Silent Ball Questions

Silent Ball Questions
1.) A Legal term meaning that these relationships are not governed by written law but by
legal and social customs.
a) Cohabitation
b) Common-law relationship
c) Expressive role
d) Companionate marriage
2.) Define marriage- “a socially legitimate sexual union, begun with a public announcement
and with some idea of permanence, and assumed with a more or less explicit contract.”
3.) What were the roles and obligations of spouses?
4.) A brothel, or promise to marry, was agreed when a _______ and a _______ were young,
but the marriage might not occur until many years later. (girl and a boy)
5.) Marriages in Ancient Rome during the Early Roman period, about 100 B.C.E., resembled
Hebrew marriages in that they were the basis for a household or kinship group that was
a) Matriarchal and matrilocal
b) Matriarchal and patrilocal
c) Patriarchal and matrilocal
d) Patriarchal and patrilocal Patrilocal- when a kinship group is located near the husband`s
6.) First Nations tribes were matrilocal and matrilineal. Describe the definition of matrilineal?
-When the family line is traced on the mother`s side: for example, in First Nations families
before the 19th century.
7.) Canadians who were born in the early 20th century married ________, like their 19th century
counterparts. (later)
8.) What is the purpose of marriage?
9.) What is the definition for cohabitation? When unmarried couples live together
10.) How has the ratio of married to common-law opposite-sex couples changed? (increased)
11.) What is the average age for first time brides and grooms? (28.5 females, 30.5 males)
12.) Individuals with an evolutionary advantage passed on their genes and their culture to the
next generation is
a) evolutionary psychology
b) Adaptive behaviour
c) Theory of natural selection
d) Free-choice mate selection
13.) Women preferred to mate with men who had . . . (Finish this sentence) and Men
preferred to mate with women who could . . . (resources to be a good provider for themselves
and future children) (bear healthy babies, who could feed their children and who had
14.) What is the Ideal Mate Theory- everyone has an unconscious ideal with which they
compare a person to find him or her attractive or to make the immediate judgement of the
person as lovable.
15.) What is the average age difference between Canadian married couples?-2 years.
16.) Sternberg`s Love Triangle consists of
a) Commitment, Honesty, Passion
b) Commitment, Intimacy, Love
c) Commitment, Respect, Passion
d) Commitment, Intimacy, Passion
17.) What is Murstein`s Filter Theory? Suggests that dating enables individuals to shift through
potential partners with finer and finer filters to select compatible partners and the one person
they are ready to marry.
18.) The sudden dramatic feeling of passion when two people fall in love resulting from the
release of high levels of amphetamines (am-fet-a- means) in the body and characterized by
increased heart rate, flushed face, rapid breathing and a feeling of alterness.
a) Limerence
b) Intimacy
c) Social Homogamy
d) Dowry
19.) Intermarriage means marriage between partners who are from _________social, racial,
religious, ethnic or cultural backgrounds. (different)
20.) Describe “The Cycle of Violence”- Tension Building, Abusive Incident, Calm and Penance.