man ate thereof, man was punished, not under law, but under equity. Man was removed from his Trust duty for cause, and also as a bad trustee, man was removed from the presence of God. In essence, Adam and Eve were punished for attempting to run the Creation Trust for the benefit of the Trustee instead of for the Beneficiary. 16) God the Father created a new trust relationship to provide a remedy for man to get back into the good graces of God the Father. This new Trust is Trust A and was given to Moses at Mount Sinai. God told Moses to set forth the conditions of Trust A in front of the men by telling the men that if they agreed to follow all of God’s laws, then God would again be their God and they would be God’s people with restoration to Trusteeship under God’s creation. God was the grantor and the beneficiary of Trust A and mankind was to be the Trustee of Trust A. Mankind failed to perform because a violation of the ______________________________________________________________________________ COMMERCIAL REMEDY PROCEDURE SEQUENCE-v4 Page 5 of 13 law became an account that mankind had no “currency” or “money” to settle. God’s Trust A was a law trust requiring strict performance. To provide a remedy for mankind, God came in with His New Testament Trust B. God told mankind that if Mankind would be a Grantor/Beneficiary to a trust in equity to resolve the law Trust A, then Trust A account could be discharged. In Trust B, man has to appoint the Son of God as the Trustee. The Res of Trust A is the property rights of the inheritance of God’s creation that is reserved for those in honor to God and whose accounts involving the failure under Trust A are resolved. As the Grantor/Beneficiary of Trust B one has to deliver to the Trustee of Trust B, Jesus, the Accommodation Party who possesses the3 Res of Trust A as the Res of Trust B to be exchanged for the “money of account” in God the Father’s world, which is the blood of an innocent man, in order to setoff the account. One can see that this dual trust structure is the essence of the Plan B of Salvation or man’s remedy to his Creator. 17) Likewise the dual trust setoff is the remedy for the strawman to get a remedy from its creator, the corporate democracy United States, in the public for civil and criminal accounts. 18) In essence, the old common law use of lawful gold and silver money has been statutized. With lawful money, items were not “bought and sold” or paid for, they were exchanged with equal value (inherent in the coin) for equal value. There was no “gain” and therefore no tax. Today, FRN property units are also exchanged for property titles. FRNs state that they are “legal tender for all debts, public and private”. The legal term “debt” is defined in Black’s Law Ninth Edition under definition 3 as: “a nonmonetary thing that one person owes another, such as goods or services.” Therefore a “debt” or an open “account” can be nonmonetary. If one uses FRNs obtained solely on the public side, then the “tender” is public. If one adds the additional step of accepting the title for the goods or services being obtained with a “special deposit” endorsement, and a TRUST B is established to exchange the private title for FRNs through a CFO banker, then the “tender” is private and the transaction is basically “statutized” as if a pre 1933 tender with lawful money. 19) There are three federal laws, statutes, or legal instruments which point to the above understanding as the true remedy. They are The Lieber Code of 1863, Section 4 of the 14th Article in Amendment to the United States Constitution, and Title 12 United States Code §95a. We will take these one at a time. a) The Civil War was a war conducted concerning debt obligations, and not about slavery. All states prior to the Civil War were bound by the Constitution of the United States. A “constitutor” is defined by Black’s Law Dictionary as one who is ______________________________________________________________________________ COMMERCIAL REMEDY PROCEDURE SEQUENCE-v4 Page 6 of 13 liable for another person’s debts. The states were liable for the national debts that could not be paid by the national government. For the Southern states to merely “walk away” and secede from the union without resolving their liability under the provision of the Constitution was a dishonor. It would be like a husband and wife having a joint bank mortgage on their house. The husband And wife desire to be divorced. They cannot merely walk away and abandoned the mortgage obligation without resolving the issue or paying off the debt prior to the divorce. Furthermore, the seceded Southern State aggression on Fort Sumter, a federal enclave whose duty it was to collect import and export duties on goods to help discharge the national debt obligations was an act of financial warfare and treason. The national government is “foreign” to the republic states. The Southern states were is rebellion against the Constitution. The Northern states, by siding up with the nation-foreign government