HISTORY 124B Policing the World Atlantic Charter FDR builds



Policing the World

Atlantic Charter

FDR builds coalitions with other countries

Notion of collective security

notion of human rights (applicable to other nations)

Notion of sovereign nations, power over their own people


Didn’t have conversation very much before WW

Did discuss in Enlightenment (human rights), expands this idea further o Articulated in Bill of Rights

Four freedoms: freedom from want, freedom from fear develops into Atlantic Charter o Religious freedom, freedom of speech left out o Too many implications for England and India (fear from pushing it too far, redirecting attention to places we don’t want it to go, since GB is our ally) o Highlight differences from Anglo ideals and Nazism o Consequences: stuck with moral principles once they are declared

Raised issues of human rights in post war period

Individuals held individually accountable for violations of human rights

Before, was not held accountable

What are the limits of war? Raised again and again with Korean/Vietnam War, Abu Grab

US emerges out of WW with strong economic basis, lived through two major wars

Not interested in recreating new quagmire of reparations and treaties

Churchill, FDR meet on a set of ships off of Newfoundland, create charter

Destruction of Nazi tyranny would be followed by free trade (no more trade barriers), rights of all people to choose the form of govt they want, global expansion of New Deal policies into other nations, triumph of his policy (collective bargaining, economic advancements, etc)

No signatures, describes ideal circumstances (imagined creation), ideal that is not achievable

Pivotal first statement in 1941, defines Allies goal for post war period, written then agreed to by the rest of the Allies

No expansion of territory, later reneged upon, enfranchisement?

Free access to materials

No trade restrictions

Freedom from want

Freedom from fear

Freedom of the seas (free trade, access)

Abandonment of use of force

Disarmament of aggressive nations

Not a blueprint, but informative for following documents (GAAP trade agreements)

Quite sticky situation for GB

Reparations ruined everything, brought everyone into recession (US, Europe)

Had all these plans for the Kaiser, but did nothing to him, were we going to do the same to the Nazis?


Important trial, b/c articulates that people have rights

Documents that it actually did happen

Saw films of released concentration camps

Unique trial, intent to give Nazis a fair trial with adequate representation

Good for people to see that Nazis were going to be punished

Some cried out to destroy any technology that would make Germany money, tried to turn Germany back into pastoral country so they wouldn’t be a problem anymore (highly contested) 

turn into impoverished nation, concerns that this would turn Germany against the world again

Could not be show trial, had to be a real trial where they’d be proven guilty o Pressure to actually convict them b/c otherwise they would walk o Difficulty b/c Nazis didn’t do all the dirty work themselves but tasked it to minions


No international body of law to look to to govern decisions from trial, no court to prosecute war criminals on an international scale

Many documents to look through o People start sending in documents

Nuremberg prison had a secret tunnel that led directly into the court (did not want criminals to go through the streets, be attacked by public)

Issue of language b/c not all the Allies speak the same language

create a simultaneous translation device that allows them all to communicate to each other in real time w/o manual translation/lagtime

Nuremberg Charter: laid out rules that trials would follow o War crimes

Planning, preparation, participation, initiation, initiating war of aggression

In violation of international treaties (Kellogg Brand Act)

Violation of traditional battlefield yore (Hague, Geneva Conventions of 1907) o Crimes against peace o Crimes against humanity

Murder, extermination, deportation, enslavement, inhuman acts against human populations before/during war

Persecution on religious grounds before the war o Holding an official decision, obedience to superior did not count? o Spelled out charges against 24 defendants, 24 defendant organizations o Sticky situation b/c they must go back to charge them on actions that occurred before the war o Raises questions about extent to which we want to open borders, international discourse about how to treat domestic population o Were judging Germans about how they treated their civilians before the war (Crystal Knot?)

Some high ranking officials were expecting easy punishments/life (lived like madam in a brothel)

Clear demonstration that there are human rights, limits to war, some things that are too much

Collective Security


If we all just join forces, and include security in globalization, we’ll all be protected

Police these violations of human rights, violations of limits of war

Bretton Woods agreement

World Bank was born

Agreement from meeting of great powers


How do we ensure that old colonies that are falling apart after WW don’t move toward communism instead of capitalism?

Restructure the war torn communities in the wake of the war to promote economic expansion

IMF set up to stabilize currencies in post war period, prevent inflationary excess


US is the only one participating that hasn’t been economically devastated form the war o More money to distribute, more power o World Bank in DC, UN in NYC

US could decide location o Churchill could see the bias, was not sure they were going to participate


US profited handsomely from the war, other countries didn’t (had everything destroyed)

Containment of communism (limit expansion), both capitalism and communism need to keep expanding to survive

choke communism by preventing its future growth into other countries

UN: Financial Institutions & Human Rights

Creation of international organization dedicated to peace would stabilize the world

Security Council (five permanent veto-wielding members): US, China, GB, Fr, Russia

Eleanor Roosevelt becomes US representative, focuses on human, civil rights

Truman Doctrine

George Keenan (US ambassador while in Moscow) sends a telegram to State Department re: Russia

His philosophy comes to be the US understanding of communism

Communists are neurotic

traditional instinctive sense of insecurity from after Russian Revolution


Inherently imperialist

simple contest between US, USSR

Only understood force in relation to the rest of the world

Two ways of understanding this: o US about liberty, free to choose the type of system under which they want to live o USSR: minority of population controls majority through use of force

Understanding shapes the Truman Doctrine, bolsters Cold War ideology

US has to have unlimited supply of people, money to police everywhere in the world to prevent communism’s spread o Pay for puppet governors, mercenaries to police the world o Win the hearts, minds of distant populations to convince them that capitalism > communism o Communism

equality, capitalism


Containment of communism

Marshall Plan

Investing US money in Europe to rebuild the continent

Devise the plan to rebuild Europe, build up the economies


Europe has to rebuild quickly so they don’t turn back to USSR out of desperation


Extension of FDR’s New Deal to international waters

$13B in 4 years to stimulate trade so Europeans can buy goods from US

Keeping US economy bolstered to keep producing to export it to Europe, where it can be bought w/

Marshall Plan

US rewrites Constitution for Japan

sign non-aggression pact to never rearm forever, becomes US’s bulwark of capitalism in Asia

Berlin Air Lift

USSR creates blockade around Berlin

There are different sections of Berlin (USSR, US, etc)

Stops all traffic going in and out to control the NATO zone

US starts the Berlin Air Lift for 11 months

Drops food into controlled zone b/c USSR has prevented deliveries of supplies

West Germany (NATO), East Germany (USSR)

Iron Curtain from east to west: state of mind, not exactly physical object until later


Doesn’t physically go up in 1950s

National Security Act & NATO

Passed in 1947, creates the National Security Council

Increase congressional oversight

Birth of CIA (give military intelligence from international countries), Department of Defense (War,

Navy merger), NATO

NATO: created in 1949 (first long term military alliance since the Revolutionary War)

Western Europe, Canada, US

System of mutual responders

if one is attacked, all of them will respond

Freedom Train

Show the nation our ideals of freedom, liberty

Tour that goes across US, 1947

Train that is filled with founding documents of US (Declaration of Independence, Gettysburg Address,

Emancipation Proclamation, etc)

Am Heritage Foundation hosted (conservative org)

Wanted to take off references to slavery as South still has slavery in form of Jim Crow laws

Wanted to take off the 14 and 15 Amendments


After destruction of Japan, China has a civil war

Mao directs march toward progress (communism)

Mao and Chiang Kai Shek ally together very briefly, then split apart


Chinese Nationalism v. communism in civil war

Turn China from rural area to industrial country

US saw China and USSR as allying together against them

Chiang Kai Shek (real capitalist China) flees to Taiwan, get seat on National Security Council



paradox of am history

When liberated from Japan, divided at 39 parallel into N/S

Invasion of N into S

National Security Council

Truman fires McArthur ?

Korean War was expensive for US

Refugee populations running from bombs, children killed

Never really a war

President just orders troops into the country, never declares war

significant increase in presidential power from what’s delineated in constitution

Cold War

Cold War stays cold b/c of nuclear power, its ability to kill the world (mutually ensured destruction)

Both are bent on territorial expansion and have terrible power

War gets fought on satellite countries

USSR power

US can never confront them directly

US invades Hungary, USSR does nothing

US invades Iran in 1953, USSR does nothing

US invades Guatemala

send military to protect United Fruit company’s land, stop the government from giving the land to peasants, USSR does nothing as it doesn’t want to start a war

Economic system in US

Mobilization for war effort

ends Great Depression

Turns productive capacity into protecting democracy

Massive migration, redistribution of population, work

Blacks migrate to CA, up to northern industrial cities from South

Difficult for blacks to do anything else than sharecropping, domestic work

want to get into unions, factory industrial work

In three years, Western states’ populations go up 40% (while rest of nation only goes up 9%)

Housing shortage in US, lots of influx of people

Bay Area had lots of temporary workers as well in relation to military (waiting to be shipped out)

Lots of temporary housing set up

people rent out hotbeds (utilize beds all day between people of different work shifts)

Richmond, Vallejo become bustling cities with war industry

1943, Bay Area shortages in everything

Beginning of Levitt Town/suburban booms

born from need to build houses fast


Women finally were able to get into industries that previously barred women, many entered military

Segregated (black nurses served blacks, white nurses served whites)  didn’t even mix blood

Increase in policing of women’s sexual morality, interest in government in monitoring that

Began communities to criminalize deviant sexual behavior of women, sent to rehab to cure them of neurotic behavior/mind


Take advantage of situation to pressure the president

Many in poverty, engaged in sharecropping, denied the vote

With increase in black employment, Randolph threatens FDR with march in DC to demonstrate inequality of treatment


Wants FDR to end segregation, discrimination in federal hiring, armed services, govt to end segregation, discrimination across the board


FDR can’t be seen as discriminatory when it was fighting a war for freedom, liberty

Signs orders that prevents discrimination and segregation, opens union work to ethnic minorities

Open Fair Employment Act Commission to protect employment practices  not super effective b/c war sucking money from enforcement, does not have much teeth, people must complain first then the commission will investigate

War setting up for Civil Rights Act

Elvis Presley

Blues music

Birth amidst poverty in the GD

Took Am in, became the iconoclastic representation of the journey Am was going to undergo in the 60s

Included modern hits, patriotic recitals (pure gospel), dirty blues

Review of his concerts like biblical revivals

“king of rock and roll”

Rendered kitsch by mid 60s, self destruction/alliance with Nixon

Shotgun house (long and skinny shape), used to be dilapidated/junky

Met/allied with Nixon

paradox for fans shaped by 60s ideal of rock and roll

Creator and avenger of counterculture revolution, also very deferential to authority


Rebel who worried that he started something he couldn’t contain

Born 1935 in Mississippi, tiny shack

Move to Memphis in Great Migration, family found work

Joined church, hymn singing

In 1955, was able to cut two sides of a 45 to send out to radio stations

Jewish white guys wrote a song and tried to get credit for it from black guys that were recording it, then

Elvis takes the song and totally redoes it

Liberated first wave of baby boomers from Cold War anxiety, suburbia

Elvis dispersed rock and roll singles with gospel music

Never renounced beliefs of his youth even after descending into mass market consumerism

had sex with lots of black girls

started buying clothes from one of the only retailers that allow blacks to try on clothes

lots of interrelationships with black people/black culture

rockabilly look

disturbing idea of racial equality (initially struck down with Plessy v Ferguson, separate but equal)

later Brown v Board of Education (outlaws segregation) comes out as same year as Elvis hit

Sam Phillips at Sun Records: if I could find a white guy with a negro voice, negro sound, he could make a billion dollars (more about ideology than money), founder of Sun Records, sympathy for blacks, made lots of R&B music o Presley’s first single did not do very well, but was able to schedule more recording sessions

not an overnight success, worked with Phillips to draw out talent, create rockabilly sound

joined old guard of music

came from family of Christian values of equality, honored cultural roots without prejudice

no passion for politics, southern deferential attitude toward authority

origins, class basis never far from surface, could be seen through various illusions

pinch of ridicule

retreats to Graceland and goes crazy

reflects Am attitudes at large

moves came from black, not white community

wasn’t about him being a civil rights leader, but he became one


Victorian ideals toward sex broken with Hugh Hefner’s Playboy, dancing, Marilyn Monroe

Old Guard turned against him


Followed American dream of success, achieved it

Sad and isolated life which degenerated into drug use, isolation


Didn’t like the rebellion, but started that movement of counterculture against generational divide (rock and roll, anti-Vietnam War protests, etc)

Johnny Cash

white country music

man of conscience

zigzagged across political divide

denounced Am’s class system

Cold War

Truman: relationship between civil rights and freedom at home, US’s ability to announce freedom, liberty in its role in the Cold War

