ReEMPLOYMENT ELIGIBILITY ASSESSMENT (REA) & ReEMPLOYMENT SERVICE PROGRAM (RES) Deval L. Patrick, Governor Timothy P. Murray, Lieutenant Governor Joanne F. Goldstein, Secretary Labor and Workforce Development Michael Taylor, Director Workforce Development Rosemary Chandler, Director Division of Career Services 1 WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS RES vs. PROFILING vs. REA REA COMPONENTS CUSTOMER POOLS AREA ALLOCATIONS CCS NOTIFICATION LETTERS PROFILING DESK GUIDE STAFF ROLES UI POLICY AND PROCEDURES CAP REVIEW AND GROUP EXERCISE COMPONENTS OF REA INTERVIEW MOSES PROCEDURES LABOR MARKET INFORMATION QUESTIONS/ COMMENTS EVALUATIONS AND WRAP UP 2 RES COMPONENTS ATTEND A CCS (ORIENTATION) ENROLL AND REGISTER FOR PROGRAM COMPLETE A JOB SEARCH INVENTORY DEVELOP A CAREER ACTION PLAN (CAP) = INITIAL ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE FOLLOW UP SERVICE PROFILING COMPONENTS ATTEND A CCS (ORIENTATION) COMPLETE A JOB SEARCH INVENTORY REFERRAL TO ADJUDICATION IF UI CLAIMANT DOES NOT ATTEND REA COMPONENTS (NOT COVERED BY GRANT) ATTEND AN ORIENTATION REGISTER WITH STATE’S JOB BANK DEVELOP A Re-EMPLOYMENT PLAN REFERRAL TO APPROPRIATE SERVICE THROUGH OSCC Please note REA customers must complete the above services. 3 REA COMPONENTS (COVERED BY GRANT) UI CLAIMANT MUST BE PROVIDED LABOR MARKET INFORMATION REVIEW OF UI CLAIMANT CAREER ACTION PLAN VERIFY THAT CUSTOMER IS FOLLOWING (CAP) UI ELIGIBILITY ASSESSMENT CONDUCTED WITHIN 4 WEEKS OF ENROLLMENT(DATE ATTENDED CCS) DEVELOPMENT & REFERRAL TO ADJUDICATION WHEN NECESSARY. 4 5 WORKFORCE RES ENROLLED AREA AS OF . 4/30/10 ANTICIPATED REA STATUS REVIEWS % OF RES CONDUCTED 7/1/10ENROLLED 6/30-11 ALLOCATIONS BASED ON RES ENROLL % WEEKLY ALLOCATIONS 430 $46,070.66 8 7.6% 1,578 $169,118.51 30 3,820 5.5% 1,145 $122,726.58 22 Brockton 3,054 4.4% 916 $98,117.01 18 Cape & Islands 925 1.3% 277 $29,717.82 5 Central Mass 7,685 11.1% 2,304 $246,898.89 44 Franklin/Hampshire 1,470 2.1% 441 $47,227.24 Greater Lowell 4,640 6.7% 1,391 $149,071.03 Greater New Bedford 2,131 3.1% 639 $68,463.44 Hampden 4,187 6.0% 1,255 $134,517.33 Lower Merrimack Valley 5,299 7.6% 1,589 $170,242.97 Metro North 6,249 9.0% 1,874 $200,763.98 Metro South West 7,530 10.9% 2,258 $241,919.15 North Central 4,872 7.0% 1,461 $156,524.58 28 North Shore 4,306 6.2% 1,291 $138,340.48 25 South Shore 6,503 9.4% 1,950 $208,924.33 Totals 69,369 100% 20,800 $2,228,644.00 Berkshire 1,434 2.1% Boston 5,264 Bristol T[ 9 27 12 24 31 36 43 38 400 6 LETTER 1: INITIAL TO PROFILED AND RES CLAIMANTS TO ATTEND CCS WITHIN THREE WEEKS LETTER 2: TO PROFILE AND RES CLAIMANTS GIVING THEM TWO MORE WEEKS TO ATTEND LETTER 3: TO THE 400 REA CLAIMANTS, ADVISING THEM OF THEIR ENROLLMENT INTO REA, THEIR REQUIREMENTS AND THAT THEY WILL BE CALLED BY A RE-EMPLOYMENT SPECIALIST SHORTLY 7 MASSWORKFORCE.ORG URL SCENARIOS OUTLINED EXEMPTIONS Exemption = incorrectly profiled (DUA Staff or Career Center Manager/Supervisor using DUA Guidelines) Excused = excused from CCS and rescheduled (CC role) 8 Are you collecting Unemployment Insurance? As part of your eligibility to receive benefits you may be selected to attend a Mandatory Reemployment Eligibility Review. Reemployment Eligibility Review Meeting: Goal – to help you be successful in your job search One on One meeting with Career Center staff member Review of Job Search Activities Compliance with Career Action Plan Be encouraged by your success Learn helpful strategies to meet and overcome roadblocks to reemployment Failure to attend this meeting and comply with program requirements may cause a delay or loss of your unemployment benefits. 