2011 Catcher Review


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Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

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Chapters 1 & 2

Holden introduced and narrating

Describes his childhood as

“lousy” and parents as nice, but “touchy as hell”

Pursuing an aimless and self destructive path

Self described as perpetual failure

Disregard for others & displays contempt for all characters mentioned

Holden visits Mr. & Mrs.

Spencer’s house and describes it as depressing

Fourth private school he has been kicked out of

Holden is more than the conventional disaffected teen--he has deeply rooted issues/problems that follow him from school to school

His appearance is adult-like (tall stature & prematurely grey hair) while he is still immature

Chapters 3 & 4

Admits to being a “most terrific liar”, however it is unclear if people like Mr.

Spencer believe Holden’s lies

Holden analyzes


Labels him a “secret slob” as opposed to

Self-delusional… berates others for being phony, yet he displays the same characteristics


Stradlater tells Holden about his date with

Ackley-oblivious to all social graces; vulgar; unclean

Jane Gallagher

(Holden’s former neighbor)

Stradlater-self centered and arrogant

 Stradlater asks Holden to write a paper for him

Holden’s disgust for school and phonies is not completely unfounded

 but not too well

Holden--erratic & impulsive —ie. giving

Holden--reliable narrator?

Stradlater the half nelson

Chapters 5 & 6

Holden goes to movie in New York

City with Ackley and Mal Brossard

When they return, Holden tells

Ackley to leave after he lies again about having sex with a girl.

Holden has to write the essay for


Writes about dead brother Allie’s baseball mitt (Allie, 2 years younger, died of leukemia)

The night Allie dies, Holden punches and breaks all of the windows in his garage

First major indication of Holden’s psychological difficulties

Stradlater returns, asks to read the essay and is annoyed it is only about a baseball mitt

Holden tears it and then asks about the date with Jane


When Holden doesn’t like

Stradlater’s response, he starts a fight

Tearing up of the essay and the fight displays the erratic and uncontrollable behavior Holden exhibits…. Beyond normal teenage impulses

Chapters 7 & 8

Holden goes to Ackley’s room and fixates on his concern for


Decides to leave Pencey early

Typical of his behavioral pattern: impulsive, selfish, and aimless

“Sleep tight, ya morons!”

Has a sense that he is different and better than the others at


Holden meets Mrs. Morrow,

Ernest Morrow’s mom, and gives her the Pencey janitor’s name of Rudolf Schmidt

Holden lies to her and tells her he has a brain tumor and cannot visit during the summer because he will be in South

America with his grandmother

Displays Holden’s contempt for adults and authority figures

He mocks Mrs. Morrow

His lies become more outlandish and shameless

Treats her horribly--ridiculing and as a sexual object

Chapters 9 & 10

Edmond Hotel--shabby room where he is voyeuristic and watches people in other rooms

Considers calling Jane Gallagher again

Ends up calling Faith

Cavendish--former burlesque stripper and not quite a prostitute.

Asks her to get a drink and she denies him

Juxtaposition of Jane Gallagher and Faith Cavendish

Holden waivers in indecision particularly at beginning of chapter

Describes Phoebe--intelligent, similar to Allie in physical appearance, emotional

She writes books about a female detective named Hazel


Holden goes to the Lavender

Room meets three women he describes as “sad” for having a purpose (RCMH)

Holden is cynical--especially about adults

Allie, Phoebe, and Jane Gallagher represent innocence and childhood to Holden

Another pseudonym--Jim Steele

Chapters 11 & 12

Holden thinks about Jane

Gallagher and reveals several things:

How they first met (her dog)

She is the only person with whom he shared Allie’s mitt

Allie’s death is significant in

Holden’s life, yet he is secretive and private about Allie-repressing emotions that may eventually emerge

Reinforces Holden’s suspicions of adults-Mr. Cudahy, Jane’s alcoholic stepfather--Holden suspects he abused Jane

He gets in a cab on his way to

Ernie’s, a nightclub in Greenwich

Village, and a place D.B. frequented

Chats with Horwitz, the cab driver, asking about where the duck go in the winter--Horwitz thinks it is a stupid question

Runs into D.B.’s former girlfrield,

Lillian Simmons and she introduces him to a Navy commander she is dating

Holden displays hostility towards everyone he meets

He is fixated on the phoniness of others, while expressing his own false exterior

Chapters 13 & 14

Walks back to hotel and decides he can confront verbally, however he cannot confront someone physically

(stolen gloves)

Elevator man, Maurice asks him if he wants some “tail” and offers a prostitute for $5

Sunny arrives and does not believe Holden is 22 yrs. He finally makes up an excuse to get out of getting “tail”, but still pays her

Holden is immature to those around him

After Sunny leaves Holden talks to Allie, which he does often when he is depressed

Maurice and Sunny return and argue about the money

Sunny comes in and takes the money, Holden cries, and

Maurice punches him in the stomach

Holden imagines a gangster scene where he shoots Maurice

Self-destructive behavior

Thoughts of suicide--clear sign of his despair

Chapters 15 & 16

Calls Sally Hayes and sets up a date to see a movie

Reveals his father is a wealthy corporation lawyer and his mother has not been well since

Allie’s death

Grand Central Station-meets nuns and speaks with them about

R & J

Notices/comments on cheap suitcases--hypocritical--although he despises the actions of the upper class and their judgemental attitude (Stradlater), he too belongs to this upper class and buys into their behaviors and value system

Holden buys Phoebe a record by

Estelle Fletcher called “Little

Shirley Beans”

Hears a kid singing “If a body catch a body coming through the rye”-Holden less depressed

Buys tickets for I Know My Love starring the Lunts

Phoebe’s friends tell him she is in the Museum of Natural History

Holden is preoccupies with

Phoebe, even more so than with his date with Sally

Fascination with Phoebe--longing for childhood; resists change; fears maturity

Chapters 17 & 18

Holden meets Sally at the Biltmore and wants to marry her

He becomes irritated with her when she continues mentioning she knows people

He continues complaining about everything: taxicabs, living in NY, phonies, etc.

