Beowulf: The Beginnings of English Literature

The Beginnings of English
Unknown author;
possibly one Christian
author in AngloSaxon England
Unknown date of
composition (roughly
8th-9th Century CE)
Literary Devices
Allusion: Biblical (Cain), Norse myth
Alliteration (eg. Scyld’s strong son)
Epic poetry: a long narrative poem
written in elevated style which
celebrates the deeds of a legendary
Literary Devices
 Kenning: two-word metaphorical
name for something
 Scop: Anglo-Saxon composers and
storytellers (like minstrels or bards)
Modern Day Scops
Warrior Code
Comitatus: Germanic code of loyalty
Thane: warrior – swears loyalty to the
king for whom they fought and whom
they protected (knight)
Wergild: “man-payment”; a fee paid to
the family of a slain man to atone for
his murder and to prevent the family
from seeking revenge.
Geats (Swedish) and Danes
Beowulf was a war
leader of the Geats,
a group of people in
what is now
southern Sweden
Hrothgar was king
of the Danes
Old English
 Beowulf was written in Old English, an early
form of English
 In 1066, William the Conqueror successfully
invaded England, bringing his Norman French
language with him; the nobility began to speak
French, and gradually Old English evolved into
Middle English (1100-1500): “Whan that Aprill,
with his shoures soote/The droghte of March
hath perced to the roote”
 Modern English has been spoken since the
Renaissance – Shakespeare is NOT Old English;
he is Early Modern English
Elements of an Epic
1. Epic hero– an character with a trait or
characteristic that is valued by his society.
(E.g.– Superman’s bravery or valor)
2. Quest– A journey through which the character
or the reader learns something
3. Valorous Deeds– Doing something bravely.
4. Divine Intervention– The hand of God (or
gods) help/hinder the hero, proving his value.
5. Great events– The hero has a hand in
something important in the history or
mythology of a culture.
2 Types of Epics
1. Folk
Told out loud first (usually by scops)
Unknown author
Unknown dates
(E.g.—Beowulf is a folk epic because we don’t know
who wrote it)
2. Literary
Known author
(E.g.– Paradise Lost, by John Milton is a literary
epic because we know who wrote it.)
3 Epic Conventions
1. Invoke a muse
– Muse– inspiration provided by the gods
2. Plot begins in medias res
– In medias re– “In the middle of” the action
3. Serious tone
Not necessary to have all of these, but
need most at least
Beowulf’s Name
• Beowulf’s father– Edgetho
– In most cases, the son is named after the father
Donald (son of Don)
McDonald (son of son of Don)
McDonaldson (son of son of son of Don)
• Proves Beowulf is own individual with own
powers and abilities (and more important than
his father)
• Be=Bee
Wulf=Hunter =Bear
– Bears are known as Great Protectors in Norse
• A powerful monster, demon, fiend
• Born of Cain (cursed for
the murder of his brother Abel)
• Exiled by God
• Angry at the loud music
coming from Herot
• Hrothgar (King of the Danes) has built a
magnificent mead hall called Herot
• The loud music and scops singing were
annoying and painful to Grendel
• Grendel crept into Herot
after the party and found
the Danes sleeping
• He snatched up 30 men,
smashed them, and
dragged them back to
his lair.
• Hrothgar lamented the loss and feared the
beginning might not be the end
• Foreshadowing
• He was right. Grendel returned every night
until all the soldiers deserted Herot
• It stood empty for 12 winters
• Grendel never dared harm King Hrothgar
• He was protected by God-God, Whose
love Grendel could not know.
• Across the sea, Beowulf heard of
Hrothgar’s plight
• He chose 14 fellow Geats (Swedes) and
sailed to help the Danes (Vikings)
• Wulfgar takes Beowulf to Hrothgar but has
him keep his weapons outside
• Hrothgar is aware of
Beowulf’s noble birth
and his reputation as
a great warrior
• Noble Birth—Beowulf’s cousin is also his
King (King Higlac)
• Beowulf boasts about his great
• Fought bravely in war
• Chained 5 Giants
• Hunted and killed sea
monsters at night
• Beowulf announces that he has now come
to purge Grendel from the land
• Beowulf refuses to use a weapon b/c
Grendel uses none
• If Beowulf is defeated
he asks that his inherited
armor be returned to
King Higlac
• Hrothgar recalled how Beowulf’s father,
Edgetho, had killed a Wulfing warrior
• He was exiled from his home
• Hrothgar, as a newly crowned king,
allowed him asylum and paid reparations
to the Wulfing tribe to avoid a war.
