The Viewpoint - Riverside Community Church, Hood River

United Church of Christ
“When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And
suddenly, from heaven, there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind…”
Acts 2:1-2
June 2012
Christian Nurture Hour Returns
with Special Summer Series:
One of the first things I do when settling into a guest or hotel room is to try and open the
windows. I love the feel of fresh air and the sounds of the outside world. However, this
is not always an easy task. Many windows these days are not intended to be
opened. They are sealed shut so that the indoor temperature remains highly regulated
and the air fully “conditioned.” The fresh outdoor air, it seems, is too unpredictable,
uncomfortable and difficult to control.
Rivers of Life
In a similar way, I’ve noticed that many of us find it tempting to close the “windows” to
our souls. If we put up walls, lock the doors and nail the windows shut, maybe God
won’t find us. Maybe we won’t have to change. Maybe we can continue to control and
regulate our lives on our own terms. Maybe we won’t have to reach out to our difficult
neighbors, talk with our enemies, become peacemakers, or give up our
Wrong! As God reveals at Pentecost, the Holy Spirit is on the move. Just as the Spirit
shook up and inspired the frightened disciples long ago in Jerusalem, God’s Spirit bursts
through our closed doors and tightly sealed windows in a quest to bring life-giving
energy and new vision into our midst. God’s Spirit tenaciously seeps through the cracks
in our fear and brings the promise of healing into our lives.
Beginning June 10, Christian Nurture Hour will resume from 9:00-10:10 on Sunday
mornings with a dynamic faith sharing series.
Each week, one or two people will reflect and share about their own journeys of faith.
Where does your journey of faith begin? What were your earliest images or
experiences of God? Where have you experienced rough waters? Perilous waterfalls?
Calm, still pools? Where are you in the “river” of faith today?
Friends, in this season of Pentecost I pray that we might help one another pry open the
sealed windows in our souls, homes, church and world so that the unpredictable yet
wholly dependable wind of God’s Spirit might rush in and renew us once again.
The sharing and discussion will take place in a supportive, caring environment. We will
listen, learn, share and nurture one another along the way.
Blessings of the Spirit,
Pastor Vicky
Come when you can, the coffee will be brewing, warm fellowship and exploration
await! Questions? Please contact Pastor Vicky.
Worship time 10:30 am. First Sunday of the month is Communion Sunday. Children grades
K-5th are invited to Sunday School in the Pioneer Room at the beginning of the worship
service. Younger children may remain in worship or in the nursery with Ann Zuehlke and
Tessa Mendez.
Chancel Choir & Gospel Choir are taking a summer break. We’ll look forward to seeing
them again in September.
……to new member Don Hosford!
John Boonstra
Kirby Neumann-Rea
Marla St. John
Chuck Cody
Laurie Holmes
Mariloy Fowler
Hannah Bouvard
Ann Harris
Kae Henderson
Mandy Redmond
Kathy Watson
Mary Margaret Evans
Joyce Jennings
Phyllis Nafsinger
Brett Requa
Margaret Totten
Morgan Totten
Russ Guppy
Kim Humann
Prospective Gospel Choir Members Potluck! You and your family are warmly invited to
Evelyn Charity’s Saturday, June 2 at 6 pm for some food, singing and visioning about the future
of the Gospel Choir! (Please come, even if you are only an "exploratory" potential participant
at this point. No commitment required! Place settings provided. Evelyn’s address is 3384
Bradley Drive: from Tucker Road, heading south, turn right at Bradley Drive (Eagle One Thrift
Store.) Evelyn’s house is 2nd on the right with a white fence.
Church Softball League Join the Riverside team! Sign up in the Pioneer Room, and contact
Kaptain Kirby at 541-490-5315 if you have questions.
Pockets of Plenty offering is June 10. Proceeds will benefit Camp Adams.
FISH/Local Missions offering is June 17.
Council meets Tuesday, June 26 at 6 pm.
Down Manor Bible Study Mondays, 10 – 11 am. All are welcome.
Vacation Bible School Grow in Faith, Have Fun, Change the World! Registration open this
month for Renew, the “Green” VBS coming to Riverside, July 16th-20th. See Elaine for more
information. One more volunteer needed for snacks and games from 9 am – noon on July 16.