Proposes they run away to the woods and get married

Sally responds there will be time enough for that after college

Contradictory feelings about Sally

(marriage/ “royal pain in the ass”)

He is unaware of his uncouth behavior--yelling at Sally in the restaurant

Holden promptly forgets about Sally and immediately returns to reminiscing about Jane

Calls Carl Luce, a friend from

Whooton School, and plans a meeting that night

Goes to a war movie and becomes irritated with a woman who becomes emotional

Thinks about D.B.’s experience in the war--D.B. made him read A

Farewell to Arms

Holden can analyze others accurately at times, which means that it is external factors leading to his psychological difficulties

Chapters 19 & 20

Holden meets Carl Luce at the

Wicker Bar

Holden immediately returns to his preoccupations with sex and begins asking Carl very personal questions

Carl is offended and tells Holden how inappropriate his questions are

Carl suggests that Holden sees a psychiatrist/ psychoanalyst

Significant that a peer is suggesting this

Carl is so irritated with Holden’s behavior hat he leaves

Holden stays at the bar and get very drunk

He makes a late night call to Sally which angers both Sally and her grandmother

He decides to walk to the duck pond and sit at a bench.

He thinks he is going to get pneumonia and imagines his funeral

He missed Allie’s funeral because he was in the hospital after breaking the windows

He worries about how Phoebe will react to his death

He decides to go home to sneak in and see Phoebe in case it is the last time he will see her again

Chapters 21 & 22

Holden arrives home and sneaks in to see Phoebe who is asleep in D.B.’s room

Phoebe awakens and is excited to see

Holden; she tells him story after story

He watcher her sleep and remarks that children, unlike adults, are peaceful when they sleep

After she realizes that he is home early and has been kicked out of school  again, she worries that their father is going to kill him

Phoebe=manifestation of Holden’s idealization of childhood

Phoebe is realistic and confronts

Holden on his unrealistic comments-at 9, she even realizes he is immature and has no direction

Holden returns to Phoebe after getting cigarettes and tries to explain why he has been kicked out

She wants him to tell her one thing he actually likes

He begins to think about James Castle

(J.C.) who committed suicide at

Elkton Hills

Holden tells Phoebe that the one think he likes is Allie--she reminds him that

Allie is dead

She asks him what he wants to do with his life…he responds with “if a body catch a body comin’ through the rye.”

Holden wants to “save” the children who come too close to the edge…he wants to preserve innocence…

Phoebe corrects him and says that the

Robert Burns poem is actually, “if a body MEET a body coming through the rye”

Chapters 23 & 24

Holden leaves to call Mr. Antolini, the one teacher who was able to approach James Castle’s body.

Mr. Antolini offers him a place to stay for the night

Holden goes to Mr. Antolini’s house and sees that they have just had a party. Mr. Antolini has been drinking and Mrs. Antolini goes to make coffee.

Mr. Antolini is genuinely concerned about Holden and his future

Holden and Phoebe dance in the room and then hear their parents come enter

 Mr. Antolini warns Holden of a fall that he will experience if he doesn’t mature and change

He hides and when everything is clear he tells Phoebe good-bye, she gives him her Christmas savings, he breaks down and cries, and gives her his red hunting hat

Holden finally goes to sleep

He is awakened abruptly by Mr.

Antolini with his hand on Holden’s head gently petting him

Sub-consciously, Holden is reaching out and feels a connection with Mr.

Antolini because of his interaction with James Castle

Holden misinterprets Mr. Antolini’s actions and leaves quickly

Most likely, Mr. Antolini’s actions are a fatherly gesture; he is genuinely concerned about Holden’s mental stability

 Holden, however, is rash

Chapters 25 & 26

Holden has left Mr. Antolini’s house and is wondering if he made the right decision.

Trying to find a place to eat breakfast, he keeps stepping off of the curb and wondering if he’ll just keep falling and disappear.

Holden is near collapse as he talks to his dead brother, Allie, for help.

Holden is outraged at profanity scrawled on the walls of

Phoebe’s school and at the museum.

Holden met Phoebe to say goodbye but she convinces him to stay (a decision that is surprisingly easy after all of this).

Phoebe rides the carousel, another element of life that is in motion yet doesn’t change.

Holden is so damned happy at this point that he feels like bawling.

His story ends here because that’s all Holden wants to tell us.

Important Characters

Holden Caulfield




Jane Gallagher

Mr. Antolini

James Castle


Alienation as selfprotection

Phoniness of the adult world

Coming of age

Hypocrisy and superficiality


What is a motif?

Something in the story that repeats itself

Similar to a theme but doesn’t provide a message or a lesson


Relationships, intimacy, sexuality (all relate to the greater theme of alienation)



The “Catcher in the Rye”

Holden’s red hunting hat

Ducks in the Central Park


The Museum of Natural

