Argumentation The Strategy of Dialogue and Argumentation in the Holy Qur’an Gamar Mohamed Bakheet Magi, Holy Qur’an University, Sudan The objective of this research is to clarify the strategy of dialogue management in the Holy Quran in terms of ideas and principles that deal with debate in a comprehensive integrated way, and are significant to its limbs of controls, requirements, rectifiers, and the manners, taking into account the environmental conditions and updates, and exploit available opportunities in the best way for the purpose of reaching the specified goals. The deductive approach was used for this purpose and then research has reached results and put recommendations. The most important of the results are the following: 1. That the Koran contains clear strategies for dialogue in terms of controls, components, conditions and etiquette. 2. Quranic debate does not require equal interlocutors, as God Almighty had engaged in a dialogue with the angels and Satan and the infidels and other creatures in order to reach certain goals. 3. No exclusion of anyone from the dialogue as there is room for everyone in dialogue. 4. Identifying the concepts and terminology, which are of great importance in the path of dialogue. 5. The reference unit is the basic factor for the success of dialogue. 6. The concept of strategy has expanded to all areas of life, where everything has now its own strategy. The most important recommendations of the research include: 1. Spreading the culture of dialogue and the establishment of training courses and workshops for dialogue strategies. 2. The need for dialogue with all parties. 3. The need to identify references according to the orientations and beliefs of the interlocutors. 4. The need to focus on terminology and concepts. 5. The need for following the Quranic dialogue strategies in all our conversations. 6. For Humanitarian Dialogue parity is necessary between the interlocutors for the success of the dialogue. The Culture of Dialogue in a Diverse Society Ahmed El Mounadi, The Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture (IRCAM), Morocco Dialogue is no longer a mere communication mechanism between two interlocutors based on persuasion, in order to reach a very specific objective, but it became today a central element in the measure of good relations at several levels: the relationship with the self, the relationship with the other, the relationship with the components of the fabric of different society components, linguistically and culturally, politically and ideologically. .. In light of what the world knows of multidimensional disputes, and what governs it of hegemony drifts by different parties, and then given what our modern societies are living of mobility and movement, it seems that there is an urgent need to re-order relations on the basis of the debate argumentation, which is based, on the one hand, on the knowledge of the interlocutor and the present deliberative context, with the required scrutiny of ideas and criticism and on the other hand, on the recognition of the right of the interlocutors in retaining their convictions and “axioms”, which must not cancel up the common space between them. Perhaps the current political practices is the area which requires more new machines for dialogue, and desperately needs to rebuild relations and its management, taking into account the nature of the discourse and peaceful coexistence requirements and rules of joint work. In this range some hypotheses can be scrutinized and make it questionable, such as: Is democracy, in the sense of resorting to the ballot boxes, is enough to manage the society, or the matter must be under a participatory framework parallel to dialogue in the previously mentioned meaning, the practice of democracy and the implicated operations? What is then the intellectual and political vocabulary that would facilitate ways towards the desired dialogue? A critical scrutiny to exists today of ideas and theses in political relations is needed today more than ever, and it is probably one of the foundations for the entrances to reach a good management and rational governance of relationships at all levels within communities designated with pluralism and diversity. Qur’anic Dialogue and Argumentation: Scope, Ethics and Contemporary Applications Basyouny Nehela, Qatar University, Qatar Quran is a source of guidance for all walks of life. The researcher finds in it theory and practice, knowledge and value, persuasion and interestingness. This is something which confirms the fact that the Koran is the only book based on diverse dialogue in its scope and objectives, as there is no access to the true and useful guidance only when there is an interaction based on dialogue, which drives the mind and heart together. Based on this, we understand that the dialogue between God and the Holy Prophet peace upon him through the angel Gabriel before the revelation of the first verses of the book of guidance, the Quran, when he told him: Read. He said: I am not a reader. Then the first Sura of the Clot was descended calling for reading and writing and a science – which is as is well known - the means to acquire dialogue and mastering debate. No wonder that the first part descent of the Holy Quran begins with dialogue at this level between God and the Messenger through an angle, as we have also saw it with the beginning of the creation of the first man, Adam, peace be upon him, as stated in many places of the Holy Quran. Creation has begun dialogue between God and the angels and then the devil and then with humans, in the form of an eloquent, varied themes and objectives of the conversation. It goes from the dialogue: about the creation of the first man to dialogue on human preference and status and from dialogue with angels to dialogue with Satan the great of the demons and from dialogue to defend Adam to the dialogue of admonishing him for his sin of eating from the tree and from a dialogue that ends with the curse of the sinner and arrogant in the verse: (You have my curse to the Day of Judgment) to a dialogue that ends with repentance and forgiveness in the verse: (then you have my forgiveness and guidance). All these events took place in extensive dialogues, and documented in the Koran to be the reference and the lesson to the need for dialogue between the creatures of different colors and walks of life and beliefs. Dialogue is created with man because it is from the human components; that is why the first interlocutor of man was the creator of man. And from here we say: If God had taught Adam all the names with the beginning of his creation, he showed him the whole conversation practically in all its forms with the beginning of his creation, as well. This study aims to: Highlight the importance of dialogue for humanity. Statement of the diverse areas of overall dialogue in terms of subject (dialogue in religion, dialogue in social and political reform, dialogue for building relations and various links ......) and then on the side of dialogue parties (the creator’s dialogue with the creature, dialogue of relatives and friends, a Muslim dialogue with non-Muslim, good and bad dialogue ...) Stand on the ethics and controls of successful dialogue as depicted by the Koran. Practical applications of Koran dialogue in the present era. Dialogue and Argumentation: Ways and Mechanisms of Achieving Possible Human Perfection Abdeljabbar Elqastalani, Government Advisor, Morocco Founding a number of ideas on the Islamic reference axis and the premises of the Koran and the guidance of Prophet Mohammad, citing the human experience in the successive historical cultural moments of nation’s pride, and the role of dialogue in the empowerment of human responsible appointment by God and construction ending by the role of dialogue as a method and mechanisms for civilization take-off and outstrip the black dots in the human history of wars and crises and bridge the gap between nations and civilizations, states and communities, groups and sectarian, ethnic, religious affiliations and others, deducing at the end a number of mechanisms and a system of controls and features to reach the goal of recognizing dialogue as an approach in both permanent and emergency issues of individual and collective levels. From the Skill of Dialogue to Education (the Role of Dialogue in Cultural Upbringing) Amine Rahal, University Es-Senia, Algeria Dialogue requirement has become a project for most choices and intellectual perspectives upon which to build the curriculum and educational programs, so dialogue consolidates the act of searching for the truth in an artistic monologue through which the creation of potential agreement between the interlocutors is sought in order to approach the forms of truth. The dialogue is significant because it embodies the avoidance of self-dimension between interlocutors, as dialogue proves the ready agreement on the necessary condition to try to make way for the subject matter in order to be developed and become more open without interfering with the views of individuals. Dialogue upbringing should be emphasized in every educational act, so that dialogue relation can be determined to include a pedagogical approach for each perceptions found by the learner in his social, cultural and political reality. As the education curricula and setting are related to human experience and reality as well, it was a natural to have fertile conjunction between them in what we call "dialogue upbringing", which take into account the balance between the personal, social, cognitive and knowledge dimensions. The education and rehabilitation of