• Beowulf was in debt to Hrothgar
• Hrothgar tells Beowulf of the “…fiends
savage assault—and my soldiers would be
fewer still, death taking more and more”
• Example of a caesura (line 221)
• Hrothgar throws a big party in honor of
Beowulf and his Geats. And they wait…
Stop Here
Battle with Grendel
• Beowulf repeats his intent to fight without
a sword
• He lies awake and awaits the Beast
Battle with Grendel
• Grendel has once again heard the
celebrations coming from Herot
• He comes up from the swampland, sliding
silently… (alliteration)
• Grendel tears the door off its hinges
Battle with Grendel
• Grendel is thrilled to see rows of sleeping
• He is hungry for their flesh
• Grendel snatches up a Geat and ate him
• The next victim he reaches for is Beowulf
Battle with Grendel
• Beowulf seizes Grendel in his powerful
grip. He twists his arm behind his back.
• Grendel panics and tries to escape
• The two fight up and down the halls of
Herot nearly destroying it
Battle with Grendel
• Beowulf’s Geats join the fight. They
attempt to strike Grendel with their
• But they could not scratch at his skin, for
that sin-stained demon had bewitched all
men’s weapons…
Battle with Grendel
• Beowulf rips Grendel’s arm from its socket
Battle with Grendel
• Grendel escapes and drags himself back
to the swamps
• The arm was hung
from the rafters of Herot
as a trophy
Battle with Grendel
• The next morning, warriors followed
Grendel’s bloody footprints back to his den
• They led to a swamp where the water was
bloody, steaming and boiling.
• They rode back to Herot, making up
poems of Beowulf’s heroic battle
Stop Here
The Battle with Grendel’s
Mother (Alice)
• Grendel's mother comes to Herot to
avenge Grendel.
• She escapes, taking Esher, Hrothgar's
trusted lieutenant and friend.
The Battle with Grendel’s
Mother (Alice)
• Hrothgar laments the loss of Esher, along
with the other sorrows Grendel and his
mother have inflicted on Herot.
• He asks again for Beowulf's help. Beowulf
agrees to avenge Esher.
The Battle with Grendel’s
Mother (Alice)
• Hrothgar leads Beowulf and his own men
to the bloody, frozen & burning lake, the
abode of Grendel and his mother.
• Unferth gives Beowulf his sword, Hrunting,
and Beowulf dives into the lake fully
armored to attack Grendel's mother.
The Battle with Grendel’s
Mother (Alice)
• After swimming for hours, he finds her.
And she finds him.
• Like Grendel, she is impervious to most
weapons—Hrunting is useless. In the
heat of battle, he finds a giant (magic)
sword hanging on the wall and kills
Grendel's mother with it.
The Battle with Grendel’s
Mother (Alice)
• He then finds Grendel's body and severs
the monster's head.
• When the men on shore see blood rise to
the surface of the lake, they assume
Beowulf has been killed.
The Battle with Grendel’s
Mother (Alice)
• Beowulf's magic sword melts, but he
returns to shore with the jeweled hilt and
Grendel's head.
• Beowulf and the Geats take their "terrible
trophy" to Herot. Beowulf offers the magic
sword's hilt to Hrothgar.
The Dragon and Beowulf's
• Beowulf gains the crown of Geatland after
the deaths of Higlac and Herdred.
• He has been a good and generous king for
50 years when a thief rouses a sleeping
dragon by taking a gem-studded cup..
The Dragon and Beowulf's
• Unable to find the thief, the dragon vows
revenge and destroys Geatland. Beowulf
blames himself for the tragedy, thinking he
must have somehow broken God's law.
The Dragon and Beowulf's
• He prepares to go to battle against the
dragon, recalling his past successes for
• He sets out to fight the dragon alone and
is followed by a group of his men.
The Dragon and Beowulf's
• During the battle, Beowulf's shield is
melted and his sword is broken.
• The rest of his men flee, but Wiglaf comes
to Beowulf's aid and slays the dragon.
The Dragon and Beowulf's
• Beowulf dies in battle, and Wiglaf
admonishes the Geats for their desertion
of Beowulf.
• In honor of their king, the Geats build a
pyre for Beowulf.
Possible OER
• Evaluate a story you’ve read or seen as an epic
– O! Brother, Where Art Thou?
• Epic hero– Ulysses Everett McGill
• Quest– To seek the treasure
• Valorous deeds– Singing the song, escaping the sheriff,
saving Tommy from the KKK, et al.
• Divine intervention– the flood
• Great events– Helping elect Pappy O’Daniel as governor of
Mississippi instead of the KKK head dragon
• Literary epic– Cohen brothers wrote it in 2001
• Invokes a muse at the beginning
• Begins in the middle of the story as they escape jail
• Serious tone? Notsomuch.