Final Study Guide

Final Study Guide
Fall 2014
Best Study Materials:
Old Tests:
1) Nature of Science/Basic Biology Test (Test 1)
2) Chemistry
3) Enzymes Quiz
4) Cell Test
Old quizzes that went into the test
Flip guides
You may use one 3x5 cheat sheet on the test.
Basic Biology
Describe the 8 characteristics of living things that are listed in your text
Sequence the organization of living things from sub-atomic particles to Biosphere.
Classify objects as living or nonliving
Explain: What is Science? Why is it useful? Does it have limitations?
Explain the scientific method.
Distinguish between the experimental group and the control group.
Distinguish between the dependent and the independent variable.
Write a proper/formal hypothesis in an if then statement
Quantitative vs. qualitative
Understand and be able to use metric measurements
Identify the proper laboratory tool to use for data collecting based on a situation
Identify the parts of a light microscope and explain their functions.
Demonstrate the ability to figure the magnification of a light microscope
Describe an element
Describe an atom.
List the 4 most common, naturally occurring elements
Compare and contrast sub atomic particles, their location in the atom, and their
electric charge
Demonstrate the ability to use the periodic table (inside back cover)
Atomic Number
# of protons
# of electrons
Atomic Mass Number
Protons + Neutrons
Describe a compound and give examples
Describe a molecule and give examples
Compare and Contrast:
Covalent Bonding
Ionic Bonding
Explain the biological functions of water
Describe a polar molecule and give an example
Describe a solute
Describe a solvent
Compare and Contrast two types of mixtures (solutions and suspensions)
Explain pH
Define acid and give examples
Define base and give examples
Explain the purpose of buffers in biochemistry
Define organic
Describe Van der Waals forces
Describe an isomer and give a common example
Define macromolecule and give examples
Describe the structure of a polymer and explain how polymers are formed and broken down
Define a monomer, polymer
Describe carbohydrate structure and function
Describe saccharides? Give examples
Describe the structure and function of lipids in organisms
Describe the structure and function of proteins in organisms
Describe the structure and function of Nucleic Acids
Demonstrate the ability to interpret a chemical reaction
Identify the reactants
Identify the products
Summarize metabolism
Describe an enzyme and explain its importance in metabolism
Explain how the enzyme-substrate complex works
Enzyme activity is regulated by
Describe activation energy
Explain surface tension, adhesion and cohesion
Know the chemical reaction for photosynthesis and cellular respiration
The Cell
Explain the main ideas of the cell theory
Compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
List 3 structures that all cells have in common
Describe the structure and function of the parts of typical eukaryotic cells
Nucleus (DNA)
cell wall
cellular (plasma) membrane
nuclear membrane/ nuclear pores
endoplasmic reticulum
golgi apparatus (body)
Plastids (chloroplasts/ leucoplasts)
Explain the advantages of highly folded membranes in cells
Explain how cells can be organized to become a complex organism
Match the description of cell parts to their names
Compare and Contrast plant and animal cells
Identify where mitochondria and chloroplast are thought to have originated from
Review of macromolecules
Summarize homeostasis
Explain and give an example of selective permeability.
Describe the structure and function of the Cellular/Plasma Membrane.
a. What is a Phospholipid?
Define hydrophilic
Define hydrophobic
Describe how the polarity of a phospholipid dictates the structure of the cellular/plasma
b. Describe transport proteins- what is their role in cellular transport
c. Describe the role that cholesterol plays in the structure of the plasma membrane?
d. Explain “Fluid Mosaic Model”
Describe the process of diffusion and osmosis
Explain dynamic equilibrium
Explain a concentration gradient
Conclude how the concentration gradient determines where molecules move in the processes of diffusion
Predict what will happen to animal and plant cells placed into:
a. isotonic solution
b. hypotonic solution
c. hypertonic solution
Explain plasmolysis
Compare and contrast passive and active transport.
Compare unicellular organisms to multicellular organisms
Describe cell specialization, and give examples in animal and plant cells
Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Explain the problems that growth causes for cells.
Compare sexual and asexual reproduction
Describe the role of chromosomes in cell division.
Name the main events of the cell cycle.
Describe what happens during the four phases of mitosis.
Describe the process of cytokinesis.
Describe how the cell cycle is regulated.
Explain how cancer cells are different from other cells.