the ways and forms of dialogue is what makes the education speech complete, with what it gives the personality or the learner of different ways and methods of openness and diversity away from the individual says and selfishness, where the educated personality participates and get involved with other individuals. The point of contact start from the problematic questions such as: In what sense does dialogue become an art and skill? And how may dialogue be considered a method for education? Does this lead us to consider dialogue - a method for the formation of self - the way or method to co-exist with others? Keywords are: upbringing, dialogue, discipline, philosophy, educational, the others. The Art of Dialogue and Argumentation in the Arab Culture and Orientalist Allegations Dr Abdul Gabbar Al Sharafi, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman Robert Kaplan first formulated his hypothesis about the existence of major differences between different cultures in the way of expression, presentation and argumentation in 1966. Of particular interest to this paper is his argument that Arab students' writing in English displays more of structural parallelism, coordination (as opposed to subordination). Kaplan attributes this to the influence of the mother tongue on the way these students think and write in English. Since then many studies have focused on Arabic rhetoric and argumentation. Among the most important of these studies were the studies carried out by Barbara Johnstone Koch in the early 1980s in which she concluded that the patterns of Arab argumentation depend on the surface structure of argumentation which relies heavily on linguistic resources mainly repetition of sounds, morphemes, words, structural parallelism and repetition of figures of speech more than underlying dialectic and syllogism using evidence and proof. This view has been adopted by a number of Arab researchers. This paper aims to examine and verify this claim by analyzing samples of Arabic argumentative discourse and trace the patterns and structures of argumentation in Arabic Key words: Argumentation, text, discourse, culture Adjudicating Dialogue and Debates in Arabic following the Malaysian Parliamentary Style.” Principles, Controls and Spread Factors” Ibrahim Ahmed Fares Mohamed and Salah Awadalla Sidig Mohamed, International Islamic University of Malaysia, Malaysia This research paper discusses several things dealing with adjudication of Arabic debate in the Malaysian parliamentary style, and address its origins, controls and spreading factors, through inductive analytical approach using the direct expertise in this area, in order to enhance the cognitive areas relating to the dialectical dialogue, and it goes without saying that the element of adjudicating debate contests is the ideal standard for judging the credibility of the dialogue and its dialectical abilities, as well as, confirming the events of the contest and achieve its targeted objectives. Adjudication is the nerve of debate competitions and its spirit of supporting its values and objectives. Adjudication was always and through long practice in debate competitions in Arabic, the greatest problem facing the organization of contests, because of the small number of trained and qualified adjudicators for adjudicating the contests, especially major national, regional, and global contests, and due to insufficient workshops held during the competitions to prepare adjudicators well for the advancement of the adjudication. The adjudication is not like other mental sports; there is no clear way to credit the results of competing teams, and adjudicators are often divided with regard to the results of the competing teams, especially those teams with approximate levels, and in any case, this research paper aims at demonstrating a systematic and sound way in adjudication for debate competitions. It is known that the rules and principles of debates differ in purpose and methods between the various countries of the world and regions. In debates wellknown in the countries of Southeast Asia, where we see the Australian debate pattern, the Asian Parliamentary debate pattern, the British parliamentary debate pattern. Although these types and styles of debate differ in some principles and rules, the basic skills that should be available in the debate adjudicators are almost identical because assessing the weight of the competing teams and its weaknesses, the arguments and evidence presented, the methods and courses applied and others, follow the same regulations and it is therefore imperative that the adjudicators should fully know and understand the art of debate and the different laws governing this art with knowledge of general laws in the debate calendar. This paper includes the following themes: Adjudication of Arabic debate in the Malaysian parliamentary style, the principles of technical adjudication in contests: its standards and controls, the basics of international adjudication for debate, and the pattern of the Malaysian parliamentary debate and its spread factors. Finally, this paper arrived at the following results: 1 - Effective adjudication gives results that reflect on developing the capacity of the debaters’ logical debate and dialogue. 2 – The element of adjudication in debate competitions is the best criterion for judging the credibility of the debater and his dialectical abilities. 3 - Prudence is necessary in the selection of adjudicators and should be rehabilitated. 4 - Establishing workshops and intensive training courses to prepare adjudicators. 5 - Try to reach uniform control laws for adjudicating debates in Arabic. 6 - Innovation of methods to sanction adjudicators after testing and approve them as official adjudicators eligible for adjudication in competitions. Debate Using Debates in Teaching Languages as Second Languages: The Arabic Language Debate as a Model Ibrahim Ahmed Fares Mohamed and Salah Awadalla Sidig Mohamed, International Islamic University of Malaysia, Malaysia This research studies the issue of using the art of debate in language teaching as a second language (Debate in Arabic as a model), with an attempt to emphasize the recent trends occurring in this area and the wide orientation towards investing the new information technologies in teaching it and the problem of how to design its curricula, and what are the ways and means of teaching it. This study is of a descriptive analysis methodology, and accordingly, this research addresses several sections and basic axes in the use of the art of debate in language teaching as a second language, namely: the role of debate in teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers as a second language, successful applications in the use of techniques of the art of debate in teaching Arabic as a foreign language, and the problem of how to design the debate curricula, content and levels and quality of students and their requirements, and the statement of the ways and means of teaching it, and methods of assessment and its impact on non-Arabs students as a model. This study confirms the success of the activities of debate competitions in Arabic at the local level as a module, debate being a study subject assigned to first year undergraduate students within the approved extra-curricular materials. It also emphasizes the usefulness of the art of debate in improving the linguistic performance and developing the communicative verbal skills for students of native and non-native Arabic language speakers, alike. Political Debate and the Values of Dialogue and Democracy Hassan Bouikhif, Al Tajdid Newspaper, Morocco This paper got off from what is noticed of condensed resorting to the debate method in resolving peaceful political conflict, and how debate has become one of the most prominent components of democratic political culture, and how it has become a sign of the quality of the democratic process at its highest level for the selection of the nations’ leaders. The paper sheds light on debate as a way of communicate which has intense demand whenever there is dispute between two parties and whenever the case is related to resolving this dispute through public opinion, initiation and influence wise. The compares the evolution of the debate areas and its diversity, and shed light on the sources from which debate draws its strength and attractiveness and the factors that increase its strength and importance, and how the development of technology of communication imposed debate as an effective way to attract attention and to influence public opinion and in political and ideological promotion. The paper stops at the debate and values in general and sheds light on the relationship between debate and values of dialogue and democracy in particular. It states the value of success in debate and the relationship of personality with the intellectual and scientific content of debate discourse. The paper poses problems regarding mal applications that converted debate into intellectual wrestling ring threatened by pit imbalances that threaten all physical wrestling rings, such as fraud and methods to circumvent the truth, deception and other pests. Threatening debate as a means of education and learning by losing its noble scientific, intellectual and political role. The Effectiveness of Some Electronic Debate Methods in the Development of Students’ Debate and Critical Thinking Skills. Taibah University in Medina as an example Hashim Saeed Ibrahim Al Sharnoubi, Taibah University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Information technologies and modern information and communication have contributed