OUR LADY OF LOURDES NEWS WEDDING BANNS II – Bradley Beach and Christin Brown OLL USHERS NEEDED - If you are looking to help out at Mass in a very rewarding way, why don’t you think about becoming an OLL usher? We have several teams that are in need of one or two members. We are very flexible and can work around various schedules. We usher for a month at a time and every third month. We need both Saturday and Sunday ushers. You only need to be 18 to help with this rewarding ministry. Contact any usher, Keith Stephens or Sister Gemma before or after Mass if you are interested. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION – This monthly devotion to the Blessed Sacrament is held at Our Lady of Lourdes Church on the first Tuesday of each month. Please stop in any time during the day to pray. 2012 OFFERING ENVELOPES – Your 2012 Sunday offering envelopes were mailed out this past week. If you don’t receive your envelopes or would like envelopes, please contact the parish office 419-855-8501. Some envelope numbers were changed. If you have envelopes please use them for it makes it less complicated for the money counters and more accuracy on the accounting end. K of C FREE THROW – Knights of Columbus Free Throw contest will be held in conjunction with the Coffee Klatch on Sunday, January 22nd after the 10:30 a.m. Mass. The Free Throw Competition is open to girls and boys ages 10-14 years. Registration is immediately after Mass in the hall and competition will be held after registration. FOOD PANTRY ITEMS – Please bring to Our Lady of Lourdes Church for the Food Pantry of Genoa, items for the Month of January – Cooking Oil. God bless you for your generosity! MEETINGS OF THE WEEK Mon. Jan. Tue. Sun. Jan. Jan. Servers Lectors Young Lectors Ushers/ Greeters Communion Ministers Counters 2 3 8 9:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Office Closed Prayer Shawl Ministry Choir Practice Pray the Rosary Religious Ed. Resumes RCIA - Marriage/ Holy Orders/ Family Life-M4 Parish House Church Church Hall Hall MINISTRY SCHEDULE OUR WEEKLY FINANCIAL RESPONSE TO January 7 & 8, 2012 THE LORD The Epiphany of the Lord December 24 & 25, 2011 Sat., 4:30 p.m. Sun., 10:30 a.m. The Nativity of the Lord John Makulinski Ben Richards Paul Makulinski Chance Walters Sunday Offering from 93/400 envelopes $ 4,160.00 Justin Hecker Hunter Walters Anonymous Offering $ 1,081.58 Brenda Breier Sue Dunn Mary Makulinski Veronica Fritsch Total $ 5,241.58 Jerry Csizek Keith Stephens Budgeted Offering Amount Needed Weekly $ 4,000.00 Nancy Csizek Larry Folley Overage this week $ 1,241.58 Volunteer Mark Simmons 37 Ov Overage for the year (since 7/1/11) $ 9,626.91 Volunteer Volunteer Dave Sandwisch Amy Moreno Other Offerings Received: Diana Schroeder Dianne Mortensen Rel. Retire. Fund $ 85.00 Cathy Slovak Tom Noe Christmas $ 5,455.00 Jim Slovak Tom Pickerel Christmas to Date $ 6,185.00 Susan Suplica Elaine Pickerel Mel Burner Attendance at Masses on December 24 & 25: 881 Chris Bury Sue Dunn & Marge and Bob Meng PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY - This month will be Monday, January 2nd at 9:30 a.m. at Our Lady of Lourdes parish house. THEOLOGY WITH TOAST - Is the second Wednesday of every month, at the Little Sisters of the Poor, 930 S Wynn Rd at 10 a.m. On January 11th Fr. John Blaser will talk about "Dreams as God's Language" Coffee and Rolls at 9:30. Information: Alice: 419-698-0405 ST. BONIFACE NEWS EUCHARISTIC ADORATION – This monthly devotion to the Blessed Sacrament is held at St. Boniface Church on the first Friday of each month. Please stop in any time during the day to pray. ST. BONIFACE SCHOOL NEWS - To hear more about the exciting things going on at the school, pick up a newsletter at the church entrances, follow us online at www.ourstb.com and remember to LIKE us on FACEBOOK at St. Boniface Catholic School. 