to go to war against their brothers in the South were therefore also in treason to the Constitution. When the national government with the Northern states one the “war”, then the foreign national government became the foreign aggressor victors. With the spoils of war come many changes. The Lieber Code of 1863 was published by the United States Secretary of War, E.D. Townsend of documents prepared for the Union Army by Francis Lieber, LL.D, and approved by the Union command and the President Abraham Lincoln to inform all concerned about the state of the war. The Code was instructions to the Government of the Armies of the United States in the Field. Paragraphs 31 and 38 bear special attention to the current status of relationship, law, and commerce. Paragraph 31. A victorious army appropriates all public money, seizes all public movable property until further direction by its government, and sequesters for its own benefit or of that of its government all the revenues of real property belonging to the hostile government or nation. The title to such real property remains in abeyance during military occupation, and until the conquest is made complete. Paragraph 38. Private property, unless forfeited by crimes or by offenses of the owner, can be seized only by way of military necessity, for the support or other benefit of the Army or of the United States. If the owner has not fled, the commanding officer will cause receipts to be given, which may serve the spoliated owner to obtain indemnity. It is obvious by the above paragraphs of the Lieber Code that all property in the United States is “owned” by the United States as a result of the Civil War victory. In paragraph 31, all public property of the Southern and Northern states was forfeit to the union army-government (which is called the democracy). Also all reve- ______________________________________________________________________________ COMMERCIAL REMEDY PROCEDURE SEQUENCE-v4 Page 7 of 13 nues from the real property belonging to the republic states are also forfeit to the army-government of the United States. Since the people have been “registering” their real property with the republic states, then the people’s real property is also subject to the sequester and the titles are in abeyance. The term “register” is a combination of “regis” and “ter”. “Regis” means the king and “ter” is short for tera. So a registration means a turning over of the title to the “king’s land”. The act and acts of F.D. Roosevelt as President in 1933 was the declaration of the necessity that cleared the way for the “military necessity” to seize private property belonging to the people pursuant to paragraph 38 of the Lieber Code. It is essential for “you” to understand that “you” do not own property in the United States. All of “your” property in the public has been seized for use by the democracy as a military necessity. “You” are under the “Trading With The Enemy Act” as an assumed person involved in insurrection and rebellion. b) The 4th and 5th Section of the Amendment XIV to the Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America give insight to the current process of administering the provisions of the Lieber Code as it applies to conditions in the United States today. They read as follows: 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States (democracy), authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection and rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss of a slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void. 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. It appears that the United States cannot pay any debts if the party requesting said payment is involved in insurrection or rebellion. But what constitutes “insurrection” or “rebellion”? Taking property belonging to the army-government might be considered an “act of insurrection or rebellion”. But remember, under the Lieber Code all property in the United States is “owned” by the army-government”. So if you claim to be an “owner” of what the army-government claims, then you are in insurrection or rebellion. What is NOT said in the 14th Article in Section 4 is very interesting. It does not say that the United States or the States will NOT pay debts or obligations if one is not in insurrection or rebellion. This is important. Furthermore in paragraph 38 of the Lieber Code, the prospect of the spoliated owner of the property may obtain ______________________________________________________________________________ COMMERCIAL REMEDY PROCEDURE SEQUENCE-v4 Page 8 of 13 indemnity for seizure of the property if the spoliated owner is not in insurrection or rebellion.. c) Basically, the military necessity of paragraph 38 of the Lieber Code seizing the private property in the United States is a result of “financial warfare” whereby debts and liabilities are overwhelming assets making the balancing of accounts in the public a problem. The remedy is therefore a banking remedy to resolve a banking crisis. Title 12 §95a is the