in the possibility of communication and acquaintance and exchange of views. In addressing the means of communications technology over the Web, which include sites and social networking tools on the Web, relevant studies has indicated that there is tremendous growth at the global level in creating accounts on social networking online, among individuals of all ages, mostly young people in the university education and pre-university education levels. As indicated by those studies, those customers spend a long time in interacting and communicating with others via the digital social networks, in an environment of discussions, debates and dialogues in a virtual world and community. Through reading some models of dialogues and discussions on scientific, religious, social or otherwise issues, between the customers at social networking (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), it is noted that many of the customers do not have the skills of scientific and educational debate, so they give up and are led by the ideas of others and believe what they hear, or exchange insults and accusations, and thus the scientific and educational benefits of employing these social networks are not realized in a way that precludes the benefit and interest to those individuals and their communities. Also some customers may raise a false argumentative and immoral issue that could lead a large number of users - thousands or millions - in this way and immoral arena, in light of freedom in debate and the e-participation of customers on these social networks, which may also result in decline in morality and the spread of false information and news and some things that are contrary to the religious principles, values, morals, customs and traditions in the field of the electronic debates. It is therefore important to develop debate skills so that users of these social networks to participate in the debates over the Web in a scientific, educational and moral way that and also the development of critical thinking skills. Therefore, the current research is interested in addressing the effectiveness of the use of certain electronic debate styles and technological support levels across smart communication tools and sites on the web, in the development of debate skills and critical thinking among students at the Faculty of Education, University of Al-Madinah AlMonawara. The Art of Debate and State Building: The Debate of Mohammed Ibn Toumart with Almoravid Scholars in the Far West as an Example El Ouafi Nouhi, The Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture (IRCAM), Morocco When the Morabiti Caliph Ali Ibn Yousuf bin Tchafeen (died in 537 H) heard that that Muhammad bin Tomert (leader of the Al-Mowahideen state later, died in 524 H) is calling people to break their loyalty to him, the Caliph though of holding a debate between Ibn Tomert and the scholars of the Morabeteen state, led by their senior Malik bin Waheeb, who was Chief Justice at the time. The two teams were brought to the Emirate Palace, where the debate facts took place under the supervision and caliph sights. Mohammed bin Tomert had manifested great superiority in that debate. He proved that he was indeed "a sea that flows science and flare in religion" as described by Ibn Khaldun. He argued them in all issues that have been raised to the extent that made Caliph Ali ibn Yusuf weeps when he heard Ibn Tomert lists the sins and offenses that spread in the country and the Caliph does not know anything about it! Due to the relevance of the views of Ibn Tomert and the sharpness of his words, the opponent team feared that he will attract the people and instigate them to go out against the ruler, so Malik bin Waheeb told the Caliph secretly to arrest Ibn Tomert and pay him one dinar every day while in prison, warning him that difficult days will be seen by the state and he will cost him all his treasuries! However, the minister of the Caliph had a different opinion that Ibn Tomert should not be arrest, telling the Caliph that if Ibn Tomert is arrested, the Caliph would be in contradiction with himself, because he wept for fear of Allah Almighty when he hear Ibn Tomert words and his style of argument, and this contradiction may cause confusion for the general public, besides Ibn Tomert followers are few and there is no need to fear him. So, the Morabeteen Caliph did not arrest Ibn Tomert and set him free. This debate has given the first reference to the power of intellectual project of Ibn Tomert, and even given him moral power that motivated him to go far away in his scheme that aimed to overthrow the Morabeteen regime, which he managed to achieve later on, and founded on its ruins an entity that was able to influence the Muslim West in its broadest sense, extending from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the border of Egypt in the east, and from Andalusia in the north to the Senegal River in the south. That is Al-Mowahideen state which all political entities, which came after it, has been unable to achieve this unity or even proximate to it. This intervention seeks the rehabilitation of the art of debate in Islamic heritage and considers it as a factor helping in raising political systems and the collapse of others, through Al-Morabeteen and Al- Mowahideen models. Debating with Fists: How Presidential Debates Turn into Personal contests Emad Abdul-Latif, Cairo University, Egypt "A boxing match with words." Perhaps this is the exact description of the first Arab presidential debate, which took place during the first phase of the Egyptian presidential election in 2012, between the candidates, Dr. Abdel Moneim Abul Fattouh and Amr Moussa. In this contest each candidate tried to show elements of the power in his platform, the credibility of his character and the richness of his history and has, at the same time, directed powerful blows to the personality of his opponent, his platform and history. As in the boxing matches, the debate was not free from political pricks and blows below the belt and pushing the opponent to the corner of the ring as a prelude to eliminate him. The questions directed by the administrators of the debate were not decisive in resolving the outcome of the debate. These questions were known in advance, and candidate would have fully discussed it with his assistants and advisers and prepared the best possible answers for each of it, and perhaps have memorized the answers by heart, or work on their performance again and again, before he performed for the last time in front of screens camera. The crucial element in the debate was the image that each debater tried to paint for himself and his opponent in front of viewers, using all he could from the methods of persuasion and psychological impact, to improve his image and uglify the image of the opponent. This paper discusses rhetorical methods used by each party in drawing a positive image of him and painted a negative image for the opposing candidate. It also analyzes in detail the argument tactics used by each party in order to embarrass the opponent, revealing his contradictions, and detract from his score with the audience; such as: smart bombs tactic, and protective shield tactic, moving the ball to the opponent’s field tactic, political prick tactic, raising the public’s fears tactic, dismantling the front of the opponent’s supporters tactic, and the circumstantial argument tactic. The paper argues that the debate has turned into contest due to the adoption of candidates in their arguments on the personal attack, Ad Hominem Argument, in which the debater does not rebut the opinion of the opponent, but attack the personality of the opponent. The paper also argues that the use of the two parties to what is called counter-argumentation, which is commonly used in the Western cultures, on the account of what is known as through-argumentation, which is common in the Arabic culture, had a negative impact on the popularity of each of the two parties. The Need to Instill the Idea of Debate in the Arab consciousness Amina Maelainine, Member of Parliament and President of the Association of Family Welfare, Morocco We need today to establish an emerging Arab awareness of the importance of debate as an acceptance of the other in the first place and as the ability to generate self satisfaction with the necessity of listening to the other and try to persuade him to adopt a dialogue debate that which is subjected to strict ethical rules that leave no room for speculation or dribbling or bullying, by any means, except arguments and pleading rationality skills and rational justifications, which are the global standards needed to issue verdicts on ideas, not people. Our Arab educational system in its quest to lay the foundations of critical thinking and scrutinizing sense, should establish the thought of debate by recalling the rich heritage of Arab debate which is rich with the art upscale debate and that is what will save the generations of intellectual laziness and cognitive deficits and dogmatic logic fanatic to the idea of ego, his vision and point of view, then search through the shortest ways to impose self-idea on the other without passing through the mind, which explains violent physical, verbal and symbolic inclination toward the intellectually different one. In the political sphere, it lacks debate capacity that targets convincing the recipient mentally, so everyone follow the trend of conflict and attacking. Thus the political practice has bankrupted and no longer linked to the ability to convince and undermine the foundations of the theory of the opponent by adopting the mechanisms