Am paradox: people who open their mouth in public sphere are punished for it, trying to keep everyone quiet to fight war on communism

Truman trying to create pro-equality Create anti-lynch law, abolish poll taxes, establish statues that protect right to vote, integrate military, deny funds to discriminating departments

Executive Order 9008


President’s Com on Civil Rights 1947

Amicus Curiae brief

brief given to Supreme Court by third party, opinion on issue

Civil Rights Movement

Nixon said in election speech: must defend civil rights b/c it is just, right, cannot compete against communism if they don’t use energy, potential of all citizens


The entire world is watching US’s treatment of minorities (newly freed citizens), cannot afford to treat minorities as second class citizens

NAACP & Justice Department o Used timing as leverage to get their goal

MLK stifled views on Vietnam War until 1961

Desegregation of armed forces 1948

Executive Order 9981

Phillip Randolph

Shelly v Kramer 1948 o Case in which court decides that restrictive covenants (CC4Rs) o Restricted certain races from having access to neighborhoods o Against civil rights legislation o Only rich people can fight against the law, injustice, poor people have no ability to fight it in court o Success b/c they win, but motivation is to make it seem like we are pro equality, afraid of backlash that would happen if it lost o In conjunction with NAACP, amicus briefs from Justice Department

Desegregation of schools

McLaurin v Oklahoma – grad school

Brown v Board

Josephine Baker o International star o Not a radical in terms of politics o World will eventually live in racial harmony o FBI held copious files on her o Used information to persuade other countries to prevent her from performing with US Embassies o When she goes to Latin Am to perform, becomes international issue o Seen as threat b/c used her international prominence to draw attention to racial injustice in US o Small countries get stuck between rock in hard place between US and opposing people

HISTORY 124B o Cuba used to be like US colony, very pro US interests o Accused of being a communist, questioned in Cuba o Silencing racial discourse in US to win the Cold War o Went to Paris to perform, was very successful o Marries Frenchman to become a French citizen o US can’t stop her after that from speaking with anti-US sentiment o Transcend racialized discourse about her o Became famous woman, acting and singing in roles for white women o Born very poor, had to steal coal to heat house o Became housekeeper, treated badly o In Paris, lived glamorous life (haven from US) o Started doing intelligence work for Allies, wrote in invisible ink on her scores o Awarded Cross of Meringue by John De Gaulle o Given Legion of Honor for wartime service to Fr o Saw fighting Nazis as fighting racism o After war, returns to US, gets job at Zigfield Follies?, is disgusted o Takes job as an undercover writer for French magazine o Writes about bad treatment of blacks in Deep South without veneer of stardom o Says she will no longer perform for all white performances o Puts in contract that club must have black people at her show, and have a mixed audience o Seen as very stylish woman o 1951, travels to NY to become star in South Pacific, try to get dinner at Stork Club, no one will serve them

call NAACP, leave restaurant, try to get Hoover involved but he said it’s not his business o Leaves country, returns to Paris, gossip about her continues in papers  good idea to keep track of Baker, see if she is a communist

begin inspecting her, collecting files o Contact other countries where she has employment contracts, let club owners know that they will be in trouble if they continue hiring her o Use communism issue to counteract her claims about racism in US o Decides to go on a speaking tour to speak on the streets, becomes more critical of practices in US

impelled to fight discrimination wherever she goes

 Talks about stories in US about treatment o Compared racism to Holocaust o Addressed role of women in public eye

hyper sexualization, on public display

Taking away idea that black women belong only in nature o Clay Powell speaks against her (NAACP, congressman) – doing nothing to help Am situation abroad o Eventually found it impossible to get acts in Latin Am, prevented from going abroad as well

(visa was revoked) o Not a radical, driven out of profession by State Department who are convinced that she is radical b/c she’s fighting for equal rights o Adopts 12 children from around the world, stays at home, domesticity o Conforms to pre-Feminist Mystique idea about women: retreat back home (where they belong)

Paul Robeson, WEB DuBois o Attempted to counter influence by speaking in opposition to what they’d say o Paul Robeson - singer o Some did speak in favor of US o Used McCarren Act to limit their behavior, stop them from traveling abroad by taking their passports

New Deal coalitions: way in which these coalitions begin to get pitted against each other in anti-communist sentiment, second Red Scare (worried about immigrant workers getting involved in labor movement)


McGee & the Electric Chair - NAACP, CP (communist party)

War period was time of communist party growth

US CP diff from USSR CP (not a Soviet party) – communist was Americanism of the 20C (diff kind of

New Deal, promoted gender equality, racial equality)

Civil rights issue

Agricultural workers, southern blacks, poor whites (neglected by ND) – thought maybe they’d get a voice in govt finally


Organized in places that others didn’t

Gained public visibility (1930s)

When reality of Stalin leaks, interest in joining drops

In 1950s, membership drops

Institution of Smith Act in 1941 that makes it illegal to plan to overthrow the Am govt


Doesn’t stop giant attack on communist party even when membership is decreasing

Willie McGee o Man in Am South, electrocuted on much disputed charge that he raped a white woman o Alternate story: he was doing work at her house, she came onto him, they had a three year affair

she tried to accuse him of raping her to cover her tracks o Truman gets involved, not supportive of the all white jury that is trying Willie McGee o Albert Einstein, Frida Kahlo, NAACP gets involved

becomes an international cause o Famous attorney comes down to become his attorney o Lots of scuttle around issue, protests at courthouse o Eleanor Roosevelt understood that not a good idea for NAACP and communist party to ally together behind Willie McGee (despite their natural alliance)

not good for NAACP in future civil rights disputes to be seen as allied with the communists o Pushes NAACP, CP apart, drives a wedge between the two parties o Makes it difficult to build coalitions together

Gwinn Amendment & Public Housing

Passed in 1952

Passed to ban people who live in public housing from being members of CP

Predates McCarthy


Attorney General’s list of groups that are deemed subversive, communist, etc

Requires all federal employees to be screened for loyalty

Too many people living in public housing

too communist living, against commercial real estate industry

Fanatical communism

Govt funded housing is socialist, competes unfairly against commercial housing market


NAACP can’t get involved b/c they don’t want to be tattooed with Red banner when getting involved in civil rights issue

Must back away from places where they would normally go

Screen Actors Guild – Unions

John Birch Society o Hate the UN and communism o Red Channels: report/book of communist influence on in media o Lists a lot of people in media/broadcast media that may be involved

to stop communist manipulation of entertainment industry o Cohlberg starts John Birch Society, puts out this publication to kick out people who are flirting with idea of communism o Civil rights organizations, academic organizations, people working with nuclear weapons, anyone who influences radio, media, entertainment about to be trapped in snare o Attack on Hollywood, people who have ability to speak out, disseminate information, also unions (perceived to be hotbed of communist activity)


Oppenheimer Science – Intellectuals

Atomic Energy Committee enabled

Was teaching at Cal

Becomes chair of Atomic Energy Committee, becomes chief scientist for Manhattan Project

Advocates that we should be following notion of hydrogen bomb

Seem to have communist sentiment (wife was also member of CP)

FBI gives power to his opponents to rat on him

His grad students, Oppenheimer get fired

UC Berkeley HUAC loyalty – not what we hoped

Becomes pit of attention

Loyalty oath at Berkdeley

Robert Sproul (president) says we can take care of communist issues on our own

Force employees to sign a loyalty oath at Cal saying they’re not going to join the CP, become commies

Those that are against loyalty oath are fired, makes it difficult to attract talented faculty

Hearing in SF, Cal students come to protest, students are arrested, thwarted in efforts at Cal

While govt is trying to drive wedge between natural alliances that might occur with red-baiting, whole debacle at Berkeley backfires

Makes film (Operation Abolition) of activity at Berkeley, take information to other campuses to try and promote idea that Berkeley is full of crazy people, starts fissure (revolution is beginning with this film, civil rights movement begins to pick up steam)

Old alliances break apart, new alliances form out of events that occur in 1950s

Civil rights movement at Berkeley

Anti-communism at home-labor

After war, impression by most

return back to normalcy

Post-war period with Red Scare  people couldn’t speak out

Local organizations were formed to ferret out communists in our midst

Power in country is in hands of those who are dictators, with methods of police state


War was supposed to eradicate these values, but somehow it’s happening at home

Changed meaning of loyalty in US to conformity

to be loyal, must conform, those who step out of notions will face retribution for that

For businesses, part of campaign to identify communism in socialist programs (like New Deal), want to pull apart coalitions b/c it looks like communism

White supremacists could use anti-communism to go against black civil rights’ leaders

Abused to go against union leaders, homosexuals in military (justified increased policing

use tools of psychology to figure out if you have a deviant personality/homosexual

perceived weakness to be infiltrated by communists), feminists in women’s movement (go against traditional family roles)


Mid 1950s, all members of nudist communities couldn’t get govt jobs

Participation in groups that are roughly connected to communism like members of govt in Spanish Civil

War in 1930s stripped people of rights, fired from jobs

Govt investigation, but punishment from involvement is stripping people of their income

Libraries pulling communist books from bookshelves (ex Robin Hood with redistribution of wealth)

No leftist speakers at college campuses, teachers who don’t sign loyalty groups are fired

Am Legion, National Association of Manufacturers publish their own list of suspected groups (lots of business groups)

Lots of benefits to labor contracts

good benefits, good job security

About 1/3 of US is in labor unions, everyone else left out of bargain

Every organization is forced to cooperate with anti-communism or risk disbandment/destruction


Business and labor collaborate together to become FDR’s coalition of democracy

in early 1950s there is slight depression right after the war

Expansion in economy, growing GDP, dropping prices

doesn’t reverse until 1973

Post war, 1946-1960, GDP doubles


1960s, 60% are middle class, poverty rate has declined to 22% in this period

Huge growing expansion in military industrial complex, begins to include schools

becomes permanent part of economy

Mario Savio becomes intent on fighting that

don’t want to be used in your military industrial complex by working in your factories to make weapons, going to fight your wars

US begins to start establishing bases in other countries to maintain its interests

start its growing consumption

Expansion of collaboration between business, labor to include weapons, nuclear weapons

Westward expansion of military industrial complex

Lawrence Lab, factories moving out to

Richmond, other parts of CA

With AC and cheap rents, companies interested in moving out to West to take advantage

Govt starting to finance more higher education than ever before

1976 – govt passes National Highway Act

encourage more expansion of highways going out until the

West, justified by cities needing to evacuate out due to nuclear threats

Happy days are here again with expansion, but paradox: culture of secrecy and dishonesty during post war period o People getting injected with viruses to see what impact of those viruses would be o LSD experimentation sponsored by FBI (1950s to 1993) o Expansion of spy network and paranoia going on o Lots of subtext to Am expansion o Soldiers exposed to radiation w/o knowledge: setting off detonations, running experiments o Not just containment of communism

1944, Montgomery Ward tries to block union workers from working, lock them out

Military seizes store HQ to physically evict the president of the company

Firm relationship between business and labor at the time

After war, wave of strikes b/c of depression

brings power of labor unions to attention of public

American Federation of Labor, CIO (steel, major industries), United Mine Workers (radical)

Workers feeling drop in income, strike sparks largest wave of protests across all industries, sympathetic strikes all over the US

When steel goes down, cars goes down, all related industries go down, railroad drops

Truman worried about economy


1951 – Dennis v. US

Supreme Court rules that you can be convicted of communism on the basis of your beliefs

don’t even have to do anything anymore, as long as you’re even thinking of the act, you could be convicted of communism


ACLU couldn’t even fight against this b/c worried they’re going to be targeted next


Hoover expands FBI power to find homosexuals, political dissenters, civil rights leaders who don’t have any connection to communist party


Isn’t about Stalin, about Republican Party who wants to pull apart New Deal coalitions under FDR,


Gwinn Amendment with public housing, civil rights movement

McCarran Act 1952

Fears about immigrants comes up again


Passed over Truman’s veto by Republicans, anti-immigration policy in country since 1924

Truman wants to overthrow these old quotas from 1890, but left in place

Allows for suspected immigrants who could potentially be communist

Operation Wetback

Mexicans in the US

Comes as result of McCarran Act

Allows military to make sweeps in Mexican neighborhoods to round up, deport illegal aliens

Within 1 year of 1954, over a million people have been deported b/c of McCarran Act


Whitaker Chambers

Editor at Time Magazine

Testifies before HUAC committee that in 1930s, high ranking US official, Alger Hiss, gave him secret documents to pass onto the USSR

Hiss says he’s not guilty, Chambers says he’s guilty with the evidence in his pumpkin


Nixon was looking at the film hidden in Chambers’ pumpkin with the documents in it

Causes a stir: high ranking official is a spy

enhances paranoia

Political players see a way to link their star to a rising topic (anti-communism) to become elected, to facilitate their own careers


