
Spring 2015
Course Information
Semester/Year: Spring 2015
Course Number/Section: CSC251-01
Course Name: Advanced Java Programming
Meeting Days/Times: Tuesdays from 6:00 to 7:50 P. M.
Pre-requisites: CSC 151
Co-requisites: None
Credit Hours: 3
Contact Hours: 5
Textbook: Big Java: Late Objects, Cay Horstmann, 2010
Last Withdrawal Date: 02/19/2015
Final Exam Date/Time/Location: Tuesday, 5/12/2015, 6:00 to 8:30 P. M. in our classroom (IT 5132)
Instructor Information
Instructor: George King
E-mail: George.King@cpcc.edu
Telephone: 704-330-6549
Office Location: none
Office Hours: By appointment (see note below).
Please note: The instructor’s office hours can be found on the CPCC E-Directory
http//appserver.cpcc.edu/edirectory/default.asp. An email or an announcement will be sent to the class if
office hours are modified.
Course Description
This course is a continuation of CSC 151 using the JAVA programming language with object-oriented
programming principles. Emphasis is placed on event-driven programming methods, including creating
and manipulating objects, classes, and using object-oriented tools such as the class debugger. Upon
completion, students should be able to design, code, test, debug, and implement objects using the
appropriate environment.
Learning Outcomes/Learning Objectives
If you successfully complete this course, you should be able to:
Manipulate String, StringBuilder and StringBuffer objects
Develop code that makes use of exceptions and exception handling clauses
Demonstrate the use of polymorphism using abstract classes and interfaces
Design classes that implement tight encapsulation, loose coupling, and high cohesion, and use
object oriented analysis to develop programs
Process binary data using streams and write code to serialize/de-serialize objects
Select the most appropriate Java Collections Framework type (List, Set, Map and Queue) for a
problem and construct collection objects using generic programming
Execute multiple tasks concurrently within a program using threads and ensure that the tasks
access shared data in a controlled fashion
Core Competency
As a Learning College, CPCC has identified four core competencies critical to the success of
graduates, either in the workplace or as they continue their education. All graduates are expected to
demonstrate proficiency in each of the following competencies that go beyond simple content
Communication: the ability to read, write, speak listen, and use nonverbal skills effectively with
different audiences.
Critical Thinking: the ability to think using analysis, synthesis, evaluation, problem solving,
judgment, and the creative process.
Personal Growth & Responsibility: the ability to understand and manage self, to function
effectively in social and professional environments and to make reasoned judgments based on an
understanding of the diversity of the world community.
Information Technology & Quantitative Literacy: the ability to locate, understand, evaluate, and
synthesize information and data in a technological and data driven society.
This course will address: Critical Thinking.
To determine the final grade this class will use discussion boards, tests (and/or quizzes), labs (and/or
projects) and other assessment tools as determined by the instructor.
Grading Scale
A grading scale is listed at the end of this syllabus.
Cumulative grades will be posted in Moodle. Grades will not be visible to other students. Assignments
graded by the instructor will not be posted automatically. Most assignments will be graded within two
weeks after the due date. Exceptions to this policy will be announced to the class.
While we would like to answer all inquiries, the large student enrollment makes it impossible to answer
confirmation questions such as “Did you receive my assignment” or “Can you confirm my grade is
showing in Moodle?”
Project Descriptions
This course is taught using a Project Based Learning model (PBL). PBL is an instructional approach built
upon authentic learning activities. These activities are designed to reflect the types of tasks students will
perform in a real-world work environment.
Students will complete a project composed of four parts in this course. Each part must be completed
without assistance from others (this includes assistance from your instructor, lab or teaching assistants).
Prior to completing the projects, students will complete practice work and quizzes that cover the concepts
in the projects. Students can receive assistance from others to complete the practice work.
Assignment Due Dates
All assignments have a due date and a late period (the late period is defined below). Requests for
assistance with completing assignments (including assignment questions) must be submitted by 6:00 p.m.
on the due date; the week the assignment is due.
Please note: Students should arrange their schedules to complete the assignments by the due dates.
Computer and Internet connectivity issues are not acceptable excuses for missing assignments. It is the
student's responsibility to ensure that personal computers are functioning and Internet connectivity is
available. Students are also responsible for having a backup plan if something should happen to their
computer or Internet connectivity during the semester. Students are encouraged to use CPCC campus
resources should this occur.
Assignments cannot be sent to the instructor as email attachments. Assignments submitted as email
attachments will not be graded.
Late Period
The late period extends from 6:01 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. on the day the assignment is due. The late period
gives students the option to complete assignments after 6:00 p.m. without a grade penalty. Any issue that
arises during the late period will not be addressed by the instructor (this includes answering questions or
providing assistance with completing assignments).
Assignments submitted during the late period are submitted at your own risk. System problems (campus,
Moodle, or other computer problems) are not acceptable excuses for missed work. Any issue that arises
during the late period must be resolved by the student. Remember: you submit at your own risk during
the late period; therefore, it is better to submit your assignments on or before 6:00 p.m. to avoid
submission issues. Students do not need permission from the instructor to use the late period.