of logic and argumentation. Arabic Language Debates in Educational Institutions in Malaysia – The University of Malaya as a Model Ahmed Kassar, University Malaya, Malaysia The debates in Arabic in the educational institutions in Malaysia over concerns the main subject of debate and its elements, in terms of addressing public issues in the society, and how to debate and debate conditions, and so on, to something important, which strengthening the four language skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening, where Arabic debate in Malaysia is held for other purposes - so to speak - knowing that students are from non-Arabic-speaking nations. Research theme: Debates in Arabic language in educational institutions of Malaysia - University of Malaya model Research problem: The research problem is that the debate is conducted in Arabic, and the debaters are university students who are non-Arabic speaking, so we find that the standards in such debates are more than in the others, because adjudicators add other scores to the calendar related to the language skills. As such, these debates brought together more issue. The debater while taking care of the debate subject he also takes care of his language, critical thinking skills and other related things. The theoretical framework and previous studies: There are theoretical efforts and previous studies older than this research, but it was heading towards the study of the experience of the International Islamic University Malaysia, and that university by virtue of being global, its students are Malaysians and other nationalities, and the university were often dependent basically and secondary on Arab students at the university, to represent its debate team. My study in this research is specialized on the experience of the University of Malaya, as its students, especially in the undergraduate level, are mostly Malaysians, therefore the University debate team is formed of Malaysian students who speak Arabic, then that the experience of the University of Malaya has not received research care before according to my knowledge, though it is the mother university in Malaysia, and ranks within the first two hundred universities in the world in terms of universities hierarchy. Bilingual Debate: Similarities and Differences Dr Abed Naji K. Al Sameai, QatarDebate, Qatar The current paper aims at investigating the similarities and differences (if any) in debating in two different languages (in this case, Arabic and English) by the same (or similar) debater(s) from the point of view of arguments used, rebuttals, speech structure, and style in general. The significance of this study lies in the fact that it will shed some light on the impact of the language used in debating on the choice of arguments, the structure of the arguments, and the way these arguments are presented, as well as other components of the debate. The study takes SapriWhorf Hypothesis on the relationship between language and thinking as the starting point and the general theoretical framework for the study. The study is empirical in nature as it will be carried out on students participating in debate tournaments held by QatarDebate for secondary schools in Qatar. Certain debates will be randomly chosen and video recorded. The motion and school teams chosen will be the same in Arabic and English debates. The recorded debates will then be analyzed and the focus of the analysis will be on the kind of arguments used, the structure of the arguments, rebuttals, style, as well as other components of the debate. Debate Style and Applications in Islamic Educational Thought Abdullah Khalfan Alayesh, Om Al Quraa University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia The Islamic education was characterized with its diverse educational styles and varieties and its ability to cope with reality and the development of civilization for educational and social institutions. Among these methods, which the Islamic educational thought has taken care of is the debate style, which acquired high consideration, where it styles have been developed and a curricula, etiquette, methods, skills and tools necessary for its application was put and was used in various educational fields and thought . Building a Culture of Debate and Dialogue in the Heritage of the Islamic West: Texts and Documents Mohammed Samadi, Al Qaraweyeen University, Morocco Scholars of Islamic West were keen, during the Middle Ages, to encourage the talent of research and debate, and they used to meet in academic boards debating and discussing scientific and educational issues that require different diligence and innovation, where such practice has helped in the development of critical and scientific talents of learners and students in various sciences and arts. We will try - through this topic – to refer to some of the intellectual issues where scholars were keen to show their intellectual superiority and highlight the extent of their concentration with the methods of debate and dispute, such as Ibn Khaldun, Ibn Al-Qebab, Al-Shatby and Ibn Marzouk and others. That will inevitably contribute to building the scientific personality and consolidate the culture of debate and dialogue in our educational institutions in the Arab World. As we will also review the experience of the integration of debate and dialogue in university courses of master's and doctoral degrees through the work on the aforementioned cultural texts. Debate from Three Angles – A Critical Study Fahad Al Subaei, Ministry of Education, Kuwait The research paper in your hands is a simple analysis of my experience in the art of debates as a debater, a trainer and adjudicator. This paper has included my vision about debate and the narrowness of this vision and how it gradually widened. My vision about debate has started from the angle of the debater, so it was confined to the art of oration and confuting the opponent. When I had the opportunity to train the Kuwaiti team in the international debate championship, this vision started to expand. Debate is not just a tirade, but it needs the art of dialogue by absorbing the issue at hand and determining the position and organizing the arguments. Regarding the adjudication, it was the broader and more difficult angle. I needed neutrality during adjudication and understand the standards and criteria of debate adjudication, then choose the convincing team. Objectives of the study: Identify the causes of the phenomenon of not accepting the findings of the adjudicators. Identify the controls on which the adjudicators build their findings and know the extent of its clarity to the debaters. Unification of the viewing angle between the debaters and the adjudicators. The study answers the following questions: Do debaters have reasons for not accepting the findings of the adjudicators? What are the controls on which the adjudicators build their findings? And how clear it is to the debaters? The importance of the study lies in the fact that it is looking for convincing reasons for the non-acceptance of the findings of the adjudicators, and knowing the controls upon the findings are built in terms of its existence and clarity. Critical education and critical thinking The Design and Implementation of a Developed Computerized System that Contributes to Increasing the Effectiveness of Education and Critical Thinking Skills Mahmood Zaki Alani, Al Mustansiriya University, Iraq The attention given to the Computer Engineering and Information Technology science is one of the most striking features of our current era, where many countries of the world have shown a notable race to get advanced positions in this area and exploit all human and financial resources for the development of this science because of its usefulness in reducing the human effort expended in the organization and management of society through mechanization and automation of all engineering, administrative, financial and business works, for the purpose of reaching high flow and transparency in the development of education and intellectual skills at all levels through the adoption of advanced information systems and Internet connections. This research will give a sophisticated scientific idea about how to design and build a developed information system that uses modern technological algorithms in the analysis and design. The research includes two main pillars: administrative pillar that includes all administrative requirements and legislations for the application of this system. A scientific pillar that includes many levels notably the level of study and scientific analysis for people, and the level of brilliance classification for people, the level of system composition and construction, which is an important level where it focuses on building information algorithm for the development of educational, intellectual and creative capabilities, and giving vision on how to apply it in practice. The last level is the deduction and automatic development level. This research will give a detailed explanation on how to use modern techniques and applications of information technology and computerized devices in the development of education and critical thinking skills, programming and mastering information systems to enable them to participate effectively in developing the basic infrastructure of education in the Arab countries. The preparation and submission of this research is considered the basic stone for the development of our educational institutions and converting it from traditional educational institutions to institutions that adopt the latest computerized methods to increase the intellectual