Working class Jews in NY convicted of conspiring to pass secrets regarding nuclear bombs to agents in


Chief accuser was brother who worked at Los Alamos lab

No evidence against Ethel, and later brother admits that he was lying on the stand

Judge says that this is worst than murder, sentences them to death

Racist sentiment toward Jews, about paranoia, but not about their guilt

Fuels the paranoia b/c they were middle class, dangerous with spies within our midst, going on along with McCarthy’s trials simultaneously

Senator McCarthy runs for Senate, gets it in 1946, runs and wins based on military accomplishments

 fighter pilot in WWII, ready to give his life for country (into war heroes for President)


Gets caught having lied about his military experience (didn’t do it)

Handlers said that he needed to do something else to distract from bad publicity ,decides to hitch his star to anti-communism, at an event, says he has a list of over 200 (number always changes) of state officials that are communists

Operation Dixie

Am South in post war period was dead (economy, etc)

hadn’t recovered

If you want to escape unions in NE, go to South

CIO organizes campaigns for labor organizing, go into textile industries to begin to organize the laborers

Begin getting involved in civil rights

Congress responds with anti-labor legislation

TAFT-Hartley Act 1947

Replaces Wagner Act that forms coalition between business, labor

Amends that in 1935

Pro-employers, spend pendulum back from Montgomery Ward incident

Starts associating labor unions with organized crime, power-drunken leaders

Still active today


Bars sympathy strikes (can’t strike b/c you’re in an affiliated union) which was the source behind the large wave of strikes, allows president to call 180 day cooling off period to give business buffers, outlaws the closed shop (can’t work somewhere if you don’t join the union), breaks up collective bargaining power of unions, unions are loyal to FDR/Democrats, want to support business owners

Truman vetoes it, but Congress passes it along with tax relief bills for businesses (pro-business, against labor)

Unions are white and male, not many women, blacks in group

Agricultural, domestic workers left out of story

Housing maps

Repression permeated through society

Jimmy Hofka

Structural Discrimination – in the 50s

1) Unions De Jure vs. De Facto

De facto: not in the law yet


Discrimination still happens in school b/c law isn’t enforced, only stops when military shows up


Union jobs

Structure of union organization keeps women and minorities out

Largest union in West Coast, Operating Engineers Union – work in transportation, made contract with place of giant suburban development

wanted to set up apprentices at that development, have them sleep nearby at campsite, work with journeymen, get paid some wages

Structured to keep women and minorities out: need to be recommended for apprenticeship program, leave home for a year, be able to work for low wage for a year o Way it worked was that it helped people that already knew people in inner circle of union o Dad would write recs for sons, his application, apprenticeship would be supported o Leaves tremendous segment of population out

People will say that they’re not racist, but part of system that pushes that forward in any ways

2) Women Fear Factor – Upsetting Race, Class and Gender

Women retreating to home

Gender roles in period of time are determined by what people expect, how they will be understood by the people around them  influences their behavior

Women are widely criticized in post war period for working outside the household

Flagrant violation for stereotype that is employed throughout the US

who will take care of the children?

Women who don’t’ stop working are plagued by images of overcrowded nurseries 

seen as abandoning their role as caretaker of the family (juvenile delinquency)

Many women said they wanted to continue working

got pleasure from jobs, work was free spending, liberty in society with consumption status (more incentive to work)

In 50s, most women said that running household was more interesting than jobs

Early feminist movement: female emancipation? without female consciousness

Didn’t want to be seen as career women, but as homemaker

Paid work was not par to the domain of white middle class women, paid work is for minority women, women of lower class

Upsetting more than just idea of domestic sphere, but upsetting issues of race, class, gender in going to workplace

Many women feeling much discontent

Return to domesticity is not only about gender, race, class, about fueling the demand for economy

Demand for extension of services  more everything, stimulates economy

Good for women to return to home, esp with higher birth rates

Baby boomer: huge generation that ripples throughout society

Birth rates shoot up

Average family has 3 kids

3) Men: Alteraction and Masculinity

Seen more in world of work

Served to increase importance of jobs, earning in Am culture

Male, middle class identity

Jobs to men as home to women

Measured by how much they earned in public sphere

Major consumption

means you are more of a man b/c you can provide for family

In 50s, good life

security, acquisiveness

Big home with lots of stuff

Wedded to property

becomes marker of Americanism, masculinity

More you earn, more you spend

Easily available with months of credit

Average men work 50-60 hours a week, also defined by how much you work

Working class men found more satisfaction with family, job owned them, he owned family

Surrounded by things that he purchased/earned


Middle manager worked in large room with lots of desks

move to cubicle, move to gendered work

Sexual stereotypes: feminine role that men are being put into in corporate world

Idea of rough guy that gets things done is not working anymore, had to use soft darts to get ahead

Emasculated in work space, become man in home space

Work space created tricky mirrors for male identity

Wanted to keep nuclear family whole to make themselves feel more like a man

Social ethic of family togetherness comes out of this

Marriage seen as partnership of family enterprise like business model

Concerns about only female influence on children

momism: children become more emasculated for boys, why there are so many gay people


Post WWII: actualization, women who don’t necessarily want to be at home, men who don’t necessarily want to be at work

WWII was more than defeating Nazis, put in same sex groups in dorms, barracks, encouraged by military to create partnerships with close friends (confidants)

Some relationships become very personal


Some who were from rural places didn’t even know they were homosexual

Appearance of comparization after war

Choices: come home and deny that anything happened (no other way to survive in society), some who were willing to take that risk, came out during period, huge question for homosexual relationships

4) Religion

Fear and Identity

Becomes central issue in Am life

In 60s, US proposes to put question of religion on census

Only three options: Christian/Catholic, Jewish, Protestant

Raised questions about whether good or bad idea

Question is how these groups responded to this


Being Catholic isn’t American enough 

people suspect you want to overthrow govt, turn country over to Rome and the Pope


Catholic think it’s a great idea b/c it shows their true numbers, how to allot money in parishes

Prostestants don’t care 

are majority in US

Jews are not ok with this

too much of history of numbers and counting and bad relationship with


not thrilled with people knowing their business (how much they make, etc)

push back

Win the debate so never a question on religion with census

Country advertising rights of liberty, justice

People want to be actualized, discrepancy about public lives, and the lives they have

5) Talking About a Revolution

Lots of unhappiness

People afraid and unable to be who they are in Am culture at the time

Ideas and baby boom

pushes us toward revolution in 60s

6) Homophile Organizations

Part of hiding, covering to let yourself to have the experiences you want to have

Without outing yourself and ostracizing yourself

Being gay is pathological illness, diagnosed and treated

People trying to inch out into regular culture

7) Mattachive Society

Formed in 1950

Has a few problems

Harry Hay (founder is a communist) and LA friends form group to try and preserve rights of homosexuals

hard to do anything b/c they are communist

Hard to know how far you can push the society at this point in time

Group starts to grow


To bring together male homosexuals who are isolated within their own kind (first step) that allows them to talk about how they can’t do anything

How to educate other homosexuals, heterosexuals about their history, to make their society less marginalized

how to make history that they’ve created to educate straight society

Grows slowly at first, in 1952, people start to become drawn to society after one of founders become arrested for lewd behavior

Changed the question to police entrapment

Raised consciousness about homosexuals in society

Citizens Committee to Avoid Police Entrapment

started report in the society


Confessed that he was homosexual, yet said he wasn’t guilty of the crime he was charged with 

jury becomes deadlocked (progress)

8) Daughters of Billitus

Lesbian group that comes out at the end of the world

Social club that quickly turns to educate people about history of homosexuals

Mission statement that addresses problem in homosexual culture, want to be able to eventually bring idea to Am public

Lots of fear initially about notion of considered un-American, way too outside the mainstream to come out

in 50s, there is a coming out process, reach out to production of documents to put themselves out there

Rosie the Riveter

Women encouraged not to work, then drastically changed

Campaign directed at women

Public image of women as dynamic citizens not confined to home

Sense of shared purpose for women, come together to go and work

Found need for more factory workers during war  change in policy

Provided more daycare at the time so women could be working

Many govt agencies endorsed equal wages for equal work

same wages for work of same quality of male labor

Brought about better jobs, pay across the board with more women entering the work force

Working women of color still continued to face discrimination in work, stood on the lowest rung

Last hired were first to be fired

Labor unions somewhat helped women of color during war

Women got more confidence in organized labor unions

Betty Freidan

Immigrant during beginning of 19C

Encouraged to join journalism by mother, wrote in HS, started new campus magazine

Realized limits on women in 1930s

Developed writing ability, interest in psychology at Smith

Moved to CA to attend at Cal for grad school, offered doctoral fellowship to study psychology, but turned it down b/c she didn’t want to be spinster

Joined newspaper in NYC

Staff writer at Federated Press (leftist newspaper), United Radio Machine Union of Am reporter (leftist labor union) – largest communist led institution in US

Learned about discrimination against women, colored people; women fired without warning/compensation, labors didn’t help them get pay or find replacement jobs (injustice in system)

Betty Goldstein became part of Old Left (connected to labor movement) – attended labor protests, fought to help gain access to illegal abortions, equal pay rallies, access to employment

Radical activities: scores of articles in newspaper, participation in labor rallies, pamphlet about UE fights for women workers (didn’t jump out of nowhere in 60s with feminist movement, started back in the 40s) – fighted for equal pay for equal work



White middle class women didn’t want to work for wages during these years, volunteered instead or joined the military

Most elite white women willingly went back to roles in domestic sphere, participated in baby boom

(wanted/seized opportunity for long term change, didn’t use war as excuse to change their life radically) when war ended


Most women didn’t want to surrender their jobs, leave work place when war ended – 80%

30% of those women were married, found something fulfilling in duty/job

Am attitudes about women, work had changed


WWII: pushed women, minorities into jobs that they were previously excluded from, didn’t address the struggle for women’s rights

Strong economy post-war, lots of consumption, move toward suburbia (demographic shifts)

Didn’t look like elite white women were adjusting well to life in home after war

Met Harold Friedan, soldier/actor, had a son

Continued to report for press until she had another son, newspaper fired her after she requested maternity leave


Even on the left, didn’t let women have both family and work

Became full time wife/mother, moved to suburbs where they had another child

Not life of conformity or happiness at home in suburbia

On surface was happy homemaker, but deeper inside, was displeased, feelings of paranoia

Idea of happy housewife was pushed by advertising

Dangers of what she saw as myth: idea that women can be completely satisfied as wife/mother, abnormal to want a separate life apart from that

Circulates questionnaire to old college friends

felt dissatisfaction in their lives, incomplete, depression, entrapment after leaving jobs to work at home, guilt over wanting something else

Rise in alcoholism, consumption of prescription tranquilizers  suggestion of greater discontentment

Reality of domestic bliss set in, many women quietly continued to work doing clerical work, etc.

 accepted lack of opportunity, less wages b/c they were so desperate to get work, challenge to racial, gender roles

Research becomes seminal book, Feminist Mystique

Exposed triviality, frustration of suburban life unrelieved by domestic duties, the problem that has no name, strange stirring of dissatisfaction, yearning that women suffered in middle 20C, guilt about the feelings they had, women were separted, but once they got together, society forces them to not share their feelings, put on farce that they’re happy

Brings women together, makes them realize they have shared feelings

Guilty about feelings, felt compelled to hide it from each other

Women has to add other pursuits in addition to being housewife

Attacks corporate Am who is selling this life to women across the board

get rid of other pursuits to live at home and consume

Women’s question ignored reality in many ways

For many women, work was never an option

Not a right to be fought for, many women in ghettoes/rural areas suffered from poor health, unemployment, poverty, but still had to support families without male partners

Worked to put food on their table, not to feel actualized outside of domestic sphere

Not valid for many women, although this idea prevailed in popular culture

Catapulted her into Second Wave of Feminism

In high demand when she becomes more prominent, husband subjected her to bouts of domestic violence

Fights were routine, feuds violent even in front of other people

Predictable brawls

Public success with her boo failed to improve her marriage, husband had no use for feminism

Wanted his wife to stay at home, be a domestic housewife, leave competition for men


Considered dropping NOW duties to save her marriage

Stayed in marriage, expresses guilt by staying too much time away from home with feminist movement

Women begin to see things like domestic violence as not their fault

No federal legislation until 1954

Flies to Mexico to get a quick divorce

Personal was political, started to apply her own ideals to her life

Second wave feminist leader, battered wife

Keep women imprisoned in concentration camp of domesticity

Woman of contradictions: elite but fought for equality, fought for equal rights, battered at home


National Organization of Women

Comes during third second national conference on status of women

Freidan is president for next couple of years

Statement of purpose/credos

Issue manifesto that attacks traditional assumption that people have to choose between marriage/motherhood and serious participation in work/industry