9 CC REA Specialist will not perform labor exchange functions such as Career Center Seminar, job development, workshops, or counseling functions while charging time to the REA Grant. Those functions are performed by RES, Wagner Peyser, or WIA funded staff Contact the selected REA claimants and schedule the REA Eligibility Review within four weeks Ensure that REA claimant has started CAP, and that its progress can be tracked at the REA Eligibility Review CC REA Specialist will conduct Reemployment Assessment Eligibility Status Reviews and Work Search reviews Status review will confirm progress on actions on CAP within 4 weeks of enrollment into REA Work Search review as part of a comprehensive review of work search activities. Work Search review is not the UI work test, conducted via random sampling each week Makes appropriate entries into MOSES Coordinates with DUA REA staff and other CC staff on REA topics 10 REA DUA staff are situated in team setting in Hurley Building REA DUA staff cannot perform adjudication or resolve issues while on REA REA DUA staff will have authority to Exempt claimants who state that they are not permanently separated REA DUA staff will conduct fact finding, pre-adjudication to obtain claimant statements regarding non-compliance with REA (Issues 66 or 08) REA DUA staff will take REA cases in order, not by specific Centers REA DUA staff will coordinate with REA CC staff and others on REA topics REA DUA staff will make appropriate entries into UI data base 11 UI POLICY AND PROCEDURES 12 Exempt from Profiling Claimants may be exempt from Profiling by: DUA Staff Career Center Manager or Supervisor following Strict DUA guidelines. 13 Union – Claimant is a member of union that must look for work exclusively through the union hiring hall. 1. ◦ Applicant must provide proof of Local Union membership. Return to work date within 4 weeks. 2. ◦ ◦ Must have it in writing from employer. If RTW date is after 4 weeks – they are not exempted. If RTW date is within four weeks have UI walk-in staff put a RTW date on the URTW screen Layoff is from occupation/industry- that is customarily laid of the same time of year with a reasonable expectation to return to work to same employer 3. ◦ Have UI walk-in staff put a RTW date on the URTW screen 14 Profiled Claimants may be excused and rescheduled with good cause for the Career Center Seminar by Career Center Staff following the DUA guidelines 15 Claimants who are not “exempted” from Profiling or “excused -rescheduled” may be denied benefits if… •DUA adjudication does not discover “good cause” for non attendance Disqualification is for the one week in which the CCS attendance deadline lapsed. 16 If claimant has a Profiling issue they will get a message to call UI when they sign or call in for their weekly benefits. The claimant must call UI as instructed to have the issue resolved. 17 Claimants can not be exempted from the REA Program! 18 Individuals who do not attain REA Review or REA Goals or attend the REA Review may be denied benefits if…. DUA adjudication does not discover “good cause” for non attainment. Please Note: Disqualification is for the one week during which the REA Review attendance deadline lapsed. 19 If a potential issue is detected ◦ CLAIMANT REA REVIEW (66) STATEMENT Form will be given to claimant to complete and submitted via fax to DUA REA staff: ◦ Fax: 617-626-6222 ◦ Claimant may also call DUA REA Unit once form has been faxed. ◦ Telephone: 617-626-5766 20 REA DUA Staff will work with REA Career Center staff and REA customers to resolve REA related problems in an expedited fashion so that there is less of a chance of interruption of weekly benefits. 21 REA CCS REA DUA ◦ Timely documentation in MOSES is important ◦ MOSES will be reviewed to make decisions. 22 CAREER ACTION PLAN 23 An organized job seeker with a weekly action plan will feel more accomplished, more confident, and will likely get hired faster. US Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration 24 Career Action Plan…. ◦ Is a comprehensive step by step action plan. Like a road map that outlines a systematic approach for an individual to get from Point A unemployed ---------to Point B Employed. 25 Goal Action steps Plan ◦ Clearly defined ◦ Realistic ◦ Attainable ◦ Time frames ◦ Specific time and place. ◦ Related to Goals ◦ Comprehensive ◦ Living document ◦ Measurable 26 The CAP helps customers to: ◦ Plan successful job search strategy on road to reemployment ◦ Understand job search is comprehensive ◦ Break down job search into doable realistic steps ◦ Measure and evaluate job search progress ◦ See CAP as a Living Document allows for continued adjustments to job search 27 Previously in RES, there were 5 CAP Options: RES Tab in Special Programs MOSES Case Management Tool and Any one of 3 General Services under Career Planning: CMAP EDP/IEP ISS/CDP 28 With the advent of REA, Career Action Plans have to be accessed in MOSES The only services that will count as a CAP for RES and REA are: Setting Goals in the RES/REATab MOSES Case Management Tool We strongly suggest using the RES/REA Tab unless the customer must be case managed anyway (like a veteran or training customer). 