and creative ability of the learner. The Strategy of Turn Taking and its Role in Developing the Critical Thinking and Motivation to Learn among Preparatory School Students Mahmoud Fatouh Mohamed, Al Jouf University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia This era in which we live on made necessitated for those responsible for educational systems to pay attention to the teaching of thinking skills because it is in fact serves as tools for thinking and the level of performance efficiency and the use of these tools determines the level of effectiveness of thinking, as these tools are the basis from which good thinking starts, and that the development of the student’s ingenuity in a number of essential thinking skills makes him fights for success in things that defy his thinking. It also reflects positively on the scientific attainment and the quality of life experienced by the student, and that the efficiency and level of ingenuity in the performance of these skills is not just a result of the student's progress in age (chronological age) and not as shown by the educator Hilda Taba that the development of good thinking is an incidental or secondary result of the teaching process that focuses heavily on the subject. The importance of thinking lies in the lack of response to the subject variable and exposing it to the patterns of thinking, such as scientific, sports, historical, economic, moral, and philosophical thinking. Myers says that the critical thinking capacity cannot grow without help during the teaching of the subject, nor will it arise from just students’ hearing to their teachers, or their reading of texts or taking exams. Teachers should know exactly what critical thinking means within the context of their different cognitive specialties. In light of the above, the problem of the current study can be formulated in the following main question: What is the effect of using roles exchange strategy in the development of critical thinking and motivation for learning among students in the preparatory year? The current study seeks to identify the impact of the use of roles exchange strategy in the development of critical thinking and motivation for learning among students in the preparatory year. The researcher used in this study quasi-experimental approach, in which appear the parameters of the scientific method of thinking in a scientific manner because it includes structure that collects evidences in a way that allows the selection of hypotheses and control of various factors that could affect the phenomenon under study and reach the relationships between the causes and effects. Student Teachers’ Use of Critical Thinking Skills in Developing Public Speaking Skills in Practical Education Fayez Mohamed Fares Abu Hajar, Ministry of Education, Gazza, Palestine The present study aims to identify the degree of use of student teachers to critical thinking skills in their applied education teaching process at the University of Al-Azhar in Gaza from the standpoint of their supervisors, and the researcher will use the descriptive analytical method, which relies on data collection, tabulation, analysis and linking their meanings to interpretation to reach the results. The researcher will use study tool (questionnaire) in its five dimensions, which are: the critical thinking skills (deduction, axioms, assessing arguments results and reasons). The researcher will apply the study on a sample of students of applied education (at the fourth year) at Al-Azhar University in Gaza provinces. The researcher expects that the study reveals the degree of student teachers use to their critical thinking skills in their teaching of applied education process. The study may benefit the student teachers, who are the teachers of the future, and reflect that on their students in schools about the need for providing students with the skills of critical thinking. The study may also benefit university professors and curriculum designers in universities and the Ministry of Education. The Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Computerized Electronic System that Contributes to Increasing the Speed of Taking the Right Decision and Enhancing the Skills of Thinking Mahmood Zaki Alani, Al Mustansiriya University and Fadia Noori Hummadi Al-Nuaimy, Baghdad University, Iraq A lot of people would like to find an ideal way to reach a quick thinking and make the right decision on many issues and things, whether social or scientific issues, so it has become imperative for many researchers to think and find clever, fast and accurate way for how to take the right decision and this is globally called the scientific term, one of the modern science in this area. Our research aims to design a modern intelligent system that adopts modern electronic applications and computerized techniques to achieve the fast right decisions by increasing the stimulus of and response of human neurons of thinking and reaching the right decision quickly. Our research focuses on the need of human being to possess a fraction of knowledge and thinking that can be measured and classified by equations and special methods that enable us to know the starting point and start applying our electronic system (i.e. our electronic system includes all intellectual and categories levels, both the primitive and developed). Two basic principles were developed globally recognized for thinking: (Teaching of Thinking) and (Teaching for Thinking). Mathematical equations were established to calculate and measure the extent to which the nerve cells of human can think in its usual natural status and then find a smart way to increase their ability to think and make the right decision by using computerized electronic applications, whether it includes programs or Visual Graphic. In each use of any computerized electronic application, intellectual competence and the ability to innovate will be calculated and then automatic development of this ability will be done until we obtained knowledge ability of efficiency not less than 90%. The main purpose of our research is how to find a clever way to promote and develop the intellectual capability of the Arab human in particular and the world in general, and how to motivate cells nerve to focus on thinking, accuracy and speed in decision-making and increase its biological efficiency by using the latest computerized electronic applications. The Style of Educational Dialogue and the Development of Critical Thinking Hossain Zahidi, Regional Centre for the Training of Trainers, Morocco Objectives: This review aims to achieve the following objectives: 1. Definition of educational dialogue. 2. Highlight the practice of educational dialogue within the classroom (the Kingdom of Morocco model). 3. Provide feedback and practical proposals for the establishment of an effective methodology for educational dialogue as a way to develop critical thinking of the learner. Axles: 1. Dialogue and educational dialogue. Limits and goals. 2. The practice of dialogue in our school curricula. Monitoring and criticism. 3. The educational dialogue that we want. Practical proposals. Theoretical background: We will move in addressing the subject from a clear theoretical background represented mainly in the concept of dialogue as stated by Moroccan philosopher "Taha Abdul Rahman", and from creativity Pedagogy which is based on liberating the intellectual and innovative capabilities of the learner and help him to exercise his right to think and to be different, and so liberated from the traditional pedagogy built on taming the learner and customize him willingly and unwillingly, considering the student just a pot that should be filled with knowledge. Electronic Dialogue and its Role in the Development of Critical Thinking Skills in Higher Education Areej Bin Mahfouz, King Abdulaziz University and Huda Al-Yami, Om Al Quraa University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia The 21st Century has begun with important radical changes in which many of the challenges and opportunities were seen. Arab countries are not away from these changes, as well as, the growing importance of knowledge where technology is the most prominent element of it that became the characteristic of the economy of this century, the knowledge-based economy, which looks at all levels of education and in particular university levels, as the most important sources of promoting international competition between communities. With the information and communication revolution that we are witnessing in this era of knowledge, we figured creative patterns of debate incarnated in electronic debate mechanisms, which is considered the most prominent way of debate at the present time locally, regionally and globally, due to the ease of communication and connection through the Internet and the debate programs scattered in it, which allows a variety of debate mechanisms either by text or voice or face to face. All of these methods make debate an interesting and enjoyable approach for the exchange of ideas and opinions and discussing solutions and proposals on various issues, which shows the necessity of critical thinking and the importance of developing it among students as one of the constituents of this age because it gives an individual the ability to co-exist in the era in which an individual can only control a fraction of the knowledge. The need to achieve this goal increases with the beginning of a new millennium, the most important of its characteristics is the technology flow and openness between the communities and the complexity of the problems of the society that every individual