U.S. CONSTITUTION Fear of Large States Source of Fear: Solution: Equally in the Senate, every state has 2 Senators=2 votes in the Senate Fear of the People Source of Fear: Solution: electoral college state legislatures electing senators power of the Constitution: Article 1 – The Legislature Article 2 – The Executive Article 3 – The Judiciary Article 4 – Relations Among States Article 5 – Amending the Constitution Article 6 – Supremacy of the National Government Article 7 - Ratification Fear of Weak Central Government Source of Fear: Solution: Power of the 3 branches: executive, legislative, judicial Power of the federal gov. over the states under the Constitution Article 4: admission of states; how the fed. gov. will protect the states Article 6 makes the Constitution the “supreme law of the land” Fear of Central Government Source of Fear: Solution: rights granted in the 10th Am. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectfully, or to the people State Fear of Unwritten Word Source of Fear: Solution: 9th Amendment The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people Fear of Other States Source of Fear: Solution: Power of the Judiciary to settler disputes Article 1 Section 10: Powers Denied to the States No treaties, no currency, no tariffs, keep troops in time of peace Article 4 cannot Fear of Foreign Powers Source of Fear: Solution: Power of President: Commander in Chief and power to negotiate treaties Power of Congress to declare war and raise and support and army and navy Fear of Strong Executive Source of Fear: Solution: Separation of powers Checks and balances Power of Congress to impeach Fear of Losing Individual Rights Source of Fear: Solution: Bill of Rights Amendments 1-10 that can never be taken away