statute enforcing HJR 192 of 1933. It states: 12USC §95a Any payment, conveyance, transfer, assignment, or delivery of property or interest therein, made to or for the account of the United States, or as otherwise directed, pursuant to this section or any rule, regulation, instruction, or direction issued hereunder shall to the extent thereof be a full acquittance and discharge for all purposes of the obligation of the person making the same; and no person shall be held liable in any court for or in respect to anything done or omitted in good faith in connection with the administration of, or in pursuance of and in reliance on, this section, or any rule, regulation, instruction, or direction issued hereunder. It states that when property is conveyed to the United States by any person, that it will be a full acquittance and discharge of the obligation of the person making the same to the extent of the value thereof, and this act will render the jurisdiction of the courts to further entertain this issue moot for acts done in good faith. In essence, for one not in insurrection or rebellion under the Lieber Code or the 4th section of the 14th Article in Amendment, it is a remedy. 20) In Trust A, the State or the United States or one of their corporate persons is claiming “ownership” of property by the complaint, indictment, administrative process, etc. They claim ownership by becoming the Beneficiary of Trust A. Your Strawman of Trust A as Trustee needs to deed the property back to the United States as the owner pursuant to the Lieber Code. In so doing, your Strawman is neither involved in insurrection nor rebellion. Thus under the 4th Section of the 14th Article in Amendment, the United States can and will “pay” the debt of the Strawman Trustee of Trust A, by the acts and actions of “you” as the Grantor and beneficiary of Trust B through the accommodation party and via the acts and actions of Trust B Trustee- the CFO. Note that if the Trust B Trustee- the CFO fails in his fiduciary duty to provide the return of the property title to the United States pursuant to Trust B, then Trust B Trustee- the CFO is involved in insurrection and rebellion against the United States and subject to criminal and civil prosecution. 21) The criminal proceedings and to an extent the civil proceedings in the court room are structured to get “you” to admit inopen court that you are involved in insurrection and rebellion. Remember, they state that anything you say can and will be used against you in a court. There is a series of questions usually asked by the magistrate or judge. ______________________________________________________________________________ COMMERCIAL REMEDY PROCEDURE SEQUENCE-v4 Page 9 of 13 Question 1 (Q1). What is your name? As they say, what is in a name? The name is not the person. It is the property. The name is the property held by the United States and the States by the registration of the Birth Certificate. The name is also the defendant or the Trustee of Trust A on the deed that makes up the contents of the case. So the name is the property belonging to army- the United states as a result of the provisions of war as contained in the Lieber Code. When you answer that question and say that you are that name, then you have identified yourself as army-United States property. They own you. Q2. Do you understand the charges? First of all there are no “charges”. That is a monetary term and there is no money. They are saying: “Do you know that you have the property owned by the army-United States, and that you need to return this to the army-United States since there is a military necessity for doing so?” Obviously, you think the party asking the question is saying “Do you understand the street meaning of the words coming out of my mouth spoken in English?” You do not want to be thought of as an uneducated idiot, so you say: “Yes”. That means to the magistrate or judge that you intend to carry out your duty to return the property to the army-United States. But that is not what is going through your head. Q3. In a criminal case, this question is How do you plead? Guilty or not guilty? This may also include the plea of no contest under Criminal Rule 11. To plead not guilty is to say that you refuse to “pay” or refuse to return the property to the army-United States. This is an admission of a controversy as to who is the “owner” of the property. It is an act of insurrection or rebellion against the seizure of the property for military necessity under the Lieber Code. Your own words have trapped you in rebellion. The correct response is to immediately endorse the property title back to the army-United States or State via a non-negotiable endorsement as the Trustee of Trust A, appoint a Trustee of Trust B to settle the claim, and obtain remedy via Title 12 USC §95a. REMEDY BY TRUST B ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS A. First Step is to Establish TRUST B by dual means with the CFO. The following documents are needed: a. Res of TRUST A (Property