Please see Elaine if you can help.
June 2
June 5
June 5
June 7
June 9
June 14
June 16
June 17
June 18
June 18
June 18
June 19
June 23
June 23
June 23
June 23
June 23
June 25
June 29
Have we missed your birthday?
Please let the church office know
Pastoral Visits If you become aware of anyone in our church community who is in need of a
pastoral visit for any reason, please let Pastor Vicky or Lorre in the office know about the need.
Don joined Riverside on May 27.
He brings along a rich and diverse
history as a football coach, Port of
Hood River commissioner and long
time State Farm insurance man.
Don and his wife Virginia were
married for over 50 years. Their
children are Mitch and Carol.
Don enjoys singing and has been a
member of many barbershop quartets
and choirs. He is a welcome addition to
the Riverside Chancel Choir.
We welcome you with joy in the
common life of this church.
We promise you our friendship and
prayers as we share
the hopes, joys and challenges of the
church of Jesus Christ.
By the power of the Holy Spirit, may
we continue to grow
together in our knowledge of God
and be bold witnesses of God’s love
for the whole of creation.
Doing a New Thing
It is a blessing to have others
praying for us. It is also a
blessing when we pray for
others. Let us bring our prayers
to God.
……congratulations to Marla and Tom
St. John as they celebrate 32 years of
marriage…gratitude for intern Laura
Nelson and blessings to her as she
moves on from Riverside…
Betty Hill, Hazel Bowe, Larry Jones
and all those in need of healing…for
the sacrifices of military personnel and
their families…for Kim and John
Vogel for the recent loss of John’s
God in your grace,
Hear our prayers
that we might create a warm,
Excerpt from Isaiah 43:14-21
"Do not remember the former
things, or consider the things of old. See, I am doing a new
Our special offering generally on the
third Sunday of each month is the
FISH/Local Mission offering. The
offering is split 50/50 between the
FISH Food Bank and the following
Riverside local missions:
Reflection by Martin B. Copenhaver
It is axiomatic that people
often resist change. Lyman Beecher, the great Puritan preacher,
was minister of the Congregational Church in Litchfield, Connecticut,
in the first part of the nineteenth century. During that time a debate
arose in the congregation about whether they would install a wood
stove in the meeting house. Before then they had never had any
heat at all in the meeting house. If it were cold, you would come to
worship thickly bundled. Some in the congregation thought a
wood stove would be an improvement, but others were dead set
against this new technological intrusion in their sacred
space. Eventually, the pro-stove contingent prevailed.
The first
Sunday after the stove was installed some of those who had
opposed the installation of the stove complained that the meeting
house was too hot for them. The men started taking off their jackets
and loosening their collars. Some of the women were furiously
fanning themselves, trying to stay cool.
Lyman Beecher got into
the pulpit and said, "You will notice that this is the first Sunday we
have had our new stove. And next week we will put some wood in it
and start a fire."
So, yes, people often resist change. But that is a
particularly strange stance for people of faith. After all, we worship a
God who declared, "See, I am doing a new thing," the same God
who accepts us just as we are but also offers us transformation.
Pastor’s Discretionary
Fund/Riverside Neighbors
In Need
Provides emergency assistance to
those needing housing, gas, food.
Good Neighbor Fund
Provides opportunities to deepen
our relationship and support for
groups and individuals who are
working to improve the lives of
others in our community and in our
world. Examples are the Celilo
Education Project, Helping Hands,
The Next Door, Columbia Gorge
Earth Center, Portland Men’s
Prison Parenting Project, Two
Seeds Network in Tanzania,
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon.
Celebration of Service Award
Recent recipients have donated to
FISH, Helping Hands, Child
God of transformation, do a new thing in my life and in our
life together.
