This review sheet is not intended to be all

Biology CP 2016
Marking Period 2 Quarterly Exam Review Sheet
This review sheet is to be used as a guide to help you focus your studies for the MP2 Quarterly
examination. Note: This review sheet is not intended to be all-inclusive.
Basic Biochemistry - Part 2
● Chemical Reactions and Enzymes:
o Endergonic vs. Exergonic reactions (describe and recognize a graph)
o How enzymes act as catalysts (how they affect bonds within the substrate and
facilitate a reaction)
o How enzymes affect the rate of a reaction
o Substrate(s), active site, product(s) *be able to recognize on diagram
o Activation energy – definition, importance when discussing enzymes
o Effect of changes in temp and pH on enzyme activity
o Be able to use a graph to identify optimum pH/temp of an enzyme
o Why denatured enzymes don’t work (Remember: form leads to function!)
o How enzymes are named (-ase)
o Lock and Key / Induced Fit models of enzyme action
● Nutrient Usage
o In what order does your body utilize macromolecules (glucose, lipids, proteins,
glycogen, and ATP) for energy?
● Acids and Bases:
o General definition of an acid and a base in terms of pH and [H+] and [OH-]
o What it means for a solution to be neutral, in terms of [H+] and [OH-]
o pH scale
o examples of common acids & bases
Practice making visual representations of Acid, Base (Alkaline) and Neutral solutions in
beakers below by drawing in H+ and OH- ions in their correct proportions:
HCl in water
NaCl in water
NaOH in water
● Be able to analyze and/or construct Food chains & Food webs
● Abiotic & biotic factors of ecosystems
● Feeding strategies/trophic levels
o Producer, primary/secondary/tertiary consumer, decomposer, herbivore,
carnivore, omnivore, predator, heterotroph, autotroph
o Why lower trophic levels contain the most available energy
o Be able to explain the 10% rule
● What is the importance of decomposers in an ecosystem?
● Ecological Pyramids: pyramid of energy, pyramid of numbers, pyramid of biomass
● How do organisms get energy? What is the ultimate source of energy for Earth’s
● Know the hierarchy (organization) of levels of the biosphere (biome, ecosystem,
community, population, organism) and be able to give examples of each level. Which
level is the most general (inclusive)? Which is the most specific (least inclusive)?
● Name the biome in which Livingston is found
● In an ecosystem, matter is RECYCLED; energy flows but is not recycled (and is
ultimately lost as heat)
● Biogeochemical cycles: Water cycle, Carbon/Oxygen cycle, and Nitrogen cycle - know
the purpose and major processes involved in each
● What is the energy source that drives the water cycle?
● What are the roles of bacteria in the nitrogen and carbon/oxygen cycles?
● What do organisms use Nitrogen for?
● What do plants use glucose for? What do animals use glucose for?
● Summarize the reactions of cellular respiration & photosynthesis, be able to recognize
overall equations for each.
● Do all organisms undergo cellular respiration? Why or why not?
● Do all organisms undergo photosynthesis? Why or why not?
● How photosynthesis and cellular respiration are interdependent and critical to the
carbon/oxygen cycles
● Symbiotic relationships: mutualism, commensalism, parasitism – be able to recognize
● Competition
● Competitive exclusion principle
● How a change in the size of the population of one organism in an ecosystem may affect
another population
● What is meant by the “range of tolerance” (tolerance range) of an organism for a
particular environmental condition?
Human Impact
● Why we should be aware of human impact on the environment
● Reduction of Biodiversity
● Biological Magnification
● Sustainable Development
● Renewable vs. Non Renewable
● Carbon/Ecological Footprint
Origins of Life
● Origins of the Earth
o Big Bang Theory, Formation of the Oceans
o Composition of the Atmosphere and conditions of Primitive Earth
● If there was no Oxygen gas in Earth’s early atmosphere, where did it come from (why do
we have so much today, by comparison)?
● Miller & Urey’s Experiment
● Importance of photosynthesis in oxygen becoming a part of earth’s atmosphere (incl.
ozone layer)
● Which came first: Prokaryotes or eukaryotes? Autotrophs or heterotrophs? Unicellular
or Multicellular? Aerobic or Anaerobic?
● The Heterotroph Hypothesis
o Simple organic molecules →complex polymers → protocells →primitive cells
● Evidence about the Past
o Historical perspective of major earth events; Geological Clock/timeline
o Diversity of Life
▪ Eukaryotic vs. prokaryotic
▪ Unicellular vs. multicellular
▪ Heterotrophic vs. Autotrophic
▪ Aerobic vs. Anaerobic
Cell Membrane & Transport
● Structure and function of cell membranes
● Impermeable, permeable, selectively permeable
● What types of materials move into or are removed from cells?
● Define a solution, solvent and solute
● Which type(s) of transport require carrier/transport proteins?
● Passive vs. active transport
● Which type(s) of transport require ATP energy?
● Osmosis, diffusion, facilitated transport, endocytosis, exocytosis
● Concentration of solutes vs. solvent in a solution
● Identify isotonic, hypotonic and hypertonic solutions
● Given a specific example, be able to identify the type of solution (hypertonic, hypotonic,
isotonic) in relation to the solution within a cell, then predict the direction of water
movement (into/out of cell, with/against gradient) and its effect on the cell. Practice
examples using %’s.