Create-A-Colony ~ Chapter 3 Project/Test Imagine that you are part of a group of colonists from England who want to settle on the East Coast of North America. Your entire group will plan your colony, including the following information. This project will receive individual grades for each group member based on cooperation and effort, and a group grade for the product created. A test will not be given over this chapter. 1. Product due October 14th Your group must create a product. Your display will be a poster or power point presentation that you prepare during class time, and a written description that includes all of the given criteria. You are not trying to be unrealistic, instead make your decisions time period appropriate. Your decisions should be ones that could have worked. Use what you already know about the problems of Roanoke, Jamestown, and the Plymouth colonies. Try to avoid their mistakes. 2. Preparations by Oct. 5th What preparations need to be made before you start your colony in America? Answer these four questions in your project: How will it be financed? What kind of people will be living there? How will the people get there and at what time of year? What kind of supplies will they need to bring? 3. Name & Location by Oct. 7th Decide on a name and location for your colony. Put your colony on the map provided. In your project, you must explain why you choose the name and location of your colony. 4. Description by Oct. 7th What is the description of your colony? How will the houses, shops, etc. be arranged? What will the houses look like? Does a fort surround your colony? Is it built on high ground, low ground, or next to a river or ocean? 5. Laws by Oct. 12th Write laws for your colony that would address some of these problems: How do the colonists secure an adequate food supply? What is their relationship with the Native Americans? How should people act? What should people do to contribute to the colony’s success? Netbooks will be available for research and report typing on October 12 & 13!!! Student Effort in the Group: Each group member will rate the effort and cooperation of the other members using a rating scale of 3, 2, 1 with 3 being very active and cooperative and 1 being not participating or cooperating. The teacher will also rate the participation and effort of each group member. Product Grade: The product will be graded using the following rubric. Charleston Middle School Create-A-Colony Project Name: ________________________ Teacher: Mrs. Crome Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________ Criteria 1 2 Points 3 4 2-1 questions are 3-2 questions are 3-4 questions are All 4 questions answered with few answered with few addressed with are addressed Preparation details. details. some detail. with great detail. Colony name and Colony name and location are Colony name and Colony name and location are present. location are location are present present with Name & Somewhat valid present. Valid without reasoning for partial reasoning Location reasoning is reasoning for choices. for name and given for name both are given. location. and location. A somewhat A mostly A well thought A graphic is complete graphic complete graphic out graphic is presented to represent is presented to is presented to presented to Description the colony without represent the represent the represent the detail. colony. colony. colony. 2-1 questions are 3-2 questions are 3-4 questions are All 4 questions answered with few answered with few addressed with are addressed Laws details. details. some detail. with great detail. A primary source was used in the A primary source project that is is included in the A primary source was The primary relevant and time project, but is not Primary not included in the source is not used period relevant and/or Source project. appropriately. appropriate to time period add important appropriate. Information to the project. Seldom worked as Little to no team a team – Worked well as All worked well Group effort – Little a team as a team Participation product of only a few collaboration ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Teacher Comments: Total----> Powered by The Web Portal For Educators! (