should be familiar with and able to make judgments towards it. Hence, the need became urgent to develop the students' thinking, particularly critical thinking, as one of the elements of this era. Developing Students’ Critical Thinking Skills through an Educational Project on Environmental Education Amina Sael, Hassan II University, Morocco The interest of environmental education in giving the learner information and knowledge puts the learner in front of the problem of addressing issues and tackling it in an appropriate way, or forces him to think in a different way than his usual thinking through a critic and creative way. Critical thinking is the strict logical thinking which questions its own originals. It stems from the responsible interpretation that produces the meaning. We use it every day, whether in interpreting events or when we analyze the issues or employ our conclusions in new positions or even when we are self-correcting our patterns of thinking. Thinking must adjust various information and knowledge which are collected in the current era, as it is becoming dangerous to rely on academic knowledge without tuned with critical thinking and reality. Didn’t one of us find himself in front of two scientific theories on opposite sides? The only way to rationalize our judgment in favor of one or the other or for part of one or against the two is the critical thinking. In light of the foregoing, it is clear that the study of the environmental situation, in addition to cognitive framing of scientific concepts, enables the treatment and approach of social, political and ethical aspects for many scientific, technological and innovations discoveries. The environmental education exceeds the transfer of knowledge related to the environment and its problems, as it promotes the critical construction of knowledge that are likely to develop the capacity of empowerment of individuals. The development of the emotional feelings of children towards the environment must be achieved in sophisticated ways that are different from the traditional methods. The environmental project for the institution is an educational way through which student is integrated in a contractual way to acquire his knowledge. It relies in motivating students to reach a particular goal. It adopts a set of skills through which the learner is involved and urged to play positive roles according to his interests and needs. Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills in Undergraduate General Education: The Model of General Islamic Studies at Zayed University Abu Baker Mohamed Ahmed Ibrahim, Zayed University, United Arab Emirates The experience of Zayed University is considered one of the pilot experiences in teaching courses in Islamic Studies within the component of the common general education, studied by all students of the university in pre-specialization; Perhaps what distinguishes this experience is that it has adopted the teaching of two courses of Islamic civilization in a learning environment committed to international academic standards and learning outcomes that are reviewed institutionally, through mechanisms and scientific and administrative committees, continuously and thoughtful. The University is committed to a plan to assess the academic performance of the one-level course and at the level of the program, within which the course is offered, and the level of academic performance for the entire undergraduate. In this context, critical thinking represents one of six learning outcomes at Zayed University, where the remaining five are: awareness of the global culture, information literacy, language, leadership, and technical literacy. In the present study, we review the experience of this university in the investment of General Islamic Studies to promote critical thinking skills in undergraduate, and pay special attention to the analysis of the method of teaching three topics taught within the course of Islamic civilization (2) based on the principle of dialogue and debate, these topics are: the identity crisis, which is one of the themes of a study units on Islam and modern Islamic societies, women's rights, and conflict about the emancipation of women, which are presented within the unit of study on women and the family. The objectives of the study are as follows: First: Institutionalizing the idea of adopting debate and dialogue as a method for university teaching, in order to connect the experience of Zayed University with the early Islamic traditions of education which was based on debate and dialogue; Second: rationing the use of debates and developing the guidelines of the design of its practical applications in the classrooms; Third: discuss the rationale for choosing debates as a methodological tool for teaching the specified topics, from among the course topics; Fourth: description and analysis of the approved procedures and standards at the level of the department and the university, to evaluate the academic performance in these subjects. The researcher uses the descriptive analysis approach as a major approach in the study, and reinforces it by the cognitive document approach that depends on the definition of the concepts in their cognitive and social context whenever the study requires. The Theory of Active Learning through the Story of ‘Moses and Al-Khedr’: Contemporary Applications Basyouny Nehela, Qatar University, Qatar There is no doubt that the success of the educational process and its excellence is ascribed - in the first place - to the teacher who knows his message, who study in-depth all that is new in the field of educational theories educational, who is acquainted with the various ancient and modern educational experiences, then capable of turning theories into practice and activating the educational experiences on the ground and practicing among his students. One of the deep and effective and distinguished educational models in the history of science and learning is the model Al-Khedir and Moses - peace be upon them - as stated in the Sura of the Cave in the Holy Quran. This model is characterized and important than other models because: its source is divine and the role the teacher is played by one of God’s slaves "Al-Khedir peace be upon him" who was given special knowledge by God, and the role of the learner is played by the prophet of God, "Moses" who is one of the “messenger of determination”. The examiner of this model with analysis and study will find several educational theories that are indispensable for the teacher. Some of it is related to the teacher and the learner and the means of education, whether in teaching practices process phenomenon, or in connection with psychological rehabilitation preparations of the educational process. This is in addition to the contents of this model of laws and etiquette of intercourse between the teacher and the learner. Perhaps the most prominent theories that characterized this form unique Quranic model is its dependence on the theory learning on the field by companion and a journey as an educational tool to achieve the goal set out in the verse: (Can I follow you to teach me what rational you have learned). It is noticed that Al-Khedir did not teach Moses through taking lessons or lecture and did not sit with him in classrooms and did not direct him to libraries and textbooks, but took him on three field learning trips in which -and through which- there was a lot of knowledge, applications and valuable experience obtained by Moses, and which is still running spring of wisdom and guidance for each educational researcher who looks for the advancement of the educational process, especially in the present era. The researcher will try through this study to stand on the most important of these theories educational related to the teacher and the learner and teaching aids as reflected in the shortest educational trip in history, then tries to drop it on the reality of the contemporary educational process, which is in dire need for successive upgrades and innovations that keep pace with the times and modernization. Critical Skills in the History Lesson: An Analytical Theoretical Approach for the History Curriculum in Secondary Schools Mhamed Jebroun, Regional Centre for the Training of Trainers, Morocco The Moroccan Ministry of National Education recognize the approach of competencies (skills) to determine the educational program or curriculum, and among competencies targeted in all materials, and which has strategic priority in this regard, is the adequacy of criticism and critical thinking; the ultimate goal of the educational process in the Moroccan case is not the graduation of children who are assure of their knowledge and adhering to it, but the basic intention is to graduate educated people with sharp critical sense that makes them always look forward to the better and not poring over the already existing. We will try during this study to: 1. Talk about the basic concepts that form the terms of reference for the theoretical approach to the theme of "insufficient criticism", then define it, with reference to the most important indicators achieved. 2. Track modes of building enough criticism in the child by the teacher, on the basis of history lessons, and definition of classroom activities, and teaching strategies to achieve this. 3. Exercises and applications about the adequacy of critical thinking. 