The Social Construction of Sexual Identities From Advancing Sexuality Studies: a short course on sexuality theory and research methodologies The International Resource Network Developed by: The Caribbean International Resource Network Presented in collaboration with: The Institute for Gender & Development Studies at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine (Trinidad & Tobago) With funding from The Ford Foundation & the International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society (IASSCS) Available under an Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike licence from Creative Commons 2 Schedule Learning activity Introduction & aims Session 1. Sexual identities and Social Constructionism :Small group work & brainstorm Lecture Show pictures Time allowed 10 mins 120 mins 55 55 10 Session 2. The Development of Caribbean Sexual Identities Lecture & Pre-reading review Small group discussion & feedback (Lunch Break) 55 mins 25 30 Session 3. The Carnivalesque in Caribbean Sexuality Pairs work Small group work & feedback (coffee Break) 75 mins 25 50 Session 4. Caribbean Sexual Identity Construction: “Coming of Age” Small group work Large group discussion 90 mins 60 30 Conclusion Total 15 3 365 mins Module aims • To introduce participants to social constructionist understandings of sexual identity from anthropology, history and contemporary sociology • To understand the origins/basis of Caribbean sexual identities • To bring together perspectives on culture and sexuality by exploring the ways in which Caribbean sexuality is described. 4 Participants will: • Develop a critical understanding of sexual identity as socially constructed in relations of discourse and power. •Be able to assess the development of Caribbean sexualities based on the development of the region’s sexual cultures. •Examine connections between culture and sexuality through material culture, especially through exploring the carnivalesque as an idea through which modern Caribbean sexual identities are represented and scripted. 5 Session 1. Sexual identities and social constructionism 6 What is sexual identity? • In groups of three or four: – Make a list of sexual identities in your social context. • Try to think of as many different kinds of sexual identity as you can. – If there is more than one term for a particular identity, group these together. • Include: traditional names, formal scientific or legal terms, more recent terms, slang terms, etc.. – Organise these identities into a hierarchy that reflects their respective positions within society. – Note which of these sexual identities might be specific to the Caribbean or its diaspora, and which (if any) are rarely found in Caribbean communities. (20 mins) • Feedback (5 mins) 7 What is sexual identity? • Take two different sexual identities from the list: – How are people with these identities thought about? • What meanings are attached to these identities? Does gender inform how these identities are thought about? Does class? – Where do these ideas come from? • Scientific truths about sexual nature? • Legal rules about appropriate social conduct? • Traditional or contemporary ideas about morality? – How are these identities reproduced? • Do people take them on by choice, or are they forced upon them? – Can people engage in the sexual practices these identities refer to and not be labelled with these identities? (20 mins) 8 Brainstorm • What is sexual identity and how does it relate to sexuality? (10 mins) 9 Social construction, sexual identity • Identity is not fixed and unchanging • It is dependent on social meaning • Sexual identities do not simply name sexual practices • They constitute individuals as particular kinds of people, e.g. – Adulterer – Homosexual – Heterosexual 10 About sexuality: • Dominant ideas about sexuality: – Sexual behaviour “naturally” follows sexual difference (male and female) – Sexuality is “natural,” innate – biological instinct to reproduce; a psychological drive – Deviations from the “natural” or “normal” indicate “immorality,” “depravity” or “disorder” 11 Social construction of sexuality • Rather than types of persons, or individual sexual behaviours, sexual instincts or drives, this approach focuses on: – Socially produced meanings – Socially accepted practices – Socially agreed-upon identities • And their relationship to: – Discourses – Institutions – Power relations 12 • Discourses – Institutionalised ways of thinking about a possible object that, in turn, limit how that object might be thought about – Michel Foucault – Knowledge is power (‘power/knowledge’) – Power exercised through discourse - it may be difficult to speak about the thing being described in any other way – Discourses are ‘truth claims’ that support established power relations: • “Women are more suited to raising children because they give birth” • “Sex education for young people encourages sexual promiscuity” • “Homosexuality is unnatural” 13 Sexual Theory • Social constructionist theory – A way of thinking about the world – The power of culture, language and knowledge to construct ‘reality’ – There is no prior, objective ‘reality’ beyond our interpretation of it • We all interpret ‘reality’ differently depending on our social position and cultural background 14 Different but Equal • Cross-cultural variability in sexuality – Sambia of New Guinea (Herdt, 1981) – Practices that appear the same have different meanings in different cultures – Same-sex sexual experience before marriage • In many cultures, same-sex sexual activity raises personal questions about whether one is homosexual, bisexual, or heterosexual 15 ‘Sexuality’ • Historical scholarship - Foucault (1978); Weeks (1977) • Prior to late 19th