Bring women into full participation of work, Am society

Confront conditions that prevent women from having equal access

Advocated legal abortion, maternity leave, tax deductions, daycare centers, job training programs, ERA

(Equal Rights Amendment)

Used litigation, some of same strategies as civil rights organization

Passage of Equal Pay Act: in theory, prevented women from being paid less than men

Link with environmental issues, civil rights issues

lots of concerns, great divide in 1960s

Even educated white middle class women saw themselves as disenfranchised victims of status quo

Discrepancy between promise of democracy and their reality of discrimination

Racial segregation in labor unions

colored women were laborers already (discrimination was more of the problem)


Viewed feminist movement with distrust b/c they didn’t address their problem, did little to reach out to women of color, understand their needs/concerns

Differences among women move to center stage in movement in 1970s

New feminists have stronger critiques about Am society and capitalism, etc (ex Kate Millet)

Question of differences moves to forefront, sexual politics has new direction

New avenues of power entirely in male hands

Answer was not for women to search for individual fulfillment, but to band together to attack the male dominance of power (vehicles for male domination)

Women of color formed their own groups outside of main movement

Each after 1970 fight that personal is political


Freidan’s story becomes case in point: no mention of old radical, left politics, positioned herself as frustrated and depressed housewife and mother

Doctored life story for white suburban women/readers to identify with her, boost book sales o Didn’t want her book to be labeled red with her background

Connection between old Left (1940s, 1950s) and new Left (1960s with social protests)  old movement was relatively calm, shaped generation of leaders in 60s movement

Made it hard for her to address her debt to the old Left

ERA: Equal Rights Amendment

Equality of rights under law must not be abridged under any state/Constitutional law on condition of sex

Still fighting some of these issues like abortion

Title VII

Expanded rights/protections to minorities, women

War Manpower Commission

National Labor Board


Fair Employment Practices Committee

CIO – 1955, AFL – Ladies Union/AFL-CIO - 1955

Second Wave of Feminism

First Wave: suffragists in 1920s who get the right to vote

Does not emerge from suburbia, but grounded in old Left radical politics

Feminist movement provides link between old Left and new Left

Writers argue that feminist movement emerges from domesticity, but recently discovered origins in anticommunism, etc

Phyllis Schlafly


ERA offered no benefits to women, would undermine women’s roles as mothers/wives

Jeopardize society by upturning traditional roles

ERA failed to get enough states for ratification, dropped from domestic agenda

Sided with Christian fundamentalists, was very conservative

Roe v Wade

Supported women’s rights to choose

Right to life movement birthed from this

Violence against abortion clinics, domestic terrorism still a threat in many parts in US

Many setbacks from presidents

Nixon rejected act to have nationwide daycare centers, etc

said it was borderline communist

Slow to defend affirmative action

Severe criticism of movement came from feminists themselves

everyone left out of discourse start criticize her

Public Housing & Urban Renewal

Housing Act 1949

Suburban utopia fulfilled Am dream of home ownership, middle class status

Home became center of freedom

Move to suburbs promoted Americanization

Cut people off from ethnic minorities, moved everyone toward mass consumption

Rigid racial boundaries and enclosure promoted, limited access to freedom for many Ams

Am refused to subsidize mortgages for minorities

Mass community by Levitt prevented blacks (even military) to purchase homes b/c white people won’t buy into their communities if there are blacks

120 black residents in community

Urban centers

Passed by Congress, authorized construction of much public housing to provide a decent home for every family, law set low ceilings for residents (taken advantage of by contractors)

Limited housing projects for very poor

White neighborhoods successfully prevented building of public housing near them

Labeled as communistic

Confined to inner cities in urban areas, concentrated poverty in certain areas

Developers kicked out poor areas that could potentially be worth lots of money, developed nice developments and universities instead (urban renewal)

Ex University of Chicago, Dodger Stadium in LA

Suburban house

main source of investment, even more adamant about no minorities b/c value of homes would drop with racial integration

Urban blight

homefront equivalent of domino theory

Code for black blight

Sucking property values down

collapse of entire economic system

Infected parts had to be scraped out

Lobbied hard for the law

Blighted neighborhoods targeted by renewal groups


Neighborhoods were mixed use, relatively happy in not too horrible shape with its mixed racial demographic

Worst areas deemed by city had only 10% of homes that didn’t meet the standards (could be trivial matters like paint color not matching, etc)

Planners targeted blighted neighborhoods

Urban renewal == demolition in black neighborhoods

Many chased from homes, majority of displaced were black

Black neighborhoods targeted more often than white neighborhoods in the same condition

Many were demolished, fewer were rebuilt

Businesses evicted, many independent shops and businesses (destroyed livelihoods)

Brooklyn Heights

Urban renewal was as good as creating urban slums as they are destroying them

Anacosta River Slum

White Flight

White people who could afford suburban houses moved out, poor people left behind in the urban areas where they could find cheaper housing like public housing

Cincinnati had a quite rapid decrease in white people, rapid increase of poor people in the city

Declining economic prosperity in cities b/c less people around

Segregation/segmentation hardened racial lines

3 million blacks moved out of South to the cities, increased size of urban ghettos


0.5 million Puerto Ricans moved to US/NY’s Harlem area (used to be Italian)

Racial exclusion in major cities

became self-enforcing

Minorities excluded from opportunities (education, employment, etc)

Minorities trapped in urban ghettos (seen as scene of poverty, welfare)

Opportunity – Enter the Crooks


Opened up opportunities for unscrupulous people

Manipulating neighborhoods to scare whites out

Real estate brokers circulate exaggerated warnings about influx of non-whites into neighborhood, persuade their homes for very cheap

Natural traditional change: mixed racial balance of neighborhoods as people earn more money

Speeds up change of neighborhoods

Previously all white neighborhoods became minority enclaves

Containment of black neighborhoods was far from minds of businesspeople, going to try and contain them for as long as possible

Increased incentive to make as much money as possible before the floodgate broke

1950s, 1960s, Chicago had over 100 blockbusting brokers, take high risk, start the process, shot-troops

respectable firms would watch situation closely, move in as soon as the panic started to start buying up all the houses

Set up dummy corporations in areas to hide involvement, or use black realtors (be a front) to start process

White real estate companies would be the financier for the buyings, then take the commissions back from black companies as referral fees

Land spectulators, evaculators

dealt in marginal land, bought buildings, installed black tenants to begin panic, begin evaluation, start to suck as much rent as possible while planning for redevelopment of building (don’t do much to keep up the building)

Collusion between savings and loans corporations and blockbusters, continue reselling the same property over and over to make profit

Buy homes for cheap with blacks around, then evacuating blacks out, reselling homes for even more

Best way for realtors to make money quick

Neighbors trying to keep track of each other


For neighborhoods that were holding out, would plan for racial violence, pay black people to walk on the streets, gangs to hang around

biggest fear was losing biggest investment of home

Worried primarily about property values, not about being around blacks


Didn’t care about anti-blockbusting measures 

saw this as capitalism, good business, cities did not really try to limit this behavior, had trivial measures to counteract

Courts would throw these cases out even if laws were passed

Banks did thriving business in govt guaranteed loans to blacks

pushed them into Madapan

(neighborhood) and bad areas

Blacks tended to follow Jews, passive agreement from everyone that they were all undesirable to elites

Push them all together to stay away from themselves

Dense network lost, neighborhood institutions fell by wayside

People who thought they bought ticket toward advancement but betrayed, home ownership sucked capital out of neighborhoods and bank accounts , cities lost interest in public services, education, etc

Public housing becomes increasingly hands off

Situation: get whites to sell houses, colluded with banks to give loans to blacks who definitely couldn’t pay the loans back, regain the houses from the blacks who couldn’t pay their loand

Corruption by city officials heightened with black/poor neighborhoods

corrupt landloads paying off corrupt inspectors to not inspect their buildings

Blacks paid top dollar for everything

Most blacks would have been better off not buying houses and renting while using down payments to invest in stocks

The Fake-Out

Savings & Loans

The Prime

Modernism & Le Corbusier

Settled on general plan for architecture (things were going to be mixed with both residential and other purpose architecture)

Create order out of chaos

Needed new universal style to select from

Puffed itself up to religious faith

Rational utopia where form and hierarchical features combined together

Le Corbusier was the architect behind the entire movement

Throw in lot with invaders

Allegiance became a crusade

Voisin Project from Paris

Replace developments with high-rises

Architecture style was called purism

Redefine order, life in image of the machine

Streets are obsolete notions, confine human activity into giant towers

Space in between were cut through with parks and roadways

No places to meet with other people anymore

Street and public areas belong to everybody, were not controllable like everything else is, no order

Totalitarian systems out of the most trivial things, in this case, architecture


Home would be standard, numbered flat in tower like NY’s vision of making everything similar to machiens

Seen as similar to Baroque

Architecture of the superman

Old architecture had nothing to offer (deemed hopelessly backward)

Academia impressed, but people don’t see appeal in giant white buildings

Modern aesthetic replaced city beautiful movement

Inspired by Bauhaus style, school of architecture, comes out of Gr


Design buildings that are about transparency, philosophically driven

everything should be transparent

(coming from Nazi Gr)

Architecture should be all encompassing

Total control of environment

Chrysler Building: 1930s Art Deco

Living in machine age, house should be extension of that into lives of individual

Living space

machine for living

Placement of building and surrounding space was completely arbitrary

Took all vegetation off land, put building in the middle of the landscape

Tells you how to exist in space, divorced from land, independent machine


Lieber House in Manhattan

quickly becomes lookalike metal boxes

Cheapness was in fashion

Idea of less is more

benefitted bankers’ bankbook, excuse for low standards

Buildings torn down to build cheaper, uglier buildings

Modernism translated to market: flat building with aluminum sides and flat roof

Lise Vanroe (one of the Bauhaus architects) designed really expensive building

sold off in height of market, for very rich, well off people

Developments should be for well off, not supposed to be for public housing, supposed to be for rich people with lots of money

Cloverleaf freeway

should be flower of the highway

Mumford wanted everyone to live in projects (modernism), culture, past should be in museums, derided nice architecture

Old stuff should be swept away, new thing should be built in its place

Philadelphia Plan: tear everything down, start new with superblock structure

Wanted the automobile to dominate Am life, take people off the streets

Broadacre Plan for very industrialized nation with people, totalitarian way of life, everyone will have personal helicopters to get around from city to home

Buckminster Fuller: Modular mass produced house, metal dome that could be moved to owners’ whims

blimp would drop a bomb on the site, plant the foundation in the crater, then plant the house on top of that

Plant to tear down Harlem, plastic geodestic domes would cover the entire city, keeping it close, nuclear cooling towers in the middle of housing

Plans for floating cities

Humphrey Bogart lived in Skyscraper town (project) in NY, superblock off of Union Square, middle class coops for whites, made lots of money on this modernist project, made a lot of profit off the building, developed as the future in contrast to tenements and ghettos in area

Pruit Igoe, avant-garde starkness, many people wanted to learn from it (Simpsons from St. Lewis), seemed like it dropped down from space, unaccountable problem child, modernist ignored needs of actual people, tears the modernist concept apart

Concept of courtyards for nuclear family, ignored ways in which people perceived needs and uses of private/public space, long hallways used by a lot of people but don’t belong to anybody 

public space becomes problematic b/c people keep abusing it, cheap is more

junky fixtures, sheetrock walls, developed as segregated living space

Taking idea of segregation to high rises

Problems: public space problem – no one wants to clean it, maintain it, space around buildings also a problem

supposed to have picnics with neighbors and let your kids play (however, problem b/c it’s quite far from the actual living space), no replacement duties, becomes more dilapidated than the places they replaced, project is doomed to failure

Quickly turns into disaster with no maintenance, vicious cycle of destruction


Govt projects meant black projects

many cities didn’t want public housing, projects became more expensive to build (legislators trying to secure building projects to gain more votes), as soon as projects were built, they lowered property values nearby, overloaded public services (fire and police) b/c of high density

Segregation by freeways  contained by freeways, make it hard for you to be outside and have communal living

Congress never comes through with money to fulfill gap between amount city will pay and lower income rent, maintenance stops b/c no incentive

Gets worse until the projects get torn down

Nixon stops public housing, urban renewal

Mass exodus

no more work, people get shoved into projects


poor people should be contained in neighborhoods/projects

Sunnydale SF project

high density project, windows boarded up

People have no incentive to respect their living situation

know that they’re being imprisoned in that space

I Hotel

Asian Filippino veterans from WWI/WWII excluded, bachelor community develops

New owner decides to tear down the hotel in Manilatown to build a parking lot

Becomes a big deal b/c veterans start complaining about not being evicted, lots more people start getting involved, becomes a huge protest movement b/c some start to see themselves reflected in their struggle

way US foreign policy is implemented in foreign Third World nations

Ghettoization of many urban centers as result of urban renewal efforts

birth of vibrant Third World liberation movement

unites many groups together temporarily b/c they have something in common as a result of their oppression

Brooks Am Housing Act 1969

The End – The Plot

Early Civil Rights Efforts

Black expectations for post war period would not be fulfilled


Believed that Jim Crow wouldn’t last after war, whites believed otherwise

New battle fronts in Oakland, Birmingham, etc.

