Chapter 16 section 2 notes

China—Ch. 16 section 2
standard 15
Between 1500-1800, China remained mostly
Agricultural society.
2. However, the Chinese economy was changing.
3. A long period of peace under the Qing
dynasty and improvement in the food
supply led to a large increase in population.
4. Despite the growth in trade and
manufacturing, China did not develop the
kind of commercial capitalism that was
emerging in Europe.
Qing dynasty
5. Chinese was organized around the family.
6. The ideal family unit in Qing china was the
extended family, with as many as 2 or 4
generations living under the same roof.
7. Beyond the extended family was the clan,
consisting of dozens or even hundreds
of related families.
8. Women who had
bound feet were
more marriageable
than those who did
9. A new form of literature , the novel,
arose during the Ming dynasty.
10. The Golden Lotus depicts the corrupt
life of a wealthy landlord in the late Ming
period who cruelly manipulates those
around him for sex, money, and power.
11. The Dream of Red Chamber, by Cao
Xuegin, is generally considered even today
to be China’s most distinguished popular
12. The most outstanding example of Ming
dynasty architecture is the Imperial City
in Beijing.
13. The Imperial City includes a maze of
private apartments and offices, as well as
stately halls for Imperial audiences and
banquets and spacious gardens.
14. Perhaps the most
famous of all the arts of
the Ming Era was blue
and white porcelain.
15. Europeans admired
the beauty of this
porcelain and collected
it in great quantities.