century: – People engaged in sexual acts and behaviours, but were not understood to have distinct sexual identities • ‘Sexuality’ emerged as a discrete attribute of human experience in 19th century European thought – Rise of professional discourses regulating personal conduct and behaviour – Emergence of specific forms of sexual deviance • Sexuality can no longer be regarded as an intrinsic attribute of ‘self’ or as biologically inherent (Gagnon & Parker, 1995) • An outcome of intellectual and social processes bound up in language and knowledge systems of post-Enlightenment 16 Oppositional & binary thinking • Western systems of meaning-making – Oppositional or binary • • • • • Day – Night White – Black Man – Woman North – South Developed – Underdeveloped, etc. • Difference is the basis to meaning-making • One term is powerful by virtue of defining the other as different • The power to classify, define and make knowledge about an Other contributes to their subjectification and marginalisation 17 Power Discourses • Heterosexual - homosexual • But 1960s onwards: – From homosexual, to gay and lesbian – identity politics movements on the basis of identification with ‘masterdiscourses’ – Challenged the dominant (institutionalised) meanings that applied to the category homosexual – Identity can be a source of power • New possibilities for being sexual emerge even in conditions of regulation and repression 18 • Heterosexuality is an ‘unmarked’ category – Homosexuality is understood to be the deviation from the heterosexual norm • Brainstorm – How do we know people are heterosexual? – How often are people required to identify themselves as heterosexual? – How do they do this? • Questions? (5 mins) (5 mins) 19 The ‘charmed circle’ Source: Gayle Rubin (1984) Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality 20 • Heterosexuality is not a natural category – Favoured practices and norms • Individuals are subject to regulations that construct heterosexuality as ‘natural’ and ‘normal’ – and individuals who identify as heterosexual as moral citizens • Others are constituted as unnatural, sinful, ill, or immoral • Heterosexual/homosexual binary sustains unequal sexual and social relations, and constrains the possibilities for sexual expression 21 Exercise • Brainstorm: – What purposes might the classification and differentiation of sexual desires, sexual bodies, or sexual practices actually serve? – Who benefits from this organisation of social life? (5 mins) 22 Sexual practise & interpretation • Masturbation – A specific social problem in 19th century Europe (how to stop children from engaging in ‘self-abuse’) – Shift from shameful activity to legitimate aspect of personal (private) sexual expression in 20th century – A ‘normal’ activity: individuals less likely to think of themselves as deviant or immoral – Enormous shift in meaning over 120 years • Debates between experts • Political activists and social groups • Broader shifts in social values and attitudes 23 Sexual practise & interpretation (cont’d) • The social construction of sexual problems in medical discourse: – ‘Female sexual disorder’ – ‘Erectile dysfunction’ • Are these: – Biological problems with pharmaceutical solutions (Viagra, Hormone Replacement Therapy)? – Or social problems? • Unequal gender relations between men and women? • Understandings of male sexuality that prioritise the erection and penetration as the definition of sex? (Tiefer, 1995; Marshall, 2006) 24 Pictures - cultural objects You are given a set of pictorial culture objects to view. At this point extended feedback on these pictures is not required. (10 mins) 25 Session 2. The development of Caribbean Sexual Identities 26 Session 2. Pre-reading review Brainstorm: • What social processes are related to colonisation? • How is colonisation understood to impact upon Caribbean sexual cultures? (5 mins) 27 The problem of sexual identity • Regarding Caribbean sexual identities, fundamental issues that emerge concern whether such identities should be considered “private” or “public” and, if private, how can they be created under societal rules made by a colonial authority? • An additional issue is whether or not sexual identity within a society can be fixed or interpreted in one way by a particular group within the society and be similarly fixed, or interpreted differently by other groups within that same society. 28 Background • The colonial sexual norms imposed on the Caribbean colonies only officially ended in 1917 with the end of Indian indentureship and in 1886 with the ending of slavery in Cuba. • For an extended period in time (which in some places continues) the colonial context was dominant, influencing all forms of identity, including sexual identity. • In the colonial context the society was not an homogenous one but consisted of different groups of which only one was dominant and therefore set the sexual “norms” for the society 29 Sex & power in colonial society •As in all aspects of societies, norms concerning sexual matters are generally made by particular interest groups within the society and, often, the most powerful groups construct laws and norms in their best interest. •In so far as Caribbean sexual identities are concerned, male, heterosexual interest groups have traditionally been the main creators and beneficiaries of the freedoms of both secular and religious laws and customs controlling sexual matters. 