The Nervous System


The Nervous System

Central Nervous System

Peripheral Nervous System

Organs of the Nervous System

• The nervous system consists of:

– brain

– spinal cord

– nerves

– neurons

– sense organs

The Neuron

The Brain

Functions of the Nervous System

• Your nervous system is a communications network

– Receiving information

– Responding to stimuli

– Maintaining homeostasis

Receiving Information

• Because of your nervous system, you are aware of what is happening in the environment around you

• Your brain is also aware of your internal conditions like temperature and glucose level

Responding to Stimuli

• After receiving information, your nervous system analyzes the data and causes a response

– Putting your hand in front of your face if a ball is coming at you

– Increasing your heart rate when exercising

Maintaining Homeostasis

• The nervous system maintains homeostasis by directing the body to respond correctly to the information it receives

– When you are hungry, your brain tells you to eat

Central Nervous System

• The control center of the body

• Composed of your:

– Brain – controls most functions

– Spinal Cord – thick column of nerve tissue that links the brain to nerves in the peripheral nervous system


• The brain contains 100 million neurons

• The skull, layers of connective tissue, and fluid protect the brain from injury

• The brain is composed of three main parts

– Cerebrum

– Cerebellum

– Brain stem


• Largest part of the brain

– reads input from the senses

– controls skeletal muscles

– In charge of learning, remembering and making judgments


• Right side

– controls left side of body

– controls creativity and artistic ability

• Left side

– controls right side of body

– Controls math, speech, writing, and logic


• Second largest part of your brain

• Coordinates actions of your muscles

• Helps you keep your balance

Brain Stem

• Lies between the cerebellum and spinal cord

• Controls involuntary actions

– Breathing

– Heartbeat

Spinal Cord

• The link between your brain and peripheral nervous system

• Protected by bone, connective tissue and fluid

Peripheral Nervous System

• Consists of a network of nerves that branch out from the central nervous system

• Made up of 43 pairs of nerves

– 12 begin in the brain

– 31 begin in the spinal cord

• One nerve in each pair goes to the right side and one to the left

The Neuron

• Neurons are cells that carry information around your body

• Nerve impulse - The message a neuron carries

The Neuron

• The cell body of the neuron has two extensions

– Dendrite – carries impulses to the cell body

– Axon – carries impulses away from the cell body

• The nerve impulse begins in the dendrite, moves to the cell body then moves down the axon

The Neuron signal goes from axon to dendrite

Kinds of Neurons

• Different kinds of neurons perform different functions

– Sensory neurons

– Interneurons

– Motor neurons

Sensory Neuron

• Picks up stimuli from the internal or external environment and converts each stimulus into a nerve impulse

• The impulse travels along the sensory neuron until it reaches an interneuron in the brain or spinal cord

• sensory impulse travels at 76.2 m/s


• Neuron that carries nerve impulses from one neuron to another

• Can pass stimuli from sensory neuron to motor neuron

Motor Neuron

• Send an impulse to a muscle and the muscle contracts in response

• Motor impulse travels at 119 m/s

How a Nerve Impulse Travels

• Millions of nerve impulses travel your body each day

• The nerve impulse travels along the neuron in the form of electrical and chemical signals

How a Nerve Impulse Travels

• There are tiny spaces or synapses between a neuron and the next structure

• A nerve impulse must jump this gap

• Axon tips release a neurotransmitter that allows the impulse to travel the gap

How a Nerve Impulse Travels

Drugs and alcohol can affect the neurotransmitters

• alcohol increases reaction time

• depressants, like marijuana also increase reaction time

• stimulants, like meth, decrease reaction time

The Path of a Nerve Impulse


• A reflex is an automatic response that occurs very rapidly and without conscious control

• Reflexes protect us from pain and injury


Body systems that work with the nervous system;

• The nervous system works with every system in the body

Comparing Cells to the Body

• The cell part that controls the cell is the nucleus
