Review: The Nervous System Mr. Yassin 07-08-14 Lesson Intention: • Introduction • The nervous system: – Structural component – Physiological functions • Reflex Arcs: - Knee Jerk Reflex • Activity: Simulating a reflex arc • Review Test/Answers • Homeowork Components: • The nervous system is composed of 2 parts: 1. Central Nervous System: - Consists of the brain and spinal cord. Its function is to interpret external environments and internal organ systems through complex neuronal connections that elicit reactions. 2. Peripheral Nervous System: - This consists of nerves and ganglia (cluster of nerve cells) that lie outside of the brain and spinal cord. Effectively, it functions as a messenger between organ systems and the central nervous system. Neuron: • The main unit in the nervous system. 1. Dendrites: receive nerve transmission from other neurons via the action of neurotransmitters. 2. Cell Body (soma): This is where that message is transmitted to. 3. Nucleus: contains all the genetic material (DNA) 4. Axon: transmits information to other neurons 3 Different Types of Neurons: 1. Sensory Neuron (unipolar): Transmit nerve impulses from receptor sites to the CNS. 2. Interneuron (bipolar): Function as go-between neurons that facilitate the transmission of impulses. 3. Motor Neuron (multipolar): They transmit impulses from the central nervous system to muscles and glands that elicit a reaction. Reflex Arc: • The 3 neuron examples exist within an interconnected network of neurons that transmit information to and from each other. • A reflex arc is a simple example of how these cells work together to elicit a reaction – autonomic (involuntary control) Knee Jerk Reflex INPUTS Stimulus Receptor Sensory Neuron Brain and Spinal Cord CNS The nervous system in action OUTPUT Response Effector Muscle or gland Motor Neuron Action Potentials: Release of a neurotransmitter usually follows arrival of an action potential at the synapse. How an action potential works: atch?v=ifD1YG07fB8 Activity: • We’re going to simulate a reflex arc. • Line up at the back of the room. • ROLES: – – – – – – 3 people to be receptors 4 people to be sensory neurons 2 people to be interneurons 1 person as the brain 2 Motor Neurons 3 Effectors Review Test: - Have 15 minutes to complete it. - Formal - Attempt it individually What you should know: • The 3 main types of neurons and their structure. • The process of a reflex arc and examples. • The nature of action potentials and the role of neurotransmitters in that process. HOMEWORK: - Complete questions from the Biozone Student workbook. 1. Neuron Structure and Function (p. 282) 2. Reflexes (p. 285)