Please note: Moodle will not accept assignments submitted any seconds after 11:00 p.m. It is important to
start the upload procedure at least 15 minutes before 11:00 p.m. to make sure the assignment(s) is (are)
uploaded successfully.
Assignments cannot be sent to the instructor as email attachments during the late period. Assignments
submitted as email attachments will not be graded.
Grade Challenges
It is the student’s responsibility to check grades and comments as soon as grades are posted. Final exam
questions must be addressed within 24 hours after the exam closes.
Confirmation Screenshots
Dates and times assignments are submitted are posted in Moodle on a confirmation page. Make a
screenshot of the confirmation page as proof your assignment was submitted successfully. Your name
must be visible on the confirmation shot. Edited screenshots will not be accepted. The instructor will ask
for the screenshot if there is a grade discrepancy in Moodle. Grades will not be modified if a screenshot is
not provided. Instructions for making screenshots will be provided in Moodle.
EVA Attendance Policy
CPCC has adopted an enrollment verification process for 10% reporting that requires students to complete
an activity which is recorded in the grade history (or activity log) in order to be officially counted in an
online or hybrid course.
Students who fail to complete the EVA by the deadline cannot continue in the course and will receive a
WN (Withdrawn – Never Attended) at the end of the term. Students will not be eligible for a refund.
Students receiving financial aid may be required to reimburse tuition and fees.
Online Classes (100% Online)
Students enrolled in 100% online classes are not required to come to a college campus. The only
exception to this policy is personal computer issues that cannot be resolved. Assignments should be
completed at a CPCC lab if personal computer issues cannot be resolved. Lab hours and lab locations will
be posted in Moodle.
Attendance in a 100% online class is defined as actively participating in the class by completing and
submitting assignments online. Logging into Moodle, and not submitting work, does not define
attendance. Students not submitting assignments for two weeks will be considered as Stopped Attending
the course. Please note: A Stopped Attending status will affect a student’s financial aid status.
Hybrid Classes
There are two types of hybrid classes at CPCC:
 Type 1: Students attend class one day a week in a seated environment. Lab hours are online.
 Type 2: Students do not attend weekly classes in a seated environment. Students will come to the
Central campus only to complete exams. Exam dates will be announced by your instructor.
Please note: Students enrolled in hybrid classes should come to a CPCC lab if personal computer issues
cannot be resolved. Lab hours and lab locations will be posted in Moodle.
Attendance in a Type 1 hybrid class is defined as attending class once a week. Students not attending
class for two consecutive weeks may be counted as Stopped Attending the course.
Attendance in a Type 2 hybrid class is defined as actively participating in the class by completing and
submitting assignments online. Logging into Moodle, and not submitting work, does not define
attendance. Students not submitting assignments for two consecutive weeks will be considered as
Stopped Attending the course. Please note: A Stopped Attending status may affect a student’s financial
aid status.
Make-up Work (Assignments)
To protect a student’s privacy, doctor and employer notes are not accepted as reasons for missing
assignments. Start assignments early to avoid missing deadlines.
Family emergencies such as deaths, extended illness, and hospitalizations will be reviewed on a case-bycase basis. When appropriate, instructors will review makeup requests based on the following: a
student’s past history of submitting assignments on time; how many prior requests for extensions are
documented; when the request is made (i.e., is the requests after the due date) Please note: each instructor
may include additional criteria for permitting a student to make-up missed assignments.
Exceptions to the above policy:
Military deployment (valid documentation must be provided). Students must provide a written
request to have an excused absence at least one week prior to the absence. It is the responsibility
of the student to work with the instructor, in advance of the absence, to determine how to makeup missed work.
Religious Observations: Students at Central Piedmont Community College may take two days of
excused absences for religious observances required by their faith each academic year consistent
with North Carolina General Statute 115D-5(u); S.L. 2010-112, s. 2. Students must provide a
written request to have an excused absence at least one week prior to the absence. It is the
responsibility of the student to work with the instructor, in advance of the absence, to determine
how to make up missed work.
Exam Policy
Makeup exams are not given for exams available for one week. Students should complete the exams as
soon as they are available to avoid missing deadlines.
There are two exams for students in hybrid classes: one mid-term exam and one final exam. There is not a
makeup exam given if students miss the mid-term exam. The final exam will count double for students
missing the mid-term exam.
Students missing the final exam: A make-up exam may be given under the following circumstances:
Family emergencies such as a death, illness and/or hospitalization. Each case will be reviewed on a caseby-case basis. When appropriate, instructors will review the student’s history in the class (i.e.,
submitting assignments on time; number of requests for extensions; when the request is made (i.e., is the
requests after the exam date).
Exams are open book (hard copy books only). eText or digital books cannot be used and copies of text
content cannot be used to complete exams.