Public battle to fight racial relations

National security dictated course of conversation and exchange

Discussion about integration of armed services were couched in anti-commie struggle

Jim Crow in focus in South

Coming together of lot of factors that bring about discontent, perceived need to take risks to invoke change

Old Left and new Left had ties together

Became national issue

continuing migration of blacks to North from South

Voting with your feet

Rise of black neighborhoods compounded problems in urban areas in North, also allowed for flowering of black culture in the North

get sense of Am cultural identity separate from the South

NY, Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans

vibrant black culture emerged, Harlem with jazz clubs


Focused in North

Becomes center of civil rights movement

Sudden arrival of millions of Southern blacks

many were beaten down tenant farmers with no job skills, no idea of what urban life requires

Not about to return to business as usual after war ended

Truman did his best to set an example, yet his administration still restricted integration in armed services

Problems in DC: segregated schools, rough treatment from police, etc

Nothing changed since Great Migration

cities perfected ways of containing new black arrivals

 black neighborhoods at bursting point (no more place to go)


Chicago originally tried to integrate (neighborhood composition rule

mayor tried to start housing authority that adopted new policy of integrating blacks into all white properties), but lid blew off by middle of war

Black homes were bombed

later attempts to integrate other neighborhoods led to whites sitting in on the projects to prevent the blacks from moving in

Replaced by anti-integrationist mayor

Shelly v Kramer

made restricted covenants illegal

but still didn’t do anything as not enforced

Neighborhood struggles moved out to suburbs

made the National Guard to come out and stop the whites from attacking blacks moving in to the neighborhoods

In 1950s, white responses to segregated containment were violent

As blacks became voting block, there is pressure


Play a huge push in this

NAACP in 1909 becomes largest civil rights org in US

Turns into national issue from regional issue

Brown v Board

Group? Chicago, organized Freedom Rides (riding a bus from DC to New Orleans, posing challenges in segregated businesses, etc), attract much broader audience

Demo party has a motive to be anti-segregation to gain votes

But whites in Demo party are not happy about it

Liberals of North are going one way while white supremists in the South go another way

Tension shown at Demo Convention

By time Eisenhower takes office, civil rights movement takes on momentum of its own

Rosa Parks

In 1955, Rosa Parks (member of NAACP) refuses to give up her seat in the middle of the bus to move to the black section


led to boycott the bus system (particularly effective since blacks were 70% of audience)

Civil rights movement in regards to transportation issues


MLKJ comes out of this movement, becomes head of movement

Brought special kind of effect to movement

Not about black deficiencies as whites argue, about deficiencies of whites  had to teach Am to look at itself before it could be changed

Confront directly apparatus of white Am to make them look inwardly at their society

Civil rights leader

tactics of non-violent protests/peaceful protests, involvement of whites

Malcolm X

Dropped out of school, moved to Detroit to live a life of crime

Eventually arrested, sent to jail

Encountered Muhammad, argued that whites were the devil

Should find a solution without whites

Large rift between Malcolm X and MLKJ

Went to Mecca, found that Islam and anti-segregation not necessarily compatible

Voting Blocks - Black Political Power

Originally fashionable to ignore blacks as voting block

Self Confidence

Responses – Songregatimist Party

Civil Rights Movement

Less violent of blacks

more violent of whites

Civil rights leaders refused to pay necessary fines to be released, sang songs in jail

Churches burned, protesters clubbed and murdered, put in sweat boxes, etc

In cooling off period


Movement expanded rapidly due to baby boom

Events at Little Rock, Arkansas

Supposed to admit several black students, school refuses to accept them


Eisenhower doesn’t like idea of direct defiance of Supreme Court mandates

Brings in troops under guise of state v federal conflicts (doesn’t want to get involved in racial issues)

Committed civil rights commission

Got committee to go to court to get blacks suffrage

Kennedy more concerned with issues of black Democrats and national security, but issue of civil rights would not go away

Had to eventually send Civil Rights Bill onto Congress?

Lunchtime sit-ins where they wouldn’t leave until they got served

Term Negro was replaced by black, African-Am

Freedom rides in 1961: college students traveling South on a bus to test the issue of segregation

In Alabama, whites set a bus of protestors on fire, attacked people trying to escape

Bull Connor unleashed attack dogs, fire hoses on young protestors in Birmingham

People started to agree that blacks needed equal voice/vote

Movement became revolution

800 boycotts started happening along the South

Introduces Civil Rights bill in 1963

In years following war, march on Washington group re-met every year to discuss

Agreed to start march for jobs and equality

Soaring oratory of MLKJ’s I Have a Dream speech

Currents of unrest in movement


Didn’t want the tint of anti-communist on the movement

Even in civil rights finest hour, still some unrest

Heavy toll

destruction of property, taking of lives, etc


Collective guilt of US? What if oppressors didn’t feel any guilt even with nonviolent movement of blacks?

In mid 1960s, much momentum had died down in the civil rights movement

saw dream as dream deferred

Peaceful demonstration ended Jim Crow in South, legislation didn’t do much to change minds of white

Ams who enjoyed dominance with all white schools, white board rooms, with the highest standard of living in the world

Wanted equality under law, but only got part of the way with MLKJ

Many groups started forming, Black Panther, etc

Brown v Board – weak Fed decision

Already in legal pipeline

Brown v Board in Topeka, Kansas

Made on basis of black and white dolls

Supreme Court argues that there is irreplaceable damage to black children on the basis of psychological analysis rather than looking at urban housing, income, educational levels

not looking at real issue

Only has effect in public schools (in law, ends segregation, de facto

does not end segregation at all)

Sets language at pace that allows leaders in neighborhoods to delay

Doll Test


Strategy & Tactics

Civil Rights Movement (continued)

After MLKJ, optimism faded despite his inspiring oratory

After the two girls died without prosecution for the perpetrators, people were discouraged

How big was victory of civil rights movement with King

Voting rights act was promising, extends promise of vote to all black citizens, yet right for blacks to sit at lunch counters and drink coffee, drink at fountains, etc. were not entirely guaranteed


In North, where de facto housing discrimination was regularly happening, no enforcement of laws outlawing segregation


Malcolm X: equality doesn’t count when the other party has had a very large advantage already/had a very large head start

Black segregated population, Fear to be contained

Economic, social barriers in North very different from discrimination, actions in the South

MLKJ was jeered by other black audiences, b/c they were unable to keep their promises

LBJ dismantled racist black class system, but legislation did not change minds of white people who were used to their good way of life (dominance in every facet of life)

Whites had no intention of changing their life to uplift people who had less than they did

Required more than songs and protests to get people to change their lifestyle

Discussion about economy, redistribution of wealth were loaded (Red, dangerous)

This kind of conversation is risky for civil rights leader

can’t talk about shared wealth, taxation, etc

Leaders were very reluctant to get engaged in these conversations

MLKJ was successful b/c he got white people to notice the movement without offending them and drawing in white politicians

Corporate offices were untouched by the civil rights movement, even though that’s where it mattered

MLKJ coalition of different workers were dissolving as they started to see how they had different needs

Large riots in Watts break out after a few days after LBJ signs the Civil Rights Act with lots of people, attack police, firemen, burn buildings, require many police to restore order

Many cities burn for four weeks after it was signed

FBI, president said riots were senseless and had no objectives but wrong

expose the desperation of people living in urban ghettos, complexity of communities at maintaining these conditions

Stores that were looted were the ones that were at the basis of maintaining the condition, places that marked things up even though the customers were desperately poor

Take out the cancer from its flesh

Libraries, other places were untouched

Watts riots ended a phase within civil rights movement

movement became more polarizing, etc

Called for reworking of economic system, end of war in Vietnam

Kerner Report, Kerner Commission: blames violence on racism, nation in danger of being torn apart with antagonism

Report failed to offer any proposal for change

Movement looked to find ways to make freedom real for blacks

Proposal directed toward poverty in general, nation had obligation to do something for him now

Warner: freedom budget: ten years, federal programs (reminiscent of WPA), see a national problem, want to apply might of national govt toward problem


MLKJ’s plan: Integration of public housing, construction of low income housing throughout nation, difficulty of plight in Am, says that we need economic reform to solve these problems, revolution of Am values (including economy), need better redistribution of wealth to solve it for people who are left out of capitalism

Malcolm X

Some far reaching achievements: Civil Rights Act

Much fragmentation of the movement

Blacks must control political, economic resources

want to start entirely different society

Anti-integration, separatism is the answer

Opposed NAACP, MLKJ’s way of catering to the whites’ values

Softened anti-immigration stance after coming back from Mecca, can’t be fragmented b/c all we see is difference, want to control the difference

Need to spread out or else risk losing all battles

Most whites saw him as apostle of black violence

Urban poor liked idea of self reliance


Became intellectual father of Black Panther movement

Assassinated when he was 40

Stokey Carmichael

After coming out of SNIC

Used word black power  became rallying cry for bitter ones who were angry with govt

Critical of Demo Party Convention, movements of SES


Frustrated with failure of civil rights movement’s ability to hit hard on economic issues


Don’t want to be accused of being commie

Black power = black freedom

Suggested other things, like more election of black officials

Third World liberation: saw a lot in common with Vietnamese

Can only be won with struggle for self-determination

Explosion of self-assertion, more pride in being black, self-determination

Repudiated their old thoughts, militant groups start popping up

Most prominent: Panthers

Very angry about issue of self-defense b/c of police brutality in ghetto


Ghettos are unfairly policed, blacks being prosecuted for acts that whites don’t get in trouble for

Armed, b/c see themselves as fighting armed force that is trying to take them to jail

Send in undercover FBI agents to try and break up the group

Black Panther party destroyed by this operation

War on Poverty by LBJ did help somewhat, but expense of Vietnam pulls money from Great Society program

Rise of someone in the center in the civil rights movement, Robert F Williams


Thought to be next great leader after MLKJ’s assassination, break up of Black Panthers

Member of both Marines and Army, knows how to use arms

In response to Brown v Board, Monroe’s population increased terrorism on black community

NAACP chapter on verge of breaking down


Made sure that didn’t happen

Built NAACP chapter to 200 people

Struggle over public swimming pool and integration, city tries their best to stop black kids from using pool

Clan show up with arms

Williams applies to National Rifle Association, creates a group in Monroe


Didn’t shun idea of nonviolence, but wanted to make the racist groups know that their actions won’t go unnoticed

Violence can be used as self-defense when necessary

Whites started attacking the freedom riders, use this opportunity to prosecute Williams

Williams escapes, goes to Cuba

sponsors his radio station Radio Free Dixie

Publishes paper called Crusader

Leaves Cuba to go to China, continues to write, broadcast his station

Predicts that there will be riots, uprisings

Tells the black soldiers to stop fighting the Vietnamese, see them as allies instead

LBJ not happy about him, tell CIA to jam his station, bans his newspaper, bans newspaper’s mandate to sell through mail

Acceptance of armed resistance

puts him in the middle of the fight of passive v active resistance, especially relevant after the Holocaust


Millions of young people rejecting their parents’ values


Young people didn’t want to hear about and discuss the problems of urban ghettos, racist issues, wanted to enjoy the post war period in their suburbs


Ten years after Supreme Court’s decision to stop segregation, many of the schools in the South were still pretty much segregated


Frantz & Fanon, The Wretched of the Faith

Revolutionary groups should look to those at bottom of social ladder for change to expel colonists

Proletariat (traditional Marxist terms)

Most degraded parts of society

Those involved in industrial, middle class will not be the leaders of the revolution as they have too much invested to do anything

Subjugated people in Latin Am, Asia, Africa, struggles against Am imperialism

people identified with that struggle

Hart Cellar Act 1965

Immigrant reform

Court order laws prohibited legal basis for second class citizenship

Racism should no longer form as basis for public policy

Abandoned the National Census Act that restricted immigration with quotas (recreate new type of quota)

Started new racially neutral criteria for immigration, tried to concentrate around need for people to possess certain work skills, family reunification (basis for act)

b/c of growing hostility of Mexican immigrant, limited people from Western Hemisphere from immigrating (whereas before West Hemisphere wasn’t touched)

began idea of illegal aliens

special provisions for people escaping commie countries

quotas went over the limit

dramatic shift of where immigrants from Latin Am, Asia started to outnumber those coming from


Pluralist concept of Am

Had racial quotas based on 1890 census

Gets rid of racial categorization, sets chunks (quota from this section of the world, not from specific countries)

