MORGAN COUNTY EXTENSION HOMEMAKERS ASSOCIATION HANDBOOk 2012 - 2013 Member Handbook Name: __________________________________ Club: ___________________________________ Morgan County Extension Homemakers Association MORGAN COUNTY EXTENSION HOMEMAKERS Extension Homemakers are an affiliate of the Morgan County Cooperative Extension Service which operates as a part of the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture in cooperation with the federal, state and local governments. The College of Agriculture is an Equal Opportunity Organization, authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race, color, sex, age, disability or national origin. Morgan County Homemakers are a part of the Licking River Area Association, the Kentucky Association of Extension Homemakers, and the Associated Country Women of the World. As of May, 2012, there were 105 members enrolled in the 5 active Extension Homemaker clubs in the county or as mailbox members. Any individual is welcome to become a member of Morgan County Extension Homemakers. Dues are $10.00 per year, payable by December 1 to Barbara Lawson, Morgan County Homemaker Treasurer. A new Homemaker club may be formed anywhere in the county where there are 6 people interested. Call the County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences Nellie Buchanan at 743-3292 for information. As a Homemaker club member do: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Support your club and officers by attending and participating in club meetings. Arrive on time and stay until the meeting is over. Participate as an officer, leader or hostess/host, when elected or asked to volunteer. Be cooperative - be an active listener. Speak only for yourself. Report to club chairman, secretary or agent how you have used Homemaker information. Invite someone to visit your club and make them feel welcome. Take responsibility for helping make decisions and solve problems. Avoid cliques. Avoid negative comments and criticisms. Applaud the success of other club members. 2 MORGAN COUNTY EXTENSION SERVICE Your county extension service is located at 1009 Hwy 172 in West Liberty. Mailing address is P.O. Box 35, West Liberty, KY 41472. The telephone number is 743-3292; fax is 743-3184. The office is open from 8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. Monday - Friday. You are encouraged to stop by or call when you need assistance in Family & Consumer Sciences, Agriculture & Natural Resources, 4-H Youth Development, Community Economic Development or Expanded Food Nutrition Education Program (E.F.N.E.P.). Services and information are provided at little or no cost. MORGAN COUNTY EXTENSION STAFF Nellie A. Buchanan County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences Kim Cox County Extension Agent for 4-H Youth Development Sarah Fannin County Extension Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources Angie Johnson - Administrative Assistant Rhonda Fannin - Program Assistant Vernell Sheets - EFNEP Assistant MORGAN COUNTY EXTENSION DISTRICT BOARD CHAIRMAN: Keith Holbrook VICE CHAIRMAN: David Ison SECRETARY: Elaine Bartley TREASURER: Susie Blevins E.T. Hall Jennifer Adkins Carole Price Tim Conley, Judge-Executive The Extension District Board is a legal body governing the Extension Service in Morgan County. Members are nominated by the Morgan County Extension Council and appointed by County Judge Executive for a two year term. 3 2012 - 2013 COUNTY OFFICERS PRESIDENT: Donna B. Davis, P.O. Box 771, West Liberty, KY 41472 – 743-1356 home/743-8113 work PAST PRESIDENT: Oma Patrick, 704 Dedman Road, West Liberty - 522-3245 VICE-PRESIDENT: Nettie Goodpaster, 517 Old Hwy 172, West Liberty, KY 41472 – 743-4165 SECRETARY: Leona Cantrell, 933 Old Hwy 172, West Liberty - 743-3655 home/668-3121 work TREASURER: Barbara Lawson, 2327 Hwy 3345, Ezel - 725-5560 COUNTY CHAIRMEN CULTURAL ARTS 2010 - 2012 Vernell Sheets, 4028 Liberty Road, West Liberty - 743-9488 ENVIRONMENT, HOUSING & ENERGY 2011 - 2013 Nell Adkins, 431 Park Hill Blvd., West Liberty - 743-4382 FAMILY & INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT 2010 - 2012 Norma Smith, 10165 Hwy 172, West Liberty - 522-4910 FOOD, NUTRITION & HEALTH 2011 - 2013 Brenda Angus, 4605 Hwy 705, West Liberty - 743-3580 4-H YOUTH DEVELOPMENT 2010 - 2012 Elaine Bartley, P.O. Box 15, Ezel, KY 41425 - 725-5713 INTERNATIONAL 2011 - 2013 Lois Leach, 7592 Hwy 705, West Liberty - 725-9206 LEADERSHIP 2010 - 2012 Oma Patrick, 704 Dedman Road, West Liberty - 522-3245 MANAGEMENT & SAFETY 2011 - 2013 Valerie Cole, 4507 Upper Long Branch, Ezel - 725-5152 PUBLICITY 2010 - 2012 Linda Oakley, 1295 Pleasant Run Road, West Liberty, KY – 743-7981 INSPIRATIONAL 2010 - 2012 Norma Smith, 10165 Hwy 172, West