Vietnam War overview

Vietnam War Introduction
Ms. Marquardt
Pd. 3 - Honors
Think it Through!
Infer & Predict:
What kind of war would
make a soldier feel this
Dear Mom and
What country do you
think this soldier was
What do you think he
was fighting for?
Today we went on
a mission, and I am
not very proud of
myself, my friends,
or my country.
The Vietnam War 1955 - 1975
 Why
did the US get involved in another war
 What
were the US’ primary motives?
 What
was the outcome?
 Was
it a just / fair war?
The Vietnam War (in short)
 Two
decades long (including the civil war, longer if
you include the First Indochina War).
 Began
with a revolutionary movement in Vietnam
to fight for independence.
 It
was a war of modern military technology (U.S.)
vs. organized human beings (Vietnam).
 The
human beings won.
 The Vietnam
war created the biggest anti-war
movement the U.S. had ever seen.
Vietnam Basics
In Southeast Asia, near Laos,
Cambodia, Thailand, and
parts of China
83 Million People
Mostly Buddhist
Strong minority of Catholics
Very fertile, hot and wet
climate, many resources
Declaring Independence
WW2 Ends and September 2, 1945, Ho Chi Minh declares
Vietnam independent !!
Ho Chi Minh reads from US Declaration of Independence
Some see Ho Chi Minh’s Declaration of Independence as
evidence of being a nationalist rather than being a
communist. They refer to this example has him expressing
his interest in having a relationship with the United States.
BUT, the French want Indochina back, and they do not
recognize Vietnamese independence. Reclaim colony.
What should the US do? Support Vietnamese or help France
regain its colonial empire?
Divided American State
European Experts in American
Government support backing
Asia Experts in American
Government support backing
Ho Chi Minh
STOP spread of Communism
in Asia !!
Feel he is a Nationalist
US Backs France. Truman Adminstration then Eisenhower
Administration back France. Due to the following factors:
-Korean War, Loss of China to communists, Idea of stopping
communism, Cold War, Strong France helps stop communism in
Western Europe, Containment, and belief that Ho Chi Minh was more
of a communist than nationalist!!
Other interests / benefits for the
A secret US govt. memo from 1952 talked about SE Asia’s
valuable resources:
were important to the US … if the Vietnam govt. won against
France and took over they might be hostile towards the US
and not trade with them.
First Indo-China War
 France vs. Viet Minh
 French try to keep Vietnam, Viet Minh fight for
 70% of French costs are paid by US
Dien Bien Phu
 1954
 Final defeat of French by Vietnamese, French
1954 Geneva Conference
 End Hostilities between French and Vietnamese
 Temporarily divide Vietnam at 17th parallel until
French leave.
 Elections in 1956
If Vietnam turns Communist…
 Containment
theory fails.
 Domino Theory,
fear of monolithic
(solid block)
communist alliance
of China, Vietnam,
and USSR
South Vietnam
 Instead
of supporting Geneva Agreement
and allowing unification elections and a
Communist victory, US supports creation of
a non-Communist, South Vietnam.
 American
war in Vietnam is fought to keep
South Vietnam Non-Communist!
JFK & Vietnam (1961-63)
Views Vietnam as important to
Cold War like Truman and
Sends thousands of advisors,
Special Forces and helicopters
to South Vietnam (but not many
regular troops).
Begins the Strategic Hamlet
Overall picture unsure due to
JFK believed the best way to
stop communists in Vietnam
was to build South Vietnam into
a nation.
Assassination of Diem
November 1963
Kennedy either knew of the plot and ignored it or supported
South Vietnamese government would never be stable.
Increased American involvement in South Vietnam’s Internal
Check in # 1
When Eisenhower left office, less than 1,000 US soldiers were
in Vietnam
At the time of Kennedy’s assassination (1963), over 16,000
soldiers were in Vietnam.
By 1969, Vietnam had 543,000 US soliders
Many of the soldiers under JFK were Special Forces and
under Johnson, regular ground troops were introduced.
Golf of Tonkin Resolution
President Lyndon B. Johnson took over after Kennedy
North Vietnamese “attack” on two US ships in the Gulf of
Tonkin is Johnson’s excuse to get congressional approval for
major escalation in Vietnam.
Hanoi – refers to North Vietnamese government
NVA – North Vietnamese Army
VC/Charlie- Viet Cong: Communist rebels in South Vietnam
ARVN – South Vietnamese Army
POW – Prisoner of War
MIA – Missing in Action
Who did America Fight in
North Vietnamese
 Professional
army, using standard tactics.
