
APUSH Midterm Review
Test Format:
 One 35 minute period to write a cohesive essay. You will choose one of the three essays provided.
 55 minutes to complete 100 multiple choice questions. Many of the questions will look familiar to you,
but there will also be new ones in the mix.
 70 minutes to complete a Document Based Question (DBQ), includes reading time
Review in class:
Ms. Leiting will provide a variety of different activities to focus your attention on major concepts and
ideas. However, other days will be devoted to allowing you to study in the way that best suits your
needs. I recommend you bring your chapter outlines, worksheets, and any other class work in
throughout the week to use as study tools. You may also want to bring index cards to create review
Terms to prepare for the test:
Patrick Henry
Iroqouis Confederacy
Mexico-U.S. relations
Seneca Falls
Marbury vs. Madison
Halfway Covenant
Stamp Act
Monroe Doctrine
Andrew Jackson
Lowell System
Know-Nothing Party
Eli Whitney
Tariff of Abominations
Erie Canal
France during American Revolution
Alexander Hamilton
Slavery in Early America
War of 1812
Mercantilist System
Nullification Crisis
War of 1812
Louisiana Purchase
Brook Farm
French and Indian War
Articles of Confederation
Ordinances of 1785 / 1787
Thomas Jefferson
Causes / Effects of American Revolution
Cult of Domesticity
Election of 1800
Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists
Indentured Servants
Popular sovereignty
Henry Clay and the American System
Dred Scott
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions
William Lloyd Garrison
Webster-Ashburton Treaty
Republican Party platform of 1860
Manifest destiny
Europe reaction to American Civil War
Founding Fathers
Development of Parties
Federal government revenue 1800-1860
APUSH: Most enduring Constitutional Issues
Directions: for each term choose TWO historical or contemporary examples that you would feel very comfortable writing
about in a detailed essay. Include as many significant and accurate details as you can, each example should have 5-10
significant terms, people, events connected to them. Make sure to include the specific time period of the example.
Example One
Example Two
Separation of
Economic Policy
and Flexibility
Growth of
Foreign Policy
Social Change