Liberty, KY 41472 - 522-4910 SCHOLARSHIP 2011 - 2013 Norma Smith, 10165 Hwy 172, West Liberty – 522 - 4910 4 READING PROGRAM Homemakers may participate in the Cultural Arts Reading Program by reading one book from six of the ten different categories: arts, biography, family, fiction, history, family and consumer sciences, Kentucky, religion, travel and children (preschool, primary, jr. high). Your club president has a copy of the 2012-2013 book list. A copy is also available at the Morgan County Public Library and the extension office. This is only a suggested list. You may choose your own titles. The local public librarian may have suggestions. If you cannot find the book you wish to read, ask about Kentucky interlibrary loan. This is a service where individuals may borrow books from other Kentucky libraries. Please list titles of books and categories: 1. _____________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________________________ 5. ______________________________________________________________ 6. ______________________________________________________________ Keep a record of the books you read and submit at your March club meeting. Members qualifying will receive a reading award and be recognized at the county annual meeting. 5 CLUB OFFICER’S & CHAIRMEN President: _____________________________________________________________ Vice-President: __________________________________________________________ Secretary: ______________________________________________________________ Treasurer: _____________________________________________________________ Cultural Arts: ____________________________________________________________ Environment, Housing & Energy: ____________________________________________ Family, Individual Development: ______________________________________________ Food, Nutrition & Health: __________________________________________________ 4-H Youth Development: ___________________________________________________ International: _____________________________________________________________ Leadership: _______________________________________________________________ Management & Safety: ______________________________________________________ Publicity: _________________________________________________________________ Scholarship: ______________________________________________________________ CLUB MEMBERS ADDRESS PHONE 1._______________________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________________________ 6. _______________________________________________________________________ 7. _______________________________________________________________________ 8. _______________________________________________________________________ 9. ________________________________________________________________________ 10. _______________________________________________________________________ 11.________________________________________________________________________ 12.________________________________________________________________________ 13.________________________________________________________________________ 14.________________________________________________________________________ 15. ________________________________________________________________________ 16. ________________________________________________________________________ 17.________________________________________________________________________ 18.________________________________________________________________________ 19. ____ ___________________________________________________________________ 20.________________________________________________________________________ 21.________________________________________________________________________ 22.________________________________________________________________________ 23.________________________________________________________________________ 24.________________________________________________________________________ 25.________________________________________________________________________ 26.________________________________________________________________________ 27. _______________________________________________________________________ 28. _______________________________________________________________________ 29. _______________________________________________________________________ 30.________________________________________________________________________ 31.________________________________________________________________________ 32.________________________________________________________________________ 33.________________________________________________________________________ 34.________________________________________________________________________ 35.