 Irregular
troops (both professional and
untrained), using guerilla tactics.
groups were heavily supplied
from USSR via China
Johnson & Limited War
Johnson was afraid of conflict spreading to involve USSR & China.
Strict rules of engagement – limited targets for US Troops and
Air Strikes
Areas of North Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos
North Vietnamese Communists can attack, move supplies from and
North Vietnam
Wants a unified, Communist Vietnam
Wants Americans Out
Wants One Vietnam
Early American Support
for War in Vietnam
Americans initially supported
the war
 Hit Song “The Green Berets”
 Public is told troops will be
home soon, and the war is
almost over.
Vietnam is the first war that is
heavily covered by television
 American public sees daily
images of casualties
 Public begins to turn against
the war.
Images of the Vietnam War
Images of the Vietnam War
Images of the Vietnam War
Images of the Vietnam War
LBJ Escalates (1963-69)
Johnson attempts to limit the
war while at the same time
constantly increasing the
number of soldiers in Vietnam
Over 500,000 soldiers by 1969
LBJ would attempt negotiations
at the same time he would
scale back offensive
operations in Vietnam
North Vietnamese take
advantage of this.
Tet Offensive
Tet – most important holiday in
Vietnam, Vietnamese New Year.
It is the most popular festival in
1968 Cease Fire
 Viet Cong attack every major
US base in South Vietnam
 North Vietnamese Army takes
city of Hue and kills many
 US Embassy in Saigon is
Effects of Tet
Major Military victory for the US
Viet Cong is devasted
American media turns against the war.
American public turns against the war.
Political and psychological victory for North Vietnam.
American Anti-War Movement
Strong anti-war movement in US
War divides American population
Richard Nixon (1969-74)
Elected in 1968
Claims to have a “secret plan”
to end war in Vietnam
Viet Cong & North Vietnamese
use Cambodia as a sanctuary
US troops cannot enter
Cambodian government is
powerless from preventing
Communists from entering
Bad history between Vietnam
& Cambodia
Nixon & Cambodia
Supports coup that puts strong
anti-Communist government
in charge
Expands conflict
Secretly bombs and invades
Bombing & Invasion fails to
make any significance in war
Cambodian communists go
deeper into Cambodia
Vietnamese were using
Cambodia to attack
Public Opinion:
War is illegal
Public is outraged at
expansion of the conflict
Massive protests
Nixon & Ending Vietnam War
Uses combination of increased bombing of North Vietnam and Secret
Diplomacy with China and USSR
Vietnamization – Nixon’s Plan
Turn the war over to the South Vietnamese
Train & equip South Vietnamese to fight the North
US Troops withdraw
Last US troops leave by 1973
South Vietnam Betrayed?
South Vietnam is promised that the US would send troops, money, and supplies
if North Vietnamese launched a massive attack.
Nixon resigns due to Watergate
Congress and American people do not support further involvement
1975 & Results of War s
North Vietnam takes over South Vietnam
US doesn’t prevent the take over.
Vietnam is unified under one communist state
60,000 Americans killed
75,000 French killed
175,000-500,000 Vietnamese killed (First Indochina War)
415,357-743,000 South Vietnamese killed, 450,000-1,165,000 North
Vietnamese killed (Civil War and Second Indochina War)
US reluctant to use military power
American public is divided
Americans don’t trust government
Vietnam is Communist
Cambodia falls to Communists
 Khmer Rouge/Cambodian Communist take power
 Pol Pot is leader
 Killing Fields – Genocide of 1/3 of the Cambodian population
 Vietnam invades and occupies Cambodia to defeat Khmer Rouge
1979 War between Vietnam &
China supports Khmer Rouge and is upset that Vietnam
defeats it.
China attempts to invade Vietnam to “teach lesson”
Chinese leave after 1 month
Vietnamese put up much stronger fight than Chinese expected
China improved relations with US after Nixon’s visit
Vietnam moved closer to USSR
Think it Through!
Martin Luther King, Jr. was one of the most outspoken
opponents of the Vietnam War. He said:
“There comes a time when silence
is betrayal.”
1) What do you think he meant? Put this quote in your own
2) Think of a situation, personally meaningful to you, where this
quote would apply.
Closing Questions
On a separate sheet of paper, answer the following:
How was Tet a turning point in the Vietnam War?
How did TV affect people’s view of the Vietnam War?
What country did President Nixon expand the Vietnam War into?
Which US President is associated with escalating the number of
US troops in Vietnam?
What year did the last US troops leave Vietnam?