4. Horizons "insufficient criticism” in the educational program. "The adequacy of criticism" as an intellectual and behavioral adequacy contributes strongly in supporting the self-effort for the development of self and their quest for the best, and also contributing to the convergence between different whatever the distance is, on a rational and objective base, and therefore the Moroccan educational project considered it as strategic adequacy. Critical Thinking in Western High Schools: Economic and Social Science Subjects in France as an Example Laroussi Al Amri, Al Manar University, Tunisia In what is critical thought manifested in the West? Can we monitor it through the educational programs? The proposed paper attempts to shed light on these questions by addressing a concrete example of teaching economic and social sciences in the French high schools. The concrete examples will be an opportunity to feel tract pedagogical envisaged in a Western country and aims to train the younger generation during the study period on critical thinking based on epistemological pillars (rational, spiritual, moral and civil) which were determined by philosophers specialized in the study of philosophical teleology (endings acts). The objective of this paper is not to consider the West as a definitive reference in this section, but the purpose is to touch some current intimations prevailing in the West about dictating, teaching and training young people on critical thinking through the school. Using Scientific Research as an Educational Tool for Critical Thinking in the Field of History Sherine El-Menshawy, Qatar University, Qatar This study reviews the experience of the subject’s teacher in using scientific research as an educational tool for critical thinking in teaching the subject of history. Many students believe that history is a compilation of some of the names and dates to remember and write in the examinations or that they are required to go to the library and collect a number of books and scientific articles and write a copied essay from those books. Perhaps they did not realize that through the subject of history they can think by themselves in different realities. The study depends on providing models of works discussed by the teacher inside the classroom with regard to how to conduct a scientific research using critical thinking to ask research questions, analysis and compiling. For example, a scene will be shown as a primary source where the teacher asks the students to explain the scene in details and then try to explain this scene. At a later stage, the student is asked to connect the same scene with other scene and then match it more than one source. The student asks a number of simple questions that can be answered from the same scene. The student then asks more complex questions that may not have available answers in the scene and therefore tries to think of solutions based on the available evidences, whether photographic, trace or textual as well. Developing Higher Order Communication Skills in Moroccan Education Curricula: Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Applications Said Ezzahri, Al Qaraweyeen University, Morocco It is known that the education is essentially a social activity, which affects society and affected by it. Since communities are constantly subjected to change, education must also continuously evolve to adapt to the new requirements. The requirements of the labor market and our lives today in general, including the high quality scientific and technological development, and the impact of scientific data and technological education, impose on the educational systems openness and challenge rise and the adoption of the slogan of Distinguished Education and Science for achieving quality, which is represented in academically qualified graduates, who possess basic competencies essential and quality capabilities and skills in various cross-sectional areas. Morocco, like other developing countries in general and the Arab world in particular, faced this challenge by renewing and developing its educational system to consistently fit with these changes and this has led the Ministry of Education in Morocco to adopt the implementation of a range of major projects during the first decade of this century, which was aiming at including the development of education and ensure the required quality. The criteria for such development were set in several areas including curriculum development and in accordance with the cognitive development and community requirements. Where the most important conclusions of modern education researches were used in reviewing (and building) these curricula, through the adoption of a holistic and integrated approach that take into account the balance between the social, emotional, skills and the knowledge dimension, and the experimental and abstract dimension. It also took into account the interactive pedagogical relationship and facilitation of mass activation. To crystalize and engineer these choices and the general principles in the Moroccan educational curriculum, education on values was adopted (values of Islamic faith, values of cultural identity, moral and cultural values of citizenship, and values of human rights ...) and the adoption of Pedagogy competencies, as a modern and effective Pedagogy, for the development of the basic skills ( strategic and communicative, methodological, and cultural and technological), as well as, education on choice and decision-making. Our contribution in this paper comes in the context of discussing some elements of the answering approach for the following question: How of higher communicative competence (oratory, debate and dialogue) of learners can be developed in the new curriculum in Morocco: Arabic and Islamic education curriculum as a model? To answer this question we adopted the investigative analytical approach through which we analyzed the content of the curricula of Arabic and Islamic education in Morocco as well as the total educational and learning activities related to the high communicative skills (oratory, debate and dialogue) and draw the path of its development through the curriculum units, and the classification of educational and learning activities that help in the development of these skills to the learner. The Effectiveness of a Proposed Program for the Development of Critical Thinking Skills among Colleges of Education Students to Enrich the Quality of Metal Aesthetic Works Neivein Abd Elghafar, Alexandria University, Egypt Critical thinking is thinking based on analysis containing the information and the use of objective criteria to judge and straightened them. It is through this bother, art education is concerned with raising the capacity of higher-order thinking among students and create interactive learning environment through the use of innovative teaching strategies to enrich the art education and the field of metalworking in particular to support the process of interaction between students and the teacher through the exchange of educational experiences, opinions, discussions, practical and applied experiences. So, the current research aims for the development of critical thinking skills through the application of a program based on teaching fine formulations and technique of metalworking using different teaching strategies to enrich the beauty of metalworking. The research adopts the descriptive, analytical and experimental approach to apply the program on a selected sample of students from the (Faculty of Quality Education - Alexandria University), using more than one teaching strategy for learning and measuring the impact of thinking skills on teaching the art of metalwork and the validity of the hypothesis of the research and experiment. Findings of the present study provide the learner with the skills of critical thinking in the existence of an interactive learning environment in our educational institutions. The Design and Application of Qatari Metal Ornaments and the Use of Modern Techniques to Develop Independent School Students’ Critical Thinking Skills Neivein Abd Elghafar, Alexandria University, Egypt Art education depends on many of the skills that develop critical thinking skills, such as inductive, deductive and evaluation skills. So, critical thinking contains creative thinking and cultural heritage is considered one of the basic axes underlying the teaching of art, Qatari ornaments may be seen as an integral part of Qatari heritage and a new style to bring together the art of Jewelry design with the forms of heritage. Art education depends on the development of the technical, heritage and creative abilities. So, the study aims to benefit from the characteristics of fine Qatari mineral Jewelry to open new areas for the development of creative and critical thinking skills through the exercise of experimental thought and the ability to develop contemporary metal jewelry of heritage origins and reference. Research problem: Can we develop critical thinking skills by introducing a set of metal ornaments design and ornaments inspired from Qatari ornaments to be as a new gateway in our educational institutions? Research Methodology: The search follows descriptive, analytical and experimental method. The theoretical framework: The study addresses the Qatari mineral ornaments through the analysis and evaluation of its artistic and shaping values. Research applications: The application of modern technology to design and develop metal ornaments that cope with the spirit of the age. Search Results: The development of critical thinking is possible through the use of applications of modern technology to give skills of deduction, criticism and evaluation of the implemented design works. It is also recommended to publish the research in coordination with the Supreme Education Council for organizing seminars and art competitions in the independent