Investigation and Remediation of a Small Arms Firing Range JP Messier U.S. Coast Guard Civil Engineering Unit - Cleveland Presentation Overview USCG Environmental Organization Regulatory Framework USCG Firing Ranges Site Characterization Remediation O&M and Upgrades Compliance Pollution Prevention References U.S. Coast Guard Environmental Organization Headquarters (G-SEC-3) Policy, Guidance, and Funding Washington, D.C. Maintenance and Logistics Commands (MLC) Program Management Atlantic – Norfolk, Virginia Pacific – Alameda, California Facilities Design and Construction Center (FD&CC) Major Construction and Design Services Atlantic – Norfolk, Virginia Pacific – Seattle, Washington Civil Engineering Units (CEU) Minor Construction, Design, Environmental, and Real Property Services Cleveland Honolulu Juneau Oakland Miami Providence Regulatory Framework CERCLA EPCRA Section 313, TRI Form R Release Notification and Corrective Actions RCRA Spent Ammunition, Bullet Fragments Recycling/Reclamation – 40 CFR 261 Reuse of Soils On Site Military Munitions Rule – 40 CFR 266 Clean Water Act – NPDES (State Regulations) Other State Programs for Corrective Action USCG Small Arms Firing Ranges (SAFR) Active Seattle, Ketchikan, Kodiak, Honolulu, Galveston, New Orleans, Portsmouth, Cape Cod, Sandy Hook, Petaluma, Cape May, Academy, and Yorktown Closed/Inactive Ketchikan, Cape May, and Galveston Site Characterization Investigation Site Evaluation Fate Transport of Considerations Airborne Particulates Storm Water Runoff and Erosion Dissolved Lead in Groundwater/Surface Water Range History and Layout Ammunition Usage Reclamation and Recycling Firing Positions and Bullet Deposition Future Land/Range Use (Taken from ITRC training) Investigation - continued Sampling Plan Locations and Depths Vertical and Horizontal Extents Hot Spots and Background Contaminants of Concerns Primarily Lead Sampling Methodology Field Screening Using XRF and/or Electron Tube Analyzers • USEPA Method 6200 Constituent Comment Lead Primary constituent of a projectile Lead Styphnate/Lead Azide Primer constituent Antimony Increases hardness. Arsenic Present in lead. A small amount is necessary in the production of small shot since it increases the surface tension of dropped lead, thereby improving lead shot roundness. Copper Bullet Core Alloy Increases hardness. Tin Increases hardness. Constituent Comment Copper Jacket alloy metal Zinc Jacket alloy metal Iron Iron tips on penetrator rounds PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) Concentration of PAHs in clay targets varies from one manufacturer to the next, but may be as high as 1,000mg/kg. Existing studies show that PAHs are bound within the limestone matrix of the target and are, therefore, not bioavailable. Sampling Plan - continued Analytical Method (SW-846) Process Sample with a Sieve Soil, Groundwater, and Surface Water Total and Recoverable/Dissolved Metals • Amount of Lead Present in the Environment • Method 6010B – Analysis AA or ICP • Filtered and Unfiltered for Liquid Samples pH • Buffering Capacity • Method 9045 Sampling Plan - continued SEM:AVS • Acid Volatile Sulfide and Simultaneously Extracted Metals • Bioavailability and Binding Assessment • Ratio <1 Potential for Metals to Bind • Ratio >1 Insufficient Sulfides for Binding Toxicity Testing • Sediment – In Situ or Ex Situ • Expensive, Last Measure, Higher Certainty of Risks from Impacts Sampling Plan - continued Total Organic Carbon • Solubility/Mobility Indicator • Method 9060 Grain Size Distribution • Soil Classification Data • ASTM D-422 Investigative Derived Wastes (IDW) • Waste Stream Classification • Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP) – Method 3010/6010 Ecological Risk Assessment Tier I Generic Bulk Soil Sample Results Comparison Against Published Standards Tier II Site Specific Water Analytical and Additional Soils Data Ecological Characterization Exposure Pathway Identification Estimate of Potential Risks Remedial Alternatives Evaluation Evaluation Factors Future Land Use Continued Range Operation Industrial Residential Cleanup Goal Establishment Budget and Timeframe Remedial Alternatives Evaluation - continued Technology Selection Disposal, Recycling , and Reuse Physical Separation Stabilization/Solidification Soil Washing Chemical Extraction Phytoremediation/Phytoextraction Lower Cleanup Goals = Higher Costs