Expanded system of basis of Latin Am, Mexicans


Temporary workers to replace men after they went to war

Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo, US got a third of Mexico

In Texas, the Texas Rangers were given govt charter with responsibility of containing Mexicans

Number of Latinos rose sharply with rising demand for cheap labor in war


Mexico’s Revolution, sent push of Mexicans into US

Immigration was restricted with National Origins Act

Millions came in without sanction

Unorganized groups of labor

Politically powerless, victims of discrimination, lived separate from white areas

Strikes in Imperial Valley in CA were crushed along with attempts to organize Filippino workers

Workers who tried to strike were deported, workers learned that they had to keep their head down

One hope: Catholiccm, faith in church, not govt

Tensions between Latinos and whites rose to an all time high with Zoot Suits

National Origins Act 1924

Zoot Suit Riots

Dragged blacks, Mexicans out of public areas to beat them up, in Zoot Suits in LA

Cleansing effect, teach people not o wear zoot suits in midst of clothing shortage b/c of war

Eleanor Roosevelt said it was actually a race riot

LA Times, etc accused her of being commie

Said excuse was not race, but rather the clothes (zoot suits)

La Raza Vrinda

Group of Cubans not as welcome when Castro releases people from jail, loosens up restrictions for immigration

Guatemalans, other Central Ams swarmed in to US

Spanish surname people saw themselves as ethnically defined group (by Census)


Shared little in common aside from language, religion (to unite them), took lead from civil rights

 formed in committees, stressed importance of learning culture, growing numbers and political stress

La Raza Unida – political group that actually ran candidates for public office

Chicanos started to express themselves in many ways

Nationalist movement proposed sweeping land reforms


Treaty promised land to these people, it didn’t happen, started committee to distribute land

Students arranged blow-outs in LA to stress more about Latin Am history, etc

Mexicans become one of the largest ethnic groups in US (outnumbering blacks), many were affluent and successful, urbanized

some found good jobs with good positions, majority of illegal immigrants lived in illegal jobs with no benefits or security, hard to establish themselves as leaders, executives in companies

Mendez v Westminster School District (Spanish equivalent of Brown v Board)

in Orange County

court declared that segregation of Mexican children violated 14A and their guarantee for equal rights

set historic decision before Brown v Board

had to win the double victory

The GI Forum

had to win both in Europe, then their rights at home in US

groups of veterans

formed very quickly

boycott of beer for employment discrimination

protested against braceros program (forced wages down b/c source of cheap labor), for bilingual education

Cold War changed Am

Internal Security Act 1950

Congress passed two laws to shield Am from commies (ISA and McCarran Act)

McCarran Walter Act 1952

Bigger effect on Mexicans

Strict guidelines based on entry for country, nationalization of aliens and de-nationalization (deportation, expulsion of commie citizens)

Provision that expanded provisions on which Mexicans could be expelled from country

Every Mexican that entered in at one particular of time could be deported regardless of any details unless they were a US citizen

Enforcement of these laws was going to be disastrous for braceros as many were not citizens

55% of Mex Ams had at least one parent who was born outside of US

Operation Wetback

1954 designed to stem influx of Mex immigrants into US

Started wide public sweeps of expected illegal aliens in SouthWest

Expelled more than a million illegal aliens

Mex aliens responded in many ways, created resentment b/c of breaking up of families with deportation

Enforcement could affect many

Mex Ams started to rethink their position on immigration, people need to stick together on these issue

Affected both illegal aliens, as well as Mex businesses, neighborhoods, families

Started to question cost of assimilation into Am culture, breaking up ties to culture, etc


Some didn’t think it was worth it to become Ams

Need to act with absolute knowledge that their background, history was equally as virtuous as the history and culture of Europeans

1955 policy toward Mex Ams became pretty contradictory

McCarren and Wetback want to shove workers back to Mexico

Braceros want to bring Mexs into US to work in their fields and factories

LA Committee for the Protection for the Foreign Born


Congress of Spanish Speaking People

Two organizations that considered legislation discriminatory, oppressive, un-American

Worked to defend noncitizens that were prosecuted under these laws

Realized that these citizens were at the effect of the Cold War state

Ex-post-facto, most noncitizens were subject to these deportation provisions

Argument was these provisions were unconstitutional, inconsistent of values of fair treatment and equality

LA Committee called these raids militarized deportation drives

way immigration radicalized a group of people that weren’t previously radical

Compared them to war time relocation of Ams, to Holocaust

Quick to point out that many of those singled out were union, community activists

harassed by groups, actually thinly veiled union busting acts

Resident Mex aliens were powerless to take advantage of nationalist procedures in McCarran as when they applied out the forms, office would use the form’s information as evidence that you should be deported instead


Can’t go legal route as might be deported, or could play it out

Am territory with no legal rights at whim of govt, few residents took advantage of opportunity to become naturalized citizens since everybody (naturalized and not) were rounded up in Wetback anyway

no point to become a citizen

Confusion in citizens of where is home

may have immigrated from Mex a long time ago, have lived in US almost entire life

All brown people who speak Spanish were rounded up, not just Mexicans

Campaign against aliens encouraged more cooperation between Mex Ams and Mex Nationals

Most advocated for abolition of braceros program

Some orgs also agitated for rights for Mexs and Mex Ams


Govt’s harsh treatment of non-citizens and citizens served as catalyst for new civil rights movement

Beginning of brown civil rights movement

Most Mexs had earned a right to be here b/c they helped built up society, state

Loyalty of work in foundries, cotton fields, groves, farms, by Mexs

1959 when LA Committee presented UN with petition with description of Mex Ams living in US that were oppressed national minorities

Group drafted petition on govt’s flagrant violation of UN’s declaration of Human Rights

Considered basic human rights of workers were breached, communities that were kept in permanent siege of rights with constant threat of deportation, etc

petition advocated what millions of Am would consider a racially new basis for citizenship, didn’t make distinction between the many classes of Mexs

this position would inform Cesar Chavez when he comes to fight for farm workers

UFW – United Farm Workers Movement

Chavez wanted to combat prejudice in US to win decent wages for farm workers

When soldiers came back from war, did not deserve to be treated like second class citizens

Movement emphasized pride in past and Chicano culture, linked to power struggles

In past, led series of nonviolent protests

Movement for civil rights, campaign for economic betterment

Boycott sparked Mexs to movement

Hard to organize migrant farm workers b/c unreliable, nomads; different issues than the ones blacks were under, but oppression was the same

Poverty rates, home ownership rates were the same with browns and blacks

Less about vote but more about traditional struggle

reasonable hours, better working conditions, lower rents on housing, better migrant housing

IWW tried to organize people in 30s, but failed b/c of braceros program that pushed more people in


Couldn’t vote b/c of mobility, no permanent address to register


In 60s, leaders organized the unorgainzable

Dolores Huerta, Cesar Chavez

Pickers struck for higher wages, improved working conditions, got union organization

Made religion a weapon for social justice

Movement of nonviolent resistance  went on hunger strike that got national attention

Best way to sacrifice ourselves is to sacrifice life for nonviolent protest

By end of 70s, signed agreement with farm owners to recognize union organization, etc

Inspired people in UCLA to fight for social justice as well

Started to lose sense of centrality

Upheaval in barrios helped middle class much more than poor people (problems still existed like poverty, no education, high incarceration rates, etc), just like in black civil rights movement

Gang participation grew as with the evaporation of this movement, some sense of solidarity needed to

replace that (teach Chicano history, culture, etc)

Termination 1953 AI Movement


To become whole, to not have festering wounds that caused problems

examine hidden traumas in that light, come to terms with hidden secrets that were below the surface

How that manifest in the American Indian movement

Policy of termination

That US instituted in 1953 with regard to tribes

Tried a lot of ways to get Indians to assimilate into US life

tried extermination, assimilation policy

(Indian schools on reservations, wasn’t working)

Tried terminating federal govt’s responsibility to Indians, get themselves to become self sufficient, wanted them to bootstrap themselves into success

They cut off funding overnight/very quickly

Indians in shock

No more funds to facilitate any of those services

Tribal govt structures (while staying in place), laws were going to be enforced by state govt, not tribal govt on tribes (took away power, gave power to the state

Very controversial move

very tragic outcome, had to be reversed b/c it caused a mess

Seamless assimilation

Indians shipped out to cities, taken out of reservations, “helped” to get jobs in cities, during urbanization of Native Ams during this time

Lack of support

instant turmoil. Lost medical care, education, hospitals, etc

Many had to go on welfare to even survive

Very short life expectancy, average income dropped, unemployment rose to as much as 50%, suicides of young Indians rose

Wounded Knee

Caravan rolls through reservation, cars full of people and weapons/arms

Had a tour of the hallowed ground of Wounded Knee (battleground of last battle of Indians)

About to be obliterated culturally, supposed to be rebirth of dignity and pride

Protestors at Wounded Knee held off police by gunpoint

Supposed to be new beginning for AI culture

Protestors took over the buildings in the area, took over all the roads going into Wounded Knee

Opened fire on federal police that barged in

Protestors give FBI a list to investigate tribal matters

Want immediate Senate meetings on treaties with federal govt and tribes

Angry about Am trying to strip them of their right to be Indian, trying to force them into US life

Russell Means

Pick the dictator, Dick Wilson, person in charge of Pine Ridge

thug with his goon-squatters, walked around Ridge to intimidate people, wanted them to remove the person in charge

Stand-off was standing at the Pine Ridge reservation


Dick Wilson: Favored a mixed-race Am Indian, wanted to abandon their old ways to assimilate into Am culture, leave Chief’s ways behind

Had his goon squads

Pine Ridge was the poorest jurisdiction in the US

Keeps power going by handing out favors to people, who feel indebted to him

Wanted to push for his ousting, had evidence/documents with his crimes

Called his impeachment, was able to survive the impeaching by intimidating council members/etc

By second day of siege, people were on full alert

Military response to holding was to use US Army to put down the rebellion, was willing to sponsor anything that the police needed to control the Indians

Dennis Banks involved

On afternoon of second day, McGovern (senator) came in to resolve issue, came with international, national news crews

News crews was beneficial for the Indians

Realized that no one was being held as hostages, said that it was their fault that the Indians were even there


Didn’t care about Indians, once the only lives at stakes were Indian lives, they didn’t care anymore  said they’d deal with it later

Thought this was the only way to get their attention

Had to insist on their freedom (militant

created controversy in older members, but got things done, created in Minneapolis who championed radical approach (fed up with police harassing))

Tried to get people to notice by using huge landmarks

Plymouth Rock, Mount Rushmore

Vandalized the Dept for Indian Affairs

Indians practically invisible, but if they drove through town, they were likely to get beat up/raped

Weeks before occupation of Wounded Knee, white guy killed an Indian in Custer (court only accused him of manslaughter

not murder, protestors came, said they knew the entire place was an armed place), threw Molotov cocktails at courthouse, started brawl

Comfortable being around arms, loved idea of being outlaws

Caught attention of Pine Ridge reservation who couldn’t get rid of the thug

Needed what AIM had to offer, could bring in reporters, give them bodies to help protest, had money to fly people in, none of the other Indian orgs could do this

AIM’s motto: any time, any place, we’ll be there where there’s injustice and we’ll fight it

Wanted to seize Wounded Knee, force Dick Wilson from office, get attention to Indian affairs

Tribe women in Sioux Council moved in favor of this, said the problem had gotten too big

Set up teepee in center of the reservation, do war preparation activities, about reenacting traditional

Indian customs

Called it the militarized zone

Progress very slow for compromise: Indians and federal negotiators very unbending

Talks broke apart when they demanded Henry Kissenger to come negotiate, said they were a separate nation now

thought it was no different from Vietnam, didn’t know why that demanded his time

Siege might have gone differently if federal govt was engaged in their event, but they were distracted

(Nixon occupied with Watergate, trying to save own skin)

Surrounding Wounded Knee was Dick Wilson’s crew

fired on both sides to Indians and federal people, trying to provoke a fight

angry about challenge to his power

Veterans from WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, had military experience, knew how to give orders, follow orders, etc, knew they were taking orders?