~ Joan Ewing
JUNE 2012
Guest Preacher
David Leslie
Down Manor
10 am
CPC Women’s Board
Meeting 10 am
Mission Board Luncheon
And Discussion with David Leslie
Senior Recognition Sunday
Down Manor
10 am
Pockets of Plenty Offering
Diaconate Meeting
After Worship
Paint Party for VBS
Teen 2nd Sunday 5:30
Father’s Day
Down Manor
10 am
6 pm
Down Manor
10 am
Council 6 pm
7:30 pm
VBS Planning Party
Cheers Meeting
10 am
FISH/Local Missions Offering
The Fling In Review
The Spring Fling on May 12
was a successful fundraiser where
everybody had a great time.
Thank you to all who
participated. We raised $2,775
which all goes into our church
budget. This total includes 11
desserts that were actively bid on
and raised $340. The tables were
beautifully decorated, and we had
great 50's music along with a
delicious meal. This is a church
event that is FUN to attend!
Here are two questions for you:
1. Would you like it IN or OUT
of the church?
2. Would you like it in the Spring
or Fall?
The committee really needs your
input so please e-mail your
answers and any other
Thanks for your help!
Scott Johnson and Steve
Nybroten. Fling Chairmen
May 2012
Special Offering Totals
Pockets of Plenty
UCC Special Mission offering
“Strengthen The Church
A Summer Parable
Local Missions
Now it came $135.50
to pass that, as the time of vacation drew near, a certain
member of the church bethought him of cool streams where fish were
his your
children thought of sandy beaches by the sea, and his wife
of the mountains. And this church member spoke and said, “Lo,
the hot days come and my work lieth heavy upon me. Come, let us depart
and go where fishes do bite, and where the cool winds bring refreshment
and the land is beautiful about us.”
“Thou speakest words of wisdom,” said his wife, “yet three, nay even
four things must we do ere we go.”
Choir “Three
I can think of, but not a fourth,” said her husband; “that we
ask our neighbors to minister unto our flowers, that we arrange for our
Choir Director
is looking
to beCole
and watered, that we have our mail forwarded; but no
for someone
other thing cometh to my mind.”
with organizing sheet music for the
Chancel Choir.
“The fourth is like unto other three, but greater than all,” said his spouse,
thou dig
This summer
a great
timeinto thy purse and pay the church pledge, in
the Lord be not diminished, and that it may be well
to get started!
with thee. For verily I say unto thee, though has more money now that
thou iswilt
whenathou dost return.”
Someone who
member of the choir and who has
some clerical
abilities “Verily, thou are noble and wise among
husband replied,
would be very
And he did pay his pledge for the summer, and the work of the
Lord prospered. It is good that those who love the Lord neglect not his
Please contact
even or
in the
office if you are interested.
Found in a Viewpoint from the
5 1960’s
direct the Gospel Choir. June 17th Portland Boys Choir will be at RCC. Looking
into possible home stays and/or providing hospitality at RCC.
Riverside Church Council Meeting Highlights May 22nd 2012
Complete Council Minutes Available in The Church Office
Centennial Project:
Team doing historical research and sorting items by decade. Goal is to digitize
these items. A designated computer and scanner are needed for this process.
Concert on April 28th offering was $428. Float for the 4th of July parade was
discussed. Rededication of the church will be on September 16th 2012.
Pastor’s Report:
Summer worship is planned for 10:30 am. The format will be more simple and casual.
Saving Jesus series concluded and a 3-week series “I Am” started. There is an interest
to continue Christian Nurture hour during the summer. May 31st there will be a reading
and workshop on “And Toto Too: The Wizard of Oz As A Spiritual Journey. Mission
and Outreach: continued work with FISH, GEM and The Next Door. Four major areas
for focus for the second half of the year include: worship/music, education, mission and
stewardship. Sabbatical for Vicky was discussed and we reviewed wording in our
bylaws concerning the sabbatical. We will discuss this at future meetings.
Weatherization/Solar Project:
We have $35,000 of the $50,000. The Green Home contractors need to do both the
Pioneer Room and the Sanctuary during the same time period, so funds will need
to be secured to implement and finish this project. Committee will meet to discuss
plan for this project.
Treasurer Report:
Moe Endowment lost $2200 for April 2012. Parsonage Fund down $600 in market
fluctuations. We have a deficit in pledges for the month of April. We will continue to
monitor this deficit. Contribution Reports will be distributed to inform members of
pledge status. Budget items are below budget except music due to piano/organ tuning.