schools and make use of it in the development of critical thinking skills. Teaching the Values of Managing Difference and its Role in Civilization Building: Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Applications Khalid Samadi, Advisor to the Prime Minister, Morocco and Academic Advisor to the International Institute of Islamic Thought, Washington It is no secret what importance the intelligentsia class as whole has in the leadership of the cultural and social change. If this class believed in the values of coexistence and dialogue, and were able to manage the difference in building and spreading its positions and views and perceptions and jurisprudence in the surroundings, it would consist a fertile framework for the transfer of this expertise and experience to the young generation through the formulation of a speech promoting these values and works to publish it. But, the theoretical discourse is not enough to bring about the desired change in the perceptions of this generation and his ideas, and therefore, in its practices and behavior. The management of difference in addition to being knowledge and perceptions built in the mind of the recipient, it is also the skills practiced by training, and oriented values gained by education. Therefore, it was necessary to assign theoretical discourse exercises by field operation on the skills and mechanisms of managing the difference in the young people intellectual, cultural and social relationships for the purpose of employing it in their communications, dialogues and debates. That is the only way in which the ability to manage the difference become a general adequacy, and prevailing culture and conviction in the intellectual and social relations. This presentation will highlight the three aspects of upbringing on the values managing the difference as follows: The knowledge Side related to the concept of difference and the reason behind it and its fields, and put it in the context of map concepts which moves them to a clear vision of the recipient of this concept and correct some distortions that surround it. All these are based on the revelation sources and purposes of the Islamic Sharia. The moral aspect related to the governing values that should be instilled in the society in order to ensure continued good management of the difference and what contradicts it of perceptions and behaviors that arise when the management fails, with talk about the ways and means of dissemination of these values in our cultural and social environment. The skill aspect related to the rules, mechanisms and skills of managing the difference and its benefits and gains in our lives, and the cultural and social deficits resulting from its absence, based on the Islamic guidance in this area and reasoning process models in the debate and dialogue in the Islamic culture and civilization, as well as the recent literature in the field of successful communication. Workshops Integrating Critical Thinking Skills in the Teaching of Arabic Fares Ahmed Mohammed, The Supreme Education Council, Qatar This workshop is designed to identify the concept of critical thinking through the conclusions of the attendants and discussion with them, and then display the critical thinking skills, and the importance of exercising critical thinking, and features of the critical learner. The workshop focuses on the following topics: The relationship between the Arabic language skills (reading / writing / listening / speaking) and critical thinking skills: The availability of critical thinking skills within the four English language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking), through the definitions of Arabic language skills and how it relates to critical thinking skills. How far the Arabic language attends the standards the development of critical thinking skills among students in Qatar: Search in the approved Arabic language criteria in the State of Qatar about the criteria that include critical thinking skills and to extract and determine the critical thinking skills contained in it, and designing applied training activities to achieve the criteria and develop critical thinking skills among students. The development of critical thinking skills through the development of the listening and speaking skills among students: Show strategies for the development of critical thinking skills through a variety of exercises in the listening and speaking skills. Applied activities on the integration of critical thinking skills in the teaching of the Arabic language. A Proposed Program for Developing Public Speaking and Oration Skills for Elementary, Preparatory and Secondary School Students in Qatar Sabry Ahmed Suleiman, Almahaad Adeeni, Qatar Proposed Program for the development of oratory and speaking skill among elementary school, intermediate and secondary schools students in Qatar The basic skills that the learner should be proficient in are many, notably: oratory and speaking; the reason for this is that it is a means to communicate and interact with others and the society, and through it a person is known, and with it his/ her personality characterized between the two perimeters, and through it the learner can comport and coexist with the environment surrounding him. From here, I gave this skill my interest and I wanted to stand on the reasons for the poor methods of teaching oratory and speaking in our schools, wondering: What role should be performed for the advancement of teaching this skill? Taking into account the combined efforts of several bodies to play this role (SEC / family / teacher); therefore, I set up a theoretical framework that includes two questionnaires for the administrative and teaching staff in school, and two questionnaires addressed to parents, and selected the sample of the study from the administrative body and faculty and students of the Preparatory Secondary Religious Institute of Qatar, then I collected the questionnaires, analyzed it, drew the conclusions and put the recommendations. Adjudicating Arabic Debates Abdulhakim Rizq, Assiut University, Egypt The task adjudicator task in determining the winner in the debates that take place in Arabic is not an easy task, where he faces an a debate adjudication of several different constraints, and these constraints vary from a debate to another depending on the nature of each debate and the circumstances surrounding it. It was evident to us that some of those obstacles are related to the language used in the debate and also the nature of the differences between communal cultures, which is sometimes considered as a barrier that add to the adjustors another burden and also constraints associated with the dynamics of debating, which some debaters deviate from, causing severe confusion and adds another burden on the adjudication process. So, we will tackle through this workshop entitled “constraints facing adjudication of debates in Arabic” and through considering various axes, the speaker sees three basic pillars, namely the Arabic language (slang), the different of cultures between communities and non-compliance to certain rules governing the championship as a gateway for solving the problem which relates to those disabilities, which will be managed through a team work in a round table in order to achieve the goal of the workshop. Debate Has a Style: How to Discover Personal Styles for a More Effective Debate Bibi Msaitir Alajmi, Kuwait University, Kuwait The strategic content may be the basis of debate process, but an adoption of a character pattern and the understanding of the figures is a must to support the participant in the debate to prove his point of view in a more influential way. The workshop aims at familiarizing the participants with the visual and auditory and linguistic patterns of personal and individual behavior and the importance of understanding to build a communication channel between the participant and the public for more effective and impact debate. The workshop reviewed several tools adopted by the participant to understand his character in the first place and then understand his audience and develop an effective strategy to influence the public. Debate Has a Style: Different Dialogues for Multiple Types Abdullah Alflikawi, Kuwait University, Kuwait The objective of the workshop: the trainee will be able to understand and analyze personal and educational style of the debater and how to interact with him in the right way. This workshop focuses on exploring the human psyche in order to reach the corresponding results that help to understand himself first, and then to understand and interpret the behavior of the opposite debater and know how to deal with him based on sound analysis of such conduct. The workshop will address defined patterns of education and its importance in understanding the behavior of others. This workshop will provide practical applications on how to detect the three educational patterns (auditory, sensory, visual) according to the (VAK) theory for Don Don, as well as the multiple intelligences of Howard Gardner, which classifies intelligences to (logical, linguistic, music, natural, dynamic, self-Interface, social). The workshop will address the definition of learning styles and their significance in debates, practical methods for how to deal with different types of debaters according to their learning styles. The training method used in this workshop is training games, playing the role, dialogue and debate. At the end of the workshop the trainee will be able to understand and analyze the personality and educational style of the debater and how to interact with him in the right way.