29 REA Review Basic PC Skills Development Comprehensive Assessment Educational Assessment Email Address Establishment Explore Training and/or Education Options Improve Basic Skills (ABE, ESOL) Internet Job Search Techniques Interview Preparation Job Fair Techniques Development Job Search Skills Assessment Meet with Employment Counselor Meet with Job Developer Networking Skills Development Other Referred to Community Services Referred to Specialized Program Services Referred to Supportive Services Research LMI Resume and Cover Letter Development Self-Directed Job Search 30 Goal Type 1 Goal Summary Date Established Target date Date Attained Target date Date Attained Target date Date Attained Target date Date Attained Goal Type 2 Goal Summary Date Established Goal Type 3 Goal Summary Date Established Goal Type 4 Goal Summary Date Established 31 Bertrand was a marketing director for a Fortune 500 company. He was laid off after a merger. He has an MBA, what he believes is a very good resume and excellent computer skills. He is currently participating in a networking group for business professionals. He only attended the CCS because he was required to. He is anxious to leave and is convinced that he doesn’t need any career center services. 32 Phil is a machine operator who worked 35 years for the same company which recently went out of business. He has been job searching only by looking in the newspaper. He does not have a resume and does not think he needs one he just wants to fill out applications; he does not have any PC skills and is not interested in re-training. He wants career center staff to find him a job. He also remarks that he’s having trouble making ends meet. 33 George is a recently discharged combat disabled veteran. He has been in the service for six years and he has an honorable discharge. Prior to going in the service he was a union carpenter. He wants to work but can not go back to construction work. He has a resume which includes his height and weight and disability. He has rudimentary PC skills but no email account. 34 Karen was laid off from her mortgage company customer service position. She feels that many of these types of positions are now being lost to foreign competition. She has a resume both in hard copy and on disk. She has been doing job search through the newspapers and the internet. She has not had any interviews and is convinced that she needs re-training to help her get another job. She asks about opportunities in the health care field. 35 REVIEW OF CAP WORKSEARCH CONDUCTED UTILIZATION OF LMI ATTAINED YES OR NO 36 Reemployment Eligibility Assessment (REA) MOSES Tracking Procedures Applicant is sent a letter to attend a Career Center Seminar (CCS) 38 Applicant attends a Career Center Seminar NOTE: If Selected for REA, Participation in REA starts at date of CCS Attendance. Prompt Recording of Attendance is Critical. 39 The REA icon will now appear on the Event Participation screen for job seekers who are enrolled in the REA program. This will allow users to determine who has been enrolled in REA immediately after recording attendance at a CCS. REA 40 REA Enrollment is automatic when attendance at a CCS is entered: If the participant is NOT Profiled; and Weekly Career Center REA Limit has not been met 41 REA Enrollment will display on the Basic Tab along with the Icon 42 RES/REA goals should be established for participants – REA Enrollment is not required for these goals. Entry of RES/REA Goals will create 2 services CMAP (Job Search Plan) Initial Assessment Interview 43 Schedule the ‘REA Review’ on the RES/REA Special Programs Tab Target Date must be between 2 and 4 weeks of REA Program Enrollment (Date Attended CCS) MOSES will not allow a date to be entered that is outside the Target Date range 44 The REA enrollment date will now appear on the REA Review Goals Detail screen. This will make it easier to determine target dates for REA participants. 