Remediation Disposal Off-Range Disposal Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP) Testing Warranted to Define Waste Stream Classification Hazardous or Non-Hazardous? Haz Soil Can be Treated to Become Non-Haz Physical Separation Stabilization/Solidification Soil Washing Chemical Extraction Soil Reuse No Testing Required: On-Site Use Physical Separation of Bullet Fragments Berm Reconstruction Other Uses within Range Boundary Side/Wing Walls Off-Site Use Testing Required, Treatment Good Probability Render and Prove Non-Haz Show Totals Meet State Criterias Fill Materials Soil Recycling Chemically Treat/Utilize Soils in a Product Rendered Inseparable by Physical Means Meets Universal Treatment Standards Road Base Emulsions/Materials Physical Separation Use for On-Site Management or Off-Site Disposal Dry Screening/Sifting Bullet Fragment Removal/Recycling Lower Limit of ¼ inch Stabilization/Solidification Stabilization Phosphates, Sulfates, Hydroxides, and Carbonates Solidification Portland Cement, Cement Kiln Dust Use for On-Site Management Lower/Control Solubility, Leaching to Ground/Surface Water, and Bioavailability/Risk Use for Off-Site Disposal Render Non-Hazardous to Lower Disposal Costs and Long Term Risk 10,000,000 SO 4 OH CO 3 PO 4 1,000 O4 P H Lead Concentration, mg/L 100,000 10 5 mg/L 0.75 mg/L 0.1 0.001 0.00001 0 2 4 6 8 pH 10 12 14 Stabilization/Solidification - continued Pros: Off-Site Disposal of Non-Haz Soils Reduces Tipping Fees Risk Remains with Land Owner and Not Transferred to a Landfill for Potential Future Liabilities if Soils Remain On-Site Stabilization/Solidification - continued Cons: If Volume is Small, Costs to Perform Option do not Outweigh Savings from Non-Haz Landfill No Reduction in Total Metal Concentrations Material is Heavily Bulked Land Use Controls Warranted if On-Site RCRA Permit May be Needed by State Soil Washing Mineral Processing Technique Physical Sizing Magnetic Separation Soil Classification Gravity Separation Bench-Scale Study Required to Evaluate Process Soil Washing - continued Use for On-Site Management Reduce/Eliminate Leaching to GW/SW Lower Risk to Human Health and the Environment Use for Off-Site Disposal Render Non-Hazardous to Lower Disposal Costs and Long Term Risk Soil Washing - continued Pros: Off-Site Disposal of Non-Haz Soils Reduces Tipping Fees Risk Remains with Land Owner and Not Transferred to a Landfill for Potential Future Liabilities if Soils Remain On Site Soil Washing - continued Cons: If Volume is Small, Costs to Perform Option do not Outweigh Savings at Non-Haz Landfill Residuals May Warrant Land Use Controls Warranted if On-Site RCRA Permit May be Required by State Washes Oversized Coarse Soil Boulders Separates by Size Soil Fines Separates by Density Particulate Contaminants Humates Chemical Extraction Bench Scale Testing to Provide Effective System pH, Buffering Capacity, Total Organic Carbon, Iron and Manganese Levels, Soil Type Residuals of Metals and Leaching Solvent May Remain Bound in the Soils, Restricting Site Usage Residual Acids Require Neutralization Residual Solvents May Remain Toxic in Treated Soils Phytoremediation/Phytoextraction Limited Uptake Potential Specific Plants and Conditions Warranted Constructed Wetlands Indian Mustard Plant Organic Base – Topsoil, Humates, Sandy Loam Soil Ph Levels, Temperature Lead Needed in a More Soluble Form for Uptake Amendment with Chelates O&M and Upgrades Best Management Practices Monitoring and Adjusting Soil pH Lime/Phosphate Addition Control Runoff Ground/Surface Cover • Grasses, Mulches, and Compost Filter Beds Containment Traps and Detention Ponds Dams and Dikes Ground Contouring O&M and Upgrades – continued Bullet Trap Systems Decelerator Granular Rubber Block Rubber SACON – Shock Absorbing Concrete Earthen Berm Compliance EPCRA TRI Form-R Reporting Release and/or Transfer of Toxic Chemicals Lead – 100 pounds per year Annual Submission; On/Before July 1st EPA and State EPA TRI-ME Software Pollution Prevention Lead-Free (Green) Ammunition Frangible Polymers, Nylon Disintegrates upon Contact Shorter Effective Range Non Toxic Copper Jackets over Zinc/Tin Potential for Ricochet References Interstate Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC), Small Arms Firing Ranges; National Association of Shooting Ranges; Lead Prevention and Migration from a SAFR; df Questions/Discussion