Continuation of old fight on sacred land (Wounded Knee

site of last massacre in Indian wars)

Created protective bubble around Indians from federal govt

Govt trying to avoid too much conflict, violence

would look bad publically

Many inspired to join AIM at Wounded Knee, many drove/came to Wounded Knee to participate


Some might have gone to the Indian boarding schools

angry about experiences, moment to look carefully and the lie it created

When roadblocks were lifted, lots of supplies came in

Said that spies from US would be treated as such, treated as spy in war, shot before firing squad

Take advantage of UN’s charter, asked for recognition under Walla nation

Said that there was nothing else they could at this point, must split, no other resolution

Spiritual movement

about restoration of spiritual unity in Indian tradition

Once Indians became urban, benefits they were promised never materialized

Whites had never been trained to put aside their racism to give Indians opportunities/employ Indians

Beginning of unification of different Indian tribes, pulls Indians together

Failure of govt program ends up unifying a group they were trying to assimilate

Children of Baby Boom, have been educated, etc

New negotiator changed up the negotiations

cut off all their lifelines, told press to leave


After woman showed up to reject Marlon Brando’s Oscar, poll showed that many Ams were sympathetic with the protestors

Thought they had won/survived

Russell Means, and other chiefs go to Washington to discuss

talks break up before who does what first

Federal govt wants Indians to disarm first

they refuse, say that they have no leverage if they disarm,

Vietnam would do the same thing

Situation gets worse

Protest starting to suffer a bit, run out of food, supplies

Like Berlin Airlift, hired planes to drop supplies onto the land, federal troops fired on people who went to get the supplies

Dept of Justice started to invoke more tactics to stop the issue  started to get people to infiltrate to get information, start paranoia


Didn’t want it to continue on past May when all the college students would get out, make the situation worse by making it crazy

Fool’s Crow and other leaders had enough, wanted to bring occupation to an end after 71 days


Didn’t work 

Dick Wilson was put back into power, started Reign of Terror (started killing, strongarming people, Pine Ridge had highest capital murder rate in the US)

Inspired to violence

Federal govt tied AIM up in legislation, made them run out of money, lose focus and fall apart


Created more awareness about Indian culture, started departments in college like Ethnic Studies, students started them, people didn’t know about the truths of Am history (like Japanese internment, treatment of Indians) until departments like Ethnic Studies made it the center of focus (usually kept mum, under wraps b/c shameful)

About telling the truth, telling the stories of dispossessed people to the forefront

Brings up issue of formal apologies of federal govt

Narrowing the range of stories the govt can tell them over a long range of time, that is accomplishment


First four books

Weather Underground (movie)

About involvement of people in protesting Vietnam

US was murdering millions of people

Some organized organizations to overthrow the government


had to do whatever they had to do to stop the war

Thought of it as senseless killing

Petitioned, demonstrated, sat in

question of what had to be done to stop the greater violence going on

SDS: Students for Democratic Society – main organization to combat issue of Vietnam


Many college students joined by thoughts

Convention in Chicago

crisis, thought that years of nonviolent protest was ineffective, were desperate, organization consumed itself in power struggles

Faction called Weatherman took control of organization, apparatus of organization and walked away with it, faction were from radical Left

Bonnie and Clyde: Naomi Jaffe,

National Secretary/attorney and Paul Rudd took control

Don’t need a Weatherman to know what way the wind blows (Bob Dylan lyric)

knew that a revolution was eminent

SDS had to join this revolution, get white kids to fight the revolution

Summer of 1969, moved to collective houses all over the nation to put their words into action

Working class youth outside the colleges were more revolutionary than students in universities

Time when they would move off campuses, establish themselves in working class neighborhoods, organizing among working class youth

Steel themselves for upcoming upheaval

Most of them had little relationship with violence, had sheltered lives, aspect of what they were doing was to make that jump from middle class life to violent attacks

Gut check: provoked people to become more violent, psychological tests

Smash monogamy: no monogamous relationships

Extreme sexual experimentation, tried to break out of repression of pass into revolution of future

lots of group sex, casual sex, etc

Wanted to build relationships with all members, not monogamous relationships (share intimacy with everyone, not just one other person)

Bring the War Home was their slogan

Strategy was to make the war visible in the US, couldn’t just ignore that it was happening, it would be here, happening on our ground

Felt that doing nothing in a time of repressive violence was also violence

if you allow country to murder, commit genocide

that is violence in itself

Announced that they’d hold a large demonstration in Chicago, Days of Rage, afterward, would have violent confrontation with police

Would not be contained, viewed as those idealistic students trying to do something

said no

Convinced themselves that the protest was going to happen, with many collectives coming to Chicago to fight

150/250 people came, had a small bonfire, knew they were going to be in trouble

Afterward, they ran through the city and started trashing windows/wrecking businesses, swarmed into police barricade and had terrible fight

Destroyed sense of militancy, trying to attack normal people, made SDS a bad name

Sense of being isolated, marginal after the incident

People drew different conclusions from event: rest of country was hopelessly bought off, horrible, acting alone in concert with third world uprisings, felt grim that they were going to see it through

Were terrorized, targeted by PIGS

Pursued and beaten, but not bad relatively speaking to Black Panthers (pursued and assassinated)

SDS worked closely with Black Panther Party

Fred Hampton, Black Panther who was a very influential speaker, was assassinated b/c seen as threat, could be a potential leader to lead the crowd

Accidental explosion in NY with bombs, made people think they were starting to be very revolutionary

Had to truly go underground to do what they had to do


Longest, most costly war until Gulf War

US policy in Asia was incoherent


Eisenhower didn’t want to start war

Exercised restraint when it came to sending troops in, considering he was in military


Failed to see complicated nature of situation there

Nationalistic war

one wants to go in commie way, other that didn’t (Vietnamese Independents vs. legacy of colonial powers)

Understood Ho Chi Minh was international agent of communism

Puppet of Moscow and China, get Vietnam to fall to bad guys

Got involved by sending in advisors (10000), covert agents that worked against nationalist government in Vietnam


LBJ wanted to take advantage of JFK’s popularity 

coattails on his popularity to keep policy going in

Kennedy direction

To keep himself as popular president

Shift in Vietnam would be a disaster for him personally

War on Poverty and costly war

not possible to afford in both, couldn’t afford more than $140B in war, and support war on poverty in US

War drained coffers

Rang death knoll for FDR’s New Deal coalition, ripping Democratic coalition apart

58000 died, destroyed environmentally, politically, socially, economically

US paid heavy price as well, expensive financially and emotionally

Blow to self esteem that was hard to recover

Redefined US’s role in international affair

Before, people thought US was beacon of freedom in international stage, shattered long held belief that

US money and technology could do anything

George Keenan (author of containment) later called Vietnam War the most disastrous of all Am undertakings in entire history

Historians created a problem and then created a war to solve it (Vietnam)

War supposed to grind down the enemy (war of ideology) until they gave in, not a war for territory

Am refused to accept reality that Vietnam War was going well

No president directly entered the war, more of Am momentum that ended up pushing us into the war

Rich people were able to defer their drafts by going to college, blacks and other minorities had higher representation in combat

Average age of soldiers was 19

Moved all over the place, soldiers, helicopters from one place to another, from one fire fight to another

 little time to recover

Different from WWII (no such pattern), in WWII, sat in a truck and moved closer to the line

Little training, could not distinguish between enemy and friend

Led to slaughter/massacre in Mi Lai

Agent Orange, twofers (killing pregnant women), killing officers who tried to order soldiers to do something dangerous, etc.

Dropped many bombs (two Hiroshimas a month) on Vietnam

Losing about 3000 soldiers a month, yet Vietnam seemed to not flag

First IndoChina War

Vietnam had long history with independent nation

Subjugated territory of China

Painfully aware of many years of subjugation

Became a colony of France, then under power of Japan

After Japan, question about what to happen

Appeal to US for help, France wants to assert power again, Vietnam nationalist movement to make

Vietnam independent

Viet Minh

led by Ho Chi Minh, educated man who went to school in Paris, Moscow, fervent

Vietnam nationalist

After collapse of Japan before France came back, declared independent nation under Ho Chi Minh in



Considered himself an ally of US, started to write Truman for help from France

looked to US the beacon of freedom to defend them from imperialist France

France said that their domestic economy would suffer without Vietnam

France initially had no trouble setting up their new government with Bao Dai, the emperor of Vietnam

No interest in asserting power, puppet of French govt

Viet Minh continued to stay strong, with Ho Chi Minh in hiding

US started to recognize the French govt, sent supplies and support to Bao Dai regime


Didn’t’ help France win war

Viet Minh forces engage the French, who were surrounded, became siege with French position deteriorating

French govt collapsed, went home

US didn’t send in ground troops, but had CIA advisors (quasi-military, intelligence) to help French

International conference at Geneva to discuss fate of Vietnam


Sent Dulles to negotiate (didn’t want to negotiate with communists)

Puritan in a whore house


Never signed Geneva Accords

Final decision to divide Vietnam at the 48 th


Viet Minh in North Vietnam, South Vietnam controlled by US

later to have election to decide if they want to reunite

North is heart of traditional Vietnamese society

Relatively stable with homogenous culture

Close knit villages,, also poorest

Maldistribution of land

Less diverse culture, Catholics starting to move out

Worked to alleviate problems, famine

Wanted to start new nation of Vietnamese culture

South Vietnam

Newer society, newly settled (like Am West/frontier)

For disenchanted people settled for new beginnings

More heterogeneous society, politically, ethnically diverse

More religious diversity with Catholicism

Successfully making agriculture

No feminine, no legacy of strong commitment to Viet Minh, not much interest in national reunification

French language, culture, religion, food, architecture was more prominent

Western middle class

Society much more harder to unite and govern than North

Bao Dai


After Geneva Accords started partition, French moved out, US moved in to support Diem

From central Vietnam

Nationalist, uncontaminated with collaboration with French

Successful with help of CIA

Waged war against mafia to centralize control, religious sects

Powerful, impressive ally (as seen by US)

Poured money to support military, economy of Vietnam (got a bunch of money from US, second to only


Success came from getting money from US, starting govt that was backed with US

Made him want more

started attacking Vietnamese supporters

Restarted armed struggle for reunification

National Liberation Front

Viet Cong

organization that was tied closely with Viet Minh and Ho

Chi Minh

Vietnam II


Marked beginning of second Vietnam War

New colonial war backing with Diem

Successful in efforts

Diem started losing control in South

Became tougher  made Buddhist monks convert to Catholicism

Started protests of Diem

Monks set themselves on fire with cameras present

Bad for US president, JFK tried to get Diem to change his actions, but he refused

Sent in more advisors

Plot was formed to kill Diem, started getting out of control so he had to be assassinated

Then soon after JFK was assassinated, LBJ came in

Embarrassing for JFK

LBJ ups numbers, gets more involved

Not much opposition over entering the war

Publicly opposing war was usually bad move for politicians

Lots of business backing

makes money for those with money, consolidates political power


Continues JFK’s policies in Vietnam

Inherits Cabinet from JFK, Ams in general didn’t have much opposition

Seemed to go along with many years of Am military policy

Logical outcome of Am policy

Moves even more advisors into Vietnam

Sends destroyers to Gulf of Tonkin

Boats were fired upon (apparently) by Vietnamese, so they had to get involved

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution – LBJ

Had to take all necessary measures to prevent further aggression in SE Asia


Didn’t suppress but escalated violence

Became an all out war

By end of 1965, lots of troops in Vietnam

By 1967, over 50000 soldiers there in addition to CIA and civilians

New regime was not any less corrupt than the previous


Country became bogged down in war, didn’t fully understand the situation

Enemy’s main weapon: being able to convince the civilians that they were the ones with their interests at heart, wasn’t weapons/technology

Am tried to keep an optimistic tone: thought they could win by attrition, just brute force their win by sending more people, bombed into surrounding countries to stop supplies and weapons to get into

Vietnam, dropped chemicals to destroy the hiding places of the Viet Cong

Damaged almost every potential target in Vietnam, but no results

Viet Cong constructed many underground tunnels, increased aid from Moscow to finance war

Bombs rather fueled their motivation to fight, not dampened them


When bombing didn’t work, they moved to pacification

Pacification – Mi Lai

Wanted to start winning the minds of Vietnamese to get them to help US instead of Viet Cong


Hard because they didn’t speak the language


When it didn’t work, started uprooting the villagers, became more violent/rough with them


Soldiers destroyed villages that were left so Viet Cong couldn’t take advantage of them

Policy had reduced many refugees, had opposite effect of winning the hearts and minds of Vietnamese people

Saturation bombing, chemical defoliation of jungles, supposed to destroy sanctuaries of Viet Cong

Reacted by just moving places

May be necessary to destroy the village to save it


LBJ didn’t want to escalate it too much to agitate China/Russia with nuclear weapons


Assault on Mi Lai, massacre

Rocks Am to core, increases desertations, killing of unpopular officers

Gets people to want to get out of Vietnam War even more

Tet offensive

North Vietnamese retaliation during Tet

Counter attack to hit Am strongholds in South Vietnam

Some villages suffered major damages

Shocking for Ams because they hear Vietnam War was very successful, going well, winning the war, but then they hear Viet Cong is doing very well

Suggested the brutality of the war to Ams of people killing unarmed, young Vietnamese

LBJ announced that he was not running for reelection

Frontal assault on foundations of their culture (counter-culture groups who want special benefits)

