Florida UCP DBE and Business Directory Definitions and Searches The Florida UCP DBE and Business Directory makes extensive use of the following acronyms/terms and definitions: Acronym / Term Definition ACDBE Airport Concessionaire Disadvantaged Business Enterprise DBE Disadvantaged Business Enterprise FAA Federal Aviation Administration FDOT Florida Department of Transportation FHWA Federal Highway Administration Florida UCP Florida’s Unified Certification Program for Disadvantaged Business Enterprises FTA Federal Transit Administration MBE Minority, Women, and/or Service-disabled Veteran Business Enterprise as certified by the State of Florida, Office of Supplier Diversity NAICS Code North American Industry Classification System standardized product or service code OSD Office of Supplier Diversity, MBE certification agency SBA Small Business Administration SBA Size Standards A size standard, which is usually stated in number of employees or average annual receipts, represents the largest size that a business (including its subsidiaries and affiliates) may be to remain classified as a small business for SBA and federal contracting programs. The definition of “small” varies by industry Specialty Code Standard specification/work type description as defined by FDOT UCP Certifying Member Per the Florida UCP Agreement certifying members are responsible for certifying DBE/ACDBE firms who perform work in their respective fields of expertise (highway and bridge, aviation, and transit). Florida UCP DBE Certifying Agencies: 1. Broward County (BC) 2. City of Tallahassee (CT) 3. Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) 4. Greater Orlando Aviation Authority (GOAA) 5. Hillsborough County Aviation Authority (HCAA) 6. Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) 7. Key West International & Florida Keys Marathon Airports (KWIFKMA) 8. Lee County Port Authority (LCPA) 9. Miami Dade County (MDC) 10. Volusia County-FTA (VCFTA) USDOT United States Department of Transportation USDOT-assisted USDOT Civil Rights Operating Administration responsible for administration of DOT-assisted contracts involved in the DBE Program --- FHWA, FAA, and FTA Certification Designation Type “DBE” Certified vendor eligible to participate in federally funded USDOT-assisted contracts. “ACDBE” Certified vendor eligible to participate in federally funded USDOT-assisted airport concession contracts. “MBE” Certified vendor eligible to participate in state funded contracts.