Student Code of Conduct
Students are expected to abide by the Student Code of Conduct. Detailed information may be found at
Academic Integrity
Any student who violates the CPCC Code of Student Integrity is subject to academic disciplinary action. Such
action may include, but is not limited to, entry of the incident in the records of the Office of Student
Development, reduced grades, and dismissal from college classes, programs and activities.
Penalty for this course: First incident will result in a 0 grade for the assignment(s). Second incident will
result in a 0 grade for the assignment(s) and a letter grade drop. Third incident will result in removal from the
class and an entry of the incident will be recorded in the records of the Office of Student Development.
For additional information, please visit
Special Services Certification
It is the student’s responsibility to inform the instructor of any documented disabilities. Instructors will
provide the necessary accommodations upon the advice of the Office of Services for Students with
Disabilities. Documentation should be given to the instructor during or before the first week of the
semester. Students who may think they have a physical or mental impairment should contact the office of
Service for Students with Disabilities. Verification is needed in order to register with the Office of
Disability Services. Contact Disability Services to determine what verification is needed. For additional
information, please visit www.cpcc.edu/disabilities.
Withdrawals and Incompletes
A student who for any reason cannot complete a course must take the responsibility to formally withdraw
in order to avoid a failing grade. To receive a W grade, a student must withdraw prior to the 35% date of
the class. Refund dates are as follows: 100% refund if a student withdraws prior to the first day of
class. A 75% refund if a student withdraws prior to the 10% point of the academic term.
The instructor may also assign a W at the end of the term when circumstances warrant such action. A
withdrawal request will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Instructors will review the student’s history
in the class before granting a W. A W will remain on the transcript. A W will not count as credit hours
attempted. To receive credit, a student who received a W must re-register and pay for the course in a
subsequent term. Withdrawals may affect student financial aid.
While withdrawing from a course is sometimes necessary, your instructor would like an opportunity to
meet with you before you withdraw. If you are having academic difficulty, the IT Department provides
Lab Assistants (LAs) that will provide tutoring and other assistance. Additionally, CPCC's Academic
Learning Center offers free individualized and small group tutoring, computer tutorials, and strategies for
improving learning skills.
Withdrawal transactions can be completed online. If you prefer, come in-person during business hours to
any CPCC registration office. Before withdrawing, you should also consider whether this course is a
prerequisite for another course; whether the course will be offered again in the future; whether
withdrawing will delay your plan to transfer or delay your graduation; whether withdrawing will affect
your eligibility for honors designation, your health insurance benefits, or other financial arrangements.
Failure to attend class and/or withdrawal from class may also impact your financial assistance. Financial
aid recipients need to refer to the financial aid satisfactory progress policy to determine if schedule
adjustments will affect financial aid. For more information go to:
An I (Incomplete) may be assigned when a student has persisted through the course and has completed at
least 90% of the requirements for passing the course or when the instructor has determined extenuating
circumstances exist. A student must resolve an I (Incomplete) grade within the time frame specified by
the instructor or the division, but no later than 6 months from the end of the term for which the grade was
assigned. When an I grade has been resolved, the final grade will be recorded with the I (e.g., I/B) and the
GPA will be re-computed. An I which is unresolved will be changed to the grade of I/F after the specified
expiration date.
Excessive Is, Fs, and Ws:
A student will not be allowed to register for a course in which the student has received three I's, F's,
and/or W's until receiving permission from the division that offers the course.
Your CPCC email account is the main communication tool used in this course. You should check your
CPCC email daily.
Emails should include your course & section number and a specific subject in the subject line (example:
CSC251-01, Project 1 Question); 01 is an example of a section number, and Project 1 Question is an
example of a subject. Please note: Your section number will be in the title of your Moodle course. The
instructor may ask you to resubmit your email if the above email format is not followed.
Failing to read emails or announcements will not be an acceptable excuse for missing critical information.
Please note: Moodle Quick Mail, work or personal email accounts should not be used.
Emails sent after 6:00 p.m. will usually be answered the following business day (with the exception of
holidays). Emails sent after 6pm Fridays will be answered on Mondays (with the exception of a Monday
holiday). Resubmit your email if you do not hear from me within 48 business hours.
Campus security is provided for all students on any campus (this includes providing escorts to parking
lots). Call college security at 330-6911 if you suspect any suspicious activity on campus. For more
information on CPCC’s security policy go to:
Audit Policy
Students auditing the course must comply with the procedures outlined on the syllabus. An Audit
Agreement form must be signed by the instructor during the first week of the semester.
Total Points Grading Scale
100 – 90%
89 – 80%
79 – 70%
69 – 60%
Description of Assignments
Description of Item
CodeLab Assignments
Exam 1
Exam 2
Due Date Calendar
The due date calendar for this course is located in Moodle under the Course Overview link.
This syllabus is subject to change at the instructor’s discretion. Sufficient prior notice will be given of any
changes and will be announced in Moodle or through email.