SYLLABUS TEMPLATE FOR EXCEL COURSES INSTRUCTOR: TERM: List as Fall 2013, Full-year 2013-2014, or Spring 2013 DIVISION: HIGH SCHOOL: 1. COURSE NUMBER AND TITLE: Use MBU Course Number and Title 2. TEXT(S): List titles, authors, editions, and other relevant publication information. 3. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Use MBU course description and list number of credit hours (found in a sample MBU syllabus, in the on-line MBU catalog, or in the course description list on the EXCEL web pages.) 4. OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: (Upon completion of this course, students should be able to do the following: List objectives shown on the sample MBU syllabus that express what the course intends for the student to learn. (Measurable by assessment methods listed in the syllabus.) 5. SCOPE AND SEQUENCE: (If you prefer, this item can appear after the bibliography.) Weekly modules of general content/activity to be covered each week. (For examples, see the sample MBU syllabus for the course.) This section should include more than just chapter numbers. Assignment titles will be helpful. Please include dates of exams, quizzes, or other means of assessment. Also note that a final exam is required. This section allows the MBU liaison to review the proposed offering to see how the high school plans to cover the course material and assess student performance. The section also enables students to see the expectations of the course. 6. ASSIGNMENTS, PROJECTS, OR ACTIVITIES: List types and number of assignments. For example, an English course might require four out-of-class essays, two in-class essays, one research essay, two presentations, and other shorter papers. 7. EVALUATION PROCEDURES: (Including grading policy.) What student work is graded, how many points are assigned to each item, and what expectations exist for determining the item’s grade. Final grades should meet or exceed the following grade averages. If the high school requires higher percentages, please include the list and the explanation here. 90 - 100 % A 80 – 89% B 70 – 79% C 60 – 69% D 0 - 59% F 8. COURSE POLICIES: Policy for submitting assignments; policy concerning missed exams/assignments Exam schedule and make-up policy Attendance and lateness 9. UNIVERSITY POLICIES Include the following statements in the syllabus, along with any additional policy information specific to your school: Diversity: Missouri Baptist University is committed to maintaining a community that recognizes and values the inherent worth and dignity of every person. We seek to ensure that all students have full access to the educational and social growth opportunities that the University provides to ensure that students understand and appreciate one of the University’s core values which is “social change through service and leadership.” Through its curricula and classroom experiences, the university seeks to develop and nurture diversity because it strengthens the organization, promotes creative problem solving, and enriches us all. The goal is to present materials and activities that are respectful of diverse groups including, but not limited to, race, gender, color, national or ethnic origin, age, qualified disability, military service, learning differences, or socioeconomic status. Academic Honesty: The Missouri Baptist University Academic Catalog includes the following policy on academic integrity and honesty: Academic dishonesty jeopardizes the academic integrity of the University and is not keeping with Christian principles. It is considered to be a serious offense. Missouri Baptist University expects students to attach their names only to work or research which they have done themselves. Materials and sources must be properly documented. Students must prepare original work and research, present their own reports and papers, and take examinations without any assistance or aids not expressly permitted in the testing procedure. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not necessarily confined to the following: plagiarizing; cheating on examinations; submitting counterfeit reports, tests, or papers; stealing tests or other academic materials; knowingly falsifying academic records or documents such as transcripts; and submitting the same work to more than one class without consent of the instructors involved. Academic dishonesty of any nature will result in disciplinary action, which may include receiving a failing grade on the work in question, failure in the course, or dismissal from the University. 10. BIBLIOGRAPHY: (Includes appropriate and up-to-date material accessible to your students through their high school library or through on-line databases used by Missouri Baptist University)