Title to Your Strawman) i. ii. iii. iv. v. Res = complaint, bill, indictment, citation, etc of TRUST A Get original or at least a certified copy of the Res Endorse the back with: “For Special Deposit to the order of <CFO’s name>” Sign it as “By: <YOUR STRAWMAN NAME>, TRUSTEE/BENEFICIARY” Original endorsed instrument goes to CFO/TRUSTEE TRUST B ______________________________________________________________________________ COMMERCIAL REMEDY PROCEDURE SEQUENCE-v4 Page 10 of 13 vi. Make a copy and certify it as a true, correct copy of original endorsed instrument” vii. You keep, for your records the original certified copy of the endorsed instrument. viii. Plain copies of your certified copy will go to all other parties. b. Draw up written TRUST B indenture i. TRUST INDENTURE must contain 4 items: 1. 2. 3. 4. Disclose all parties thereto: Grantor, Trustee, Beneficiary. Disclose purpose for the TRUST. Disclose intent for the TRUST. Identify the Res (property) in the TRUST = endorsed title (See a.) ii. You keep original TRUST INDENTURE for your records. Your signature as Grantor/Beneficiary should be notarized c. File UCC-1 non UCC filing i. A Trustee is a “Secured Party” on the UCC-1 non UCC filing. ii. A Debtor is the “beneficiary” on the UCC-1 non UCC filing. iii. The UCC-1 non UCC filing acknowledges your strawman’s part in accepting the offer of a “TRUSTEE” of TRUST A. iv. It lists as “collateral” the RES of TRUST A which is the “deed” served on TRUSTEE A in the matter. This “deed” or title is the “security” being held for processing. 1. NOTICE is also given on the filing of the existence of the written TRUST B indenture and its date of creation. 2. The Indenture should not physically be attached or copied into the UCC1 non UCC filing. 3. An Affidavit of a 3rd party as to witnessing the signing of the Indenture before a Notary Public by the Grantor/Beneficiary of TRUST B can be mentioned on the UCC-1 non UCC filing and attached as a filed Exhibit to the UCC-1 non UCC filing. d. File UCC-3 non UCC filing i. This filing establishes the public notice of the creation of TRUST B and the establishment of the TRUSTEE of TRUST B as the “assignee” of the the TRUSTEE of TRUST A in the UCC-1 non UCC filiing. ii. The “Secured Party Creditor” in the UCC-3 non UCC filing is the TRUSTEE of TRUST B. iii. The “Debtor” in the UCC-3 non UCC filing is the beneficiary of TRUST A and the Beneficiary of TRUST B (Which is your strawman). ______________________________________________________________________________ COMMERCIAL REMEDY PROCEDURE SEQUENCE-v4 Page 11 of 13 iv. The collateral is the same RES as that in TRUST A with the “Special Deposit” endorsement by the TRUSTEE of TRUST A thereon being delivered to the TRUSTEE of TRUST B which is the “Secured Party Creditor” of the UCC-3 non UCC filing. e. Compose a cover letter for CFO/Trustee of TRUST B, to inform him of the contents of the mailing. f. Serve above five (5) instruments of the CFO TRUSTEE of TRUST B. i. This is the second witness to TRUST B (the first being the express written TRUST B). ii. Delivery and receipt by TRUSTEE B establishes the TRUST B in a 2nd witness iii. A “Proof of Service” of the documents by a 3rd party mailer is a witness to receipt. iv. The Registered mail Post Office return with signature is the 2nd 3rd party witness to receipt. B. Second step is to notify Grantor/Plaintiff/Beneficiary of TRUST A a. If process is in court, file an answer as a Defendant/Trustee of TRUST A i. An Answer can always be one that causes the Defendant/Trustee of TRUST A to become a third party plaintiff with the TRUSTEE of TRUST B as a third party defendant as a caption. ii. The pleading is that all matters and obligations belonging to the Defendant/TRUSTEE of TRUST A are now to be setoff in liability by the New Third Party Defendant, TRUSTEE of TRUST B. b. File Motion to stay proceedings to allow Third Party Defendant to resolve the matter. c. File Motion seal documents as “proprietary information.” C. In the Event one is in Prison on Trustee Contempt: a. The CFO instructions change from discharging the public liability of the Plaintiff/Beneficiary of TRUST A, to discharging the investor in the sold account, who purchased the account by a Wall Street sale. b. The CFO TRUSTEE of TRUST B should be instructed to determine the current account holder upon whose cause the Defendant/TRUSTEE of TRUST A is being detained in prison. ______________________________________________________________________________ COMMERCIAL REMEDY PROCEDURE SEQUENCE-v4 Page 12 of 13 c. The CFO should be instructed to take the “endorsed deed” or property title and “monetize” the title, and to make a “call” on the outstanding bond being held on the incarcerated Bad TRUSTEE of TRUST A, and to discharge the bond with the proceeds of the “monetization” to cause the release and discharge of the Bad TRUSTEE of TRUST A. ______________________________________________________________________________ COMMERCIAL REMEDY PROCEDURE SEQUENCE-v4 Page 13 of 13