2012 CALENDARS – Our lovely new church calendars, compliments of Robinson Walker Family Funeral Home in Oak Harbor are available at the entrances to the Church. We thank them for their generosity & thoughtfulness. 2012 OFFERING ENVELOPES - Are available this weekend for pickup in the undercroft. Due to the cost of postage we will not be mailing them. If you did not receive envelopes and would like some please contact the parish office. MEETINGS OF THE WEEK Mon. Jan. 2 Tue. Wed. Fri. Sun. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 3 4 6 8 Servers Lector Ushers/ Greeters Communion Ministers Counters 9:30 a.m. 6:40 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 6:30 a.m. Office Closed Prayer Shawl Ministry Pray the Rosary Religious Education Men's Morning Prayer RCIA - Marriage/ Holy Orders/ Family Life-M4 MINISTRY SCHEDULE January 7 & 8, 2012 The Epiphany of the Lord Sat., 4:30 p.m. Sun., 8:30 a.m. Samantha Greenhill Bob Rosiak Jacob Greenhill Ryan Johnson Faith Konieczny Cody Berndt Barry Hall Amy McGee OLL Parish House Church School Undercroft OLL Hall OUR WEEKLY FINANCIAL RESPONSE TO THE LORD December 24 & 25, 2011 The Nativity of the Lord Sunday Offering from 68/350 envelopes $ 2,318.00 Anonymous Offering $ 0.00 Holy Days $ 266.00 Initial Offering $ 0.00 Direct Deposit $ 0.00 John Ahrens Mark Jenkins Total $ 2,584.00 Rosemary Ahrens Sue Jenkins Budgeted Offering Amount Needed Weekly $ 0.00 Elaine Conley Frank Michel Overage this week $ 2,584.00 Wayne Butzin Todd Winke 37 Ov Overage for the year (since 7/1/11) $ 3,608.82 Bruce Winters Patrick Fogle Other Offerings Received: Pat Winters Jennifer Fogle Student Offering $ 15.00 Kathy Johnson Barb Rhodes Student Offering YTD $ 376.23 Mike Johnson Dennis McGuire Building & Maintenance $ 30.00 Gary Macko Bernie Hammer Parish Charities $ 10.00 Endowment $ 10.00 Kevin Chase & Barb Gates Tuition Assistance $ 10.00 R & B Fund Total YTD $ 412,786.00 Christmas YTD $ 13,304.00 Christmas Flowers YTD $ 453.00 Attendance at Masses on December 24 & 25: 535 Happy New Year – 2012 Attendance at Masses on February 24 & 25: 281 We are happy to have you this weekend! Welcome to our parish community! A “special welcome” to any guests who may be visiting. May your visit be blessed!! LITURGICAL SCHEDULE January 2 – January 8, 2012 Monday, January 2 Sts. Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops and Doctors of the Church (1 Jn 2: 22-28; Jn 1: 19-28) (St. B) No Service (OLL) 9:00 a.m. Communion Service Tuesday, January 3 The Most Holy Name of Jesus (1 Jn 2: 29—3: 6; Jn 1: 29-34) (OLL) 9:00 a.m. Communion Service (OLL) 9:30 a.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (St. B) 7:00 p.m. Mass [For the Parishes] Wednesday, January 4 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Religious (1 Jn 3: 7-10; Jn 1: 35-42) (OLL) 9:00 a.m. Communion Service (St. B) 4:00 p.m. Communion Service - Riverview Thursday, January 5 St. John Neumann, Bishop (1 Jn 3: 11-21; Jn 1: 43-51) (St. B) No Service (OLL) No Service Friday, January 6 St. Andre Bessette, Religious (1 Jn 5: 5-13; Mk 1: 7-11 or Lk 3: 23-38 or 3: 23, 31-34, 36, 38) (St. B) No Service (St. B) 10:00 a.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (OLL) No Service Saturday, January 7 St. St. Raymond of Pennyafort, Priest (1 Jn 5: 14-21; Jn 2: 1-11) (St. B) 3:30 p.m. Reconciliation (St. B) 4:30 p.m. Mass Fr. Ritchie [Rita Finken Valdez] (OLL) 4:30 p.m. Mass Fr. Wehinger [Larry Reetz] Sunday, January 8 The Epiphany of the Lord (Is 60: 1-6; Eph 3: 2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2: 1-12) (St. B) 8:30 a.m. Mass Fr. Ritchie [Ken Michel] (OLL) 10:30 a.m. Mass Fr. Ritchie [Mildred Vasill] (OLL) 6:00 p.m. Youth Mass [Bill Zunk] MUTUAL INTEREST From Sr. Gemma - As 2012 begins, I ask God to bless in a special way each and every one of our parishioners. Who