We need to continue focusing on revenue for the church.
The decision to take out the designated percentage from the Moe Fund when the
market was up was a good one. The committee is working on endowment
brochure for RCC.
Spring Fundraiser:
Fifty Tickets were sold. $2850 netted for the event. There will be a meeting to
discuss/review this fundraiser.
Diaconate: Meeting scheduled for early June.
Marge Jacobson delivered $250 Celebration of Service Award to Helping Hands. Bob
Olson continues to collect children’s books for the parenting classes at a Portland Men’s
Prison. FISH offering all 50% of FISH funds will go to purchase food. RCC hosting
Bishop Melzar Labuntog from UCC Philippines on May 23rd for a lunch coordinated by
Donna McCoy. Hands on Project for Camp Adams, possibly donating curtains for the
camp. POP offerings: FISH $271, Strengthen the Church $164. Next Meeting July 27th
at 1:00 p.m.
Building/Grounds Committee:
Meeting soon and will have a report in August. This will help us to plan and
budget for the maintenance needs of the church.
Minutes Respectfully Submitted
By Shaun Requa
Council Secretary
Music: Board met on Sunday May 20th. The music board needs a volunteer (Choir
Librarian) to coordinate and implement a system for organizing the choir sheet
music. Evelyn Charity stepping down as Gospel choir director. Perry Cole will
Next Council meeting June 26 at 6 pm
Legacy Project Update
Al Pugsley
Scott and Elaine Johnson Don Betz Memorial Fund
Rodger and Judy Schock
Judy Nelson
In Memory of Don Betz
Vicky Stifter
In honor of Bill McKibbon
Phyllis Nafsinger
In memory of Dick Nafsinger
Marbe Cook
Dorothy Culbertson
In memory of Jack Culbertson
Carolyn Welty-Fick
In Memory of John & Lyn Welty
Patti Tessmer
In memory of Don Betz
Tim and Wendy Foley
Terese Roeseler
Don Betz Memorial Fund
Frances Arnold
Marge Jacobson
Bill and Virginia Sheppard
Leslie Moon
Don Betz Memorial Fund
Carole Murphy
Don Betz Memorial Fund
Norm and Jeanette Mayer
Lorene Murray
In Memory of Bill Murray
Chuck and Fran Cody
In memory of Lois Talbot
William Cannon
In memory of Bill Murray
Tom and Marla St. John
Linda Roucbes
Dale and Ina Glasgow
Doug & Michelle Beaman
Ann Harris
Gail Lyon
Royal and Joan Ewing
Steve Nybroten
Dick and Lizz O’Bannon
Don Betz Memorial Fund
In memory o f George Rouches
Don Betz Memorial Fund
Leonard and Janet Wood
Gary and Gean Rains
Marilyn Murray
Allan Henderson
K N-R & Lorre Chester-Rea
Karen and Keith Harding
Georgiana King
Kim Vogel
Summer Worship: Same Time,
Fresh Format
At Riverside, we will celebrate the
summer months with worship on
Sundays at the current time (10:30
am). However, the services will be
shorter, simpler and more casual. They
will have a fresh, summer-like feel—with
fewer words and a wide variety of music.
In addition, we will continue with our
tradition of having one or two services
out of doors.
If you would like to share the gift of
music at a summer worship, (piano,
guitar, ukulele, or…??) please contact
Pastor Vicky.
Don Betz Memorial Fund
In Honor of William, Heidi & Sofia
In Honor of the Tebbs Family
In Honor of Bill & Zella Laraway
In Memory of Robert & Gloria Wood
In Honor of Pastor Vicky Stifter
For Her Inspiration on this Project
Guest Musicians in June:
June 17 Portland Boys Choir
Don Betz Memorial Fund
In Honor of Connal & Delaney Rea
June 24 Don & Ann Jenkins
Don Betz Memorial Fund
Don Betz Memorial Fund
With the support of 38 generous
donors, we have raised $35,000
to equip and maintain our
church building for the next 100
years of vibrant ministry.
