Andrew Spicer - Darla Moore School of Business

University of South Carolina
Moore School of Business
Sonoco International Business Department
1705 College Street
Columbia, South Carolina 29208
(803) 576-9900
Academic Positions
Associate Professor, University of South Carolina, Moore School of Business, 2008Present.
Assistant Professor, University of South Carolina, Moore School of Business, 2005 –
Assistant Professor, University of California, Riverside, A. Gary Anderson Graduate
School of Management, 1998-2005.
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 1998, Ph.D. in Management.
Yale University, B.A., 1990, Soviet and East European Studies, Summa Cum Laude.
Journal Publications
Spicer, Andrew and Ilya Okhmatovskiy. (2015). “Multiple Paths to InstitutionalBased Trust Production and Repair: Lessons from the Russian Bank Deposit Market,”
Organization Studies, 36 (9), 1123-1142.
Ault, Joshua and Andrew Spicer. (2014). “The Institutional Context of Poverty: State
Fragility as a Predictor of Cross-National Variation in Commercial Microfinance
Lending,” Strategic Management Journal, 35 (12), 1798-1817.
Earle, John S., Andrew Spicer, and Klara Sabirianova Peter. 2010. “The Normalization
of Deviant Organizational Practices: Wage Arrears in Russia, 1992-1998,” Academy of
Management Journal, 53(2), 218-237.
Spicer, Andrew. 2009. “The Normalization of Corrupt Business Practices:
Implications for Integrative Social Contracts Theory (ISCT),” Journal of Business
Ethics, 88 (4): 883-840.
Bailey, Wendy and Andrew Spicer. 2007. “When Does National Identity Matter?:
Convergence and Divergence in International Business Ethics,” Academy of
Management Journal, 50(6), 1462-1480.
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Proffitt, W. Trexler, and Andrew Spicer. 2006. “Shaping the Shareholder Activism
Agenda: Institutional Investors and Global Social Issues,” Strategic Organization, 42:
o Reprinted in Thomas Clark and Marie dela Rama (eds.). 2007. Fundamentals
of Corporate Governance. Sage Publications, London.
o Condensed version published in Best Paper Proceedings, Social Issues in
Management Division, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2005.
Spicer, Andrew, Thomas Dunfee, and Wendy Bailey. 2004. “Does National Context
Matter in Ethical Decision Making? An Empirical Test of Integrative Social Contracts
Theory,” Academy of Management Journal, 47: 610-620.
o Reprinted in Andy Crane and Dirk Matten (eds.). 2012. New Directions in
Business Ethics. Sage Publications, London.
Spicer, Andrew, and William Pyle. 2002. “Institutions and the Vicious Circle of
Distrust in the Russian Household Deposit Market, 1992-1999,” Advances in
Strategic Management, 19: 371-396.
Spicer, Andrew. 2002. “Revolutionary Change and Organizational Form: The Politics
of Investment Fund Organization in Russia, 1992-1997,” Research in the Sociology of
Organizations, 19: 91-124.
Kogut, Bruce, and Andrew Spicer. 2002. “Capital Market Development and Mass
Privatization are Logical Contradictions: Lessons from the Czech Republic and
Russia,” Industrial and Corporate Change, 11: 1-37.
Spicer, Andrew, Gerald A. McDermott, and Bruce Kogut. 2000. “Entrepreneurship
and Privatization in Central Europe: The Tenuous Balance Between Creation and
Destruction,” Academy of Management Review, 25: 630-649.
Book Chapters and Policy Publications
Spicer, Andrew. 2012. “Deviations from Design: The Emergence of New Financial
Markets and Organizations in Yeltsin’s Russia.” In John Padgett and Woody Powell
(eds.), The Emergence of Markets and Organizations. Princeton University Press.