knows what the New Year holds. Since it is held by our loving God we know “all will be well”. Thanks to all of you who remembered me with gifts, cards and best wishes this Christmas Season and for my birthday. Often people say it must be hard having a birthday on the 24th. Actually it’s kind of fun. Lovingly, Sr. Gemma ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... January 8th (Youth Mass and TBA) Location: Our Lady of Lourdes Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm We will meet for Mass at 6:00pm followed by dinner. After dinner we will have registration for Steubenville Youth Conference, and discuss fundraising. Religious Education Christmas Schedule St B: Classes will resume January 4th OLL: Classes will resume January 8th Confirmation Class Reminders Many have still not turned in their packets. If you need a packet please retrieve it from the website or ask Josh Mocek for a new one. May 12th at noon is the official date of Confirmation (This is the revised date from the one that is in the packet) Confirmation Day of Service December 28th, 2011 This past Wednesday a number of StBOllyouth confirmation students traveled to the Toledo Seagate Food Bank and packed 950 food boxes that will be distributed throughout the 18 counties served by the food bank. We are blessed to have such individuals as members of our two parishes. Have a Happy New Year. Saint Boniface + 215 N. Church Street Oak Harbor, Ohio 43449 Our Lady of Lourdes 204 Main Street Genoa, Ohio 43430 Core Staff Very Rev. David L. Ritchie, VF, Pastor Sr. Gemma Fenbert, OSF/T, Pastoral Associate Mr. Joshua Mocek, DRE – Youth Ministry Pastoral Staff at St. Boniface Pastoral Staff at Our Lady of Lourdes Millie Greggila, Principal Phillip Dazley, Deacon (Ret.) Richard A. Bugoci, Business Manager William Perez, Deacon (Ret.) Patricia Winters, Secretary Rosalyn Novotney, Secretary Michael Gordon, Music Director Joanna Lohr, CPA Michael Gordon, Music Director St. Boniface Phones Pastor, Parish Office …….. (419) 898-1389 Office Fax………………… (419) 898-2212 School Office.…………….. (419) 898-1340 Pastoral Associate………… (419) 855-8501 Dir. Of Religious Ed……… (419) 277-4140 …………………….JoshMocek@gmail.com Business Manager………… (419) 898-1389 Music Director……………. (419) 349-2908 E-mail – stboniface@frontier.com www.stbonifaceoakharbor.parishesonline.com Our Lady of Lourdes Phones Pastor, Parish Office…………. (419) 855-8501 Office Fax……………………. (419) 855-8159 Dir. Of Religious Ed. ………... (419) 277-4140 ……………………..... JoshMocek@gmail.com Pastoral Associate……………. (419) 855-8501 Deacon Dazley……………….. (419) 855-8289 Deacon Perez…………………. (419) 855-4347 Music Director……………….. (419) 349-2908 E-mail – ollgenoa@frontier.com www.ollgenoa.parishesonline.com Celebration of the Sacraments LORD’S DAY EUCHARIST Oak Harbor – Saturday 4:30 p.m. and Sunday 8:30 a.m. Genoa – Saturday 4:30 p.m. and Sunday 10:30 a.m. Weekdays: See schedule inside BAPTISM Please contact Parish Office to make arrangements and schedule Pre-Baptism Instruction. RECONCILIATION Saturday 3:30 to 4:15 p.m. Wherever Fr. David is Scheduled Also by appointment. MATRIMONY Please contact Parish Office at least six months before anticipated date of wedding. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK Please contact Parish Office for Anointing of the Sick or a Pastoral Visit For Communion to shut-ins, please contact Margaret Connell at 419-898-4435 ****************************************************************************** January 1, 2012 – The Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God ****************************************************************************** All notices for Sunday bulletin publication must be received by Wednesday noon St. Boniface and Our Lady of Lourdes Parishes are members of St. Philomena Deanery (Sandusky Co. & western/central Ottawa Co.)