Sub-Recipient Title VI and Nondiscrimination Programming Presenters: Charlotte Thomas, FDOT and Carey Shepherd, FHWA Objectives Provide an overview of nondiscrimination programs and their requirements, including Title VI, EJ, LEP and DBE. Help identify strong nondiscrimination initiatives. Discuss questions and concerns with a focus on strategizing solutions. Major Titles of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Title I-Voting Rights Title II-Public Accommodations (hotels, restaurants, gas stations) Title III-Public Facilities Title IV-Public Schools (Desegregation) Title V-Created Commission on Civil Rights Title VI- Federal-aid Recipient Programs & Activities Title VII-Fair Employment Title VIII-Registration and Voting Civil Rights Act of 1964 Title VI No person in the United States shall be: - Excluded from participation - Denied benefits - Subjected to discrimination In any Federally-funded program, service, or activity On the basis of: RACE COLOR NATIONAL ORIGIN The Title VI Program Umbrella SEX – Highway Act of 1973 (23 USC 324) AGE – Age Discrimination Act of 1975 DISABILITY – Section 504 of the Rehab Act of 1973; Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) RELIGION & FAMILY STATUS – State Civil Rights laws. Does your community have ordinances that extend protected classifications (sexual orientation, identity, appearance, etc.)? Food for Thought • • • Are you familiar with the ordinances of agencies within your boundaries? Do any of them assure protection from discrimination based on other protected class membership? Does this mean your Title VI umbrella must expand to cover those classes? FHWA Title VI Regulations {23 CFR 200} Issued December 10, 1976: Guidelines for implementing Title VI Programs and conducting Title VI reviews Correct deficiencies discovered by FHWA within 90 days. Recipients must conduct annual reviews of their various programs. Recipients must monitor their sub-recipients (ie, MPOs and local agencies). More Obligations of ALL Recipients Develop a policy and complaint processing procedure Broadly post/disseminate policy and procedures Name a Title VI Coordinator who has ‘easy access to the head of the agency’ Collect and analyze data about beneficiaries affected by agency decisions Minimize, mitigate or avoid disparate impacts on low income and minority populations Execute a nondiscrimination agreement (assurance) and provide it to FDOT Eliminate discrimination when it is found Take affirmative measures to ensure nondiscrimination Develop a plan for providing meaningful access to programs, services in languages other than English Civil Rights Restoration Act Of 1987 Applies to Title IX Education Amendments of 1972, Title VI, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act Enacted to specifically reject Supreme Court’s decision in Bell v. Grove City College Restored broad scope of coverage All programs and activities means all the operations of a department, state or local government agency, corporation, private entity ADA enacted covering all public entities, so CRRA coverage is extraneous Environmental Justice NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act – 1970), agencies must consider environmental impacts of significant or major decisions. NEPA placed a strong emphasis not just on environment, but on achieving “a balance between population and resource use which will permit high standards of living and a wide sharing of life’s amenities . . .” US Highway Act of 1973 (23 USC 109(h)), recipients must consider social, economic and environmental effects of FHWA-aid projects. Warren County, North Carolina decided to build a toxic waste landfill in a low income, largely black community. Public outcry gave rise to the modern EJ movement. Executive Order 12898 (signed by President Clinton on February 11, 1994) – Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority (protected class) and Low-Income ($22,050 as of 06/09) Populations. Order 5680.1, Released April 15, 1997, incorporated EJ into all DOT programs (Applies to ALL 12 agencies) FHWA Order 6640.23, December 2, 1998, policy and procedures (Refines definitions to fit FHWA programs) DOT EJ ORDER Establishes Standard for Addressing “Disproportionately High and Adverse Effects” Carry Out Activities Only If: A substantial need exists based on the overall public interest. Alternatives that have fewer adverse effects and satisfy the purpose and need are unavailable. Failure to act would have other more severe adverse impacts or extraordinary magnitude of costs. This must be well documented. Common Administrative EJ Complaints Challenging Transportation Decisions as Disparate Impacts Minority community divided by the construction of a highway or rail line. Resources used to build and operate light rail servicing suburbs at expense of bus service for low income inner city communities. “Tunneling” to mitigate effects of transportation facilities in affluent neighborhood but not low income minority neighborhood. Bus schedules and routes fail to provide adequate service or are designed to segregate minority residents. Sound Walls/Noise Barriers/Calming Devices, etc. Has your organization experienced any others? Across the Tracks Wow! The recent focus on HSR means more transit funding, including the possibility of a regional light rail system. Finally, universal popularity! Darensburg v. Metropolitan Transportation Commission o o o o o Currently on appeal in the 9th Cr. Discrimination lawsuit alleging channeling public funds to benefit affluent nonminority riders (rail) to the detriment of minority riders (bus). District Court found disparate impact, though possible justification. MTC has lost public trust and caused ill will among its customers; BART has lost Federal funds. No end in sight. Take a minute to discuss. Can you think of ways to avoid; minimize; mitigate? Lessons Learned Early, extensive Public Involvement. MTC was accused of ‘hiding from its public.’ Could a marketing campaign have helped? Better data collection and analysis. MTC allegedly refused to conduct comparatives studies of funds subsidizing rail versus bus users by race and income. Better examination of the history of area bus transit. Is it better or worse than in years past? Why? Partnership with grassroots organizations; “Partners instead of opponents.” Evaluation of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) to work through conflict rather than the courts, the media. Broader view of the system as a whole . . Not adding rail but enhancing the entire structure for everyone (seamless interconnectivity; unified fares, etc.) Another Scenario Funding is available to refurbish/replace all 18 bus shelters in your county! How should the money be apportioned? What questions need answering? Civil Rights Programs Promote EJ through: Early, extensive and sustained public involvement. Bringing activities to the public rather than vice versa. Active solicitation of opposition opinions turning potential litigants into partners. Strong policies of equal opportunity, inclusion and nondiscrimination. Broadly distributed procedures for accepting and resolving complaints. OOPS! Your LRTP meeting for a rural county is poorly attended. In fact, you are the only attendee. A kind librarian informs you that the address of the building published in the paper burned down three years ago. What do you do? Does your answer change if you learn the county is 60% black and 80% below the poverty line? Should that matter? What are some possible consequences? What steps can be taken to avoid this in the future? Any possible positive consequences? Limited English Proficiency Providing meaningful access to programs, services and activities to those with Limited English Proficiency • Executive Order 13166 (President George Bush on August 11, 2000) • Embodiment of 14th Amendment • Title VI (National Origin) Who is your service population? It does NOT require that the US become a bilingual country It DOES require recipients to take reasonable steps for providing meaningful access It DOES require a written plan for providing this access. Four Factors to consider for LEP Plans The number or proportion of LEP persons eligible to be served or likely to be encountered by programs, services or activities. The frequency with which LEP individuals come in contact with these programs, services or activities. The nature or importance of the program. The resources available to the recipient and costs. The Basics of an LEP Plan Sufficient data collection (is census data enough?) Sound analysis to identify populations and impacts Active Involvement and Representation of low income and minorities throughout the entire transportation process, especially in planning Adequately DOCUMENT that involvement OUTREACH Faith based and community organizations Newspaper, radio, internet and other media Civic, homeowners, tenants’ groups and associations Grassroots, civil rights, and senior citizens organizations Hospitals; clinics and other health care providers Shopping malls; stores; restaurants Fairs, festivals and flea markets Government, especially service providers (police, fire rescue, social services) Universities, colleges, vocational and Local schools and libraries Statistics Never Lie? The Charlie Crist Golden Age Parkway (called by some cynics, ‘the devil’s highway’) is planned through a rural area and should make reaching the coast a snap! Data layers show little population; mostly large farms, now for sale and huge empty tracts of forest. No anticipation of problems with the environmental analyses. Early LRTP meetings garnered positive feedback, especially from farm owners. BUT . . . Your Public Involvement Coordinator has noticed an increasing population of Mexicans . . flags of Mexico abound as do mobile taco vendors and stores with Hispanic names. She remembers seeing more Hispanics in the wake of some large hurricanes two years before. Migrant workers came for clean up work, but apparently many never left. How to Proceed? What are some important questions: Does Title VI cover these populations? They aren’t even legal! Does the project have to be scrapped? What are some ways of reaching out to these communities? Why don’t these communities attend transportation meetings or serve on committees? Is an LEP plan needed to address their need for critical information? How is the census data balanced with the reality? What are some other questions? Is this even realistic? How would you handle it? Disadvantaged Business Enterprise All State DOTs; cities; counties; MPOs that receive Federal financial assistance must have DBE programs FHWA-assisted agencies must adopt the FDOT’s DBE program 49 CFR Part 26 regulates the program The DBE program and MBE program are not the same Confused? The DBE Program: Federal (& State) Regs USDOT/FHWA Nationwide SBA Size Standards based upon gross receipts & PNW Remedy past discrimination, level playing field & provide for equal opportunity The MBE Program: State Statute DMS & Office of Supplier Diversity Florida only 200 or fewer employees 5 million net worth cap To be a DBE . . . Member of a presumed disadvantaged group (women, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native American). If not presumed, can document disadvantage. Must show 51% ‘real and substantial’ ownership (not just paper) through capital contribution or expertise. Must control business, making daily and long term decisions; not relying on others to do so. Recent Statistics (as of 06/2010) District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 District 6 District 7 Out of State Total 80 92 85 158 218 150 132 164 1090 Black 266 Hispanic 265 Native American 15 Asian 45 Hawaiian/PI 50 Women 449 Total 1090 Important Program Responsibilities You may not disparately use DBEs on the basis of protected class membership You should use certified DBEs whenever possible You must check to ensure DBE is actually certified You should check the availability of new DBEs You must must must verify that the DBE is performing a commercially useful function (CUF) You must report actual payments, minority status and type of work for all DBEs, prime or sub, construction or professional services consultants Get in the habit of documenting all of these efforts FDOT’s DBE Program Needs Your Help Race Neutrality means the program is voluntary. No goals are placed on projects. FDOT failed to make its 8.1% goal for FY 2008. Neither FDOT nor the industry wants to return to race conscious goals, a real possibility. Why is Nondiscrimination Programming a Must? It’s the law (and a whole bunch of them). It’s the American way. Equal Opportunity is closely aligned with equality before the law, a constitutional guarantee. It’s profitable. A 2007 University of Chicago study of 250 businesses of all sizes found that diversity was directly related to profitability. . . More diversity equals more customers. It’s useful. Inclusion invites different perspectives and ideas, increasing problem solving potential. Plus, Failure Can be Devastating The regs allow for suspension and removal of funding. The regs allow for referral to US DOJ for litigation consideration. Allegations of discrimination damage organizations’ credibility and reputation, and create ill will in the community. Defending discrimination complaints or lawsuits can be COSTLY, even if unfounded. Good News! Compliance is simple. You are probably already practicing the basics. Write it down! Have written policies/plans/procedures and document activities. Actually follow your policies/plans/procedures and regularly police them. Don’t promise what you cannot or will not deliver. Help is always available. See your Resource Sheet. We love your questions, comments, input, suggestions, problems, scenarios . . call us! Thank you, Charlotte & Carey