APUSH Thematic Note Cards Directions It is important that you complete ALL index cards because they will be extremely beneficial at the end of the year when you are studying for the AP U.S. History exam. APUSH Nouns listed below are not all that you are responsible for, so pay attention to your Period Overview!! If you complete (and pick back up) all your cards, you will have over 1000 APUSH nouns that you can use as relevant historical evidence in essays & on SAQs!! You will be responsible for each of the notecards at the end of the year for a final project, so do not throw them away. Please see below for your directions for each set of notecards. -each must be written in pen or marker. Pencil is unacceptable -the back should be written in complete sentences -it must be written in your own words and not taken directly from another source -You must have a cover card for the set with your name, class period and the date. This card may not contain a term Index Card Format: FRONT (3 points) (Time Period & Chapter) (Initials/period ) Title/Term (Theme) BACK 7 points Label: (4 pts) Who Be as specific as you can here… i.e. do not just write America or What US for where. Do not just write 15th century for the when. When Where (2 pt) Why is this term important in American History? What is the context of the APUSH noun/idea in conjunction with the time period? (1 pt) Why did you choose theme and learning objective that you did for this term? BE SPECIFIC! Be as specific as you can here… i.e. do not just write it has to do with the economy!