Ault, Joshua and Andrew Spicer. 2009. “Does One Size Fit All in Microfinance?:
New Directions for Academic Research.” In A. Wuerth & T. Watkins (Eds.), Moving
Beyond Storytelling: Emerging Research in Microfinance. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
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Kogut, Bruce, and Andrew Spicer. 2005. “Transition Economies” in J. Beckert and
M. Zafirovski (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Economic Sociology. Routledge,
Kogut, Bruce, and Andrew Spicer. 2004. “Critical and Alternative Perspectives on
International Assistance to Post-Communist Countries: A Review and Analysis,” The
World Bank, Operations Evaluation Department Background Paper, available at:
Pistor, Katharina, and Andrew Spicer. 1997. “Investment Funds in Mass Privatization
and Beyond.” In I. Lieberman, S. Nestor and R. Desai (eds.), Between State and
Market: Mass Privatization in Transition Economies. World Bank: Washington.
“Walmart’s Emergent Low-Cost Sustainability Strategy” (with David Hyatt). Revise
and Resubmit, California Management Review.
Teaching Cases
“Walmart’s Sustainability Strategy: Lee Scott’s Founding Vision” (with Laura
“Walmart’s Sustainability Strategy: Andy Ruben’s Design of Strategic Goal and
Processes” Case (A) and (B), (with Laura Lambdin and David Hyatt).
“Walmart’s Sustainability Strategy: Defining Sustainable Products,” Case (A) and
(B), (with David Hyatt). (All cases available at the Walmart Sustainability Case
Project website:
Working Papers
“Entrepreneurship and State Fragility: Advancing a Developing Country Research
Agenda,” (with Joshua Ault)
“Institutions and Market Signals in Transition Economies: Deceptive Mimicry in
Russia’s Post-Communist Banking Industry” (with Livia Markoczy and Nina
“Cross-National Imitation and Innovation in Entrepreneurial Ventures: Lessons from
SKS Microfinance” (with Joshua Ault).
Presentations and Conferences
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“Managing in and Around Institutional Voids for Sustainable Development: Lessons
from Walmart’s Search for Sustainable Products”, Keynote Address, Academy of
International Business Southeast Annual Meeting, Miami, Florida, October 2014.
“Institutional Paradigms in International Business Research,” Institutions and
International Business Conference, Moore School of Business, Charleston, SC,
October 2014.
“Globalization and Corporate Social Responsibility,” International Academic Leaders
Invitational Program, Tec de Monterrey, Guadalajara, Mexico. Multiple Campus
Lectures, September 2014.
Invited Discussant, Academy of Management Symposiums, “In the Quest for
Generalizability: International Business Research and Boundary Conditions,”
“Investing in Impact: Social Innovation in Finance,” and “Strategic Management of
Political Relationships.” Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia,
PA, August 2014.
“Corporate Sustainability Strategy: Lessons from Walmart,” Closed-Loop Supply
Chain Conference, Charleston, SC, October 2013.
“Corporate Sustainability Strategy: Lessons from Walmart,” Keynote Address,
Green is Good for Business Conference, Columbia, SC, September, 2013.
“Ideals in the World: Exploring the Paradigm Question in Sustainability Research and
Practice,” Faculty Lecture, PhD Sustainability Academy, University of Western
Ontario, London, Ontario, October 2012.
“Human Rights and International Business,” International Law and
Business Symposium, University of South Carolina Law School, Columbia, SC,
September 20, 2012.
“Institutional-Based Trust in Emerging Economies: Advantages of State Ownership
in the Russian Bank Deposit Market,” Academy of Management Annual Meeting,
Boston, August 2012.
“Public-Private Boundaries in International Sustainability Research,” Panel
Presentation, Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Washington DC,
July 2012.
“Institutional-Based Trust in Emerging Economies: Advantages of State Ownership
in the Russian Bank Deposit Market,” Academy of International Business Annual
Meeting, Washington DC, July 2012.
