LCarver Span3 Lesson Plan Cap 3A

Laura Carver
5 noviembre 2015
Lesson Plan for Realidades 3 , Chapter 3A :
La nutrición
Standards-based Objective:
Virginia Standards of Learning:
The student will engage in original and spontaneous oral and written
communications in Spanish.
The student will initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in Spanish, applying familiar
vocabulary and structures to new situations.
The student will understand spoken and written Spanish presented through a variety of media and
based on new topics in familiar contexts.
The student will present information orally and in writing in Spanish, recombining familiar elements to
create original sentences in paragraphs that are increasingly complex.
The student will use Spanish to reinforce and broaden understanding of connections between Spanish
and other subject areas.
Students will correctly identify and utilize the new vocabulary from the nutrition unit using the present
I Can Statements
- Yo podré identificar las nuevas palabras del vocabulario.
- Yo podré formar nuevas oraciones usando las nuevas palabras de vocabulario.
Assessment Task:
Students will produce a commercial type paragraph about their own product.
Context for the Lesson:
Social Issue
Culturally Authentic
Content from Other
(Cultures & Comparisons)
(Connections & 21st Century Skills
Targeted Grammatical Structure: present tense
Key Vocabulary Words: 1) la nueva lista de vocabulario de Cap. 3A (backside)
1. La Bienvenida
Hagan Uds. Ahora: (While I check the homework). (5 min)
In partners they will study their new vocabulary words (located on the back of their
sheets). They will quiz each other on the words. Model an example for them. Write
these instructions on the board.
1. Saquen la tarea.
2. Saquen la nueva lista de vocabulario.
3. En parejas estudien las palabras
2. La entrada en el diario: (PPT) (3-5 min)
All of the instructions are found on the first slide of the PPT.
Give them 3 minutes (set the online stopwatch) for them to answer the questions.
Make sure to inform them they will be graded for effort/completion (not necessarily for
grammar or accurate use of vocabulary words).
3. Repaso del vocabulario: (PPT) (3 min)
Go through the PPT having the students guess which word goes with each picture and
then show the answers.
Have them repeat each word after you.
4. Matamoscas: (PPT) (5-8 min)
On the last slide of the PowerPoint are the pictures and the class will be divided into
two groups. After going through all of the words once (maybe twice depending on
time), record which team wins and give them all points to go towards their vocab quiz.
Fly swatters are found in the filing cabinet.
5. Comerciales de comida: (handout and DVD) (15-20 min)
Pass out the handouts. Play the DVD – Normal with subtitles.
Have them fill out their forms while watching the commercials.
Only watch 10 out of the 16 commercials depending on time.
Give them time to collaborate with their partners to get all of the right answers.
6. Busca una foto/dibuja una foto: (handout backside) (10 min)
Depending on how much time there is left, I might have them just draw a picture of a
food product. The important part is the written portion. They need to turn it in at the
end of class or the next day if necessary.
Assessment: Written portion of assignment.
7. Tarea: pass out the vocab worksheet.