
Academic Strategies
Unit 8 Seminar
General Questions & Weekly News
Please share your weekly news…
and general questions.
Weekly Reminders & Announcements
Gradebook Goal: No ZERO’s!
Review Syllabus for the two-week Late Policy
Communication is KEY
Final Assignment Reminders
8 Seminar: Wednesday, September 19!
7/8 Interview: Tuesday, September 25!
8 Discussion, Web Ex. & Quiz: Tuesday, September 25!
9 Seminar – Last Seminar: Wednesday, September 26!
9 Career Action Plan: Tuesday, October 2!
9 Discussion, Web Ex. & Quiz: Tuesday, October 2!
10 Web Ex.: Tuesday, October 9!
10 Writing Assignment: Tuesday, October 9!
10 Exam: Tuesday, October 9!
Unit 8 Assignments
Complete the Unit 8 Reading & Activities
Career Connections
*O*Net Online
*Career One Stop
*America’s Career Infonet
*Mind Tools Website
*Optimal Resume
Attend the Unit 8 Discussion
Complete the Unit 8 Web Exploration
Complete Unit 7/8 Interview Assignment
Complete the Unit 8 Quiz
Career Connections
As you plan for your careers or your career
changes, there are many steps to keep in mind.
Unit 8 is designed to help you with the career
planning process by providing you with all kinds
of valuable career-related information.
Use this week as an opportunity to develop even
clearer career goals for yourselves.
Successful Career Planning
I. Career goals need to be S.M.A.R.T.
II. We need to be motivated to reach our career goals.
III. We have to have a clear idea of our own values,
interests, strengths and even weaknesses as we set
career goals.
S.M.A.R.T. Career Goals
Why should career goals be S.M.A.R.T.
Specific * Measurable
Action-oriented * Realistic * Timed
What will motivate YOU to complete your
degree at Kaplan and reach your career
Strong Self-Awareness
Why do you think it will be important for you to
have to have a clear idea of your own values,
interests, strengths and even weaknesses
as you set and strive to reach your career goals.?
What stage are you in with your
career planning at this point?
Let’s take a poll…
Resources to help YOU!
Internet (O*Net)
Career One Stop
America’s Career Infonet
Friends, family members
KU Career Resources
What Else??????
Unit 8 Career Resources
O*Net Online:
Find Occupations
Skills Search
Career Skills – Problem Solving Skills:
Career One Stop – Pathways to Career Success
America’s Career Infonet
Optimal Resume
Focus2 Career Assessments
KU Career Network – KU Campus Page
Focus2 Career Assessments
Completing your Foucs2 assessment (found in your online
course under “Course Home”) will:
Combine your interests, personality traits, values, and
skills to generate your profile
Identify the major areas of study at Kaplan University
that match your profile
Capture your results in an online student portfolio
Offered in collaboration with KU Career Resources – provides
additional help with resumes, cover letters, portfolio building.
New user to Optimal Resume?
Click on the link to go directly to the Optimal Resume website:
Click on the "Never Been Here Before? Create New Account" link
and follow the instructions.
KU Career Network
The Career Network is located on your KU
Campus page.
Ongoing Career Discussion
Job Postings
Career Profile
Let’s Tour the O*Net OnLine
I want to be a . . .
Key Words: “manage an office”
SELECT: Compensation & Benefits Managers
Complete the Focus2 Career Assessment
Explore the Optimal Resume tool
Explore the KU Career Network
Explore the O*Net Online site
Explore America’s Career Infonet
Explore the Career One Stop site
Critical Element?
With all of these amazing resources at
your fingertips, there’s still one critical
element we haven’t touched on yet.
What is that element?
Aim for a Perfect “FIT”
The more you understand yourself, your
motivations and your values, the better
equipped you will be to set career goals
that will really "fit" you.
The Case of Minh
Minh has been working as a retail clerk since high school. She
knows the inventory well and likes her boss and the customers
who come in regularly to purchase from her. Her income is above
minimum wage and is almost enough to cover the cost of living,
so she has been rather satisfied - until recently.
You see, Minh is planning to get married next year. She knows
that this life change means her responsibilities will increase, and
so she has chosen to go to college and increase her job prospects
as well. She has chosen Business as her major. The first term has
been going well, but in week 8, Minh's boss asks her to work
extra hours.
How is Minh's current job beneficial to her ultimate career goals?
How would setting more specific career goals help Minh make
How might some of the career-related resources and activities
from Unit 8 help Minh to make sound career choices? Which
resources do you think she will benefit from most and why?
What general advice would you give Minh to encourage her to
complete the quarter and continue in school?
Goal-setting & Change
Sometimes, no matter how much critical
thinking we use, we end up deciding that
we have set the wrong goals for
ourselves. What should you do if this
= Critical Thinking!!!
Ongoing Process of Change
The whole process of career planning
should involve change. The more you learn
about yourself and your strengths, the
more changes you should make.
“CHANGE is essential. This is where I am--this is where I want or need to be. What
ACTION am I willing to take to reach that
point? Take time to assess and make
adjustments to strategies and goals."
SOURCE: Adapted from: Sowing the Seeds of Success, A Learning Activities Handbook,
compiled and edited by Suzanne Skinner and Carolyn DeLecour; Ellis,Dave, The Master
Student, 1985, and Judson, The Search for Solutions, 1980.
Don't be afraid to change and grow.
Think of yourself as a WORK IN
Final Questions?
Thanks for attending…