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“Corporate Sustainability: Lessons from Walmart,” Sustainability Conference: New
Perspectives and Opportunities, Wharton School of Business, Philadelphia, PA, April
“Corporate Sustainability: Lessons from Walmart,” Net Impact Undergraduate and
Graduate Chapters, Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina,
November 2012.
“Corporate Sustainability: Lessons from Walmart,” Keynote speaker, Corporate
Sustainability Conference, South Carolina Association of CPAs, Dec 2011.
“The National Context of Poverty: State Fragility and the Global Growth of
Microfinance,” C.K. Prahalad’s Legacy: Business for Poverty Alleviation,
Conference, University of San Diego, San Diego, California, September 2011
Program Chair, International Management Division Doctoral Consortium, Academy
of Management Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, August 2011
“The National Context of Poverty: State Fragility and the Global Growth of
Microfinance,” Indian School of Business Strategy Conference, Indian School of
Business, Hyderabad, July 2011
“Teaching about Sustainability: Lessons from the Page Prize,” AACSB Sustainability
Conference, Charlotte, NC, June 2011
“Teaching about Sustainability: Lessons from the Page Prize,” Global Business
School Network Annual Conference, IPADE Business School, Mexico City, Mexico,
June 2011
“Can the State be Trusted? The Antecedents and Consequences and Consequences of
Institutional-Based Trust in the Russian Bank Deposit Market”, Desautels Faculty of
Management, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, January 2011
Invited Discussant, Academy of Management Symposium, “The Role of
Organizational Theory and Practice in Poverty Alleviation: Commerce with
Compassion,” Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, August
Invited Discussant, Said Business School Management Department Annual Research
Conference, Oxford, England, June 2010.
“The Social Context of Ethics and Corruption in International Business,” Ivey Business
School, Western Ontario, Canada, June 2010.
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“The National Context of Poverty: State Fragility and the Global Growth of
Microfinance, 1998-2007.” Harvard Business School International Research
Conference, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA, May 2010.
“The National Context of Poverty: State Fragility and the Global Growth of
Microfinance, 1998-2007.” Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability
(ARCS) Second Annual Conference, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA, May
“Deviations from Design: The Emergence of New Financial Markets and
Organizations in Yeltsin’s Russia,” Academy of International Business Annual
Conference on Research Frontiers, Charleston, South Carolina, December 2009.
“International Business and Corporate Sustainability,” presenter and organizer,
Professional Development workshop (PDW), Academy of Management Annual
Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, August 2009.
Faculty Discussant, Junior Faculty Consortium, Social Issues in Management
Division, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, August 2009.
Faculty Discussant, Doctoral Student Consortium, Social Issues in Management
Division, Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, August 2009.
Invited Discussant, Said Business School Management Department Annual Research
Conference, Oxford, England, June 2009.
“The Reconstitution of Public-Private Boundaries in Yeltsin’s Russia: The
Emergence of a New Securities Market,” Conference on the Emergence of Markets
and Organizations, Santa Fe Institute, Schenna, Italy, April 2009.
“The Normalization of Corrupt Business Practices: Implications for Integrative Social
Contracts Theory,” Bocconi University, Management Group, Milan, Italy, 2009.
“Institutional Uncertainty and Market Signals in Transition Economies: Deceptive
Mimicry in Russia’s Post-Communist Banking Industry,” International Business
Department, George Washington University, March 2009.
“Institutions, Commercialization, and Development: A Comparative Perspective on
the Growth of Microfinance, 1998-2006,” Academy of International Business Annual
Meeting, Milan, Italy, June 2008.
“Using Debates in Teaching International Business,” Academy of International
Business Annual Meeting, Milan, Italy, June 2008.
“Using Debates in Teaching International Business,” Consortium of Undergraduate
International Business Educators (CUIBE), Spring Conference, April 2008.
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“When Does National Identity Matter?: Convergence and Divergence in International
Business Ethics,” Northeastern University, International Business and Strategy
Department, April 2008
“A Comparative Institutional Perspective on Bottom of the Pyramid Markets: The
Global Growth of Commercial Microfinance, 1998-2006,” Strategies, Practices, and
Institutions Group, Research Seminar, Oxford, England, December 2007.
