Reading Quiz 1 - Jessamine County Schools

Unit 1 Reading Quiz 1
Multiple Choice: Circle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What sixteenth-century event was most devastating the Native people in the New World? (B.1.a)
a. The military invasion launched by Francisco Pizarro.
b. The smallpox epidemics introduced by European invaders.
c. The arrival of zealous Jesuit missionaries.
d. The enslavement of native peoples on sugar plantations.
2. What main factor incited the 1680 Pueblo revolt (Pope’s Rebellion) against the Spanish in New Mexico? (B.1.a)
a. The harsh encomienda system.
b. The attempt to suppress native religious practices.
c. The dispute over profits from corn harvests.
d. The execution of a native leader.
3. Which colony was established for the purpose of economic profit? (B.1.a)
a. Pennsylvania
b. Virginia
c. Massachusetts
d. Rhode Island
4. Jamestown survived as the first permanent British settlement in America because of? (B.1.a)
a. The emergence of tobacco as a cash crop
b. The settlers who followed the example of Roanoke
c. The religious convictions of its first settlers
d. Its use of Indian slaves as a labor force
5. As a result of the cultivation of tobacco in Virginia? (B.1.a)
a. The large estates were divided into smaller agricultural units.
b. A scattered pattern of settlement emerged in the colony.
c. The Virginia Company began to send male laborers to the colony.
d. Settlers began to congregate in urban areas.
6. What evidence supports Pennsylvania’s reputation as an exceptionally tolerant colony? (B.1.b)
a. The colony’s governor encouraged the settlement of persecuted religious sects.
b. The colony’s charter established a strict separation of church and state.
c. The colony’s leaders promoted the settlement of atheists and agnostics.
d. The colony’s religious officials were not permitted to serve on juries.
7. Which colony provides the best example of how the church and the government (state) worked together for a
common purpose? (B.1.b)
a. Rhode Island
b. Maryland
c. Massachusetts
d. Pennsylvania
8. In the early years of the Massachusetts Bay colony, what was necessary for you to be eligible to vote? (B.1.b)
a. You had to be a male in order to vote
b. You had to own a substantial plot of land
c. You had to pay taxes to the Congregational (Puritan) church
d. You had to be a male member of the Puritan church
9. Roger Williams is best known in American history as? (B.1.b)
a. Advocating the uniting of church and state into a theocracy.
b. An early champion of religious freedom.
c. The chief justice at the Salem witch trials.
d. The founder of New Hampshire.
10. Which colony provided a place for religious freedom for all denominations? (B.1.b)
a. Rhode Island
b. Maryland
c. Massachusetts
d. Virginia
11. Which region’s society tended to center most around the family? (B.1.c)
a. The colonies of the Chesapeake (Virginia and Maryland)
b. The deep South
c. The Middle colonies
d. The New England colonies
12. What commercial activities were most significant to the economy of colonial New England? (B.1.d)
a. Trading, shipbuilding, and fishing
b. Tobacco, rice, and indigo farming
c. Manufacturing and finance
d. Lumber and mining
13. Why were large numbers of male indentured servants brought to colonial Virginia? (B.1.d)
a. They were needed to defend the colony against Powhatan attacks.
b. Additional labor was needed to cultivate and harvest tobacco.
c. Early settlers sought marriageable partners for their daughters.
d. Their skills were indispensable to the growing shipbuilding industry.
14. Bacon’s rebellion was supported mainly by? (B.1.d)
a. Young men frustrated by their inability to acquire land.
b. The planter class of Virginia.
c. Those protesting the increased importation of African slaves.
d. People from Jamestown colony.
15. The Virginia House of Burgesses and the New England town meetings were similar in that they? (B.1.e)
a. Originated in a New England colony.
b. Were completely independent of colonial Governors.
c. Were both responsible to the established church of the colony.
d. Represented colonial participation in government.
16. What idea was central to the American Enlightenment?(B.1.f)
a. Optimism resides in science and reason.
b. Faith is more significant than intellect.
c. Morality emerges from a belief in God.
d. Democracy is the highest form of political life.
17. Which Enlightenment thinker proposed that if a King did not protect the peoples’ natural rights, then the people
had the right to overthrow the king and replace him with a new ruler? (B.1.f)
a. Hobbes
b. Rousseau
c. Locke
d. Montesquieu
18. In a symbolic message to the Albany Congress in 1754, Benjamin Franklin printed this image in his Pennsylvania
Gazette. (B.1.g)
What was the intent of Franklin’s message?
To encourage ratification of the Constitution.
To encourage work on a declaration of independence.
To promote colonial unity.
To promote interest in a Bill of Rights.
19. According to the Proclamation of 1763? (B.1.g)
a. Colonial militiamen were required to put down Pontiac’s Rebellion
b. Colonial paper money could not be printed.
c. Contact between colonials and Indians was strictly forbidden.
d. Settlers were prohibited from crossing the Appalachians.
20. Which assessment of the enactment of the Proclamation Line of 1763 is most accurate? (B.1.g)
a. The British failed to consider that colonists would resent being forced to maintain forts on the frontier.
b. The British ignored the impact of the policy on the right of colonial legislatures to administer western
c. The British considered the act as the only way to avoid conflict between colonists and Indians.
d. The British misjudged the extent of colonial opposition to restrictions on expansion into western lands.