Sunday Bulletin - Akron Springfield Church of the Brethren

Springfield Church of the Brethren
3500 Albrecht Avenue
Akron, Ohio 44312
Phone (330) 628-3058
Ministers: All the People of the Church
Pastor: Andy Hamilton – Cell Phone 571-5413
Pastor of Visitation: Kris Hawk – Cell Phone 612-2086
Sunday school – 9:30 AM
Worship – 10:30 AM
*Opening Song
"Oh, How I Love Jesus"
Chorus #110
Children’s Story: Gail Naylor
Praising God
Psalm 23
Prayer and Lord’s Prayer
Offertory “My Soul Waits in Silence”
April 21, 2013
Organist: Peg Swinehart
Pianist: Beverly Bridger
Choir Director: Bonnie Young
Junior Worship Coordinator today: Janet Watkins
Acolytes: Coby Watkins & Jackson Tucker
Greeter: Jean Garcia
Gathering Music
“Give Me Jesus”
Chorus #129
“You Are My King”
Chorus #178
Welcome & Announcements
Congregational Sharing
Prelude and Lighting Candles
“His Love Brings Peace”
*Gathering Words
One: This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be
glad in it.
All: This is the day that the stone is cast aside and the
mantle of darkness is torn away.
One: God has swallowed up death forever and brushed our
tears away.
All: This is the day of salvation.
One: Be glad and rejoice—the Lord of light has come and
reigns forever. Christ is risen!
All: Christ has risen indeed! Alleluia!
"God of Grace and God of Glory"
Call to Silence
Choir Anthem:
Hymn #366
“Sweet, Sweet Spirit”
Hearing the Word
Scripture Reading
Luke 15: 1-10; Acts 1:4-8
“Prodigal Witness”
Responding to the Word
*Closing Song
“Lord Listen to Your Children Praying”
Hymn #353
*Benediction: “God is so Good”
Postlude and Extinguishing Candles
“Everlasting Victory”
*Please stand as you are able
The Flowers on the Altar today are to
the Glory of God and in Honor of
Marge Knepp’s 80th Birthday.
Avenell Cippant (330) 628-4308
Pat and Jim Mills (330) 733-9199
Church Council Meeting - Please plan on attending the
Spring Council Meeting, Wednesday, April 24, 2013, 7 pm. This
meeting is for all members of the church. We will receive
reports and elect District Conference Delegates at this time.
(The agenda and ballot are on the back table.)
Week of April 21, 2013 through April 28, 2013
Softball season will soon be here.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
o 9:30 am - Sunday school
o 10:30 am – Worship
o 3:00 pm – Living Stones Small Group
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
o 6:00 pm – Zumba
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
o 3:30 – 5 pm Homework Help
o 7 pm – Church Council Meeting
Thursday, April 25, 2013
o 10:00 am Women’s Bible Study @ Pastor Kris’
o 6:00 pm – Softball Meeting
o 7:00 pm – Choir Practice
Sunday, April 28, 2013
o 9:30 am – Sunday school
o 10:30 am – Worship
o 6:00 pm – Youth Meeting
Please see sign-up sheet on back table if
interested in playing.
The Lord’s Prayer
Christian Education – We need someone to coordinate
VBS this year. See Dawn Conner.
Church web page:
Facebook: Akron Springfield Church of the Brethren.
May 25th - Ladies tea and lunch at 11:30 am
Please see Bev Sheets, Avenell Cippant and Kim Morckel for
tickets at $10 each.
Support 3000 miles for Peace! - Please see handout on
back table for more information.
Finding Faith - This movie will be shown May
7 pm at
Springfield Assembly of God, 1551 Canton Road, starring Erik
Estrada. The movie is based on true events and observations
from experts, highlighting the Internet Crimes against Children
Task Force and their efforts to rescue children from predators.
Presented by Millheim United Church of Christ in association
with Springfield Assembly of God Church. Contact: Pastor
Sharon at 330-699-3033.
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and
forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen
Praise Him
Robert Fulks – Summa Barberton Hospital
Aundrea Williams – Summa City Hospital
The family of Bernice Held upon her death
Ruth Ann Showalter – home
Doris Van Horn—home
Bob Grund – Heather Knoll Rehab
Sondra Grund - home
Bob Snyder – home
Marie Fulks – home
Alice Kenngott – home
Eileen Jenkins –Green View Inn
Jim Conner – home
Norma Burtoft – home
Bud Liggett – home
Milton Kurtz – home
Elaine Jackson – home
Evanola Davis –home
Virginia Bookwalter –Kentridge at Golden Pond
Judi Sammons (Karen Fergus’ daughter) - home
Christina Sommers (Karen Fergus’ granddaughter)
Shari Lininger (Janet Watkin’s mother-in-law) – Summa City
John Prelac, friend of Ranay Hatherill
Norma Naylor (Gail Naylor’s mother-in-law) – home
Joan Collins, mother of Pat Mills’ friend
James Champ, Ruth Ann Showalter's brother
Brian Hayhurst (Russell Kline’s friend)
Our brothers and sisters in Nigeria
In the singing of hymns and spiritual songs, the church in
worship is putting on her garments of praise. The highest
musical development is always associated with religious faith.
Real faith always calls forth the deepest and most enduring
emotions of the human spirit. Music expresses that fervency in
forms of beauty which linger in memory long after they have
faded on the ear.
A church without music is like a bird without wings. Let the
organ send its uplifting waves of harmonic sound through the
sanctuary. Let the full-voiced choir enrich the air with stately
anthems. Let the whole congregation worship and praise God
most heartily in psalms and hymns and songs of spiritual life.
Let the joy of Christian faith express itself in noble music. A
fullness of joy in religion is a most natural fruit of the spirit. “Let
the people praise Thee, O God, Let all the people praise Thee.”
Music is a natural aid to faith. The very existence of harmony is
an argument for God. In a world of chance, a chaos of
unreasonable and deaf power, music could never exist. The
singing of songs edges human experience with the grace of
life’s meaning. It captures human hopes like a piece of
sculpture which has turned an aspiration into marble.
It sounds the full grandeur of eternal sanctions. And so it is that
hymn singing in the worship life of the church rises to that
solemn height where it is full of the sense of God. –Alvin F.
Praise Him ! Praise Him!
Praise Him!