“Empirical Research in Ethical Decision Making,” Doctoral Student Speaker Series,
Legal Studies and Business Ethics Department, Wharton School of Business,
Philadelphia, PA., October 2007
“Institutional Uncertainty and Market Signals in Transition Economies: Deceptive
Mimicry in Russia’s Post-Communist Banking Industry,” Academy of Management
Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, August 2007.
“Institutional Governance and Market Signals: Deceptive Mimicry in Russia’s PostCommunist Banking Industry,” Transatlantic Business Ethics Conference, Wharton
School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, October 2006.
“Institutional Contingencies and Market Signals: Deceptive Mimicry in Russia’s
Post-Communist Banking Industry,” Sonoco International Business Department
Lecture Series, Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina, Columbia,
SC, November 2005.
“When does National Origin Matter in Ethical Decision-making?: An Extension of
Integrated Social Contracts Theory,” Academy of Management Annual Meeting,
Honolulu, August 2005.
“Shaping the Shareholder Activism Agenda: Institutional Investors and Global Social
Issues,” Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Honolulu, August 2005.
“The Future of Institutional Theories,” Symposium, “Whither Institutional Theory?”
Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Honolulu, August 2005.
“When does National Identify Matter in Ethical Decision-Making?: An Empirical
Extension of Integrated Social Contracts Theory,” Conference, Contractarian
Approaches to Business Ethics: The Evolution of Integrative Social Contracts
Theory, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, November 2004.
“Community Norms and Organizational Practices: The Legitimization of Wage
Arrears in Russia, 1992-1999,” Symposium, American Sociological Association
Annual Meeting, San Francisco, August 2004.
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“Community Norms and Organizational Practices: The Legitimization of Wage
Arrears in Russia, 1992-1999,” Academy of Management Annual Meeting, New
Orleans, August 2004.
“A Topology of the Impossible: The Emergence of Capital Markets in PostCommunist Russia,” Symposium, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, New
Orleans, August 2004.
“Global Models and Local Practice: Dishonest Signals in Russian Banking
Industry,” Symposium, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, New Orleans,
August 2004.
“Shaping the Agenda of Shareholder Activism: Institutional Investors and Global
Corporate Social Responsibility,” International Workshop on Corporate Social
Responsibility and the Politics of Stakeholder Influence, Bergen, Netherlands, April
“Shaping the Agenda of Shareholder Activism: Institutional Investors and Global
Corporate Social Responsibility,” Workshop on Corporate Social Responsibility,
University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, April 2004.
“The Institutionalization of an Illegitimate Organizational Practice: Wage Arrears in
Russia, 1992-1999,” Kellogg School of Management, Institutions, Conflict and
Change conference, Evanston, Illinois, September 2003.
“Does National Context Matter in Ethical Decision Making? An Empirical Test of
Integrative Social Contracts Theory,” Academy of Management Annual Meeting,
Seattle, August 2003.
“Does National Context Matter in Ethical Decision Making?: An Empirical Test of
Integrative Social Contracts Theory,” 8th Ethics in Accounting Symposium at the
American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, August 2003. (Winner of
Best Paper Award).
“The Co-Evolution of State and Market: The Emergence of Russian Bank-Led
Financial Industrial Groups,” The Santa Fe Institute, Co-Evolution of States and
Market workshop, Santa Fe, May 2003.
“Critical and Alternative Perspectives on International Assistance to Post-Communist
Countries: A Review and Analysis,” Claremont McKenna College, The Keck Center
for International and Strategic Studies, “Evaluating Success and Failure in Postcommunist Reform,” Claremont, California, 2003
“Institutions and the Vicious Circle of Distrust in the Russian Household Deposit
Market, 1992-1999,” Business and Society Program of the Aspen Institute and the
William Davidson Institute of the University of Michigan, Globalization and Trust
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Research Project. Pre-conference: November 2002, Ann Arbor. Conference: March
2002, Aspen.