________________________________________________________________________ 7 DUTIES OF CLUB OFFICERS AND CHAIRMEN PRESIDENT: 1. Assume and exercise the leadership position you have taken. The president leads but does not do all the work. 2. Remember, in all activities, that the most important purpose of the homemakers club is to have an educational program in family and consumer sciences. 3. Preside at all club meetings from a planned agenda. 4. Use and encourage the use of good parliamentary procedure. 5. Start and adjourn meetings on time. 6. Encourage the participation of members in club meetings. Check at each meeting for chairman reports. 7. Attend county council meetings and other county planning and training meetings as called. 8. Report back to your club on all county council or planning meetings. 9. Check with the club secretary and club chairmen to see that the necessary reports are turned in to the extension office, in a timely manner. 10. Call your family and consumer sciences agent when you have questions about any phase of the program. Presidents may call before each meeting to check for new activities. VICE-PRESIDENT: 11. Be familiar with the duties of the president and assume the responsibility of her office in her absence. 12. Attend county council meetings and other planning meetings for the vice-president. 13. Serve as Membership Chairman for your club; association. SECRETARY: 1. Record minutes of all club meetings. Good minutes include the type of meeting, name of club, date and location of meeting, a record of what was done and a summary of reports given. 2. Keep an up-to-date roll of your club members. 3. Each club secretary's book contains a monthly club report form which should be sent to Nellie A. Buchanan, County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences, P.O. Box 35, West Liberty, KY 41472. **Please send following each club meeting. 4. Carry on the correspondence of the club. 5. Carry out the duties of the president and/or vice-president in case of their absence. TREASURER: 6. Handle all monies for your club. 7. Collect dues from each member of the club and send $10.00 county dues to Barbara Lawson no later than December 1. 8. Pay bills as authorized by your club. Keep an accurate account of all receipts and expenditures on treasurer’s report forms. 9. Make a report of finances at each monthly meeting. 8 ALL CLUB CHAIRMEN: 10. Work cooperatively with the county subject matter chairman who is responsible for the program you are working on. 11. Attend or be represented at county Extension leader training meetings when your subject matter is being taught. 12. Keep informed about local, county and state situations and needs. Support topics for programs in your subject matter, considering all audiences. 13. Present information at club meetings and workshops in your subject matter field. This may be sent from the Extension Office or the results of your own efforts. 14. Help plan and/or participate in tours, field trips, special interest projects or workshops as needed for the club or the county. 15. Report the club accomplishments and activities in your subject matter field to your county subject matter chairman before the county annual meeting. SUGGESTED ORDER OF BUSINESS FOR CLUB Call to order Inspirational (Family& Individual Development Chair) Educational lesson Business meeting A. Roll call B. Minutes of previous meeting C. Treasurer's report D. Committee reports and/or project chairmen E. Old (unfinished) business F. New business G. Suggestions/announcements of next months’ program, leaders and host/hostesses, suggestions/correspondence Refreshments Recreation Club presidents may adapt the meeting agenda to meet their specific homemaker club. CLUB MEETING SCHEDULE COUNTRY COUSINS and FRIENDS - Second Tuesday, 7:00 P.M./Summer/ 6:00 p.m./Winter Assembly of Faith Church Hwy 519 SOLID ROCK HOMEMAKERS of EZEL - Third Monday, 6:00 P.M., Ezel Fire House TOWNE 'N' COUNTRY - Third Monday, 6:00 P.M. Index Community Church WEST LIBERTY - Second Friday, 7:00 P.M., Members’ Homes WOODSBEND - Second Tuesday, 6:30 P.M., Woodsbend Community Church 9 OTHER IMPORTANT DATES: Morgan County Homemaker Council meets quarterly in September, December, March and June. September 8th, 5:30p.m. Licking River Area Fall Meeting – September 13, 2012 Clark Energy Building, Frenchburg, KY Theme: “50 Years of Fashion” Cultural Arts check in Morgan Co. Extension Office prior to Area Fall meeting Leader Training - usually last 2 weeks of each month. 