We now have sufficient funds to
begin work on the solar project,
with weatherization efforts
starting up as soon as additional
funds are raised. Keep an eye
out for solar panels on the south
side of the roof as phase one
gets underway later this month!
If you have not yet had the
opportunity to be a part of the
effort to equip and maintain our
beloved church building for the
next 100 years of vital ministry,
there is still time! Additional
information is available in the
Pioneer Room or by calling the
church office.
Corvallis, Oregon
Thesis: “Pragmatism and Pain: Melioristic Rhetoric of Mirror Box Therapy”
Anna received her B.A. in Speech Communications with a Spanish minor from OSU in
2010.She has been working at OSU as a Teaching Assistant, and hopes to find work at a
university or community college teaching in the communications field.
noring our 2012 Graduates
Lekadia Dale
Excerpt from
Blown by God
toward Newness
Graduating from the New England Culinary Institute in Montpelier, Vermont.
Rachael Mallon
Bachelor of Science in Biology, minor in Environmental Policy and Decision Making
University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington
Rachael will be working as an intern for graduate researchers this summer in Wyoming,
Colorado, New Mexico or Alaska. She eventually plans to obtain her Master’s degree.
by Walter Brueggemann
Gorge Music Festival and Riverside
Community Church co-sponsor a special
choral concert by Portland based group IN
MULIERIBUS on June 22, 7:30pm, at
Riverside Community Church. This
special concert, SISTER OF
IN SONG, honors the visionary abbess and
healer, Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179),
one of the most creative figures of the
Middle Ages. The program will present a
few of Hildegard's most beautiful chants
alongside musical settings by modern
composers who have been inspired by her
distinctive poetry and
Founded in 2004, In Mulieribus presents
its own concert season series in Portland,
and just celebrated its fifth anniversary
season. recently reached beyond its focus
on early music to highlight works by
women composers and to support new
music. IM has given five world premieres
since December of 2008. A free will
offering will be taken. This is a concert not
to be missed!
The good news is that
God’s wind is blowing,
It may be a breeze that
cools and comforts.
It may be a gust that
summons you to notice.
It may be a storm that
blows you where you have
never been before.
Whatever the wind is in
your life, pay attention to
it…and the blessing of
God’s Spirit will abide with
you always.
Tessa Davidson
Graduate of Hood River Valley High School
Hood River, Oregon
Tessa’s immediate plans are to attend cosmetology school at Mt. Hood Community College in
the fall, and earn her Associate's Degree.
Tessa has been one of our valued nursery attendants all year.
Amanda Bunch
Graduate of Sherman High School
Moro, Oregon
Amanda plans to live with the Thompson family in Hood River until she is able to find work
and housing in the Gorge. Amanda is available to mow your lawn this summer! $10
introductory front lawn price! Call 541-490-4346 to support Elaine and Paul Thompson’s new
foster daughter.
Clean out your garage and reduce, reuse, recycle for our “green” VBS!
We still need a few supplies – leave in the Pioneer room. Thanks!
Books Needed
We are collecting new or gently
used books for early readers
through middle school ages.
These books will be taken to the
Columbia River Correctional
Institute in Portland for children
of the inmates to read while
visiting or to take home.
Plastic fruit/plastic vegetables
Fake plants
Fake plant vines
Big maps of the world and areas of the
Large empty picture frames
Hats and accessories from different
Big pieces of solid colored fabric, sheets,
4 pr. Kid’s jeans
4 Kid’s white or solid color t-shirts
10. 10 empty plastic water bottles
11. Empty wrapping paper rolls
12. Brick pattern wrapping paper
13. 5-10 ft. garden wire fencing
14. two pair blue overalls
Please leave your books in the
box in the Pioneer Room or in the
church office. Contact Bob Olson
if you have any questions.
Riverside Community Church
United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 656
Hood River, OR 97031
Pastor Vicky A. Stifter
The Viewpoint
is published monthly by Riverside Community Church,
4th and State Streets, Hood River, OR 97031, P.O. Box 656, 541386-1412.
Editor: Lorre Chester-Rea - email address:
Editor reserves
the right to edit for space and content. All errors, typos and
are sincerely regretted. © 2012 Riverside Community Church
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