“Institutions and the Vicious Circle of Distrust in the Russian Household Deposit
Market, 1992-1999,” 2nd Annual Conference, International Business in Transition
Economies, Vilnius, Lithuania, September 2002.
“Ideas, Economists and Economic Policy: Privatization and the Russian
‘Transition’,” The Santa Fe Institute, Co-Evolution of States and Market workshop,
Santa Fe, June 2002.
“Ideas, Economists and Economic Policy: Privatization and the Russian
‘Transition’,” The Center for European Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge,
April 2002.
“Revolutionary Change and Organizational Form: The Politics of Investment Fund
Organization in Russia, 1992-1997,” Organization Science Winter Meeting PreConference, Hayden, Colorado, February 2002.
“Ideas, Economists and Economic Policy: Privatization and the Russian
‘Transition’,” UC Davis Sociology Department, Lecture Series on Globalization,
Davis, California, April 2001.
“Institutions and the Vicious Circle of Distrust in the Russian Deposit Market, 19921999,” Columbia University Business School, New Institutionalism in Strategic
Management Conference, New York, March 2001.
Globalization and Institutions Workshop. One of 25 scholars invited for workshop on
issues of globalization, institutional change and economic research. Sponsored by the
Business and Society Program of the Aspen Institute and the William Davidson
Institute of the University of Michigan. Aspen, September 2001.
“Revolutionary Change and Organizational Form: The Politics of Investment Fund
Organization in Russia, 1992-1997,” Kellogg School of Management, Institutions,
Conflict and Change conference, Evanston, Illinois, December 2000.
“Entrepreneurship and Privatization in Central Europe: The Tenuous Balance
Between Creation and Destruction,” SITE - Stockholm Institute of Transition
Economics and East European Economies, Stockholm, September 2000.
Editorial Review Boards
Associate Editor, Business and Society, 2015- present
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Editorial Review Board, Strategic Management Journal, 2013 – present
Editorial Review Board, Journal of International Business Studies, 2012 – present.
Editorial Review Board, Management and Organization Review, 2007 – present
Professional Development Programs
AACSB Global Management Capabilities Seminar, Tampa, Florida, 2014-present.
Instructor for seminar designed for professors and professionals who wish to learn
about strategies of globalizing business school curricula and programs.
Faculty Development in International Business (FDIB), International Business
Survey Course, Moore School of Business, Columbia, SC. Lead Instructor for fiveday course, 2006-present. Course designed for professors and professionals who wish
to learn about teaching an introductory survey course in international business.
Moore School Service
Faculty Director, Full-Time MBA Programs, 2013 – present. Oversee full-time MBA
academic programming, scheduling, staff and students.
Director, Sustainable Enterprise and Development Initiative, 2008-2012. Worked
with members of the Moore School faculty and staff to develop curricula and courses
on the topics of sustainable enterprise and development; identify and support related
research; and forge relationships with relevant institutions and organizations.
Moore School Director, The Walmart Sustainability Case Project, 2010-2013. Helped
to lead a team of diverse faculty from the University of Arkansas and the Moore
School of Business to write a series of cases about Walmart’s efforts to introduce
new sustainability standards into their global operations and product offerings.
Faculty Advisor, Net Impact Student Group, Moore School of Business, 2006 –
International Business Doctoral Student Steering Committee, 2011 – present.
International Business Major Undergraduate Steering Committee, Moore School of
Business, 2006 - 2013.
Student Orientation/Recruiting Events, “Globalization and the Future of International
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o International Masters in Business Administration, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,
o Masters in International Business, 2009, 2010, 2011
o Undergraduate International Business Majors, 2009, 2010
Undergraduate Scholastic Standards and Petitions, Moore School of Business, 20062009; Chair, 2007 - 2009.
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