2012 - 2013 International Meeting - Feb. 22, 2013 Registration 5:30 p.m. and Meeting 6:00 p.m. 63rd County Annual Meeting – May 11, 2013 SPECIAL INTEREST, HERITAGE SKILL PRESERVATION WORKSHOPS AND CLASSES TO BE ANNOUNCED THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. **Refer to annual projects & activities calendar (Pink Sheet – Plan of Work) CLUB MEMBERSHIP - author unknown Are you an active member, the kind that would be missed? Or are you just contented, that your name is on the list? Do you attend the meetings, and mingle with the flock? Or do you stay at home, and criticize and knock? Do you take an active part to help the work along? Or are you satisfied to be the kind that just belongs? Do you ever work on committees, to see there is no trick? Or leave the work to just a few and talk about the clique? So come to meetings often, and help with hand and heart. Don't just be a member but take an active part. Think it over, Member, and know right from wrong. Are you an active member, or do you just belong? 10 HOMEMAKERS' SONG We have seen a splendid vision of the glory of the state Thru the fire upon God's altar, where the vestals serve and wait; 'Tis the home He hath established that shall guard the future fate, Our work goes marching on. Chorus Hail, Homemakers; striving ever In the glory of endeavor Faith and purpose failing never, Thru service we are crowned. As a heart of fire that slumbers flashes forth to living flame; At the breath of Faith we leaped to life, a power and a name; Thrilling with a mighty purpose, sisters all, in hope and aim, Homemakers, we march on. (Tune: "Battle Hymn Of The Republic") 11 2012 - 2013 Calendar 12 SEPTEMBER, 2012 Place___________________________________ Time______________ Hostess ___________________________________________________ Major Lesson ______________________________________________ Other Activities ____________________________________________ Leaders ___________________________________________________ Roll Call: Name your favorite fall recipe. Thought for the Month: Think big thoughts, but relish small pleasures. September Lesson/Leader Training: “Stir Fry Your Way to Better Health” Shannon Smith, Bracken County Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences Training date - August 30, 2012 @ 1:00 p.m. Leader Training Date for October Lesson “The Mind and Body Connection” Martha Perkins, Bath County, Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences September 20, 2012, 1:00 p.m. Location: Morgan County Extension Service NOTES: Homemaker Council Meeting & Officer Training, Sept. 8th at 6:00 p. m. Assembly of Faith Church Thanks to all volunteers for County Fair exhibits and Sorghum Festival Hostesses! ******Start getting pecan orders ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________ 13 OCTOBER, 2012 Place ________________________________Time_______________ Hostess _________________________________________________ Major Lesson ____________________________________________ Other Activities __________________________________________ Leaders _________________________________________________ Roll Call: Name your most memorable Halloween experience. Thought for the Month: What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. October Lesson: “The Mind and Body Connection” Martha Perkins, Bath County, Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences September 20, 2012, 1:00 p.m. Leader Training Date for November “Cooking Under Pressure” October 25, 2012 @ 1:30 & 5:00 p.m. Nellie A. Buchanan, Morgan County Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences Location: Morgan County Extension Service NOTES: October 2, 9:00 a.m., Holiday Fun Day Committee meeting October 4, Blood Drive th Oct. 15 Pecan Orders due to Norma Smith - 522-4910 or Nellie at the office 743-3292 October 30, 2012, Skills Day Fleming County Pre-Sale Pancake Breakfast tickets @ $5.00 each Towne ‘N Country Club to visit the Nursing Home ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 14 NOVEMBER, 2012 Place Time________________ Hostess _____________________________________________________ Major Lesson ________________________________________________ Other Activities ______________________________________________ Leaders______________________________________________________ Roll Call: What is your favorite dessert for your Thanksgiving feast? Thought for the Month: If your pie crust won’t stick together, make cobbler instead. Lesson: “Cooking Under Pressure” October 25, 2012 @ 1:30 & 5:00 p.m. Nellie A. Buchanan, Morgan County Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences Leader Training Date: “Creating and Maintaining Family Traditions” December 4, 2012, 4:00 p. m. Brooke Howard, Bath County and Sally Mineer, Lewis County Extension Agents for Family & Consumer Sciences Location: Morgan County Extension Service NOTES: November 6, 7 & 8, Amish Tour, Berlin, OH November 9, Veterans Day Program MCMS November 13, 2012, Holiday Fun Day 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. and Youth 