Siegel, 1976

Siegel, 1976
Demonstration of addiction,
tolerance and withdrawal or
Defining Addiction
• remember it’s the 1970’s
– DSM II going into DSM III
– addiction = psychological process
• Define tolerance and addiction
– addiction = psychological need (at this point)
– tolerance:
• decreasing effectiveness of drug
• requiring increasing amounts to get same effect
• become dependent on drug
– withdrawal:
• physiological symptoms which occur with withdrawal of drug
• suggests dependence
Do Animals Show “Addiction”?
• Most animals will not begin drugs on their own
– have to “preload”
– initial response to drugs such as morphine =
decreased responding
– then increase in responding to gain access
• do show tolerance and withdrawal
– once addicted, process is same
– symptoms overlap as well
– thus: indicates must be physiological in nature, not
just “psychological”
Opiate Tolerance:
• Emphasizes associative characteristics of drug
administrative procedure
– shows that it is the associative pairing that may be critical
– notes that tolerance is maintained over long time periods,
and even after ECS
• Show several characteristics
– retention of tolerance is long and strong
– metabolic intervention changes parameters of tolerance
– retardation of consolidation of tolerance when add
memory disruptors as learning (e.g. ECS, etc.)
Opponent processes in classical
• Drug Tolerance Research:
– drug tolerance = decrease in effectiveness of a drug
with repeated usage
– many theories as to why occurs- e.g.- opponent
process theory
• Seigel (1975): proposed is due to classical
• used morphine (analgesic)
• decrease in analgesia over successive morphine injections
controlled by contextual stimuli
Original study: Rats and hot plate
• Rats given injections of morphine across several
stimulus trials:
– first three trials• kept context cues identical
• got decreasing analgesia
– 4th trial• changed location of injections to home cage• got increase in analgesic effects
• why: context cues acquired capacity to elicit
compensatory CR's of hyperalgesia; when changed
context, these cues were gone
Siegel: CR not equal UR!
• Difficult to predict form of the CR:
– may be identical to very similar
– may be opposite
– Compensatory responses: compensate for or
counteract the UR
• Literature review at the time supported this.
Opponent Process:
• Time curve analysis of
these responses:
• opponent
• for every action
there is a reaction!
Can Predict Response?
• Figure A: drug not yet associated with predrug
environmental cues; drug effect not yet modulated by
any anticipatory responding
• Figure B:
– as effect of drug increases and decays following
administration, increasing frequency of drug and
environmental context pairing
– drug administration not only followed by
pharmacological UCR, but also by drug compensatory
– net drug effect is smaller than initial because drug UR
is attenuated by compensatory CR
Can Predict Response?
• Figure C:
– Interaction between drug UR and preparatory CR
after many trials
– CR is large, net result of interaction between this
CR and direct drug effect is very small
– Note: Biphasic: paradoxical conditioning or
opposite conditioning effect!
– Can actually become HYPERSENSITIVE to effects at
higher dosage!
– This is how you die!
• So: what are withdrawal symptoms?
Learning Effects?
• Physical Effects:
body again rebounding
expecting something- but not happening
step down reflex: Alpha and Beta Receptors
if go on long enough: Marilyn Monroe
• Notice: Learning effects:
– needle begins to be CS for heroin
– but notice: opposite effect (process B) to the needle
– stimuli can become conditioned to the "emotion"
What stimuli can serve as cues?
• ANY environmental cue predicting drug
• tolerance occurs because of context of environmental cues
that predict drug
• in sense, tolerance is a learning effect, not a true drug
• what are cues?
– Environmental
– Physical
– Psychological
What stimuli can serve as cues?
• Environmental cues:
– the place setting: room, lighting, sounds, etc.
– the experimenter
– time of day
– olfactory cues
• Physical effects of the drug
– state of body
– initial effects
What stimuli can serve as cues?
• signaled vs. unsignaled cues:
– much stronger conditioning to signaled cues
– more predictive!
• can develop discriminative control of
– show in some settings, not in others
– can have VARIED response to same drug,
and dose!
How can we retard tolerance?
• CS habituation
• Partial reinforcement of tolerance:
– Different strengths of street drugs
– not all CSs followed by US/same US
– dilute CS-US relationship
• extinction of tolerance
The Expectancy Effect
• expect effects dependent on environmental
• thus, show compensatory responses when
“expect” drug
• these are simply withdrawal effects
look at responses compared in table
6.2 on page 157
Humans react the same!
What does this mean for applied setting?
• Must pay attention to environmental cues
• both intentional cues
• and unintentional cues
• remember that this learning is VERY robust!
May be stronger than you think
even smallest cues, if reinforced, can maintain the behavior
explains why relapse is so common and prevalent
also explains why so difficult to treat:
• detox and treatment centers vs real world
• what happens when put individuals back into their original setting?
Real World Situations
• Vietnam drug addiction experience
– Not show when got home
– Why?
• animals can show strong relapse as well
• inadvertent cues SO powerful
• bottom line: conditioning occurs EVERYWHERE!