45 Recording an Attainment Status Enter ‘Attained’ or ‘Not Attained’ and the actual date Time Critical Data Entry –REA Review “Attained” must be ENTERED in MOSES by the deadline* to avoid a UI Sanction. *REA Deadline is 4 weeks from the Saturday after REA Enrollment. UI Sanction will be within one week of this deadline. 46 Career Action Plan (CAP) Case Management -- or - Established RES/REA Goals Labor Market Information Service (LMI) 47 Attainment of REA Review will automatically create an ‘UI REA/Attained Status Review’ service A UI Sanction will be issued if this service does not exist in MOSES by the REA sanction deadline 48 UI Sanction will result from a ‘REA Review’ goal not being attained within the deadline. 49 REA participants will be exited after 90 days without a reportable service (on a quarterly basis) 50 Right Click on a goal to bring up the print option. Select Print -> Print Data This report will go directly to your default printer 51 List of applicants enrolled in the previous week MOSES Reports Other 52 Lists REA participants who have not completed their REA Review and their deadline is in the future Adhoc Crystral Report on 53 Mass CIS LMI is a vital service for job seekers. An understanding of what jobs are in demand, how much they pay, what skills they require and their current and projected employment levels help claimants make important decisions in their job search. LMI is a required service for REA participants. 55 Mass CIS is an online tool to help customers explore occupations and find the right education or training program. The URL for Mass CIS is: 56 Free to all MA residents Registration is required: Enter Career Center user name and password or Select your city or town and enter a 5 digit zip code for that city along with the user code that best describes you 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Economic Research Direct Links to LMI Data on the Internet Link on EOLWD Website: Employment/Jobs Information on jobs in Massachusetts is provided through the Current Employment Statistics (CES) monthly estimates of employment by industry. Hours and earnings estimates of production workers in manufacturing industries are produced for the Commonwealth and for seven Metropolitan New England City and Town Statistical Areas (NECTA). Quarterly Employment and Wage data provide comprehensive information on jobs and wages by industry and area for the State and sub-state areas including New England City and Town Statistical Areas, labor market areas (LMA), local workforce investment areas (WIA), counties and cities and towns. ◦ Labor Force/Unemployment Rates Information on labor force, employment, unemployment, and unemployment rates produced by Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) for the Commonwealth, New England City and Town Statistical Areas, Labor Market Areas, Workforce Investment Areas, Counties, Cities and Towns. Occupations Information on Occupational Employment and Wage data of Massachusetts employers. Statewide, New England City and Town Statistical Areas and Workforce Investment Areas data are available. Job Vacancy Survey Comprehensive estimates of job vacancies by industry, occupation, and size of business organization are presented. Selected demographic information about unemployment insurance continued claimants for the state and each local workforce investment area. Publications on Massachusetts industries, occupations, projections and the economy. Unemployment Insurance Claims Labor Market Information (LMI) Publications 64 In order to post an REA Attainment, an LMI service must be posted in MOSES The service can be found in the Category “Job Search” and select either LMI-Staff Assisted or LMI-Self Directed If the goal of LMI is entered in the RES/REA tab and attained, the service will be automatically entered in MOSES REA staff should explain the uses of Mass CIS with REA customers 65 66 RES ◦ Alex Lawn ◦ 617-626-5239 REA DCS ◦ Donna Gambon ◦ 617-626-5053 REA DUA ◦ Sue Clark ◦ 617-626-6853 67 Mario Marzino Jonathan Gasson Rosalyn Thomas Telephone: 617-626-5766 Fax: 617 626-6222 68 69