30 Sex & Caribbean women • Often Caribbean women were seen as property (sources of children, unpaid labor and/or heterosexual sex) to be protected or as individuals not capable of seeing about themselves. • Male views dominated (and perhaps continue to?) • Issue of interpretation of these views to present 31 Richard Ligon’s description of indigenous women • …very small breasts; and have more of the shape of the Europeans than the Negroe, their hair black and long, a great part whereof hangs down upon their backs…with a large lock hanging over either breasts, which seldom or never curls; clothes they scorn to wear especially if they are well-shaped. (Ligon, 1673:54) • Emphasis on heterosexual sexual identity 32 The 17th and 18th Century sugar plantation and sexuality • Imposed sexuality and sexual identity on plantations • Heterosexual “Jezebel,” “Mammy” and “Buck” sexual identities created for black women and men by colonizers • White women were put on a pedestal as virtuous and chaste, while white men were seen as powerful • Indian women were stereotyped as innocent but easy to seduce; Indian men as predatory and violent, but less than black men • The colonized often held reverse stereotypes… 33 Sum up • The importance of this overview is that the sugar estates were present on every island of the Caribbean and, as such, the attitudes created in the formation of sexual identities and imposed by the colonial class have resonance to this present day. • Note also “anomalies” in early creation of sexual identities • The Caribbean provides an excellent example of how constructionist sexual identity formation dominated the society. 34 Small group discussion • In your society, what are among the most prevalent influences on the way people think about and practice sexuality? • In what ways are contemporary sexualities influenced by the state or other forms of national power such as the law? • In your society, do you see changes in sexual attitudes and practices that might be associated with the processes of colonialism, imperialism, or globalization? (20 mins) • Feedback (10 mins) 35 Session 3. The carnivalesque and the social construction of Caribbean sexualities 36 Pairs discussion • In pairs use the following questions to help you reflect upon the relationship between sexuality and culture in your own life: – What about the carnival experience contributes to more overt public sexual behavior? – Do you think public sexual behavior during carnival is specifically influenced by the fact that participants are in costume? (25 mins) 37 Pairs discussion • Consider schools and/or the workplace. What kinds of sexual expression are supported in such contexts and what is considered unacceptable? Where do peer groups exercise definitions of sexuality and do they help to determine what does and does not count as legitimate sexuality? • Do carnival and other Caribbean festivals allow sites for the expression and exploration of sexuality in Caribbean culture and society ? 38 In relation to history and other social factors • How do historical factors influence sexual identity differently across social groups in the Caribbean? 39 Small group work • In groups of 4-6, compare and contrast your findings • On a flipchart, attempt to hierarchically organise the historical and cultural influences on sexuality (25 mins) • Feedback • Discussion: Are the influences identified conceived as bearing down on an already existing sexuality, or do they constitute sexuality through social interaction? • Does it make sense to think of sexuality in terms of discrete local or historical domains, or are these closely interrelated? (25 mins) 40 Session 4. Caribbean Sexual Construction: “Coming of age” 41 Small group work • Break into groups of 3-4: – Produce a ‘critical sexual commentary’ of each picture as it relates to the wider society • Do the pictures evoke personal meanings from participants' own experiences or those of friends and family? • What do the pictures reveal about social and cultural context? • Do the pictures evoke ideas regarding social, political and/or economic realities and their relationship to contemporary sexualities? (60 mins) 42 Group discussion • Do the pictures suggest anything in particular about Caribbean sexual identities and sexual cultures? • Do the pictures evoke ideas of ‘traditional’ sexualities or ideas more strongly associated with modernity? – Can sexuality be easily categorised as ‘traditional’ or ‘modern’? • What, if anything, do the pictures imply specifically about carnival and Passa Passa, or more generally about the carnivalesque? Are the pictures regionally specific or culturally specific, or linked to broader flows of information globally? (30 mins) 43 Conclusion • The historical development of the Caribbean influenced its sexual development from the fifteenth through to the twentieth centuries. • Caribbean ideas of sexuality demonstrated, in their early development, accepted notions of constructionist sexual identity creation theory. • The carnivalesque is an important indigenous cultural creation, which ironically, in its expression, can both reinforce and challenge the heterosexual ‘norm.’ 44 Module adapted for the Anglophone Caribbean by: Professor John Campbell, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago Original module created by: Professor Gary W. Dowsett, Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society. With input from Dr Sean Slavin, Ms Gillian Fletcher, Mr Murray Couch, Dr Duane Duncan and Dr Jon Willis Caribbean short course developed by: The Caribbean International Resource Network with the Institute for Gender & Development Studies, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago Original short course developed by: The Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia and The International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society (IASSCS) With funding from The Ford Foundation Available under an Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike licence from Creative Commons 45