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. November 28, Executive officers meeting, 8:30 a.m. Pre-sale: Pancake Breakfast tickets @ $5.00 West Liberty Club to visit the Nursing Home ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 15 DECEMBER, 2012 Place Time _____________ Hostess __________________________________________________ Major Lesson ______________________________________________ Other Activities____________________________________________ Leaders __________________________________________________ Roll Call: Name your favorite Christmas ornament. Thought for the Month: May the joy of the season bring warmth to your heart. Lesson: “Creating and Maintaining Family Traditions” NOTES: December 1 Extension Homemaker dues deadline th Dec. 4 Homemaker Council Meeting @ 6:00 p.m. – Morgan County Extension Service Refreshments will be served December 6, 2012 Blood Drive December 8 Morgan County Old Fashion Christmas Extension Homemaker Pancake Breakfast 7:00 – 11:00 a.m. (volunteer & support this fund raiser) Location Index Community Church December 24, 2012 – January 2, 2013 Extension Service closed Christmas holiday ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 16 JANUARY, 2013 Place Time ____________ Hostess ________________________________________________________ Major Lesson ____________________________________________________ Other Activities ________________________________________________ Leaders _________________________________________________________ Roll Call: What is the best memory of your present or past Homemaker Club experience? Thought for the Month: All that matters in life is what you do for others. Lesson Mail Out County Choice Lesson for February Mail out: “Focus on the Home: Accessibility” Peggy Powell, Montgomery County Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences NOTES: January 3, 2013, International Committee meeting, 9:00 a.m. Country Cousins Club to visit Nursing Home ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 17 FEBRUARY, 2013 Place Time ________________ Hostess _______________________________________________________ Major Lesson __________________________________________________ Other Activities ________________________________________________ Leaders _______________________________________________________ Roll Call: What is the funniest thing that happened to you on Valentine’s Day. Thought for the Month: Slow dancing in life isn’t the same as waltzing through it. February Lesson: Mail out: “Mail out: “Focus on the Home: Accessibility” Peggy Powell, Montgomery County Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences” Lesson for March Mail out: “Focus on the Home: Preparedness” Whitney Morrow, Carter County Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences NOTES: Solid Rock Club to visit the Nursing Home February 7, Blood Drive nd Feb. 22 , 2013, International Dinner, 5:30 p.m. February 26, County Executive officers meeting, 9:00 a.m. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 18 MARCH, 2013 Place Time _____________ Hostess __________________________________________________ Major Lesson_______________________________________________ Other Activities ___________________________________________ Leaders __________________________________________________ Roll Call: What would be your “pot of gold” at the end of the ranbow? Thought for the Month: AN OLD IRISH BLESSING May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm on your face And the rain fall soft upon your friends And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand. March Lesson: Mail out: “Focus on the Home: Preparedness” Whitney Morrow, Carter County Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences Leader Training Date for April “Gluten Free” Laura White, Rowan County Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences March 29, 2013, 10:00 a. m. Location: Morgan County Extension Service NOTES: March 5 Homemaker Council Meeting @ 6:00 p.m. March 12th Farm & Family Night ***Scholarship applications available. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 19 th APRIL, 2013 Place Time ____________________ Hostess _______________________________________________________ Major Lesson __________________________________________________ Other Activities __________________________________________________ Leaders _______________________________________________________ Roll Call: What is your favorite summertime activity? Thought for the Month: A smile is a light in the window that shows that the heart is at home. April Lesson: “Gluten Free” Laura White, Rowan County Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences March 29, 2013, 10:00 a. m. Leader Training Date for May “Saving Water & Energy in Your Home & Garden” April 17, 2013, 10:00 a.m. Donna Fryman, Fleming County Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences Location: Morgan County Extension Service NOTES: April 3, 2013 - Bath County Kentucky Market Pavilion, 10:00 a.m. April 4, 2013, Blood Drive ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 20 MAY, 2013 Place Time ______________ Hostess ___________________________________________________ Major Lesson ________________________________________________ Other Activities ______________________________________________ Leader’s ____________________________________________________ Roll Call: Name someone who you consider a hero. Thought for the Month: The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on the porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation that you have ever had. May Lesson: “Saving Water & Energy in Your Home & Garden” April 17, 2013, 10:00 a.m. Donna Fryman, Fleming County Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences Location: Morgan County Extension Service NOTES: KEHA State Meeting - May 6 - 9 in Lexington May 11, 63rd Morgan County Extension Homemakers Annual Meeting 5:30 p.m. May 28th, County Executive Officers meeting 9:00 a. m. Woodsbend Club to visit the Nursing Home ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 21 JUNE, 2013 Place Time ______________________ Hostess _______________________________________________________ Major Lesson ___________________________________________________ Other Activities _________________________________________________ Leaders ________________________________________________________ Roll Call: Where would you like to go on vacation? Thought for the Month: Friendship is the Oak of Life; it grows through rain and drought. It stands against the storms of night, deflecting feat and doubt. It comforts us when illness comes, reassures when conflicts rage and spreads its shading summer arms in deference to our age. Lesson: Club Free Choice Lesson NOTES: June 4 - Homemaker Council Meeting @ 6:00 p.m. June 7 Blood Drive th ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 22 WHAT IS THE VALUE OF ONE MEMBER Ten little members standing in a line. One disliked the president, and then there were nine. Nine ambitious members offered to work late. One forgot her promise, and then there were eight. Eight creative members had ideas good as heavens. One lost enthusiasm, and then there were seven. Seven loyal members got into a fix. They quarreled over programs, and then there were six. Six members remained with spirit and drive. One moved away, and then there were five. Five steadfast members wished there were more. One became indifferent and then there were four. Four cheerful members who never disagree. 'til one complained of meetings, then there were three. Three eager members. What do they do? One got discouraged and then there were two. Two lonely members our rhyme is nearly done. One joined a bridge game and now there is one. One faithful member was feeling rather blue Met with a neighbor, then there were two. Two earnest members each enrolled one more Doubling their number, and then there were four. Four determined members just couldn't wait 'til each won another, and then there were eight. Eight excited members signed up sixteen more. In another six verses, there'll be a thousand twenty-four. 23 KENTUCKY HOMEMAKERS CREED I believe in the home as an inspiring and happy center of family life, comfortable and attractive, a place for relaxation and work, where pleasure and responsibilities are shared. I believe in the home, its contribution to community life which reflects the development of the homemaker and her family. I believe in the homemaker, alert, diligent, in search of better ways of doing ordinary things for the welfare and happiness of her family. I believe in the homemaker as a leader in her community, in her responsibility for passing on to others her mastered skills and knowledge. I believe in the fellowship that comes through the homemakers organization, the exchange of ideas, the joy of knowledge shared with others thus broadening our lives and lifting household tasks above the commonplace. For these opportunities, I am grateful. I am thankful for the courage of yesterday, the hope of tomorrow and a growing consciousness of God's love always. HOMEMAKERS AIM To Have Every Home: Economically Sound Mechanically Convenient Physically Healthful Morally Wholesome Mentally Stimulating Artistically Satisfying Socially Responsible Spiritually Inspired Founded Upon Mutual Affection and Respect (Juliet L. Bane) 24 Educational programs of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion disability, or national origin Disabilities accommodated with prior notification