Some believe that US in midst of civil war, cultural revolution

Middle class whites felt more resentment for lavish attention on minorities

Jealous of tax dollars going to help minorities in impoverished places

Felt like silent Ams, ignored about noisy radical clamor that was dominating public discourse

Longed for stability, return to normalcy

control in white heterosexual men in businesses, family

LBJ wanted to be a domestic policy president, but got pulled into Vietnam nevertheless

During campaign, Nixon said he started a campaign to end the war “Peace with Honor”

Plan was little more than general principles, no concrete measures to extricate US from Vietnam


The final plan didn’t include peace or honor, just got US out of the war

Took Nixon to new lows all around the world

Destroyed Cambodia in mix, lied to Am people, etc

Replaced draft with lottery so if numbers are low, they have higher change of going

New policy of Vietnamizaiton of war: training of South Vietnamese for war, train them so US can withdraw from mess, soldiers withdrew over a several years

Successful in pulling out

While withdrawing manpower, started to plan secret bombings of Am military bases

Anti-war movement revitalized to protest Cambodian assault

Ams were outraged, Congress repealed Gulf of Tonkin Resolution in 1970, stripped president of legal ability to pursue the war

Nixon didn’t care, continued on with his actions

In 1971, Air Force called to help Vietnamese army to support invasion of Laos

Kissinger continued to lie to Am people about the involvement

Without troops in South Vietnam, they would lose the war

President dropped long time resistance of withdrawing troops

Right before election, Kissinger announces that peace was at hand

pressuring people to vote for

Nixon to finally get peace

But after elected again, talks broke down, war started again

Used bombings to pressure Viet Minh back to negotiation table

Year that peace accords were signed, things escalated again

Communists later took power of South Vietnam again, started reuniting the country again


During Watergate period, bumper sticker “Love it or leave it” 

tried to make people who disagreed with govt policies marked as against the US

Dissent does not destroy democracy, is not unAm

is Am at its best

Absence is what destroys it

Pentagon Papers


Washington Post, Times start publishing secret studies of the War during LBJ’s administration that were leaked to press by Daniel Ellsworth, showed that president lied to Am people about progress of war, lied about reasons to pursue war

Tried to go the Supreme Court to suppress publication, but denied


Convinced Nixon more than ever to resist and wage war on those who opposed his military policies

Used FBI to investigate groups that were against him, leaked damaging info about people he didn’t like

Tried to steal files on Daniel Ellsworth

Erica/Black Panther speaker

Forced sterilization of minority women

Black Panther party came up with idea of Ethnic Student Unions

John Huggins, student at UCLA,

now her husband


Hoover’s Cointelpro? Done in name of national security, done with taxpayers’ money

Her husband was killed at UCLA


Wasn’t supposed to happen like that

FBI operatives posing as students/friends/lovers

taxpayers money paid them to do that

A year later, LA Times published an apology

Held many files on those who could make change

made them afraid, not a well man

Arrested, put in prison, after released, worked on human rights ever since

Taught herself how to meditate in prison, clarified what a human being is meant to do in this life, how she’s meant to serve

Member of Black Panther party for 14 years, was there for almost the entire time

Built a school

Oakland Community School, community survival programs

never portrayed by media, since wanted to portray them as hoodlums, anti-nationalists who were against the US

Thought that MLKJ was doing the best he was doing with the values he espoused, sad that he practiced nonviolent resistance in a world of violence

Black Panther facilitated a lot of coalition building

Berkeley in the 60s


Made film called Operation Abolition, film portraying how students/teachers were forming a communist plot, and were planning the downfall of HUAC

Planned to show it at universities, Harvard

students started to be sympathetic to the other students

Operation Abolition had recruited them to Berkeley

Started organization called SLATE (radical students)

to run slate in student elections, used as platform to educate other students

Angry about a lot of off campus issues

opposed to sandbox politics

Angry about nuclear weapons testing, civil rights movement, etc

Threw organization off campus, then got reinstated when people got angry

People who wanted to make radical politics inclusive?

Sheraton Palace Hotel arrest

led to first agreement between whole hotel industry to hire more individuals, have less discrimination

great victory, knew that they could make a difference, actually affect other people

Business saw it as a threat, problems

University can’t be used as a base for attacks on the community

Tables that were on Bancroft and Telegraph that were used to disperse political info were gone, aimed at progressive orgs and civil rights movement

Created enormous reaction  united group of people that needed to use those tables that wouldn’t have united otherwise

Moved tables to Sather Gate, since that area was the same as the rest of campus

Started citing the people that were at the tables, started arresting them

Demonstration around police car

Very peaceful demonstration/protest

Lots of people also observing

Open microphone, lots of speeches and ideas being thrown out, political awakening b/c they were a part of it, part of deciding what would happen in addition to campus administration

no justification saying why the rules were implemented



As many as 16000 students were sitting near Sproul around the police car, wouldn’t let that police car move

Brought up French Revolution, Greek philosophers, etc

Coalition among many groups that didn’t used to talk

all united by purpose to protect freedom of speech issues

Wanted to figure out what to do, keep coalition together, understand power of all the groups moving in the same direction around the issue

had to be by consensus, time consuming democracy

Underlying seriousness, sense of community

The best is the worst


Administration said they could have their tables back, do everything they wanted to, but couldn’t advocate unlawful activity (targeted at groups who used civil disobedience

civil rights groups)

University couldn’t end the entire incident without punishing someone 

original eight people that were cited were getting punished by expulsion, certain groups were getting axed

Tried to make an example of them

Mario Savio likened university to a machine, students being treated as cogs in the machine  opposed that, said they were human beings that needed to react to stop themselves from being treated that way at all

Occupied sproul hall, studying and dancing, chaos and confusion, like a large party

Cops tried to stop them by saying they could leave, but couldn’t come back in

Started to climb up sproul with ropes

Leader of the floor told them what to do, just become limp and not resist the police

dragged out

With arrest came loss of authority by administration

Had a talk at Greek Theater

Faculty walked out at cheering mob of students

achieved everything they wanted to achieve with


Victory assembly

Asking for no restrictions on freedom of speech, same as guaranteed by the courts

Must be responsible with that freedom

Thought this was going to be the beginning of a new era to make the university what they wanted it to be

Actually attracted a bunch of crazy radical kooks that thought they should come to Berkeley to be crazy

Were very tied into that idea, sacrificed their jobs, careers, education

People lied to maintain their positions of power

structures of political power in South, Oakland

Midterm Review

Format: one essay (broad) - allow you to work from the second ww, questions that were brought up, freedoms that were exercised, promises that were betrayed, new world order (post wwii world and what that looked like) un, declaration of human rights, imf, world bank, how that would have impact on domestic, foreign policy, set expectations about post wwii would look like, start at beginning of class with wwii, wwii issues and work your way forward

get as much info as possible from lectures

(obvious intersections with reading material), readings (intersection in big way is good)

book on

Detroit, planning urban life

difference was something to be contained / separated, standardization with hoke maps (zones as to who they won’t lend to), populations of minorities in urban areas, white flight to suburbs

get intersections into essay

Films are important, show us the way in which it plays out in period

Harvest of Shame

paradox, vision of post war prosperity with whites moving to suburbs, not many minorities

how does that vision of prosperity become a paradox with those who are left out of that story (harvest of shame, book on Detroit, civil rights movement and Monroe with Robert Williams trying to hold off whites from killing people in Monroe)

Paradox of American history

most scientifically advanced society, but haven’t learned to walk s brothers and sisters in Am


can engage in multitude of ways


Get span of that paradox of Am history

Point is wwii left people with

ended war on fascism, excited to come home to change

minorities left out of colleges, voting, etc

Promise of am democracy became fascism at home

Explosion of people saying enough already, why is my story left out of am history

How to get their story inserted in am history

Not about betraying history, born of descent, idea that people are fighting to have their story heard is patriotic, traditional am value

In this period, idea of descent as radical and undesirable was colored by red scare, anti-commieism, cold war scare

Cold war politics, anticommunism

how does that shape foreign policy, third world freedom movements, and how does that affect people’s lives in us

Intersection and civil rights and cold war

reputation as beacon of democracy is threatened with what’s going on in us 

impetus for action

dejur – when the law changes ( voting rights act) vs. de facto ( what actually happens) with Monroe and swimming pool issue


Law says it’s not ok, but it’s still happening

Fighting for the promise of am democracy

people understood, the people protesting are the most educated ones from university

People took history, knew what they were promised, questioning why they didn’t have it

Do sweep, take points along way to talk about diff groups (Indians, la raza, civil rights movement

Malcolm x and black panthers and MLKJ) make essay a story

Tell story about am history in post war period

Present idea, do you agree or disagree, will not get graded on thesis, political position


Practice writing

Sit down with lectures, write about things you want to cover in chronological order

Think about where to fit in films, lectures, readings

Think about how to wrap class literature around the question

Do not miss IDs

do IDs first

Four ids

20 points (last name is fine for ids)

Make it clear that you have done the reading, understand why this book is in this course

important to post war period history

Detroit book

structural analysis about what happened to Detroit post war period

Sit down and synthesize the thesis/understanding of big argument of book

Want to understand a perspective on history

Not just white people hate black people, structure about how Detroit fell apart

destruction of industrialization, environment is disaster

Quote is not going to be very specific

not to trick us, understand big picture of am history, why important to our period, what’s argument, where did it come from, how does quote exemplify that, why important to us history

Put together facts with opinion to create a story

America Divided up to page 178, up to Chapter 10

Book is textbook for class

Historical narrative for period

Go through book, get narrative, read it and get chronology, easy read

have narrative/architecture of good essay

Ids can be done in six sentences

Thorough but not exhaustive

Material should be in big essay

Ids are more just the fact

who, what, when where, why, central premise of book

Harvest of shame, weather underground, Berkeley in the 60s = films


Edward r murrow – narrator in harvest of shame

Know where weather underground came from, radicalized


Many groups didn’t start out as radical, but govt laws around their radical work unintentionally made them radical

Would like to see coverage of period, span of period


Can assume that readers know what a hoke map is, don’t get into level of minutae

Can just use SNIC, AFL-CIO

International Labor Board, labor unions for defense industry

Going from wwii to Vietnam

What changes, what stays the same

Ex) id might be about elvis in Memphis, and why we are talking about him in this course

Ex) Detroit

How did we get from wwii to Vietnam war, where everything exploded

Four freedoms is a good place to start

Five paragraphs, each body paragraphs with two to three pieces of evidence each

McGwinn Amendment

public housing

People were going to work together, then got broken up b/c didn’t want to be accused of being communist

75 points, 25 points of ids

Think about how to organize it (timing and organization)

Have it in place to write

Lots of ways to organize

Domestic v foreign policy – how that interacted


By racial group/ethnic groups

Native Ams, women, middle class, white poor, Blacks, Hispanics

Harvest of Shame – white poor people

Very complicated, lots of dividing people up

Two big essay options: Am changing over time, paradox of Am prosperity during this time

Themes: paradox of American history (very similar to meanings of freedom), meanings of freedom

(how it’s changed over time) – could mean consumption in the 50s, or civil rights in the 60s (everyone talking about freedom all the time), freedom from Naxis, what that means in the 50s or 40s (talking about that while Japanese internment), 50s male freedom to consumer, have enough money to have middle class life with women thinking of it as quiet concentration camp, blacks get fired from jobs, can’t get into schools, changing meanings of freedom in terms of who’s in and who’s out, freedom isn’t necessarily equally distributed (harvest of shame – people with too many kids and not enough money), also ties into paradox of history moments, interrelation between domestic and foreign policy (LBJ with Vietnam War and Great Society, WWII and people of color fighting in the war, people in the armed services thought they had freedom extended to them, but that was retracted, civil rights and liberty,

Josephine Baker with the govt going after her even abroad), race and gender and class (intersection between them all) – focused on ethnic groups, and the different movements that affected each group

Ways to organize it

Structure material around question, tested on material not the question

Term sheet: education, look at housing, holk maps

use to bulk up evidence for each theme

Coverage for each group

Compare and contrast in each paragraph

Thematic – part of essay on each group

Immediate post war, suburbanianization and how it affected each group, big things like: each one of the lectures have themes to them, how thematic works with each group

Link quotes to moments in larger us history

Get that multi-faceted way of explaining events

urban crisis, not just one way


Freedom movement: MLKJ, CORE, SNIC (important organizations)

Franz Feron – psychological healing of the nation, revolution will come from people at the bottom

Japanese internship – wouldn’t have even known about that until they were educated, some say it’s more divisive, but maybe equally true that it may cause more problems to keep it hidden

Wounded Knee – was about land just like Alcatraz, Indians with high poverty rates, get selfdetermination on the reservations, blatant racism, thought they were invisible since no one knew what their lives were like, was actually pretty bad
