Trish Kelly – Partnerships

Stronger Economies Together
Moving From Vision to Implementation
Through Regional Collaboration
Trish Kelly, Applied Development Economics
October 10, 2012
Regional Collaboration Models
California Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley
- a regional-state partnership (8 counties in
Central California)
Valley Vision – a six county regional
collaborative in the Sacramento region
California Partnership for the
San Joaquin Valley
Created in 2005 by Governor’s Executive Order
to address the region’s persistent economic,
environmental and social challenges, and also
8 cabinet agencies and 8 counties, 62 cities
Strategic Action Proposal (strategy) in 2006,
implemented by 10 “New Valley” Work Groups
California State University, Office of Community
and Economic Development is the Secretariat
San Joaquin Valley
New Valley Work Groups/
Many Partners
Advanced Communications Services (Broadband
Air Quality
Economic Development
Health and Wellness Cluster
Higher Education and Workforce Development
PreK-12 Education
Sustainable Communities (including infrastructure)
Water Quality, Supply and Reliability
The San Joaquin Valley:
California’s “21st
Century Opportunity”
Gaining Momentum and
Moving Forward
Building New Foundations for
Economic Prosperity
California Futures Institute transitions
to Office of Community & Economic
Entrepreneurship and New Venture
Development program, CSU Fresno
New Valley Connexions: ‘Economic
Future of San Joaquin Valley’ (Great
Valley Center with Trade & Commerce
Central Valley Business Incubator
Capitalizing on the New
Economic Paradigm
iHUB Partnership (Cal
Valley Tech)
Smart Valley Places
Strong Cities, Strong Communities
Workforce: Valley Legacy; CCWC:
Public Infrastructure, Regional Industry
Clusters of Opportunity (Health),
Energy; C6 Grant (Community Colleges)
California Partnership for the San
Joaquin Valley (Strategic Action
Rural Development Center
Regional Jobs Initiative
UC Research Institutes
Lyles Center for Entrepreneurship, ICWT,
WET CENTER, other CSU Centers
UC Merced SBDC Regional
Regional Blueprints
Regional Policy Council
Regional CEDS (CCVEDC)
Fresno State Connect
Economic Development District
Some Key Collaboration Initiatives
and Successes
Strong Cities/Strong Communities (HUD, USDA and
other federal partners) and Sustainable Communities
EDA-funded regional industry cluster Action Plan
Broadband Consortium
New Economic Development District
Major Workforce and Education Grants aligned with
major industry cluster (health, renewable energy,
manufacturing/food processing, public sector
Positioned for new Community Colleges and State
Workforce Board initiatives for regional clusters/plans
Some Benefits of Regional
Regional Voice
Significant leveraging of resources to support priorities
and economic opportunities
Better integration of systems (workforce, education,
economic development)
Making progress on challenging issues (air quality,
water supply, educational attainment)
Engagement of state, federal, business, philanthropic
and other partners
Connecting urban and rural areas
Valley Vision
Mission: To shape regional solutions through civic
Civic leadership at a regional scale
“Action Tank” – a vast network of people and
organizations working to secure the social,
environmental and economic health of the
Sacramento region
Serves as regional convener and connector
The Bridge – does collaborative planning, objective
problem solving, impartial research and information
for sound decision-making
Valley Vision Project Portfolio:
• Next Economy: Capital Regional Prosperity Plan
• Regional Food Access Project: Food System
• Capital Region Broadband Consortium
• Green Capital Alliance
• Cleaner Air Partnership
• Sustainable Communities: with COG
• 2013 Community Health Needs Assessment
Valley Vision – Economic Strategy and Project Manager
SACTO (Sacramento Area Commerce and Trade
Organization – regional EDC) – Marketing and business
SARTA (Sacramento Area Regional Technology Alliance
– iHub – State Innovation Hub) – high tech business
support and entrepreneurship
Sacramento Metro Chamber of Commerce – business
retention and expansion
Other Key Partners – All Higher Education, Workforce
Investment Boards, utilities, local governments,
businesses, labor, non-profits, residents
Project Focus
Call to Action: Accelerate Job Creation and New
Investment in the Region
“Designed to align regional economic activities and
focus them for maximum impact through development
of the Capital Region Prosperity Plan”
Six Regional Clusters
Developing a “common playbook for action” that
ensures integration with partner organizations’ work
plans, priorities and capabilities, and championed
across all sectors of the region’s leadership – plan to be
released end of October 2012
Project Goals – Regional Platform
Foster a strong innovation environment
Amplify the region’s global market transactions
Diversify the economy through the growth and
support of core business clusters
Grow and maintain a world-class talent base
Improve the regional business climate for
economic growth
Eight Pillars of the Next Economy
Benefits of Regional Collaboration
Increased regional identity
Leader organizations collaborating instead of
competing in areas of shared interest
Leveraging of major federal, state and other
investments (Levees, Smart Grid, Livable
Communities, workforce, regional food systems,
broadband consortium)
Emerging competitive advantage of the clean
tech/green tech sector (Green Capital Alliance)
Rural Urban Connections Strategy (RUCS) - COG
Most Recent Benefit
Leveraging the assets of U.C. Davis as part of the
regional economic development strategy,
through increased collaboration
Received EDA i6 (innovation) grant for
development of ag sustainability technology
center – one of 6 in the country (second try)
Supports Next Economy’s Agriculture and Food
Brings new business partners to the table
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Other Contacts
Mike Dozier, California Partnership for the San
Joaquin Valley; Director, Office of Community
and Economic Development, California State
University, Fresno –,
Trish Kelly, Principal, Applied Development