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Chapter 2 Study Guide
Levels of Organization
List the levels of organization in order, from BIG to SMALL.
Identify the level of organization that would include an organism’s brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves.
Identify the level of organization that would include large protein molecules made from many smaller molecules.
Relate “atom” to “monomer.”
Relate “cell” to “organelle.”
Relate “cell” to “tissue.”
Relate “organism” to “organ system.”
Relate “muscle tissue” to “stomach.”
Identify the type of cells that make up muscle tissue.
10. Differentiate between monomers and polymers.
11. Explain why it would be possible to find calcium atoms in a rock (nonliving thing) or in a person’s skeleton (living thing).
12. Differentiate between a pure element and a compound.
13. List 3 examples of pure elements.
14. List 3 examples of compounds.
15. Differentiate between an organic compound and an inorganic compound.
16. Identify water as either an organic or inorganic compound, and explain your answer.
17. The chemical formula for a glucose molecule is C6H12O6. Explain why glucose is considered a compound.
18. Using the info in question #17, explain why glucose is considered organic.
19. Relate “carbon” to the term “living things.”
20. Explain why protein is considered an “organic macromolecule.”
21. Relate “monomer” to “polymer.”
21. Explain why carbon is considered the “building block of life” (two reasons).
22. Explain how a monomer is like a single Lego block.
23. List two examples of monomers.
24. Relate “polymer” to “macromolecule.”
25. List two examples of polymers.
26. Identify the product of polymerization (what is made during polymerization?)
27. During polymerization, many glucose molecules join together. Identify the polymer that is formed (two possible answers).
28. List the following words in order, from SMALL to BIG: polymer, atom, cell, organelle, monomer.
29. Identify the four types of organic molecules that make up living things.
30. Identify the atoms found in a carbohydrate molecule.
31. Describe how living things use carbohydrates.
32. Identify two ways that plants use carbohydrates.
33. Explain what is meant by the following statement: “lipids are not soluble in water.”
34. List the four common categories of lipids.
35. Explain why steroids (messenger molecules) must be made from lipids.
36. Identify the three functions of a lipid.
37. Explain why lipid molecules are good at storing energy.
38. Explain why cell membranes are made from lipids.
39. Explain how lipids differ from other organic compounds in terms of monomers and polymers.
40. List three differences between saturated and unsaturated lipids.