February 2015 LREDA Board Member Job Description Position: Treasurer Term: 3 years General Time Commitments: In-person meetings October, prior to Fall Con (2-3 days) March/April, location TBA (3 ½ days) June, prior to GA (2 days) Video conference calls monthly in between face-to-face meetings Board members are encouraged to participate in GA and Fall Con following the meetings (LREDA representation for some portfolios) General Board Position Responsibilities/Opportunities: Affirm, support, and advocate for LREDA mission and goals Be familiar with and follow the bylaws and Policies/Guidelines of the organization Attend and participate in collaborative, consensus building-based Board meetings Provide monthly reports in conjunction with meetings, and submit newsletter articles as assigned or requested Serve as the liaison to LREDA committees, working groups, special projects and/or related UUA groups in portfolio area Help monitor LREDA listserv for potential Board issues Maintain attention to the ongoing work of Anti-racism/Anti-Oppression/Multiculturalism, within the Board and the organization as a whole, and monitor for inclusiveness Request reimbursements in a timely manner (complete policy available) Position Goals: Specific Position Tasks and Timeline: 1. Bookkeeping Open and maintain bank accounts and CD’s- add LREDA President as signer – preferably with a bank that has branches convenient to the Treasurer and Administrator. All funds must be in FDIC insured accounts, below the limits of insurance (other than Endowment funds, see below). Obtain a charge card, or a debit card on one of the accounts for the Treasurer and Administrator. Maintain Quickbooks Online accounting of income and expenses Reconcile check and charge sale deposit reports from Administrator with bank. Make available online a reimbursement request form. Direct LREDA volunteers to this form. Write all expense checks – reimbursements, honoraria, gifts, grants. Follow Board approved policies for all disbursements. Maintain file of expense requests and documentation for all disbursements. Maintain accounting for LREDA Large, committees of the Board, Fahs Lecture fund, Scholarships, grants, etc. Provide reports when appropriate. 2. Budgeting Prepare Statement of Accounts and Actual compared to Budget statements for all Board Meetings and for membership meetings. Notify Board and committees of the date to submit budget requests. Prepare proposed Budget (for next fiscal year) for Spring Board meeting. Discuss and make adjustments to be published prior to the June business meeting. Working in a timely way with the Trustee for Continental Events and Administrator, review Scholarship award policies, dates and form. Receive scholarship requests, award points according to policy and calculate award amounts. Notify Administrator of the awards, and the Vice President of the recipients and info to notify recipients’ congregations. 3. Endowment Maintain account in the UU Common Endowment Fund. Track all donations for current fiscal year, write check to UUA Common Endowment Fund when appropriate. Monitor statements and report on Endowment fund balances. Liaise with 21st century fund. Notify the committee the amount available for them to award in grants. 4. Taxes & Legal Requirements Work with the LREDA Accountant. Send Accountant June 30 statements from each LREDA account that has assets- Checking, Savings, CD accounts and Endowment balance ASAP following the fiscal year as practicable, preferably by July 31. Update the list of current LREDA Board officers. Filing deadline is Nov 15. Pay yearly renewal of Incorporation Fee to File Annual Report with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Corporation Division during October of each year at mass.gov/sec. 1099 Forms – Anyone to whom LREDA pays more than $600 (current number as of 2012) during the calendar year needs to get a 1099 form by Jan. 31 of the New Year. These have been done by our Accountant in the past – send the info to the Accountant by January 15. Work with the Trustee for Continental Events on the Letters of Agreement forms for Fall Conference, GA, Fahs Lecture, etc. Anyone receiving more than $600 (cumulatively for the year) needs to file an IRS form W-9 with LREDA so you will have the information for the 1099 forms in January. Do not pay until you have the form. 5. Liaise with : Credentialing Scholarship Committee Endowment Committee 21st Century Committee LREDA representative to the Council on Church Staff Finances Finance Committee Serve as chair. As of January, 2013, this is a committee in formation. The goals are to establish oversight of the Treasurer and a review/audit procedure. Committee members currently have view-only access to the Bank of America accounts, UUCEF and Quickbooks Online. Discussion is ongoing about a review process.