Creating Teachable Moments A R E S O U RC E PA R E N TS G U I D E TO T E AC H I N G L I F E S K I L LS AGENDA Welcome Introductions Housekeeping Rules/Expectation Questions INTRODUCTIONS Life Skills I Learned: Life Skills I Wish I Had Learned: Things People Never Told Me… AGING OUT PSA DID YOU KNOW……….? each year 20,000 or more young people leave foster care having reached the age of 18 without an adoptive family or other permanent relationship; in 2012, over 23,000 youth nationwide aged out of foster care; only half of former foster children have completed high school; fewer than half are employed; one-fourth have been homeless for at least one night; 30% do not have access to needed health care; 60% of the young women have given birth; in the year 2020, if nothing changes in child welfare trends, 75,000 youth will age out and experience homelessness? Tennessee Statistics Total Aged Out Total Aged Out Eligible for Post Custody/EFCS FY 2008-09 1209 FY 2009-10 1162 Accepted Post Custody/EFCS of Eligible Population FY 2010-11 *1131 813 163 FY 2011-12 *1084 748 201 FY 2012-13 *1017 768 301 FY 2014-15 *984 779 312 *Youth Adjudicated Delinquent, Dependent/Neglect and Unruly Released/All Placement Types at Age 18 In Order for Youth to Succeed: Three Things 1. Close relationships with caring adults such as resource parents. 2. Expectations that they can succeed. 3. Opportunities for positive contributions and recognition through participation in youth advocacy, school activities, and community volunteer experiences. (Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiatives, 2012) What Are Life Skills? “ L I F E S K I L LS A R E A B I L I T I E S T H AT H E L P U S TO A DA P T A N D B E H AV E P O S I T I V E LY S O T H AT W E C A N D E A L E F F EC T I V E LY W I T H T H E C H A L L E N G E O F E V E RY DAY L I F E .” NRCYD stands for… National Resource Center for Youth Development AND Provides Life Skills Training Tips for Caregivers Life Skills Fall Into Two Categories Tangible Skills Intangible Skills Job Hunting Decision Making Cooking Communication Cleaning Relationship Building Budgeting Critical Thinking Policy 16.51 Says that all youth in state custody ages fourteen (14) or older must complete the necessary life skills assessment, generally the Casey Life Skills assessment, at least annually. Further, the policy states that the youth’s caretakers or supportive adults should also complete the necessary life skills assessment if possible. It acknowledges the importance of a permanent, caring adult relationship with the foster youth. Two-Part Process in Teaching Life Skills The first part involves imparting knowledge so the youth has an understanding of the skill, so show them and tell them what you know. And secondly, PRACTICE…PRACTICE…PRACTICE!!! Teachable Moments “are unplanned events during the day that adults can use as a learning opportunity for youth.” Things People Never Told Me… One National Expert Stated… “Supportive relationships are the single most important factor in how successful youth will be when they leave care. The quality of the personal support network will be the greatest indicator of success for these youth once out on their own” What’s The Difference? • INDEPENDENT • INTERDEPENDENT Large Group Discussion How do you build a strong, supportive relationship with the youth in your care? Relationship Building Listen Show an interest Mean what you say Be positive about their birth family Be supportive Learn who they are Things People Never Told Me… NRCYD: Tips for Teaching Select a time to teach when you are not feeling rushed Make learning fun Look for “teachable moments” or create them Don’t make EVERY moment a “teachable moment” Ask the youth to select the skills they want to learn Provide lots of opportunity to practice NRCYD: Tips for Teaching Take the youth with you when you shop or run errands Pay attention to how the youth likes to learn Ask the youth to teach YOU a skill Ask the youth to teach another child a skill Open a bank account with the youth Talk to others to get new and interesting ideas for teaching WHAT ARE DAILY LIVING SKILLS? Musical Brainstorm Money Matters Activity Scenario 1: My personal meal plan Scenario 2: My personal monthly budget Scenario 3: My personal checking account Scenario 4: My personal credit card Things People Never Told Me… Small Group Activity CREATING TEACHABLE MOMENTS ACTIVITY Supplemental Material • Casey’s “Ready, Set, Fly!” Tool • Casey Life Skills Assessment Tool • Casey Life Skills Resources to Inspire guide • Driver’s license information • “Things No One Told Me” booklet Things People Never Told Me… Thank You For Attending!